There is no end of eggs under the nest, Dong Qian still understands this.

Besides, Dong Family can only protect him when he is strong. You can see from the lawyers team that they cost money.

Without enough money, how could it be possible to invite so many lawyers to defend himself.

What he has to do is to kill himself without killing…

Even if Dong Family doesn’t know what kind of pain Dong Qian is suffering now, Dong Qian endures silently. Instead of have no desire to improve saying that he killed someone.

At that time, Dong Family will be affected. This is an era of public opinion. If public opinion loses, the consequences will be too serious.

Dong Qian knows that he has to rely on Dong Family. To maintain Dong Family is to maintain himself.

Furthermore, Dong Qian also understood that Shen Xiaodie just wanted him to be ruined, otherwise he would not make such a situation.

Where to die is not to die, but to die in her villa.

This kind of thing can’t be washed away if it smells fishy. No matter whether it is clarified or not, when people talk about Dong Qian later, it is him that Dong Qianwan died of a woman, and the inherent impression has been formed.

This cheating woman…

As for the heir, hehe, I may only be a rich idler in the future…

The premise is that I am in this woman’s Survive after learning and grinding…

Is there any grudges or grievances, do you want to set up such a game?

Is it just because he lied to her?

What lied to her, she was not vainly enjoying the enjoyment of her uncomfortable class. She went to banquets and ate expensive and delicious food. These things are something that some people cannot eat for a lifetime.

Enjoying the life of being drunk and gold fans, how could he sorry for her.

For the sake of giving her a good life, she shouldn’t torture him like this.

See if his hair is about to fall out.

Also, it’s not going to cause suicide, no, this woman has died before, walking corpse usually live longer in the world…

It’s just this time , He met him again…

How can a woman commit suicide for such a man…

At first glance, it is the kind of female devil. Love yourself more than anyone else Many, how could it be possible to die for a stupid man.

As a normal person, even if he is hurt, he will not give up his life easily.

Especially Dong Qian who enjoys a life of riches and honors, can’t wait to enjoy the rich and honored for a long time, this thing can’t be bought with money.


Of course, these words can only be thought of in my heart, and if they are spoken, their brains may burst out of their heads.

Dong Qian said expressionlessly to Ning Shu: “If you like to do these things, you can do them. I believe that the world will become better because of you.”

At this time, Dong Qian has given full play to the ability of his glib tongue, while urging Ning Shu to go out and give full play to his energy…

As long as you don’t vent this energy on him, she can To toss someone, as long as you don’t toss her.

Ning Shu snorted, “I’m actually not a hateful person, but if it’s the younger brother you said, I’m still willing to do it.”

If not before With so many things happening, she was so obedient, Dong Qian almost moved to cry.

I really believe in your evil!

Dong Qian felt the air conditioning around Yun, and knew that she hadn’t left yet. His pores had shrunk into goose bumps because of this air conditioning.

He has become more sensitive to her existence, and the sense of danger in his heart is endless.

Dong Qian said: “Then why don’t you go?”

Ning Shu said, “I did that many things before, and I was a little tired. I want to take a break Time.”

Dong Qian almost yelled, you are so tired, what is so tired of.

Dong Qian resisted, with doubts on his face, he asked: “Are you tired too?”

Ning Shu said as expected: “I am a human, I Of course you will feel tired.”

Dong Qian is simply unable to complain. If you can feel tired, you won’t make people stay up all night and all night, you are simply a beast!

Dong Qian only dared to roar in his heart, absolutely couldn’t say it, once he said it, he would be bad luck.

Furthermore, Dong Qian realized that just holding a hostile attitude will only make herself more bad luck. This woman will not let her go anyway, it is better to… please her and be able to live well in a limited time some.

Dong Qian is expressionless, so pleased that it is not obvious, “Oh, you are tired, should I prepare a room for you.”

Ning Shu haha ​​laughed “Thank you younger brother, the room doesn’t need to be prepared, I just sleep next to you.”

Dong Qian is so angry, but dare not refute, dare not refuse…

Ning Shu tortured Dong Qian as always, boiled it for a few days before letting him sleep, so repeatedly, boiled like an eagle, it depends on who can survive…

Ning Shu doesn’t matter anyway. Yes, she stayed up all night casually, but Dong Qian’s flesh and blood body was not enough.

Ning Shu sighed and said: “younger brother, you can’t just stay up late because of your ugliness…”

Dong Qian’s dark face twisted a bit, Ning Shu sighed, “It’s even uglier, you are really.”

Dong Qian became ugly under Ning Shu’s torment, his face was gray and yellow, and his teeth were yellow and his breath smelled bad. , My hair fell a lot, and my hairline retracted at a rapid speed, almost catching up with Dong Qian’s father’s hairline……

Because I stayed up all night, my brain is no longer good, the whole person looks like walking corpse Indifferent and ruthless, Dong Qian’s parents are very disappointed. Seeing such a son, hate iron for not becoming steel……

The murder case has not been judged yet, and as a result, I have to make myself like this. For what?

When the outside world looks at this image, they will definitely guess that there is a ghost in Dong Qian’s heart, or he is taking drugs…

Dong Qian’s parents are shocked for fear of his son Become a drug addict, “Did you touch something you shouldn’t touch?”

If so, then give up your son completely, even if the Dong Family is strong, but you can’t help but a money shredder. Made.

Of course Dong Qian knows what they are talking about, and swears: “I didn’t touch anything that shouldn’t be touched, don’t worry.”

Fart, you are like a ghost. , How can you rest assured…

Father Dong Qian couldn’t help cursing: “Then why did you make yourself like this? Is there really something the hell in your heart.”

It really makes people mentally and physically exhausted, I really want to kill him…

Or send it to the hospital, it looks uncomfortable…

Dong Qian faces the disappointment of his family And harsh, silent, and unable to explain. If you say it, the family should send him to the mental illness hospital.

So Dong Qian didn’t say anything at all and used silence to face all problems…

He felt that if he didn’t break out in silence, he should be abnormal in silence…

Oh, pervert, there is one beside him.

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