Then buy AC Milan as much as possible.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the second day, AC Milan officially held a press conference, and club chairman Anthony personally announced a news to the majority of reporters and media.

"The board of directors of the general group has made a decision to increase the capital of the club by another [-] million US dollars."

"This money will be used to repay bank loans, base construction, stadium improvement, and the introduction of new players~"

In the face of many reporters, Anthony talked eloquently and vigorously.

And these reporters were also in an uproar.

"Thirty million dollars? - so much?"

Many reporters were dumbfounded. Thirty million US dollars is definitely a huge sum of money in this era.

What's more, at this time, the financial crisis has just passed, and the economies of all countries have been hit hard.

The purchasing power of [-] million US dollars is much more terrifying than a year ago.

"Don't forget who bought AC Milan, the richest man in the world on Hong Kong Island." Some reporters said sourly.

"I heard that the richest man in the world just made an investment of tens of billions in Japan not long ago, and a mere [-] million was sprinkled."

"When someone buys a club, it's just a big toy."

"But no matter what, this time AC Milan will also become an upstart."

"It feels really good to be bought by a super rich man, and I won't be bothered by money in the future."

"Hehe, the premise is to get results. The richest man is not necessarily a talkative person. After investing so much money, if the club is still like this, I'm afraid it won't be so talkative."


A press conference ended quickly, and the purpose of holding this press conference was also to stabilize the morale of the army.

Because AC Milan has just been acquired, it has caused dissatisfaction among many fans.

It is to let them see that Galaxy Group attaches great importance to AC Milan and makes efforts to improve the team's performance.

And the effect is also very good.

Although these Italian fans feel very dissatisfied with the acquisition of their team by the capital of Hong Kong Island.

But under the [-] million dollar offensive, many fans temporarily shut their mouths.

Because they also know very well what the thirty million dollars represent.

It can improve training facilities, introduce strong support, and enhance the strength and combat effectiveness of the team.

The ultimate goal is to be expressed in the results.

So many fans are waiting silently. Only when AC Milan really plays well in the next season will it mean that they have accepted the Galaxy Group.

But at the same time, the occurrence of this incident is not so friendly to other clubs.

The chairman of the Inter Club slapped the newspaper on the table angrily.

"It's cheating, it's not football at all."

It turned out that a large sum of money was invested in the club and spent money.

AC Milan and Inter Milan have been rivals for a hundred years. In the past few years, taking advantage of the abolishment of AC Milan, Inter Milan has almost played against AC Milan, which is very cool.

Unexpectedly, AC Milan was acquired by the capital of Hong Kong Island in a blink of an eye, and a huge sum of [-] million US dollars was invested.

It simply doesn't talk about Wude.

The chairman of Inter Milan is considering whether to borrow some money from the Galaxy to increase the club's signings, otherwise it is very likely that AC Milan will overwhelm it again.

On the other side, Juventus is not so nervous.

After hearing the news, the chairman just shook his head and smiled flatly: "[-] million US dollars, what a bold spirit."

"It's a pity~"

"Football is not just a business, it's also a sport, and it's not just something you can play with money."

Today's Juventus is the hegemony of Serie A, dominating for ten years, every year it is either the league champion or the Champions League champion.

Even at this time, even Real Madrid and Barcelona are not considered by them.

Therefore, in the face of AC Milan's capital increase, Juventus did not take it too seriously.

Still busy with his own affairs.

But they underestimated the power brought by money. Starting from the Galaxy Group, world football will enter the era of gold dollar football.

The following years will also enter the period dominated by AC Milan.

Before that, AC Milan still has to continue to strengthen its strength.

City of Parma!

In a street apartment, the inside is messy, clothes and shoes are thrown on the ground randomly, the sofa bed cabinet is dirty and tattered, a pile of beer bottles and some leftovers are placed on the table.

Sunlight shines into the apartment through the one-meter-wide windows, but the house still looks a little dark and damp.

In such an environment, the phone rang suddenly.

There was a combing sound in the room, and a man sat up from the sofa.

He looked like he was in his thirties, with chicken coop on his head, smelled of alcohol, and had sleepy eyes. He picked up the phone from the table.

"Hi, I'm Saki."

"Hey, Arrigo, it's me, wake up, don't go to sleep."

There was a man's excited voice on the phone.

Arrigo Sacchi rubbed his eyes and downed the remaining half bottle of beer on the table.

"What happened, Carneiro?"

"As I said, don't bother me about anything important during this time, let me calm down."

Carneiro on the other end of the phone is a broker, and Arrigo Sacchi himself is a client of Canelo.

He is a football coach, but he is a miserable coach and has just been fired.

Currently unemployed.

Feeling irritable, I can only use alcohol to relieve my worries.

But the manager said in an eager voice, "Arrigo, listen to me, it's a good thing."

"I'll be at your house in twenty minutes. Clean yourself up now. Don't let me smell the alcohol on you again. I'll go to Milan with me later."

"To Milan? For what?"

Aligo Saki asked with a puzzled brow.

At this time, the manager laughed excitedly: "Arrigo, do you know?"

"You may have a new job."

"I was just called by a club who were going to hire you as first-team manager."

Have a job?The head coach of the first team?

Sounds good, and Arrigo Sacchi is happy too.

After he was dismissed by the previous team, he has no income at all now. He can find a job, and he is still the head coach of the first team. Of course he is happy.

So he hurriedly asked, "Which Milan club is it?"

In addition to the two overlords AC Milan and Inter Milan, the city of Milan also has some small clubs that are active in the lower leagues.

In Arrigo Sacchi's view, he is satisfied to be the head coach of a club in the third division.

There are more leagues in the second division. As for the first division, he dare not even think about it.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the agent on the phone laughed excitedly.

"Arrigo, you would never have imagined that the person who called me was someone from AC Milan."

Hearing this sentence, Arrigo Sacchi was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly stood up from the sofa.

Eyes wide open, a shocked voice said, "What did you say?"

"AC Milan?" Spoon.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

AC Milan, this is a giant football club!

Although it has declined in recent years and can only wander around in the middle of Serie A, Italy's affection for it is still very special.

It is still a giant!

And what about Arrigo Sacchi himself?

At the beginning, I was just a salesman in a shoe store. I only officially stepped into football three years ago and became a formal coach.

In the past three years, he has not achieved much. The Parma team he has been with is still a team in the second division.

Parma's boss is ambitious to be promoted to Serie A and feels that Arrigo Sacchi cannot help him accomplish this goal.

So he was fired without hesitation.

Therefore, Arrigo Sacchi's heart is broken.

But he never expected that suddenly, he received the news that AC Milan wanted to hire him as the head coach of the first team.

At this moment, his head was in a daze, full of shock and sluggishness.

"This, you, you can't hear me wrong, how is it possible?"

Arrigo Saki asked his agent unconfidently.

The majestic Serie A giants, even if they are not as brilliant as before, but the lean camels are bigger than horses, why should they not hire themselves as a coach who was kicked out by a second-tier team.

But the agent told him that all this was true.

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