Ranger Legend of Azeroth

Chapter 477: Habayashi Blood Eagle's unique interrogation method

The method of transporting combatants is also very simple, just let the Griffin Knight unload the armor and bombs, and load the mage and ranger up. Two hundred people at a time, she had no problem transporting 800 to 1,000 people before the orcs found out.

But Cirvanas didn't do that, but intentionally or unintentionally led the orcs into that path, and then let the orcs escape there. Originally, he wanted to raise the bandits' self-respect, so that the Elven Expeditionary Legion had enough reasons to stay in Proudmoore, instead of entering the huge meat grinder on the Arathi battlefield prematurely. But who would have thought that the orcs would have a second batch of troops entering the wetlands so soon?

Cirvanas didn't dare to tell others about the depression in her heart. After thinking for a long time, she wrote a letter to Habayashi Blood Eagle and asked a Griffin Knight guard of Habayashi Blood Eagle to take it there.

When Habayashi Bloodhawk received Cirvanas' letter, he was having **** with the succubus.

Uh...wrong! ...he was interrogating the succubus, anyway, that's what he told the elf guardsmen who guarded the succubus.

It's not that Habayashi Blood Eagle is so smart that he learned the devil's language so quickly, but that this succubus already knows a little bit of high elf language. Although it is very lame, Habayashi Blood Eagle can barely understand it. .

How could the devil speak High Elvish?

According to the succubus, High Elvish is not unfamiliar to demons. The reason for this is the first Burning Legion invasion, when the Well of Eternity was still there, the high elves gained contact with the demons through magical research, and finally successfully opened the portal and introduced the demons into Azeroth .

At that time, among all the races in Edras, the Highborne High Elves had the closest relationship with the demonic Burning Legion, and their relationship was closer than that of allies.

The first war with the Burning Legion ended with the explosion of the Well of Eternity, and most of the demons were driven back into the void. The upper elves, who are most closely related to demons, are divided into three parts.

One part is that Queen Azshara led the white upper elves to sink into the sea and became Ghana, and the other part was the upper elves led by the chief archmage who absorbed the relationship of fel energy and turned into satyrs.

The last part of the Highborne was the ancestors of the high elves of today's Quel'Thalas. Together with the night elves who rebelled against Azshara's rule, they overthrew Queen Azshara's rule and drove the Burning Legion back to the void.

The high elves of Quel'Thalas have actually studied the demon language, especially the old scholars of the Catherine School of Magic. But among the high elves who have studied the devil language, the scum of Habayashi Blood Eagle will definitely not be included.

After the demons were driven back to the void, they never forgot Azeroth, because their king, Sargeras, still remained in this world.

The demons are always obsessed with returning to this world, but their understanding is still only 10,000 years ago. They believe that Azeroth is still dominated by the high elves, so they have never forgotten the high elves, just like people who have always wanted to go abroad have been desperately learning foreign languages.

The succubus always acted like she couldn't understand at first. According to her reason, she didn't want to be interrogated, so she could only pretend that she didn't understand.

So why is the succubus willing to be interrogated now? Uh... let's take a look at how our dear lord lord is interrogated!

"Dear Amelia, guess who this letter is from?" Habayashi Xueying slumped comfortably on the rocking chair, and asked the succubus with a smile while raising the letter in his hand.

The succubus who was helping Habayashi Xueying massage his shoulders twitched his nose and sniffed and said, "Girl! Is it your lover?"

"How do you know it's a woman?" Habayashi Xueying stopped shaking his hands, turned his head and asked suspiciously.

"There is a woman's fragrance on the letter paper." The succubus smiled brightly, and her small red mouth showed two pointed canine teeth.

"Have you?" Habayashi Xueying put the letter in front of his nose and sniffed it a few times, and said strangely: "No! Could it be that your nose is better than mine? Or is it only women who can smell women?"

"It's the female elf who was with you last time!" Meimo smiled delicately.

"You even know this?" Habayashi Xueying said even more surprised: "Amelia, I found that you are a genius!"

"Hee hee!" The succubus didn't speak, but just laughed and massaged Yubayashi Xueying's shoulders.

Amelia is not the real name of the succubus, and the real name of the demon cannot be known by others. Because the name of each demon is closely related to his own power, the demon whose real name is called by others will lose power for a period of time and become very weak. The name Amelia is just the name Habayashi Blood Eagle gave this succubus for convenience.

But how could the succubus help Habayashi Xueying massage? Succubus herself likes to do that? of course not! That's because after Habayashi Blood Eagle found out that Succubus could understand High Elvish, she gave her two choices.

One is to be the maid of Habayashi Blood Eagle and teach Habayashi Blood Eagle the devil language. The second is to hand over the succubus to someone who can speak devil language for interrogation after returning.

He didn't say how to interrogate Yubayashi Xueying, but it was because Yubayashi Xueying didn't say that made Succubus feel scared. So she chose to be the maid of Habayashi Blood Eagle, and taught Habayashi Blood Eagle the devil language. There is only one condition for her, that she cannot be interrogated.

Has Habayashi Blood Eagle become more courageous? Suddenly became so courageous? Isn't he afraid that the succubus will take the opportunity to kill him?

Of course Habayashi Blood Eagle is afraid! So the succubus's magic-forbidden handcuffs were replaced with a pair of magic-forbidden bracelets, which UU Reading www.uukanshu.com tightly clasped around the wrists of her pair of small hands. But this is not enough, you can also take a look at the two troll warriors holding a knife handle, they have been standing around the Habayashi Blood Eagle, staring at the succubus' movements intently.

"Amelia, guess what is written inside?" Habayashi Blood Eagle said again

"I don't know!" The succubus laughed and said, "I can't guess either!"

"Oh! Guess it, it doesn't matter." Habayashi Xueying said.

"I don't guess!" Succubus still laughed, "I'm afraid of that female elf."

"Oh!" Habayashi Xueying was a little disappointed, he thought for a while and said: "That's right! That girl Cirvanas seems quite fierce."

If Cirvanas was here at this time, she would definitely let Habayashi Blood Eagle know what it means to be fierce.

"Okay! Let me see what this girl wrote." Yubayashi Xueying said and tore open the letter.

The succubus obediently stopped what she was doing, and walked aside silently. She knows that there are some things to see and some things not to see. If she didn't know this, the next moment it would be two cold bone-cutting long knives placed on her slender neck, forcing her to step aside obediently.

The feeling of the cold blade resting on the neck is not a good feeling, and the succubus is no longer willing to taste it again after tasting it once.

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