Quick Wear: The Host is a Fox

Chapter 876: Jianghu ruffian woman (24)

Chapter 884 The ruffian woman in the rivers and lakes (24)

"Really, I won't lie to you, that's why I recognized the wrong person when I saw you for the first time. Although you and Seventeen look alike, their personalities are completely different."

Bai Zhen was busy with her hands, but the little mouth babbled but didn't stop, "Seventeen people are good, they are caring and patient to me, very obedient. It's you, huh, cold like a popsicle …”

Yue Lichen sat there motionless, his dark eyes moved occasionally, and fell on the top of someone's soft hair. The girl's clear and beautiful voice echoed in the originally quiet and empty cave. To be honest, he felt very noisy, but But inexplicably gave him a sense of peace of mind that he was still alive in this world.

It's like many, many years ago, when he was playing with the puppy in the yard, and his mother was cooking by the fire, humming a song softly, and nag from time to time, saying that he was growing too fast, early winter was coming, Gotta make him some new coats.

Then, winter did come.

But he never had the chance to wear the cotton-padded coat made by his mother.

He was ten years old then.

It snowed heavily that day.

The roof is silver and white, but the entire village is dazzlingly bright red.

The mother was lying in the yard, her throat was cut deep, and hot blood shot out one after another, dyeing the snow under her red.

He knelt down in the blood-red snow, hugged his mother's body, and cried heart-to-heart.

And then when dawn was about to come.

saw a person.

He said the entire village was murdered by him.

He said, "You go back with me so that you can kill me at any time and avenge these scumbags."

He really went with the man.

He was locked in a dark room, and every day someone brought in food from a small window. Sometimes the food was rancid, and sometimes it was mixed with ice.

But he still survived.

Because he wanted to avenge his mother and the whole village.

Later, he and many, many people were locked in a place like a prison cell. The air there was filled with a strong smell of blood, but what was even more cruel was that only one person could get out of this cell alive.

At first he will be afraid, will feel guilty for killing, will be sad because of the death of his companion.

But gradually, killing became a habit for living.

He has forgotten what it is like to live alone, and what is the joy of living.

He only vaguely remembered that he wanted to avenge his mother and the villagers.

...Although to him, none of these matters.

But he felt that he had to find a way to live.


The girl seemed to be tired, and simply sat cross-legged beside him.

In order to bandage his wound, her skirt had been torn off by her, and she didn't mind, and she slowly tied it into the shape of a bow.

After that, she slumped to the ground without any ladylike temperament, and rubbed her stomach, "Hey, I'm so hungry, I really want to eat peaches..."


And the other side.

The situation in Jimo Xingyun is not very optimistic.

Because this young master escaped from marriage and is now seriously injured, a group of subordinates don't know whether they should send him back to Lingjian Pavilion, let's do it, for fear that he wakes up and punishes them; Lang Zhong is not very reliable.

The worst part is that she finally got to know someone from Medicine King Valley, but she also let the enemy capture her...

A group of subordinates stared with big eyes and small eyes, sighing one after another.


Second update~

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