Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home

Chapter 978: Future vision

There is no more complicated state relationship in the world than Sino-Japanese relations. These two countries are like two sides of a mirror, and one side is almost completely the other side of the reflection, especially in cultural heritage.

The vast majority of Japanese culture comes from China. In the history of the Japanese nation, no matter which page is opened, the traces of Chinese history are deeply imprinted. Once the Japanese tried hard to "go to China," Just as the current stick is doing, I can't wait to say that the whole world is invented by the Japanese.

After doing this for a while, the Japanese were frustrated and desperate to discover that if they were going to be Chinese, the Japanese culture would disappear and the history of the entire Japanese nation would have to be rewritten. Even the most extreme right-wingers can't cover up such a huge project.

Therefore, they simply no longer "de-China" from the roots, but strive to find a "conclusive evidence" in any cultural history, that is: the culture of the Great Japanese Empire really originated from China, but Today, all aspects have exceeded China.

This matter, when the Mongolians conquered the Southern Song Dynasty and the Manchus conquered the Han Chinese, they had done two times. They followed the shackles and the sticks. They refused to recognize the empire built by the Mongols and Manchus, and claimed that the Central Plains had no real The Chinese civilization is the true successor of the Central Plains culture.

In modern times, devils and sticks watched the constant loss of Chinese culture, and the defiance of their hearts increased day by day. The mentality of their own inheritors was infinitely magnified.

Therefore, Li Yundong promised to come to Japan to fight tea, and it was spread to the Japanese practice and tea ceremony in an instant.

Nani? You Li invincible in the Chinese arrogant Zhang will be counted, we pinched our nose and recognized, now you are not good to stay in China, actually went to Japan to fight tea, this is not what is death?

Japan's tea ceremony can be said to cover all aspects of Japan's society. Japanese people sometimes have a tea party for a bath. The company has to carry out recreational activities to hold up and down the relationship, and it is also held in the form of a tea party. Therefore, the radiation surface of the Japanese tea ceremony. Up to the 80-year-old man, down to the age of eight, all-encompassing, nothing, so this news spread from the practice and tea ceremony in the fastest time, no matter how you are living.

The relationship between the Japanese tea ceremony and the Japanese practice community is very close. Just as the relationship between the Japanese practice community and the Japanese political and economic circles is inseparable, this incident has aroused great concern from the Japanese nation, and it has caused huge waves. The eyes of Japan and the top can not help but turn from the tea ceremony to the practice.

It is too easy for a modern society to dig a person's background, even though the Japanese practitioners have been swearing at the tragic memories of Li Yundong's several visits to the Japanese practice community, especially under the Tianzhu Mountain, Li Yundong and Tianji Xuanhu. The trauma brought to them is that they can't wait to dig this memory from the depths of their minds.

However, after being dug up, the Japanese practitioners soon discovered that they practiced in Japan. Although their hatred against Li Yundong has increased, the hatred of the Japanese people is not very high, especially in Tanaka. After a lot of idiots to say their deeds and touted them, it caused a great uproar.

For a beloved woman, resolutely decided to do the right thing with everyone in the world, even with the God of Heaven!

This, this is simply the plot of the Hollywood hero film! The most important thing is that you are still successful!

Many of Huaichun’s little girls are crying to death, claiming that this life must find a man like Li Yundong, who is not dead.

Not only is the little girl dumped by Li Yundong’s behavior, but many women are also excited about it.

The Japanese woman’s social status is extremely low, almost entirely a man’s vassal. Although it has improved slightly in recent years, it has not changed the overall environment of Japan. Therefore, in Japanese society, it is possible for a boy who is in love with a living to do this kind of thing for a girl, but for a married man and woman who have been deeply involved in the social structure and are working hard all day, the man has to do this for the woman. Kind of thing... that is almost impossible. Therefore, these Japanese women are particularly sensitive to this matter.

Therefore, when Li Yundong’s name was still heatedly debated in Japan, the girls and women in Japan had already surrendered their white flags, and they all looked forward to the arrival of this legendary figure.

This is a lively event. The Japanese practitioners are very annoyed to discover that they are a big devil of extreme hatred, and the guy who has lost at least 10 years in the Japanese practice world is actually popular among the people. Welcome, is this still ok? It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!

At this time, there are visitors every day at the gates of the main tea ceremony in the Japanese tea ceremony. Apart from the giants in the political and economic circles who care about the situation, the most important ones are the big names in the Japanese practice.

These big-named tears hold the hands of the major tea ceremony sects of the family or the homeowners, and they are very vocal: the big brothers, the folks in our practice are planted, can we save face, look at yours? Now!

Most of the major tea ceremony genres or homeowners in the weekdays are very close to the major martial art schools. Almost everyone is a practitioner. Just like all the tea ceremony masters in Japan must be sorghum, all the Japanese sorghum must be The tea ceremony master is the same.

However, the influence of tea ceremony in Japan is great. The tea ceremony is inseparable from politics. Oda Nobunaga often uses tea parties to accompany his subordinates. The tea party is an important political activity, and Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who is a farmer, is trying to make up for himself. Defects, regular use of tea to come to all levels of the characters, which for him to do this is the Japanese tea holy.

Qian Lixiu has become more and more prestigious, and even in the heyday, he can even fight against Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Therefore, he also provoked the jealousy and anger of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and eventually killed him.

Although Qian Lixiu is a cup ending, the power of Japanese tea ceremony and tea ceremony masters can be seen from the general, so the masters of the martial art are also very wary of the masters of these tea ceremony. Although they have close contacts on weekdays, the essence of practice Righteousness, that is nothing to leak.

Therefore, these tea ceremony masters are also very resentful to the giants in the practice world. Nima, usually do not remember us, this time the crotch inside is not clean, let us wipe the buttocks?

But the current situation can not help but they do not come out, after all, who can represent Japan to participate in fighting tea, it is a great affirmation of their status.

Therefore, the family members or homeowners of these tea ceremony have patted their chests and said: Zhu Jun, please rest assured, Li Yundong will not come, he will come, and the family will definitely kill it!

Although fighting tea does not allow a person to die, but greatly kills Li Yundong's incomparable spirit, and falls to his invincible face, it is still possible.

When the big names in the Japanese practice world heard it, they were just as excited as playing chicken blood.

However, there are exceptions. For example, Ise Shinto and Koyasan have maintained extreme calmness. They did not participate in this incident. They sat in the Ise Jingu Shrine and watched this boiling tea contest, a enthusiasm. I watched this scene in Koyasan as "an unprecedented prosperity in Japan's tea ceremony in the past decade."

The reason why Ise Shinto is calm is because Ise Izumo has realized many spiritual practices in the unprecedented battle under the Tianzhu Mountain.

This time, Ise is no longer confined to Shintoism, but extends the scope of practice to Buddhism and Taoism and begins to re-enlighten the mystery of the world.

A person who can touch the meaning of the righteousness and the peak, or a person who is about to touch the meaning of the righteousness and the peak, he, or her heart must be extremely broad, liberal, and will never be narrow.

In the process of dealing with Li Yundong, Yishangyun’s understanding of Li Yundong’s practice is the broadest and wide-ranging, not limited to one faction, and never sticks to the rules.

On the other hand, the narrow-mindedness of the nation caused by the narrow geographical problems in the Japanese practice circles has finally made it difficult for them to enter a narrow misunderstanding.

Shinto is one of them. Ise Izumo has deeply realized the limitations and bottlenecks in the Taoist Taoism. She is sitting in the Jingxin Hall in the backyard of the shrine. She sits quietly in the lobby. On the front tatami, the Japanese-style bridge in front of the court, the water, the bamboo water tanker upside down, the sound of the air, the rhythm of rhythm, very Zen.

Ise Shenguang also sat on the tatami, staring at his head and looking at the sky, I Shiyun, he smiled and said: "Izuo, what did you see?"

Iseki slowly opened his eyes and said: "I saw a tsunami coming to us."

The status of the Shinto witches and goddesses is extremely respected, not only because of their strong mana, but also because of their high status, and because they are all human beings who can see a certain future in a certain situation.

Ise was silent for a long time and asked: "Is it out of the cloud, can we survive?"

Ise turned to the face and said silently: "No one can survive this disaster."

Ise Shenguang was shocked and said: "A pot of tea has such power?"

Iseki shook his head and shook his head: "It's not just fighting tea, fighting tea is just the beginning of all this..." After she finished, she closed her eyes again, as if she was caught in a deep set.

Ise shook his head and looked at the sky, and he sighed softly and shook his head slowly.

At this time, Li Yundong and Su Shi, Shion and his big apprentice Zhou Qin had just arrived in Japan. As soon as they arrived in Japan, the country immediately boiled up. The media, the tea ceremony and nhk and other media flocked. ......

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