[[Chapter 1010 Huey's Comprehension

In the light curtain video, Sam and Bucky tried to mediate the conflict between the Wakanda Royal Guard and the new US team, but they were involved in a big melee.

The Wakanda female warriors are also welcome, they are skilled, even if they put their strength back, they still beat up the two brothers Sam and Bucky.

The latter's situation is even more miserable, and the mechanical arms have been dismantled.

Seeing the unbelievable look on Bucky's face in the camera, the little spider off the screen couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha, Bucky, it seems that your arm is not very reliable. If it falls so easily, then it will be in big trouble!"

For example, when I was going to the toilet, I was about to wipe my buttocks, but my hand fell off, my head must be full of bags, and I would be very entangled. I don’t know whether I should pick up my arms first or wipe my buttocks first?

The corner of Bucky's mouth twitched twice, and he shook his head and said, "If I remember correctly, in the normal timeline, my arm in the future is a gift from the Wakanda. They obviously know that mechanical arm better than me."

In the future timeline, his mechanical arm is more useful and more advanced than the old one. Now it seems that the mechanical arm must have left a back door. It seems that the Wakanda people are quite calculating.

At this time, Steve Rogers frowned and reminded: "Zemo! This guy slipped away!"

In the future video, Zemo took advantage of the scuffle outside and sneaked into the bathroom, probably to run away!

After the Wakanda female warriors subdued Sam, Bucky, John, and Le Mans, Ayu opened the door of the bathroom, and saw that it was empty, the window was wide open, and Zemo had disappeared!

Ayu's face was not very good-looking, they were obviously played by Zemo, but since they were all gone, they didn't continue to trouble Bucky and others, and left with the other female warriors.

Bucky picked up the mechanical arm on the ground and reinstalled it. He was still in shock and didn't even bother to say hello to the other party.

The new US team John Walker was even more distraught than him, sitting on the ground and muttering: "They're not even super soldiers..."

Obviously, this guy was hit hard. Speaking of which, the new American team really did have a bad time. He became Captain America under the attention of everyone and enjoyed the baptism of glory and spotlight. However, starting his first mission as Captain America hit a wall everywhere.

In the previous few confrontations with the Flag Breaker, he lost to the opponent in the battle.

However, John Walker can barely accept these defeats. After all, they are a group of non-human, super soldiers.

But this time he was taught by the Wakanda female warrior and was beaten so helplessly that John Walker felt full of frustration.

Outside the light curtain video, Steve Rogers shook his head and said: "He doesn't need to think so, Ayu and the others are members of the Wakanda Royal Guard after all, even if I fight against them, it is unknown whether I can beat them. "

The little spider pondered: "I see, this may be the opportunity for him to inject the super soldier serum! It can be seen that the new US team is actually very proud, or he is eager to prove himself.

Prove that he is no worse than Steve you, the former Captain America, and he wishes he could do better. "

Eddie nodded: "John Walker is indeed under a lot of pressure. In fact, if you think about it carefully, he may not be that good, but he is not a bad person."

Steve Rogers raised his eyebrows and said: "I agree with this point of view, he is not a bad person."

After hearing the words, Bucky couldn't help adding: "His biggest mistake was holding something that didn't belong to him!"

Steve Rogers sighed and patted Bucky on the shoulder again.

In the light curtain video, John Walker and his friend Le Mans Hoskins went to a mall to relax after leaving.

At this time, John was still brooding about being beaten up by the Wakanda female warriors before.

He thought of the bottle of super soldier serum he secretly hid, and couldn't help asking his friend: "If you had the opportunity to inject super soldier serum, would you inject it?"

"Of course." Le Mans answered without hesitation.

John Walker asked him again: "Don't you worry, will the serum change yourself?"

Obviously, John Walker himself understands the hidden dangers contained in the super soldier serum, and the increasingly crazy Carly Morgenthau is a living example.

But Le Mans also has his opinion. He thinks that there is nothing wrong with the serum itself. It will not turn a good person into a bad person. Supernatural abilities will only make people more like themselves.

His remarks made the players outside the light curtain thoughtful.

Some people agree and feel that this is indeed the case. Superpowers are like guns and weapons. They are harmless in themselves. What kind of effect they play depends on who controls the weapon.

In the hands of good people, guns and weapons are the messengers of justice against crime and evil, but in the hands of bad people, they become the source of all evils that bring chaos and destruction to the world.

But there are also people who oppose it, thinking that supernatural abilities will magnify people's inner flaws and evil thoughts, and the most intuitive manifestation is that they will make people lose awe.

All restrictions on laws, morals, and public order and good customs can be completely ignored. What I didn't dare to do before, now I can do whatever I want!

Huey Campbell couldn't help saying: "Superheroes are amazing, of course, I mean Steve, Peter and Tony you real heroes.

But the vast majority of people in the world, if they had supernatural abilities, I feel that they would not become you, not even Carly Morgenthau, but would become... Fatherland! "

Billy Butcher glanced at him: "You also have superpowers now~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Do you think you will be the next native of the motherland?"

Huey Campbell froze for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I...Of course not, but to be honest, I think it's because the people around me are good people that I restrain myself."

After Huey Campbell finished speaking, he took a special look at Steve Rogers. He really felt that he was very lucky to be able to join the Light Front, and he had found an organization.

Without the help of the Light Front, he escaped from the quiz game and returned to the world of black-robed pickets, and there is a high probability that he will join forces with Billy Butcher.

However, in the face of the double encirclement and suppression by the government and Walter Company, it is difficult for him to guarantee whether he will embark on the road of blackening in the future.

It can be said that the emergence of the Light Front allowed Huey Campbell to strengthen his kind heart and eliminate the possibility of blackening.

Huey Campbell didn't have any special feelings about this before, but this time through the future video of the Falcon Winter Soldier, he understood these principles belatedly. >Remember the URL of this site, www. biquxu. Com, convenient for reading next time, or enter "" in Baidu to enter this site

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