Episode 110. henry morgan (2)

“Plunder? What do you mean?”

Dranek asked indifferently.

He still kept his original smile.

“I heard before coming here. There is a stronghold of pirates in this archipelago of the Gray Fog. You claim to be a native of the Pinas Islands, but that is not true.”

“hahahaha… … You seem to have a big misunderstanding with the outside world. Even if there are pirates, will the navy of the huge empire leave it alone?”

“They say it’s hiding in the fog and the difficult route that’s stuck in all four seasons.”

“It is true that the Pinas Islands have always been shrouded in a gray fog. It is true that it is dangerous to bring a boat in carelessly as most of them are high reefs that are invisible from the water. But a pirate… … . It’s disappointing that we dragged the boat out to greet guests with good intentions.”

“Then ask me.”

Carl pointed to a boat standing far away.

It was the ship that Dranek had been on.

“The ship you guys came on has traces of recent repairs left here and there. It seems that the location of the new wooden planks and the size of the planks just filled the hole that was hit by the ship’s gun. Am I wrong?”

“That is true. Our company carries goods from the eastern part of the empire to the southern part and sells them, which is quite large. Thanks to this, there are many pirates who are looking for it. Sailors are also sailors of merchant ships, but they are as good at fighting as pirates because they have gone through all kinds of battles. Not long ago, there was a battle with a pirate ship in the big sea. They fixed it.”

“It’s the top… … What items do you mainly trade?”

“It’s very unpleasant that you keep asking questions like an interrogation. No matter how religious you are, this attitude… … Kut!”

Cal’s steel blade pressed against Drenek’s throat.

Blood dripped from the sharp blade.

“The battle priest has the authority to punish common crimes as well as sacred security in the region. Our Merium Shrine of Dawn promised an eternal alliance with Derdrang’s Sunflower Hall and Mayor Derdrang. Therefore, crimes taking place in the waters near Derdrang can also be seen as our jurisdiction. So please answer straight. If you do not answer, I will kill you.”

“omg… … !”

The bloody eyes that make it hard to believe that they are priests.

Dranek gasped at Cal’s determined tone.

“What items do you mainly trade? Be specific.”

“Well, we mainly pick up fruits and spices from the eastern cities. They take things like cinnamon and pepper and turn them into valuables such as crones, gold, and jewels in southern cities.”

“Not very blind. Then tell me the price of cinnamon and pepper and cardamom.”

“That, that… … .”

I was taken aback by Carl’s sharp question.

Besides, Drenek had also been piracy for a long time, so he knew at least what goods were loaded on ships going to and from the southeast.

However, the Dreneks, who practiced plunder and piracy, did not even know the exact price of the spice.

“Can’t you answer me? One of the most valuable items in maritime trade is spice, so if you don’t know the market price, you can’t be called a merchant, right?”

“Cinnamon, cinnamon costs 50 crons a bag… … .”


“… … ?”

Dranek panicked when he said he was wrong before he could answer.

“Spices like pepper and cinnamon are not traded in bags. They trade in sacks big enough to fit two adults called ‘krako’. Besides, the price of spices is not like 50 krones. 1 Craco’s spices are expensive enough to cost a city dweller a year’s worth of living.”

“… … ?!”

Dranek’s face hardened.

So did the other rough men who had boarded the boat with him.

“They say it’s a merchant ship, but that’s a blatant lie. There is further proof that you are pirates.”

“… … Talk about it.”

Drenek senses that it has already been revealed.

His tone changed wildly.

Of course, Carl didn’t even care about Drenek’s bloody eyes.

“Those guys busily running around and cleaning the deck were originally pirates who plundered the coastal villages near Derdrang. Even just a few days ago. but got caught by me Those guys started to notice you as soon as you boarded the ship. I can almost hear the sound of my eyeballs spinning. Isn’t it?”

“… … The priest is quite clever.”

“Are you confessing to being a pirate yourself?”

“OK! I am Drenek, right-hand man serving Henry ‘Harpy’ Morgan in the Pinas Islands!”


A smile formed on Cal’s lips.

“Even though the sword touched his neck, his attitude is quite confident. It doesn’t seem like a lie to say you’re right-handed.”

“of course! As long as you have set sail in this Pinas Islands, you have come under the control of our ‘Harpy’ pirates. Everyone on this ship will lose their lives if you dare to hurt me!”

It was then.

There was a sound like something exploding in the distance.

It was the sound of cannonballs fired from the ship that Drenek was on.


Soon after, the shell exploded the waves right next to the ship and emitted a loud sound.

It was close enough to hit the boat, but I didn’t do it on purpose.

My comrades on board had fired a warning shot after there had been no signal for a long time.

“Did you see it? If you don’t put the sword away immediately, I’ll turn this ship into a beehive! Put your sword away if you don’t want to all sink together and become fish food!”

Quite a plausible threat!

But Carl didn’t even raise an eyebrow.

“Meisa, block the entrance.”

“Yes, Captain!”

“Hansson, can you?”

“of course.”

Meisa blocks the entrance from which the pirates came up.

Then Hanson raised his massive steel shield and headed towards the stern where the enemy ship was moored.

Seeing this, Drenek and the others looked bewildered.

“What, what are you doing? Can I talk to you again?”

“No, I will tell you. We, the battle priests of the Temple of Dawn in Merium, do not use such threats. If you want to shoot the cannon, just shoot.”

“… … !”

“If this ship sinks, you will sink too, right? Say shoot.”

“… … You crazy bastard! Don’t you think that would scare me?!”

“Then shoot.”

“profit… … !”

Dranek nodded.

Then one of the bald pirates sent a signal to their ship.

But the shells didn’t fly, and Carl laughed again.

“There must be something wrong with communication. Even if that bald head tells you to shoot, the rest of your ships don’t seem to be able to shoot. Because you and the others are still on this ship. yes?”

“Kuh… … .”

“You can tell at once how much trust is lacking between you. Try to signal again, aim properly and shoot!”

“Brenton! Go ahead and shoot me! Blow away these unlucky priests immediately!”

“Hey, Drenek! Is that true? If so, we all… … !”

“right now!”


The bald pirate made a sick sound that did not match his appearance.

Then he sent the hand signal he had given earlier.

Soon there was a commotion on the pirate ship, and a large cannon poked its head out of the gun gate.


The shells, aiming for the mast of the ship on which the sword was riding, drew a smooth curved trajectory!

If left untouched, it was so powerful that the entire deck as well as the mast would be smashed.

An amazing thing happened then.


Hanson’s body swayed with pure white divine power.

At the same time, his body swelled up at once, and energy rushed to the arms holding the shield.

A monster the size of a house that lives in a huge mountain range, a forearm that makes you think it’s an ‘ogre’!

Its forearm swung its steel shield and deflected the flying shells.


Surprisingly, Hanson didn’t just fire the shells in any direction.

Hanson ‘received’ the shell with his shield and hit it off.

The cannonballs that hit the steel shield made a loud sound, and the ship was more powerful than the force that had flown so far, and it was fired toward the original starting point.


“The shells are flying!”

“Everyone run away! Abandon ship!”

A loud cry erupts from the pirate ship, and the pirates standing near the gun gate jump into the sea.

The flying shells bit the pirate ship’s side with a roar.


It hit so hard that the shell flew away for a long time even after penetrating the pirate ship!

About a third of the pirate ship was destroyed by the attack as if it had been hit with a huge club.

“omg… … .”

“I-I mean that’s a person… … ?!”

“Ahhh… … .”

Drenek and the pirates who boarded the ship.

Their faces were pale.

Some were shaking their chins, and others were rubbing their forearms as if they were getting goosebumps.

Then Carl said.

“Hanson! Do you have any strength left?”

“of course!”


The expression on the Dranek group’s face gradually hardened.

They now understand why Carl was so bold.

It’s very accurate too.

‘This, these priests… … Not normal people… … !’

Drenek, who has accumulated countless plundering and shipboard combat experience!

He became the leader of the Harpy Pirates thanks to his achievements in defeating the enemy with a stunning swing of a long sword.

Henry Morgan had great trust in Dranek, who was known for fighting for fight and resourcefulness for resourcefulness.

But it was the first time that even Dranek had seen such a sight.

‘To hit a shell with a shield… … Unbelievable… … .’

It wasn’t just that it was scary.

Blonde beauty standing behind them with a sullen smile.

The momentum emanating from the rapier held in his hand was brutal.

and… … .

‘What about the interest… … ?!’

The sword they all call the captain!

His presence, which exudes an aura unique among those special, weighed down the Dreneks like a great mountain.

“Captain, aren’t they firing more guns?”

“If they have an idea, they will too.”


Carl raised the steel sword in his hand.

Dranek’s chin lifted of its own accord.


“… … .”

“Go and tell your boss. They’ll be anchored on a nearby island, so feel free to visit them if you have any business to do. If you don’t come until you’ve finished your travels for a while, I’ll go myself. It won’t end well then, so know that too.”

“… … !”

“If you ever feel like surrendering, get a bottle of good wine, offer it to me, and ask me to kneel. Got it?”

“… … Oh, I see.”

“It would be better to convey it directly without making a single mistake.”

The draneks, who had thought they were dying, let out a sigh of relief.

But at the same time, I am very worried.

It would be a great humiliation for Henry ‘Harpy’ Morgan to tell him what Carl just said… … .

They didn’t know that if they said that, their throats would all run away.

But at first, he nodded.

Because it seemed like he would run away from Carl’s sword before he was killed by Henry Morgan.

“What are you doing? Drag your filthy body and disappear.”

The Dreneks left the ship as if they were fleeing.

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