But at this moment, four men came out of the crowd.

"¨. Let's do it~" Glasses asked.

Yang Guangcheng nodded. They had been watching for a while just now. If Ajie was just a coward who didn't dare to fight back and allowed himself to be bullied, they might not care.

But now, Yang Guangcheng is interested in this young man.

If he wants to form a Chinese gang of his own, he must have people.

"Teach these little devils a lesson." Yang Guangcheng said in a deep voice.

Immediately, the four walked forward quickly.

Yang Guangcheng grabbed a thug's shoulder from behind, pulled it back, made a fist with the other hand, and greeted the thug's face directly.


With a muffled sound, the bridge of the gangster's nose was broken, and blood gushed out.

Then he grabbed the back of his head and pressed down, the knee of his right leg was lifted up suddenly, only a click was heard.

All the bones in his face were broken, and the little gangster fell limply on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The other three are also very fierce. Although they have not received formal training, they have been around for so many years and have experienced many tests of life and death. It is extremely simple to deal with these small gangsters.

In less than half a minute, the six gangsters from the Yamashita Club all fell to the ground.

Some were unconscious, some were howling in pain, cursing angrily, and yelling harsh words.

This is the site of their Yamashita Club. They never expected to be bullied by others, and they were beaten so badly.

Yang Guangcheng ignored them, walked up to Ajie, and squatted down.

Looking at Ajie's bruised nose and swollen face, his eyes were bulging, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding, he couldn't see his original handsome appearance at all.

Stretching out a hand, Yang Guangcheng said: "Don't sell fish balls in the future, follow me!".

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Shinjuku, a northwest suburb.

Far away from the city center, there are some factories and some farmland. At the same time, the largest open-air garbage dump in Shinjuku is also here.

The garbage dump was huge, and there were piles of household garbage. Under the scorching sun, there was a stench.

But inside so much rubbish, there was a group of people standing, about a hundred or so.

They were wearing off-white work clothes and masks. At first glance, they looked like workers in a factory.

Soon, with the sound of a car, a garbage truck loaded with garbage drove over.

On a high platform, the hydraulic pump lifted the rear body, and the garbage inside rolled down with a rumble.

Here, among the workers, a man who looked like a foreman shouted in Japanese: "I'm here to work, hurry up, first come, first served."

"If you don't pick up enough, you'll be responsible for the lunch today."

Before his words fell, those workers rushed to the garbage dump, all of them were very experienced.

Carrying a basket and holding a stick, he climbed the fork in the garbage.


There is a piece of 957 farmland next to the garbage dump, and a car is parked on the side of the road.

Two men sat in the front driving seat and smoked, and one man leaned on the machine cover, looking bored.

Only the other two stood not far away, looking at the situation at the garbage dump.

It was Yang Guangcheng and Ajie.

At this time, Ajie was wearing a sling on one arm, and the bruise and swelling on his face were still obvious. He said to Yang Guangcheng, "Brother Cheng, many Chinese who have illegally immigrated here work here."

"In addition to the Chinese, there are also people from places like Nanbang, Beibang, and Nanyue."

"They don't have documents, they can't find a decent job, so they can only come here to make ends meet."

Looking at the group of people in the garbage dump, Yang Guangcheng looked serious, smoking a cigarette and said, "Picking up garbage?"

Ajie nodded with a wry smile: "These little devils live a very luxurious life, and there are many good things in the garbage they throw away."

"Some metals, plastics, and old electrical appliances can all be recycled. Because the resources of the island country are limited, these garbage can also be sold at a high price."

"I have worked here for a few days before, but these little devils don't treat us as human beings too much. They also work hard, and the wages they give us are only half of those of the islanders. In a fit of anger, I went to sell fish pill."

Ajie was very angry, but unfortunately the island country is full of injustice to outsiders.

Even if you go to sell fish balls, you have to be bullied by little devils.

That night, if Brother Cheng and the others hadn't made a move, Ajie would have been taken away by the people at the bottom of the mountain, chopped off his hands and heart, and thrown into the sea.

So Ajie also figured it out, in the island country, in this damn world, it's impossible for you to make money safely as a commoner.

It has to be tough enough.

Without hesitation at all, Ajie directly decided to hang out with Brother Cheng and the others.

"Can you dispose of the rubbish you picked up by yourself?" Yang Guangcheng asked.

Ajie shook his head: "How is it possible? This is all on the ground."

"This garbage dump is the territory of the Zhushui Society. All of us are working for the Zhushui Society. The recyclable garbage we pick up belongs to the Zhushui Society. They pay us wages."

"If you want to do it alone, it's fine, but you have to give Zhushui a commission for socializing. Those little devils are more disgusting than Zhou Paipi."

"In the end, you will find that it is better to get paid."

Listening to Ajie's introduction, Yang Guangcheng became more and more silent, and Ajie could feel a depressing atmosphere around him.

Yang Guangcheng was in a bad mood.

Most of the people in front of them who were rummaging through the garbage dumps under the scorching sun were their own compatriots.

When he was in Hong Kong Island, Yang Guangcheng also heard about these things.

There are also some workers in the garbage dump, but they are all from Hong Kong Island, so they don't think there is any problem.

It's just that those people are relatively poor.

But when he arrived in the island country, the sense of gap came out, and Yang Guangcheng consciously brought in the perspectives of these people.

The islanders live a luxurious life comfortably, but the Chinese have to work in a dirty and tiring environment.


Just because they are stowaways, which certificate is missing?Just because the Chinese are hard-working, should they work more and get paid less?

What shit.

It is because these people are too honest.

These little devils took advantage of their status as smugglers to squeeze labor at will, and even in the event of an accident, they didn't need to pay compensation at all, but secretly buried people.

In a foreign country, life is so fragile and helpless.

But in fact, this kind of thing happens in many places in the world, and it is the same on Hong Kong Island.

Hong Kong Island is one of the largest cities in the world. In recent years, it has been aligned with the east longitude. Many people also yearn for life on Hong Kong Island.

Those people who smuggled into Hong Kong Island from Nanbang, South Vietnam, Malaysia, etc. are also doing the dirtiest and tiring work, earning the lowest wages, and are bullied and discriminated against by the locals on Hong Kong Island.

All trying to survive.

In the past, Yang Guangcheng didn't think about this at all, but now, Yang Guangcheng couldn't accept it and was very angry.

It is okay to bully one's own compatriots.

But being bullied by other people, especially by little devils, that's not okay.

Therefore, this also strengthened Yang Guangcheng's determination to work hard in the island country.

These Chinese people must stick together when they are outside, and they must not let these little devils continue to bully them.


At this moment, a siren sounded in the distance, and several police cars drove over.

A long distance away, the workers at the garbage dump started to commotion.

"The police are coming, run away."

"Don't let the police catch you, or we'll all be deported."

"Run into the bridge hole."

More than a hundred workers panicked and started running around in panic.

In the end, most of them ran away, and only a few unlucky ones were caught.

Seeing his group of compatriots running around like headless chickens, their faces full of nervousness and panic, Yang Guangcheng was very angry and even more distressed.

He has to do something.

At night, under the leadership of Ajie, the five of Yang Guangcheng came to a slum built of dilapidated wooden houses, where some Chinese lived.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Shinjuku, a northwest suburb.

Far away from the city center, there are some factories and some farmland. At the same time, the largest open-air garbage dump in Shinjuku is also here.

The garbage dump was huge, and there were piles of household garbage. Under the scorching sun, there was a stench.

But inside so much rubbish, there was a group of people standing, about a hundred or so.

They were wearing off-white work clothes and masks. At first glance, they looked like workers in a factory.

Soon, with the sound of a car, a garbage truck loaded with garbage drove over.

On a high platform, the hydraulic pump lifted the rear body, and the garbage inside rolled down with a rumble.

Here, among the workers, a man who looked like a foreman shouted in Japanese: "I'm here to work, hurry up, first come, first served."

"If you don't pick up enough, you'll be responsible for the lunch today."

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