Luca is imprisoned by Colmer.

Colmer originally wanted to ask him where his parents' bodies were, but Luca refused to say a word, and only did so after meeting Wan Tong.

Fox Sang's eyes can charm others and control their consciousness, but this trick is useless to Luca.

Wan Tong didn't know that Luka wanted to see him, because Colmer would never mention him every time he saw her.

And after returning from the street that day, Wan Tong became ill.

To say that this female's body is really fragile enough, after being frightened, she fell ill.

Reid ran a few times, and Husang and the others also peeked at her from the window every day, and there were a few more furry dolls on the window sill every day.

Colmer would throw it away at first, but later he preferred to hold Wan Tong in the yard to bask in the sun, and then look at the envy, jealousy and hatred of the colorful orcs behind him.

When the weather turned cooler, Wan Tong's body recovered.

She never got more news from Luka, so she took the initiative to ask Colmer.

"In prison." Colmer didn't shy away, but he didn't mention asking her to see Luca.

"Aren't you afraid of him running away?"

"He can't run."

Just like Luka did to him at the beginning, he also let him try to lose his wings, and his body was covered in pain.

Not only that, but Luca lost his freedom.

"That's good." Wan Tong smirked.

Colmer hugged her and kissed her, but made no further move.

He has always felt guilty, and felt that he asked too much last time, which frightened her again, which caused her to be bedridden all the time.

After Wan Tong fully recovered, he learned from Uncle Demont that Luca wanted to see him, so he relied on Colmer to see him.

Luca remained in human form, chained by steel chains, unable to move.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air.

When he saw Wan Tong who was hiding behind Kemer, his deadly eyes suddenly brightened a bit, but in an instant it became cold and biting.

He didn't even know where the charm of Wan Tong came from, so that he couldn't control his sight, and his consciousness all moved with her.

In order to see her in the future, it is better for him to take her with him.

"Luca, I'm here, what you should say, hurry up." Wan Tong said softly.

【Can I take a cat with me? 】He suddenly asked the system.

[Cannot take any living creatures. 】System reply.

[Then what if I make her a specimen? 】 Luca's gloomy gaze sent chills down Wan Tong's back.

She heard the corpse report, saying that Luka had made a wicked deal with the system and would use all the points in exchange for him to take away her... specimen.

So perverted!

Luca gave an address expressionlessly, and his eyes fell on Wan Tong from beginning to end.

Colmer's face was ashen, and he held Wan Tong's hand tightly. After he finished speaking, he took her away.

Behind him, Luca stared at her figure, and suddenly raised his head and laughed.

Wan Tong also looked back at him, and when she met his slightly weird smile, she grinned at him, silently matching her mouth shape, "Perverted."

Luca's voice stopped abruptly, staring at her in disbelief.

He always thought that she was an innocent little female. Although she was a little more spiritual, she still had no ability.

Seeing her sly look now, of course he would be surprised.

Maybe it wasn't an accident, she was just pretending to be stupid on purpose?

Suddenly there is a little bit, and I don't want her to be a specimen.

Coming out of the prison, Colmer personally took people to the location that Luca said.

Because worry was another trap, he was even more careful.

As expected, there were pitfalls, but it didn't stymie Kohlmer.

When he got home, he learned that there were traitors in the clan. They not only tried to save Luka, but also wanted to kill Wan Tong.

Fortunately, he kept his hand, so that Wan Tong would not be in danger again.

Soon after, Luca, who knew the plan had failed, committed suicide.

Wan Tong and Keermer officially became partners, and in the sad eyes of the orcs, they went out of their way, kissing and holding high.


In the dark and damp rental room, Wan Tong wiped the sweat from his forehead, wiped off another sweat, and bent over to mop the floor.

The wooden floor is mottled with dust, and I don't know how long it has not been cleaned.

The original author wrote the thesis, died suddenly in front of the computer, and was not found after three days, and then Wan Tong came.

Wan Tong felt that the room was too dirty, so the first thing he did when he woke up was to clean up.

The original owner is Jin Wantong, born with bad luck, whoever is with him will be unlucky.

She had no parents since she was a child. After being adopted, her adoptive parents also fell into trouble and finally abandoned her. Fortunately, although she conquered others, she was not in charge of herself. She could support herself while studying and part-time job.

Although people around her feel that she has bad luck and dare not approach her, she is good-looking, has a good figure, and has a good temperament. No matter where she is placed, she is the focus of attention.

Therefore, there are many boys who are not afraid of death. The original owner wanted to try whether he was really a nemesis, so he agreed to their relationship.

But often it didn't last until the third day, and her boyfriend had all kinds of accidents.

The original owner's last boyfriend just dumped the original owner three days ago, because he had a car accident and almost destroyed his third leg. He was afraid and broke up.

The original owner drew the ninth villain on the small book, and then marked it with a big fork. This boyfriend lasted until the fifth day, which is very good.

Who knew that when I stayed up late that night to write my thesis, the original owner died.

While Wan Tong was cleaning, someone knocked on the door.

The knock on the door was a little urgent, which startled Wan Tong. The rental house was simple and only had a wooden door. She was a little scared and dared not open the door, so she asked, "Who is it?"

Xu Shi heard her voice, the knocking on the door stopped, and after a while, a nice male voice came in, "Geng Yue."

Geng Yue, the big guy in this world, is also the roommate of his ex-boyfriend.

The original owner had seen him once before, and he glanced at him from a distance, but there was not much intersection.

"What are you doing here?" Wan Tong asked in surprise as he opened the door.

There is a tall and straight body at the door, and the big guy still has the same face, engraved outline, deep eyes, and a unique temperament.

Although the corpse cannot be determined, Wan Tong sometimes feels that she is Wan Tong in these small worlds. Because of the corpse, she was resurrected and experienced a different life.

Geng Yue expressionlessly lifted a fruit bag in his hand, "Lin Congying asked me to see you."

Lin Congying is her ex-boyfriend.

Wan Tong blinked, her ex-boyfriend was so eager to distance himself from her, how could he let him come to see her?

"Then do you want to come in and sit for a while?"

The original owner lived outside because she thought her roommates despised her and were afraid of her.

The original owner was isolated, so he could only rent a house outside to live alone.

Fortunately, she has a bursary and a part-time salary.

Geng Yue's Adam's apple slid up and down, and nodded stiffly, "Is it okay?"

His dark eyes stared at Wan Tong.

She lost a lot of weight.

I haven't come to school for three days.

He secretly sent her harassing messages with his new number, went to see her part-time job, and secretly found her landlord, but there was no response from her, so he panicked and ran over, the fruit was still there Just bought it when downstairs.

Wan Tong just cleaned up and didn't think there was anything shameful, so he nodded and stepped aside.

Geng Yue is also a man of influence in S University. After graduating from high school, he was admitted to the S University Computer Academy, one of the best in China, and then debuted in the form of a boy group in the second year, winning countless girls' hearts.

Every time he went back to school, he was shouting back and forth, surrounded by boys and girls frantically.

In the world story, although Geng Yue debuted as a boy band singer, he also took care of his studies. He is a well-known scholar in the circle. Before graduating from college, he started a game company and established an e-sports club.

At this time, everyone found out that he turned out to be a poor guy from the countryside, and stories about his inspiration were flying all over the sky for a while, which also greatly improved his popularity.

The big guy has lived his life smoothly, yes, he is lonely.

He focused on making money in the first half of his life, and devoted himself to charity in the second half of his life. He treated everyone around him kindly. When he was old, he received an interview and said that he liked a girl when he was young, but she passed away early. He kept thinking about it. She, other women can no longer enter his heart.

He also described the last time he saw the girl. She was lying on the table, quiet and beautiful, but she was no longer breathing.

This interview was a sensation, and even the younger generation fell in love with him and admired him because of his interview.

Wan Tong thought that the girl in his mouth might be her.

At that moment, Geng Yue saw the starlight in her eyes, and she could see it clearly.

This will be a gentle and enthusiastic boss.

Geng Yue was tall and tall, standing in a small and cramped single room in a rental house, looking even more uneasy.

Wan Tong washed an apple and handed it to him, "Do you want to eat it?"

She said, taking a bite of the apple in her hand first.

Geng Yue stared at the apple and reached out to take it, but he didn't bite.

"Lin Congying was in a car accident and is in the hospital." He said in a low voice, and out of the corner of his eye kept noticing her expression.

He didn't know that Lin Congying was chasing Wan Tong, but when he knew it, the two had been dating for two days.

Lin Congying also proudly showed off that she had caught up with the Department of English Department.

"I know, he called me, and we have broken up." Wan Tong snorted and said indifferently.

Anyway, her ex-boyfriend was used for testing, and now she has determined that this body is indeed unlucky.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have made so many boyfriends, and there would be accidents. Although there were no fatalities, it was scary enough.

Lin Congying, who has been with him for the longest time, had a car accident and was the most serious one.

In other words, the longer you get along with her, the more unlucky you might be?

Wan Tong looked at Geng Yue silently, and then began to chase away guests, "Geng Yue, let's go."

The raider in this world is called Zhong Yuheng, a little assistant in Geng Yue's men's group.

Because of his busy affairs as an assistant, this Raider has not taken any measures in the half year he entered this world.

At present, it seems that he is a conscientious little assistant, and has no intention of hindering the development of the plot and the boss.

And the big brother's favorability for her is not very high, and it remains at 30%.

Wan Tong stood up, pointed to the fruit bag, and continued, "You can take the fruit too. I have nothing to do with Lin Congying anymore, so don't come to me again."

She smacked the corner of her mouth, hesitated for a while, and stuffed the half of the apple she ate into his hand, stretched out her hand and pushed him out.

Geng Yue pursed his lips, hung a bag on his wrist, and held an apple in both hands, with a blank expression on his face, looking a little aggrieved.

Wan Tong couldn't bear it, but thinking of his unfortunate appearance, he pushed him outside the door and closed the door.

She didn't hear any movement outside. After a long while, she quietly opened a crack in the door and glanced out.

It's okay not to watch, as soon as he saw the scene, Wan Tong was stunned, and a blush appeared on his face.

Geng Yue turned slightly to the side, lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking, and suddenly put the half of the apple she had eaten to his lips, and then pursed his lips...


The big guy is really an idiot!

Wan Tong closed the door, gasped slightly against the door behind her back, and entered this world, only to let her find out that such an explosive scene would kill her.

Given his unfortunate physique, Wan Tong asked the corpse, [Is there any way to change my luck? 】

【The richer you are, the luckier you are. 】 Corpse Road.

[…] Wan Tong sat on the edge of the bed, wanting to eat, but found that there was nothing in the room.

She used to be stingy with herself. She has always been frugal, and she clearly has a lot of money in her bank card.

There are 1,000 scholarships for one academic year, and 5,000 stipends. In addition, she usually works part-time. Now she has just entered her senior year and has 50,000 yuan in savings.

When Wan Tong felt his stomach in a daze, the charged mobile phone vibrated, all of which were missed calls and messages in three days.

The alarm clock also reminds me that there will be a part-time English tutor later, three hours later, a part-time calligraphy teacher, and a part-time ukulele teacher...

Without thinking about it, Wan Tong got up and changed into a decent set of clothes, and then stuffed another two sets of clothes into the big bag.

Different part-time occasions, to wear different clothes.


Wan Tong got used to her busy working life. At school, she basically only took professional classes, and she hardly took any major classes. She spent a little money to ask someone to sign in on her behalf.

Because the final exam is approaching recently, Geng Yue seems to have reduced the number of announcements. She has seen him several times in school.

She greeted him lightly and didn't say anything to him.

But for some reason, she began to find that she saw him on many occasions next.

Once again, when he was walking down the street at the end of his part-time job, Wan Tong saw Geng Yue approaching.

Now he is already hot, so now he is wearing a mask.

"What a coincidence." He muttered.

Wan Tong looked up at him and saw that his eyebrows and eyes were bent, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Wan Tong hesitated for a while, but finally decided not to say a word, passed him and left.

Wan Tong would greet him every time, but not this time.

So Geng Yue froze for a moment, turned to look at her slender back, and froze in place.

After a long while, he took a step and followed her not far or near.

The place Wan Tong rented was in an urban village, and it was actually very lively along the way. The street vendors were not even afraid of the city officials coming over and shouted loudly.

She knew that Geng Yue was following behind, maybe he had followed her like this before, but today, he must have let her find out on purpose.

When he was about to go downstairs, Wan Tong turned around abruptly, walked in front of him a few steps, squeezed out a fierce and annoyed expression, "What on earth are you trying to do?"

Geng Yue didn't answer and asked, "Why are you angry?"

"You're following me, shouldn't I be angry?"

"You know I just want to walk with you." Geng Yue took off his mask, and when he lowered his head, his deep eyes stared straight at her, "You also know that I like you."

Wan Tong opened his mouth and said dumbly, how could he be so direct?

Seeing her silly appearance, Geng Yue took a step forward, got closer to her, and seduced her with a sweet voice, "I'll be your boyfriend, okay?"

"I just broke up with your roommate." Wan Tong reminded him.

"So what? You used to play with it, didn't you?"

He knew why she wanted to have a boyfriend, and also knew that her boyfriend was hard to last for a few days, but she didn't know him at that time, and he couldn't even squeeze in time to go back to school.

"Even if I promise you, you are just me playing." Wan Tong said mercilessly.

"I like you to play with me." Geng Yue didn't blink.

Wan Tong was speechless for a while.

"I don't like your type." She dropped a sentence, turned and went upstairs.

The sound of footsteps startled the lights in the stairs, which were dark yellow and flickering indistinctly. Geng Yue also followed and held her hand on the stairs.

His palms were big and hot, Wan Tong only felt that his hands were hot, and he just wanted to get rid of him.

Geng Yue didn't let her succeed, but pulled her down, turned sideways and pressed her against the mottled wall.

"Then what do you like?" he asked.

Wan Tong didn't expect Geng Yue's aggressiveness to be so strong, and he couldn't resist for a while.

Boss, can you come step by step, how can anyone be stunned as soon as they come up?

"Please refer to my previous nine boyfriends." She said earnestly.

After her voice fell, she clearly saw a cold light flashing in his black eyes, and a handsome face darkened.

The dim yellow light was suddenly pressed down, and Wan Tong's eyes fell into darkness, and even those who were close at hand couldn't see it.

As soon as she was about to speak, she felt softness on her lips, and warmth spread on her lips.

The tip of his nose touched her lightly, not to mention the scorching breath, which sprinkled directly on her sensitive skin.

"They have no reference value." Geng Yue left slightly and whispered.

When Wan Tong wanted to slap him again, the light suddenly turned on again.

Geng Yue had let go of her and took a step back, "The first kiss was sweet."

Wan Tong: ! !

How does he even know this? !

Until Geng Yue left, Wan Tong was like a fool, standing in the corridor in a daze.

The first thing she did when she got home was to set all her Weibo to be visible only to her!

After entering university, everyone used Weibo, including Wan Tong, but they never made it public, so I usually just record my mood.

What did she post yesterday?

The first kiss is very sweet, it should be left to the real boyfriend, and those who last less than five days will be out.

So middle school, so awkward, so hypocritical...

Wan Tong simply deleted it directly.

Out of sight is pure.


Wan Tong originally thought that as long as the assistant didn't act as a demon, Geng Yue would be fine for a while, but unexpectedly, a second raider suddenly appeared!

Raiders gender male, name Hu Yanting.

Not to mention Wan Tong, corpses are like enemies.

Because Wan Tong was unprepared for a while, he only guarded the little assistant. He never expected that Hu Yanting would explode the chaos of life inside the men's team and play with men and np!

And also gives photos!

The photos seem real and fake, and people can't tell the difference at all. After this explosive news came out, the Stone boy group fell into black public opinion.

As the captain, Geng Yue bore the brunt.

All the clarifications seemed very pale to the excited and angry fans. All the announcements of the boy group were cancelled or suspended, but the scolding on the Internet could not stop.

Wan Tong knew that there were indeed two people in the men's group who fell in love with each other in the world drama, but this secret has been well protected until more than ten years later, the two announced their coming out and boldly admitted their relationship.

But now, at this juncture, the second raider is fighting all over the place, and has come up with these indistinguishable photos to frame all the members.

Whether or not the two members who are in love come out and admit their relationship, it won't turn out well.

Wan Tong felt that it might be because the boss kissed her once, so he was unlucky.

On her way home from the calligraphy education institution, she brushed up on Geng Yue's news at night.

Fans turn black, it is a terrible existence, how much I loved before, how much I hate now.

In a photo released by Hu Yanting, Geng Yueguang was **** and pressed against the wall by a handsome guy with a flat head in the regiment. His posture was somewhat ambiguous.

In normal times, this photo is really nothing, maybe it will arouse the turbulent mood of the rotten girl, but at this juncture, all the ambiguous photos have become evidence of their internal mess!

Wan Tong stared at the photo, gritted his teeth, turned his head and sent out a resume of his own.

Hu Yanting is the boss of a listed company, in his thirties, he is considered young in the business world, not to mention he is quite handsome, and now he has bought the marketing account to release the news, and he will harm Geng Yue like this.

Of course, part of the reason why Geng Yue is so miserable must be due to her bad luck.

That kiss was enough to ruin his reputation.

Wan Tong stroked her forehead and got off the bus in a depressed mood. When she walked downstairs, she felt that someone was following her.

Her first reaction was Geng Yue.

Sure enough, under the street light, Geng Yue's figure was stretched very long.

He didn't even wear a mask, he didn't even pretend, he just appeared in front of her.

He seemed a little frustrated, his head lowered slightly, and when he came to her, he said, "You came back very late tonight."

Wan Tong pursed his lips, took a step back, and distanced himself from him.

Geng Yue's eyes dimmed a little, and he looked at her quietly, clenching the hand hanging by his side slightly.

Does she also believe those things online? Does she hate him too?

She... can't do that.

"Geng Yue, don't come to me, I really don't like being stared at all day, I'm very busy, and I don't have time to deal with you..." Wan Tong said, his voice lowered.

Geng Yue's black eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, which made her a little unbearable.

When he reached out to hug her, she quickly turned around and ran upstairs.

Geng Yue's hand was hanging in the air, his black eyes closely following her figure.

After a long while, his hands fell down weakly.

The first thing Wan Tong did when he got home was to open the curtains and look down.

Geng Yue was still there, and just looked up in her direction.

She froze for a moment, backed up quickly, and then pulled the curtains shut with a swipe.

Shouldn't he have seen her?

After half an hour, she opened the curtains again, and this time, Geng Yue was no longer there.

She really had to restrain herself, and she couldn't get close to Geng Yue for the time being.

First, it was because of her special physique. Second, there were two raiders in this world. That Hu Yanting didn't look easy to mess with. If she was found to be Geng Yue's Bai Yueguang, she might die at his hands in the next moment.

So, even if you feel bad for the big guy, you have to endure it first.


The next day, Wan Tong received an interview notice from Star Entertainment.

Star Entertainment is a company established by Hu Yanting who wanted to enter the entertainment industry. At present, it is a small development.

Wan Tong used to work part-time at institutions that were willing not to sign contracts, because once a contractual relationship was established, various accidents would happen where she worked part-time.

Therefore, a small company like Star Entertainment should also be in the ranks of her scourge...

She wants to make Hu Yanting go bankrupt.

While waiting for the interview, several people walked past her and suddenly stopped.

The man at the head was Hu Yanting.

His photo, the corpse had provided her.

Hu Yanting's eyes swept around Wan Tong, and finally he gestured to the young man behind him and left.

"Miss, are you here to interview for the assistant position?" Zhang Liaoran asked politely, with admiration and surprise in his eyes.

It's a pity to not be an artist when you grow up like this.

Wan Tong got up and nodded, "Yes."

"I have better conditions for cooperation here. I wonder if Miss would like to hear it?" Zhang Liaoran continued to ask.

Wan Tong was a little confused, and said quickly, "I'm actually still a student. I came here when I saw the recruits."

Zhang Liaoran nodded, invited her to a conference room alone, and then explained what he meant.

Zhang Liaoran is the head of the agency department, and he wants to sign her to his staff as an artist.

Of course Wan Tong refused. She was here to harm Hu Yanting. So far away from him, when will she be able to harm Hu Yanting successfully?

Under Wan Tong's repeated refusal, Zhang Liaoran seemed to see something, "You can't be, have you taken a fancy to our boss?"

"..." Wan Tong blinked, expressing confusion.

Zhang Liaoran saw that she was simply ignorant of the world, and she was a little suspicious that she was thinking too much.

In any case, Wan Tong got the result she wanted. She became Hu Yanting's assistant. She usually helped him sort out the documents on Star Entertainment, and then sent it to him for approval.


On the first day of work, Wan Tong didn't see Hu Yanting all day. She peeked at all the documents she sent, and there was nothing special about it.

After get off work, Wan Tong rushed to Hesheng Yoga Studio.

This yoga studio is in the CBD, not far from the company. She has been working part-time here for more than a year, and the salary is the highest. Two hours of classes in the evening.

It just so happened that Zhong Yuheng also signed up here some time ago, and happened to be in Wan Tong's class.

Zhong Yuheng also came today. She seemed to be in a bad mood. When practicing hot yoga, she was sweating and crying.

At 8:30, Wan Tong came out of the yoga studio hungry and saw Zhong Yuhang get into a white car.

If Wan Tong remembered correctly, it was Hu Yanting's car.

She didn't dare to show her face, but after a while, Zhong Yuheng got out of the car again, slammed the door and strode away.

Wan Tong heard her yelling at the phone.

"...I'm not in the company, and I don't know where Geng Yue is. I'll go to his house now..."

Zhong Yuheng didn't take a few steps before Hu Yanting got out of the car.

"Zhong Yuheng, don't think I dare not do anything to you, believe it or not I can kill you?" Hu Yanting blocked Zhong Yuheng with a cold face.

"You can do it if you have the ability. If you don't have the ability, don't be fooled in front of me. You have the system, and so do I. I just want to live a good life. Don't make trouble for me here!" Zhong Yuheng looked like a soft girl, but unexpectedly Dare to be so arrogant, Hu Yanting.

Hu Yanting was really **** off and let her go back to the car.

Wan Tong watched a play, and immediately had a scruple in his heart.

No wonder there are two Raiders, because Zhong Yuheng is passive and slow to work.

Wan Tong took a taxi to Geng Yue's apartment.

After he made money after his debut, he bought two apartments, one in his hometown for his parents, and one near the school.

However, Wan Tong didn't go upstairs to find someone, just wandered around the community.

Just wandering around like this, she met Geng Yue.

Geng Yue was dressed casually, dressed in black, the wide hat of the down jacket covered his face, and the cold wind was blowing the gray fur on the brim of his hat, looking a little cute.

"Geng Yue..." She stared blankly at the man standing in front of her, feeling embarrassed, she explained casually, "I have a tutor here."

How did it happen?

"You're no longer a tutor." Geng Yue suddenly broke her lie, and his eyes brightened a bit, "You came to me."

"Your group's assistant is a student in my yoga class. I heard her say that she couldn't find you..." Wan Tong hurriedly explained.

[Tongtong, you will kill the boss like this. 】The voice of the corpse rang in my head.

Wan Yuwenfeng suddenly turned around, her eyes sharpened, "Geng Yue, you're not doing this for me, are you? You'll make me very uncomfortable!"

After speaking, she walked away angrily.

Get angry with yourself! Gas corpse!

[…The corpse expresses innocence. 】

【roll! 】

Wan Tong's unrepentant figure fell into Geng Yue's eyes, more like a sharp thin blade, stabbing his heart with more **** holes.

He once thought that she cared about him.

For a moment just now, he thought she was going to give him a hug.

Wan Tong walked for a while, Geng Yue caught up, hugged her from behind, and his fragile voice came from the cold wind, "Help me."

Wan Tong struggled out of his arms, turned and ran, as if hiding from some monster.

After walking away, she gasped and wondered how he wanted her to help him?

Eh, I knew I wouldn't come here.

She seemed to have given him hope, and then strangled it with her own hands.


Tianyue's agency has been helping the Stone men's team with public relations, and the effect has also been achieved. Several photos have been restored to the original scene, which proves that someone deliberately smeared them.

But there are also two photos, which really makes the company unable to argue for them. It is indeed too much for the boys to meet and kiss on the cheek.

Wan Tong knew that the two were the two who had come out of the closet, so naturally Zhong Yuheng and Hu Yanting also knew.

Their relationship is real, but they can't admit it now, but if they are broken again in the future, they will be in a worse situation.

Later, in the statement given by the company, the relationship between the two was concealed.

And the scourge on Wan Tong's side is also progressing smoothly.

After she and Zhang Liaoran became acquainted with each other, they frequently contacted the artists under him. After going back and forth, the paparazzi in the circle seemed to be eyeing Starry Sky Entertainment, and they specifically broke their stories.

Sucking dummies, prostitutes, unfair transactions, yin and yang contracts...

The dirty things that were well hidden, all surfaced.

Star Entertainment originally wanted to rely on these first-tier superstars dug for a lot of money to eat, but it ended up losing almost half of the country.

For a time, the atmosphere in the company was depressed, and Hu Yanting often came to the company, held meetings every day, and scolded people.

Wan Tong, as an assistant, was too busy to turn around, but Hu Yanting was a pity for Xiangxiyu, so he didn't take his anger on her.

After a reflection meeting was about to end, Hu Yanting's eagle-like eyes suddenly fell on Wan Tong, "Jin Wantong, let's talk."

Zhang Liaoran immediately dispersed the others.

Hu Yanting looked at him, "You also stay and listen."

"Okay, President Hu." Zhang Liaoran nodded.

"Mr. Hu, what's the matter?" Wan Tong had already guessed a few points in his heart.

Now there are many accidents in the company, and several new people who were talking about suddenly stopped coming.

The trainees in the company have been making troubles all the time. Many of these trainees have funds behind them, and they are always waited on by others just like the son and brother.

"Wan Tong, I mentioned this to you before."

In Zhang Liaoran's view, Jin Wantong is a good seedling.

The key point is that she is good at almost all the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she is still a master of school. She has no choice in her appearance or figure. It is a waste of such a person to stay as an assistant without signing a contract to become an artist.

Zhang Liaoran sees such a good seedling busy in front of him every day, and can't wait to force her to sign the contract immediately.

"Jin Wantong, you can make any conditions you want. As an artist in the company, you will earn more." Hu Yanting said directly.

"But I really can't, I don't like the life of an artist, I'm too busy." Wan Tong's reason is also very serious.

"I thought you liked money better. Now you're busy. When you become popular, the announcement is yours to choose. How you want to arrange your schedule, no one dares to say no." Hu Yanting stared at Wan Tong with a look in his eyes.

This girl seems to be pure and innocent, but she has been quietly assigning him as an assistant, which is the biggest strange thing.

She must have a plan.

Her eyes were very clear, and she never thought about him at all.

So why did she come to him?

The top student of S University, with many talents, is just to be an assistant who is always called around?

"Actually, I want to be an agent." Wan Tong said awkwardly at this time, "I find it more interesting to discover artists."

Zhang Liaoran sighed, then looked at Hu Yanting.

Hu Yanting frowned and said after a long time, "If you can sign a new person within three days, I will let you be your agent."

Wan Tong was stunned after hearing this, she didn't expect Hu Yanting to actually agree.

In fact, she was thinking about resigning.

Star Entertainment's current situation is busy enough for Hu Yanting, she has to find another way to make money.

Being an artist is indeed too busy for her, and she has to contact a lot of people. She is afraid that her unfortunate constitution will affect more people, so now she is trying to reduce her network as much as possible.

When the mildew index is reduced, she will think about it again.

"Okay." Wan Tong agreed.

Hu Yanting waved his hand and told her to go out first.

After she left, he looked at Zhang Liaoran, "Help me check her information."

Zhang Liaoran was puzzled, "Didn't you read her information when you joined the company before?"

"What I want is all her information, from her birth to the present." Hu Yanting emphasized impatiently.

After speaking, looking at Zhang Liaoran's surprised expression, Hu Yanting remembered that the person in front of him was just a staff member, not the most trusted person around him.

So, he frowned again, "You don't need to worry about this."

Zhang Liaoran noticed the change in his expression, was startled, and hurriedly nodded and walked out.


Wan Tong didn't plan to sign a new contract, but he still had to pretend and stop and go on the street.

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