It's just that a little bit of cleverness is still needed, otherwise, I'm afraid the whole army will be wiped out.

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A life

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhang Cuishan didn't know how long he had been walking.

I just felt dry and dry, and finally calmed down, and sure enough, after a while, I saw an inn not far away.

Although the inn is very simple and simple, and there is a tea stand not far away, this tea stand looks like a local farmer, and it should be a small business started here.

This is how Zhang Cuishan did it, and he did it slowly.

Sitting at the booth, I ordered a pot of clear tea and planned to take a rest here.

But I didn't expect that a plain and abnormally dressed peasant woman walked towards me. Seeing this stranger with extraordinary temperament, she immediately said enthusiastically: "It seems that the guest officer came here from a long way. I am thirsty and want a pot of tea... But how can I just drink tea? I also have the best chestnut cake here, and the price is very cheap and fair. I wonder if the guest officer is interested in ordering a plate. "

When Zhang Cuishan heard these words, he took a look at the peasant woman in front of him.

Wearing strong coarse linen clothes, there is something simple and authentic on his face.

And from the left eye, this woman seems to make people feel an unusual enthusiasm.

"No need, I'm here to sit and go, as long as a pot of tea is enough."

First, when she heard this sentence, the woman nodded. She was taken aback for a while, but quickly restrained her expression.

Then he went to serve tea and said: "Seeing that you have traveled far here, you don't know what is going on in a hurry. Otherwise, we still have a horse gallery here, and the guests will first pick a group of horses that travel thousands of miles a day. It’s easy to hurry. Why do you have to be so panic-stricken under the scorching sun, I’m afraid it will make something wrong with your body.”

It was well intentioned, but Zhang Cuishan felt something unusual.

He didn't speak, instead he looked around up and down.

This is an extremely crude tea stand, and there is a shelf not far away, it should not be long before it collapses, but then it looks like this place must have become like this because it has been left here for a long time.

From this, it can be concluded that this woman has been selling tea here for some time.

Looking at the clear tea in the bowl, Zhang Cuishan felt cool and delicious while drinking it.

It is rare to have such good tea, and it is still in such a simple and abnormal place. After a while, Zhang Cuishan finally realized, and then said: "I don't know how far it is from Shili Pavilion. o

"And I have a key to deal with, even if I have a Maxima, I'm afraid I can't keep up, and I'm afraid I still need to find someone who is destined to do it this time. I don't know, but you know the reason."

"When you stay here for a long time, you can see special pedestrians."

The woman originally had no other plans and only wanted to earn a few bowls of tea money, but when she heard this sentence, she was taken aback for a moment.

It was a good word, but I didn't expect to hear so many meanings now.

It made the woman a little scared.

I'm afraid these people are not good stubble, but they just know people and faces but don't know their hearts.

What kind of basket to cast.

I can only shake my head, and quickly said to 733: "I don't know anything, a woman is just here to show her face all day long, earning a bowl of tea money, and even if there are other people, it's not easy for me to pay attention it's

"If that's the case, then I'll thank you."

Zhang Cuishan put an ingot of silver on the table.

Ready to get up and leave.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the woman looked at the silver taels on the table, and seemed to feel that it was quite expensive. After all, no one had ever been so generous before, and now meeting a noble person is like meeting a sweet court after a long drought——

The woman was suddenly in a dilemma.

But looking at Zhang Cuishan's back that hadn't disappeared, he shouted loudly.

"It is true that there are abnormal people who did this ooo but after a while, they headed south."o

A life

What kind of basket to cast.

I can only shake my head, and quickly said to 733: "I don't know anything, a woman is just here to show her face all day long, earning a bowl of tea money, and even if there are other people, it's not easy for me to pay attention it's

"If that's the case, then I'll thank you."

Zhang Cuishan put an ingot of silver on the table.

Ready to get up and leave.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the woman looked at the silver taels on the table, and seemed to feel that it was quite expensive. After all, no one had ever been so generous before, and now meeting a noble person is like meeting a sweet court after a long drought——

The woman was suddenly in a dilemma.

But looking at Zhang Cuishan's back that hadn't disappeared, he shouted loudly.

"It is true that there are abnormal people who did this ooo but after a while, they headed south."o

A life

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Upon receiving this important message, Zhang Cuishan immediately understood it.

Castle Peak, Ten Mile Pavilion... No matter which place is close to the south, there must be a place to rest, but things are really strange now, even if this is the case, I still need to find someone who pays special attention to come and meet For a while, the situation ahead, who knows how far it will go, but suddenly there is a strange noise behind.

"Driving .oo here, idlers give way!"

"Clear the way, idlers avoid..."

In the end, who is the one who has such a big show and fights so far, who dares to ring the gong to clear the way? Not only that, but it is really surprising to lead such a mighty cavalry.

Especially at this time, even for Zhang Cuishan, this matter is really outrageous like never before.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Cuishan flew up, and immediately jumped onto a tree branch not far away on the spacious road to hide. The original crisp tree branch, coupled with the dense jungle, made his figure Cover it tightly.

Looking at these mighty crowds, Zhang Cuishan already knew in his heart that these people probably already had a secret mission and went to a certain place to carry it out, and they must be believers of some religion.

Zhang Cuishan intends to go down and catch one for interrogation, but seeing the huge crowd °

Even before that, you can't act rashly.

The most urgent task is to find the old nuns of the Moth Eyebrow Sect before confirming whether Xiao Xiao Gang is in their hands.

If it is still the same as before, then these old nuns will have a new plan in a short time. Zhang Cuishan is not someone who is willing to meddle in disputes. But it is natural not to intervene in trivial matters.

After a while, he flew down and looked at the footprints and horseshoes on the ground. If he could get out, these people must be in a hurry.

Although I don't know what's going on with Huang Rong, the most urgent thing now is to hurry up.

At the rough and winding places along the way, most of the geographical positions are extremely tricky.

Even for Zhang Cuishan, a chivalrous man who is not afraid of long journeys, he did not expect that this would really surprise him.

Before that, I had already made various plans, but I didn't expect that these hundreds of miles would be deserted.

Passing by the tea stand, it has been a long time since I saw anyone. It makes sense to go south, but I saw a lot of footprints along the way, so I can guess that there must be many people in this place. People, but why they are all moving in one direction is indeed puzzling now.

After traveling a hundred miles, he saw a huge altar not far ahead.

This thing has never been seen before, but I understand it after listening to a few words from people in the world.

This place is used for sacrifices, and it is also used for sacrifices.

Too bad I've never seen it before.

But now in this deserted place, suddenly saw such a big guy pregnant.

It's still unbelievable.

Zhang Cuishan walked slowly for several miles.

But he found that the altar had already been built, and there should be a lot of time in Ruoruo's day.

Because the above wear and tear can (Zhao Haohao) prove that this big disc has been built here by some people for some time.As for the reason, I am afraid it is not known yet.

There are only discs in between that are tens of meters high, and the bottom is full of potholes and mud.

It hasn't rained yet, and the geographical environment is so bad, it can be imagined that if there is an unforeseen event, there must be no people in this place.

Why is there such a thing?

Zhang Cuishan has not figured it out until now.

A life

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the luxurious inn, the fuchsia curtains look very imaginative.

Huang Rong was sitting in front of the bed, facing the window and straightening the temples, and facing the mirror with yellow decals, she looked so clean and unstained from the mud.It's really hard to take your eyes off.

There are several pearl flowers on the table, and an incense burner next to it.

The thick smoke above filled the whole room with fragrance, and the whole inn was a place where dignitaries gathered on weekdays.

Now that such a daughter's house appeared out of thin air, it really made the cabinet and the waiter a little puzzled. Looking at the whole Jiangnan, now that there are colorful butterflies and flowers, who would dare to send their daughter out so openly? But now this woman is not afraid of anything, it is really unbelievable.

The short table not far away is filled with blooming flowers.

These are picked from a garden not far away, and they are all delicate and beautiful, budding buds C

There was a lot of noise outside the restaurant. After all, many people wanted to stay in this inn. I really didn't expect that the inn was already fully booked, so Huang Rong didn't care, and first put these few flowers away slowly. In the middle of the day, the jet-black hair looks like a waterfall, setting off these bright bead flowers, it is indeed a stunning beauty in the world.

Unexpectedly, during this cup of tea, there were sparse footsteps not far away, and there was no one outside~.

It was already very quiet.

I really didn't expect that it looks really scary here now.

Fang Mingsheng was rang suddenly, and a crisp male voice outside said first, "Guest officer, this is the Jasmine scarf you want."

I never asked for a jasmine scarf, but now such a guy came out of nowhere.

It's still unbelievable.

"In this case, let's put it on the table first C"

There was a voice from inside, although there was only a wall separating them.

But the people outside seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and immediately opened the door and entered!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, I thought there was only a weak woman inside, but I didn't expect that in the next second, I was firmly trapped by several people, and the man finally realized that he wanted to throw something, and immediately Run away.

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