137 – Guerrilla Battle and Ambush (3)

Three days later, our mercenary corps advanced deep into the Odbau Forest.

I have to move faster than the enemy to ambush and surprise them, so I’m moving more than 25km a day…

‘It would be better to fight in war with a sword. Isn’t this too f*cking much?’

Because it was a place without a proper path, there were endless tree roots, rocks, and sometimes pits underfoot, and you had to keep running into things like thorns and tree branches as you walked.

So, I have to watch my feet to avoid falling and cut off the branches in front of me, so I feel like I get tired three times as fast as I would during a normal march.

One of the new recruits in our hundred corps sighed heavily and grumbled.

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“I feel like I’m going to die because I keep marching through the pathless forest.”

The other recruit next to me also answered while out of breath.

“You only marched along the forest path this morning, saying there would be enemies near here. “If this continues, I’m really going to collapse and die.”

I’m not showing it either, but I feel like I’m going to collapse from exhaustion, to the point where I’m wondering if I’m going to collapse if I keep going like this.

Seeing these guys making noise, I felt an urge to apply the military rule to those guys with a lot of complaints: ‘Don’t make a fuss when marching without knowing when you will encounter the enemy.’

If that happens, those new recruits will be accused of talking nonsense and acting like idiots, letting the enemy know our location.

If you get hit 10 times, you will be hit at least 30 times with a blood-covered cat skin whip.

Moreover, in a situation like the present, one small sound can determine whether or not a surprise attack can be successful without being detected by the enemy…

But I shook my head and suppressed the urge.

“I think everyone is having a hard time, but in a situation like this, there’s nothing good about acting like Captain FM for no reason.”

Principles are very helpful in maintaining the military’s combat power, but if you abuse them, you can quickly become an advisor.

‘In times like this, rather than following the principles and harassing subordinates, you should promise them a huge reward to boost their morale.’

I quickly walked to where Captain Dalton was.

“Captain Dalton.”

Dalton looked at me and sighed.

“Why are you calling me, you idiot? “Can’t you see in your eyes that I’m going to be left behind?”

Sweat was dripping down Dalton’s face because he had been walking through the forest all day, and his eyes also looked very puffy.

But there was a slight smile on his lips…

‘I guess it means there’s a little bit of leeway.’

“Speak quickly. Because it’s so hard that I’m going to die.”

“Let’s take a break. My sense is that they are almost certain to be around here, but if they keep going like this, I think they will collapse.”

“That’s right. Let’s take a break here for now. Everyone, take a break for a moment.”

When the order to rest was given, the other executives relayed the order like lightning to the others.

“Take a break!”

“Wizards, use water magic to make some water. “And everyone, put the appropriate amount of salt you have in the water bucket.”

“If you sprinkle some salt on the water and drink it, you will live a little better. “Everyone take off their armor and weapons as much as possible and sit comfortably. You can even lie down!”

As soon as the new soldiers heard those words, they immediately put salt in the water bucket and moved to get water.

“Let’s drink some water first. “I’m so f*cking thirsty…”

The guys who had worked as mercenaries put down their bags containing their helmets and military badges, leaned against a tree, and asked for a rest.

“If I go now, I’m sure I’ll have to wait in line anyway. “I’ll go later.”

The wizards each aimed their wands at a huge bucket and chanted a spell.

“Water this land with water, water!”

When the spell was cast, the bucket, which seemed to hold dozens of liters, was instantly filled with water.

This is a very natural sight here, but in the technologically advanced 21st century Earth, all military forces are concerned about ‘securing drinking water.’

It is truly absurd to see water being distributed to soldiers like this with just one magic trick.

‘To put it bluntly, if I just carry some biscuits and beef jerky, I could easily march without supplies for a month.’

After I was dazed for a moment, Dalton tapped me and asked.

“Is there nothing else to say other than that? “If not, I’ll just close my eyes for at least 10 minutes.”

“Can’t you see that their morale is dropping?”

Dalton’s eyes became a little sharper.

“The kids’ morale was a bit low. “I think it’s going to be a bit dangerous at this rate.”

I saw that everyone followed without falling behind even though they were complaining, so their physical stamina was not a big problem, but it was because they had been trekking through the forest all day long.

I guess it’s because everyone is feeling mentally fatigued.

“First of all, there doesn’t seem to be any problem with the kids’ physical strength. So, I think it will be enough to give them some motivation to fight and win here.”

“Well, even a weak recruit becomes stronger at a ridiculous rate when he falls in love with a prostitute and decides to buy her. “Would it be any different if they were members of our mercenary unit?”

Even when studying, there is a clear difference between those who have a goal to study and succeed and those who do not.

A guy who fights to protect his wife and children even during a war, or makes a lot of money and goes out of his way to create a harem, grows much faster than a guy who doesn’t have any specific goals.

‘If there is a goal, humans can overcome their limits.’

“How about you promise to feed the kids and give Captain Dalton a big reward? If we lose like this anyway, the captain and I will have to risk our lives and search. “If you’re going to scream, let’s scream loudly.”

Dalton smiled brightly after hearing what I said.

“Yeah, f*ck. That’s what you should do. You’re like Martin Mayer, who gives up all his assets and even brings his entire mercenary army to get a girl.”

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.

“Isn’t a mercenary’s life just one shot anyway? Either fall down or go up. “Our captain should also say ‘Baron’ once.”

“Damn you, really. “After receiving an offer from Margrave Estelle to give him the Barony of Pappenheim, he became a bit more generous after that?”

“Didn’t the captain say that when I was a new recruit? “It’s a virtue for a talented person to come forward.”

“Ha, it’s true, so I tolerate hitting you on the back. “Go now, I’ll take care of convincing the mercenaries.”

After we finished resting and eating, Dalton called all of our mercenaries together.

He is a captain who usually shows an angry and sad side, but right now, he feels like a master general about to fight a desperate battle.

‘It looks like you really risked everything here.’

As expected, the title of baron had the effect of baiting and inciting him.

“I will ask you honestly. “f*ck, Martin, do you think I’m going to die because I’m riding in the forest like this because of that bastard?”

Everyone nodded at those words.

“It will be especially difficult for the new recruits, and the other executives, and even me, are not saying anything, but I will be honest. “I feel like I’m going to fall too.”

Honestly, marching for an hour in the forest is much more strenuous than marching for three hours on a proper road.

“But why are we going through all this trouble? Isn’t this an attempt to stab 2,000 people with 600 people in the back? “In return for rolling around like dogs and suffering like cattle, we are trying to kill all those who are three times more powerful than us.”

When we presented a clear reason as to why we were going through all this trouble, I saw some life come back to their eyes.

“It’s hard for us to get a steady paycheck like the regular soldiers and it’s hard for us to settle down, but isn’t there something we get for the amount of work we do? Even if you go to war and lose 40-50% of your troops, you will receive a small reward on a poorly prepared battlefield, and if you perform well, even if you make sacrifices in the war, you will win a fortune. Among your seniors, there are more than one bastard who bought land in a rural area with the money he saved and lives comfortably while massaging the breasts of a beautiful woman 20 years younger than him.”

The symbol of success, whether in a fantasy world or on Earth in the 21st century, is making a lot of money and living comfortably while massaging the breasts of a pretty, younger than me wife.

Wouldn’t a life like mine now, where I touch Lucia’s breasts with my left hand and Karin’s breasts with my right, be a truly successful life?

“And the opportunity to make that dream come true is right in front of us. If you catch those bastards who don’t know where they are and kick their feet, I’ll hand out a reward like a crazy person. “I promise.”

Hearing those words, Vice President Heinz asked playfully.

“How much are you going to spray?”

“As long as we win, even if we don’t have any special achievements as a new player, we start with at least 6 gold coins. “I’m sure Viscount Canossa will give you that much.”

6 Gold coins, minimum living expenses for 6 years for an ordinary household of 4 serfs.

As soon as I received a huge reward, venom began to rise in the eyes of those around me.

“f*ck, I trusted Captain Dalton!”

“Six gold coins are worth risking your life for!”

“I saved up that money and ended up buying a female slave.”

Dalton raised his right hand high in the air and clenched his fist.

“f*ck, I mean, I’ll bite my teeth and search for a day or two…”

While setting the mood, scout leader Jackson muttered something into Dalton’s ear.

“I don’t think there will be any more need for searches. Baron Maurer is passing by about 2km away from here. “Let’s all go!”

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