Not to mention the need to defeat Warcraft to improve your score, so it is understandable that everyone has been in a state of fear.Now only Xiao Tian and Yang Jian are standing on Qin Tian's side, the others dare not act rashly.

It seems that it is indeed a difficult psychological battle to take that step, Qin Tian will not force everyone for the time being.After a tiring day, everyone needs to rest. Some people are almost exhausted and haven't eaten much all day.

"September [-]" Seeing that everyone was very scared, Qin Tian offered to find some food for everyone, so as to prevent everyone from exhausting their physical strength before encountering the divine beast.

In fact, Qin Tian has another purpose, which is to hold a small meeting in secret, and the members of the meeting are all people who support his ideas.Qin Tian asked Yang Jian and Xiao Tian to go find food with him, but they refused at first.

But Qin Tian kept pulling the two of them, and they didn't dare to refuse.The three of them walked to a relatively hidden place, Qin Tian told them to sit down and discuss how to break the psychological defense of those people.

The three of them were at a loss, when Yang Jian suddenly hit the point.Yang Jian scratched his head annoyedly and said, "Three cobblers are better than Zhuge Liang, I don't believe that we have Qin Tian but we can't beat the monster?"

Qin Tian suddenly realized something, and his satisfied smile puzzled the other two.Going forward to ask what happened, Qin Tian planned to play it safe, and said with a smile, "Let's find something to eat to replenish our strength!"

After several people worked together to find some food, they returned to the spot and saw that everyone was asleep.Qin Tian greeted Xiaotian and the others rested first.

After a while, there will be a wave of debates.

Xiaotian and Yang Jian were indeed tired, and they slept and rested.After waking up, it was almost dark. After everyone ate some fruits, they continued to discuss the next plan, making sure that everything was safe.

Qin Tian knew everyone's worries, but in fact, he didn't have those worries in his heart.In order to dispel those worries, one must understand them with emotion and reason, in order to break through their bottom line of defense.

In fact, everyone is not totally denying it, but they are in a dilemma and don't know what to do?Qin Tian saw everyone whispering to each other, and when he found the right opportunity, he walked to the center of the circle and began to narrate his thoughts.

Qin Tian first pointed out everyone's worries, and told everyone that he had the same concerns as them, but they couldn't be solved by simply escaping. Don't be afraid of a large number of people...  ..

Secondly, Qin Tian spoke out his own strengths and those of everyone else. Some strengths and weaknesses can complement each other, and everyone can work together to be nothing more than a monster.

Qin Tian listed out his plans one by one for everyone to hear, and everyone talked a lot, and seemed to be a little shaken.Qin Tian took advantage of the victory to pursue and finally broke everyone's psychological defense, and everyone agreed with him.

After listening to Qin Tian's narration, everyone nodded.Some people began to express their opinions one after another. First of all, the patriarch of the undead tribe stood up first. In 1.6, he said that he wanted to work harder for his tribe.

The rest of the people also applauded and agreed, not to mention Yang Jian and Xiao Tian, ​​they all supported Qin Tian's opinion.After all, this opportunity to improve the score is really rare, so don't come again when you can't miss it.

Yang Jian admired Qin Tian's courage very much, and the admiration spontaneously arose in his heart.Seeing that everyone finally stood up and walked to his side, Qin Tian finally showed a satisfied smile.

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Qin Tian saw that everyone was ambitious, and he was also very confident in the next plan.Qin Tian further told everyone about his plan in detail, and cleverly combined everyone's strengths and weaknesses.

The patriarch of the undead clan strongly proposed to use his own clan's special skills.But relying on these alone is far from enough. After all, the other party's situation is not yet understood, and it is most important to understand clearly.

So everyone followed the source of the sound, the sound was high and low, so they didn't know where the source was.Can only rely on slowly groping.No one dared to get out of touch, dared not be alone, and followed Qin Tian closely.

Qin Tian went in the wrong direction, and his voice became lower and lower, which indicated that the opposite direction 28 should be the source.Qin Tian changed direction in time, and the voice was getting closer and closer. Getting closer meant that he was getting closer to danger.

Qin Tian comforted everyone's nervous mood while walking forward, Qin Tian felt that he was close to the truth.Step by step, it is getting closer and closer, and the movement of every plant and tree around will startle everyone's hanging hearts.

The surrounding area was terribly quiet, and even the slightest movement could be heard.Just vaguely heard the chirping of birds and the gurgling of the stream.What crises are hidden in the seemingly peaceful environment?

The closer the sound was, the louder it became.Suddenly Qin Tian stopped, he opened his hands to block the people behind.Yang Jian was a little curious and raised his head, but he also froze.

Qin Tian smiled contemptuously, it turned out that the people from the Immortal Emperor also came here to explore the way.Sure enough, the Immortal Emperor was still an Immortal Emperor, and he also knew that there were monsters here that could increase the score, so he arranged for his men to explore the way in advance.

Yang Jian saw that this subordinate was very familiar, after all, he was also Yuanshi Tianzun's nephew.He was very familiar with these subordinates, and the man was a little puzzled seeing Yang Jian around Qin Tian.

The man looked up at Yang Jian, and asked in puzzlement, "Master Yang, why are you here? What are you doing? They are all enemies of Tianzun." Yang Jian knew that the other party would ask this question, and he had already thought about what to say. .

"I can't stand my uncle's behavior. If Qin Tian didn't save me, I would have died." Yang Jian's words made the other party speechless.But the man didn't believe what Yang Jian said, he thought Yang Jian must have been threatened.

Tianzun's subordinates didn't know about Yuanshi Tianzun's relationship with Yang Jian, even as the subordinates of the Immortal Emperor.Although it may seem that the relationship between the Immortal Emperor and Yuanshi Tianzun is very good, they are actually fighting openly and secretly.

He thought Yuanshi Tianzun's nephew was threatened, but he was very happy.After all, doing this would make a great contribution and make the Immortal Emperor appreciate him even more.A new idea sprouted in his heart, and he had to press 913 if he wanted to claim credit.

But not only that, he is also a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, so he should not protect the Immortal Emperor too obviously.With a bad stomach, he has always been arrogant.Yang Jian interrupted the man's train of thought, but the man was still respectful to Yang Jian on the surface.

Qin Tian had already seen the other party's bad intentions, and he had some understanding of the relationship between the Immortal Emperor and Yuanshi Tianzun.Knowing that they have always been fighting openly and secretly, and the relationship on the surface is very good, this is the real disgust hidden in the heart.

Qin Tian still disdains this little subordinate, after all, his score is definitely not as good as that of anyone on Qin Tian's side.My own score is enough, I simply don't pay attention to this kind of little subordinate.

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Although the man was not as strong as Qin Tian, ​​he was very upset to see Qin Tian's disdainful expression.Probably due to staying with the Immortal Emperor for a long time, his personality has become arrogant and rude.

That man couldn't stand this kind of anger. After all, he was the disciple of Tianzun, the subordinate of the Immortal Emperor, and that also belonged to the status of one person under one man and above ten thousand people. Who would dare to treat him like this in the Immortal Emperor's territory.

Facing Qin Tian's disdain, his popularity was not light.Although he knew that his strength was not as good as them, and he still uttered wild words to anger Qin Tian, ​​he didn't expect that Qin Tian didn't want to argue with him and only cared about how to find the monster.

Qin Tian tried to find a way to get this person away, otherwise he would delay his plan to find the monster, and finally won the psychological battle, so we can't waste all our efforts.This person must have come with a purpose, and nine times out of ten it is also for Warcraft.

It seems that this person can only be tricked away, otherwise it will not be an easy task to find Warcraft.Qin Tian talked nicely with that person, trying to induce him with reason.

But the other party didn't like him at all, and it seemed that the man's loyalty was unshakable.Even he was not afraid of death, and even said very exaggerated words to Qin Tian, ​​the people behind couldn't stand it.

Yang Jian and Xiao Tian first wanted to stand up and deal with that subordinate, but they were caught by Qin Tian.Qin Tian told them not to act rashly, and if they haven't found the monster yet, they can't alarm the monster.

That person was still being aggressive, trying to provoke Qin Tian to disrupt Qin Tian's plan along the way.But Qin Tian didn't take that kind of thing at all, he had already seen through his mind, if he wanted to fight Qin Tian, ​​he would have to practice hundreds of years with the Immortal Emperor.

The man saw that the other party was unmoved, and he didn't bother to say anything more.They had no choice but to continue to explore the way, and Qin Tian and the others also continued to search for monsters.Their direction was the same, it turned out that the man had been chattering and noisy with Qin Tian and the others.

Suddenly, there was a strong tremor in the surrounding woods, and everyone raised their vigilance, and quickly went through everything that was said in the previous meeting in their minds.

Everyone was ready to fight, Qin Tian walked in front and slowly walked towards the small forest.The sound and amplitude of the shaking are getting smaller and smaller, and it seems that there is no sound.There was obviously a strong shaking sound just now, and everyone heard it.

Qin Tian followed the whole team, and Qin Tian couldn't leave them alone to search.So he had no choice but to give up asking the truth and walk back to the camp silently.

After resting for a while, Qin Tian continued to change his plan.Because now there is someone from the Immortal Emperor, and that person may have already received some special mission from the Immortal Emperor.

After some discussion, everyone also followed Qin Tian, ​​and everything obeyed Qin Tian's command and arrangement.After Qin Tian made arrangements, he saw that person eavesdropping. Fortunately, Qin Tian was prepared to keep a hand secretly.

While everyone was resting, a monster appeared.This magical beast is different from other magical beasts, even Qin Tian couldn't pronounce his name, this (Nuo Dehao) everyone was shocked.

Qin Tian looked at it carefully, and suddenly smiled.Although this monster can't name him, Qin Tiandu is quite confident in his strength. If he can defeat him, everyone's score will increase a lot.

Qin Tian built a battle plan in his mind, hoping to get points as soon as possible so that everyone can multiply their strength.At the same time, it can also reduce everyone's panic, and make everyone completely trust Qin Tian.

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Just when a series of battle plans in Qin Tian's mind were about to be completed, the monster jumped out.Qin Tian took a closer look, and found that the level of this monster was not ordinary, and it should belong to a monster with rich experience.

The monster jumped out from behind the man, startling Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple.Yuanshi Tianzun's disciples have never seen such a monster, so naturally they dare not do anything or act rashly.

This time he was ridiculed by Qin Tian and the others, and the man was secretly upset when he saw Qin Tian and the others standing a few meters away laughing at him.But I didn't dare to act rashly, so I could only let them laugh at 913.

Qin Tian patted Yang Jian on the shoulder and asked, "Have you ever seen such a high-rank monster?" Yang Jian shook his head, expressing that he had never seen such a monster before, and he was not sure about killing it.

Qin Tian thought that there must be many people in this team who thought this way. Qin Tian himself had never seen such a high-level monster, let alone people like them who had rarely seen monsters.

The undead people still thought it was not enough trouble, so they kept laughing at Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple.Who told that person to utter wild words at the beginning, bragging is worth two, now he caught (cibg) the opportunity to make a good laugh.

In fact, it is not so much to laugh at the disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun, but rather to laugh at such arrogant and arrogant people as Yuanshi Tianzun and Immortal Emperor. They are full of disdain for both Immortal Emperor and Yuanshi Tianzun, although Yuanshi Tianzun is powerful.

Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple couldn't take it anymore, it was very uncomfortable to be ridiculed by everyone all the time.His heart has been tangled, like a struggle between the black demon and the white angel.

Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple looked at the people on Qin Tian's side viciously, his sharp eyes seemed to be able to kill this group of people.Qin Tian saw that he was just taking it as air, and his dismissive look made the other party even more angry.

Qin Tian didn't have the heart to haggle over every detail with a young man, he just wanted to kill this high-rank monster to increase his score.This epic monster can definitely improve a lot of points.

The undead people kept provoking Yuanshi Tianzun's disciples, and the disciples couldn't bear their anger.People here are not to be outdone by chattering wild words, no one knows how to talk.

Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple stomped his feet angrily. He wondered whether I should fight that monster. How could I be his opponent because that monster was so high in rank? But being ridiculed all the time is not a solution.

He thought it was true, even being defeated was better than being laughed at all the time.So he went up to fight the monster without saying a word, Qin Tian was forced to see this scene.

Doesn't this mean that the disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun committed suicide? He really doesn't have any self-knowledge.The two fought together, and after several rounds, he was wounded by the monster as expected.

All of this is not surprising, and the only thing to blame is that Yuanshi Tianzun's disciples have no self-knowledge like him.Although that person was the one who was defeated, he also persisted for a long time, consuming a lot of energy of the monster.

It was too late and then it was too late, Xiang Yu and Zhong Kui followed closely to "pick up the leak".The two discussed countermeasures at the very beginning, otherwise they would not have been cooperating to anger Yuanshi Tianzun's disciples for this scene.

Xiang Yu and Zhong Kui cooperated with the monsters according to the original plan.The tacit understanding between the two was very strong, and they cooperated with each other, quickly killed the monster, and obtained a very high method.

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The two were very happy and clapped their hands to express the joy of victory.The people on Qin Tian's side also expressed their happiness for Xiang Yu and Zhong Kui, and invited them to come and share their experience, which they were also very happy to share.

The disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun became anxious again, saying that they bullied the few with more and took credit for their achievements.Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple was very upset, he was clearly the champion, but let Xiang Yu and Zhong Kui take advantage of the fisherman, he was not convinced.

Xiang Yu and Zhong Kui walked up to Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple with a look of triumph, and said with a smile, "This is called soldiers who are not tired of deceit. Who told you that you are reckless, no wonder us." The other party only gritted his teeth angrily, wishing to kill Xiang Yu.

Seeing that the monster was defeated, Yang Jian was naturally happy for Xiang Yu and Zhong Kui.But after all, I am the nephew of Yuanshi Tianzun, so I inevitably have some indescribable feelings in my heart, and I don't know how to express them.

Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple was still seriously injured, looking at Yang Jian who stood beside Qin Tian with a helpless and helpless expression.Yang Jian decided to help him, wanting to help him heal.

Qin Tian also knew the contradiction in Yang Jian's heart. On the one hand, he was his family and on the other was justice and a savior.He didn't know how to persuade Yang Jian, so he could only support his approach. After all, Qin Tian's purpose was not to defeat anyone.

Qin Tian just wanted to improve his score, for justice.Yang Jian was very moved to see that Qin Tian was very supportive of his idea.Yang Jian walked quickly to Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple and healed him.

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple finally understood that Yang Jian was not threatened, but voluntarily stood by Qin Tian's side.Because of this, Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple refused Yang Jian's help, not wanting him to help heal his wounds.

Yang Jian was also helpless, he didn't know how to make his uncle's disciple willingly let him heal his wounds.At this time, Xiang Yu and the others began to mock him again, and Yang Jian knew that Xiang Yu wanted to cooperate with him.

At this moment, Qin Tian knocked out his uncle's disciple.Xiang Yu ran over and looked at his injuries, they were quite serious.So Yang Jian and Xiang Yu worked together to heal his wounds, and it took a long time before it was completed so-so.

After healing his wounds, Yang Jian hugged Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple aside, and then returned to Qin Tian's side.Qin Tian asked: "Did you find anything suspicious about his scars, tell me-look."

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To tell the truth from Qin Tian, ​​there are indeed some unbelievable things.Although the injuries were not serious, any injuries were fatal.If Yang Jian and Xiang Yu don't heal together, that disciple will die soon.

"I think uncle's disciple must not know how serious the injury is. He didn't even think about it. He thought it was just a minor injury and he would heal himself in a while." Yang Jian explained to Qin Tian thoughtfully.


It's not like Qin Tian didn't think of this. High-rank monsters are like this, causing opponents to die in a daze.This is the most dangerous. He has always believed that this monster is definitely not one, and there must be a bigger beast lair.

It has been healing for so long, and Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple has not yet woken up.People of the undead race thought that the other party was pretending to be dead just like their own race, but it was not like that.

Yuanshi Tianzun's disciple was seriously injured. Although he had been healed, he was still recovering slowly.It is very difficult to get well quickly, and everyone understands how powerful a high-rank monster is.

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