Ranger Legend of Azeroth

Chapter 487: Dai Lin's selfishness

a month later.

Menethil Harbor, the sun is shining and the sky is clear.

Dai Lin put on his clothes and walked out of his residence. Since the allied forces of elves and humans returned to Menethil Harbor to garrison, Daelin has been worried that the orc army that had just entered the wetlands did not attack Menethil City. Reports from the Northern Front.

The situation on the battlefield in Arathi is really terrible. According to the intelligence, the entire Arathi Kingdom has completely fallen and has become a huge battlefield. Horse farms, mines, lumberyards, and farms are all completely occupied by orcs. Only the northern half of Arathi Castle still has a part of the alliance army fighting hard. realm.

The only thing that could prove that the Allies were not completely defeated was that, despite repeated orc attacks, the Allies finally held Arathi's last safe foothold, the Valley of Refuge.

In many battles defending the Valley of Refuge, the elf mages of the elven magician team led by Lor'themar played a very prominent role. The powerful group covered attack magic, and successfully and effectively suppressed a large number of orcs in the defense of the Valley of Refuge. The army is blocked from the valley of refuge and cannot advance an inch.

According to the analysis of the Allied High Command, some of the orc army will stay behind and continue to exert pressure on the remaining alliance resistance forces in Arathi, but most of the army will cross Arathi and advance to the northern part of the mainland. Hillsbrad Regions will be the first to be attacked.

However, due to the current chaos in the command system of the alliance army, it is no longer possible to gather troops in a timely and effective manner to build a defense line in the area. Therefore, the alliance command was forced to decide to trade space for time and give up part of Hillsbrad.

It will take them a month to reintegrate their command and gather the main alliance forces to gather on the front line of South Sea Town and Tarren Mill, where they will establish a new defensive front.

At the same time, a large number of refugees from Southsea Town and Tarren Mill were also transferred to the entrance of Silverpine Forest and Alterac Valley to build fortifications as the second defense line.

Behind the contents of this battlefield briefing, there are also requirements for Daelin from the Allied High Command. The Allied High Command hopes that Proudmoore will attract as much attention as possible to the orc army, so as to reduce the pressure on the northern front of the Allied forces.

At the same time, due to the excellent performance of the elf mage troops in the Valley of Refuge, the Allied High Command hopes that Daelin can persuade General Aurelia to ask her to lead the elf expeditionary army to the north, and move to the Arathi battlefield in the north or to the new town of Tarren Mill in the South Sea. Come in the line of defense.

This battle report was made more than ten days ago, but since the large area between Menethil City and the northern front has been completely occupied and controlled by the orcs, it has become very difficult to pass on the news. This battle report was brought back to Menethil City by the courier from Nanhai Town by land and sea to Daelin.

When Dai Lin received this battle report, his mood was quite complicated. The severity of the northern front had already exceeded his imagination. But Daelin could hardly express his anger in words for the request made by the Allied High Command's battle report.

What does it mean to attract the attention of a part of the orc army as much as possible? Isn't Proudmoore attracting enough orc troops now? How many more orcs are there to attract? Do they have to be willing to destroy the Proudmoore Kingdom?

What Proudmoore needs most today is not to attract the attention of the orcs, but to avoid the attention of the orcs, so as to gain more time to repair and improve the dilapidated fortifications in the last battle, and to recruit more people to form new ones. army.

He believes that Proudmoore is now facing life and death. There are two fully formed legions of orcs in the southwest of the wetland, with more than 12,000 people, and there are remnants of orcs guarding the highlands in the northwest.

Just the two orc legions that have just entered the wetland, if they attack Menethil City, whether Menethil City can hold it now is still a question. This is still the result of the defense with the assistance of the Elven Expeditionary Legion.

If Alleria led the Elf Expeditionary Army to withdraw to the northern front, it would be a luxury to hold Proudmoore's last city, Menethil City, only with Proudmoore's current strength.

In fact, before Daelin received this battle report, he was still thinking about how to transfer the army from the northern front that originally belonged to the Proudmoore Kingdom back to Menethil City. But now it seems that even if there is a way to transport them back to Menethil City, the Allied Command will not agree to let them go.

Some time ago, he sent a special report on the victory of the defense battle of Menethil City to the high command. Quite thought that this victory report would boost the morale of the Allied forces in the battle, but he didn't expect that the main force of the Allied forces on the Arathi line of defense in the north collapsed thousands of miles in a blink of an eye. Therefore, his victory report, which was supposed to play a role, was submerged in such a frenzy of failure in an instant, without even a bubble popping out.

Daelin was very disappointed by the defeat of the Arathi defense battle on the northern front. UU Reading www. uukanshu. Therefore, on the night Dai Lin received the battle report, he immediately wrote a reply letter with harsh words and very strong objections for the courier to bring it back to the Allied High Command. He also sternly refused to implement the request of the High Command, and even more clearly expressed his opposition to the request for the Elven Expeditionary Legion to leave Proudmoore and fight in the northern battlefield.

And he put away this battle report, and did not send any news to the Elven Expeditionary Legion. Because he didn't want Alleria to lead the elven expeditionary army to leave Proudmoore, and he didn't want Proudmoore to fall under the iron hooves of the orcs like the Stormwind Kingdom, and then he could only take the remaining troops and people to live in exile. The days of living under the fence.

So for quite a long time recently, he didn't go to the base of the Elven Expeditionary Legion, nor did he meet General Aurelia, the commander of the Elven Expeditionary Legion, because he felt ashamed. On the contrary, the Elven Expeditionary Legion always sent people to him every now and then to deliver information about the real-time movements of the two orc armies in the southwest and northwest of the wetland.

This made Daelin feel even more guilty, but he himself did not regret hiding the battle report, nor did he plan to give the battle report to the elves. He admits that he has selfish intentions, but the Proudmoore Kingdom is his kingdom, and Menethil City is his capital. He will never allow Menethil City to become another Stormwind City, let alone the Proudmoore Kingdom. into another Stormwind kingdom.

But today he couldn't bear it anymore, he had to go to the headquarters of the Elven Expeditionary Legion to find General Aurelia. Because this morning, there was a considerable mobilization of the Elven Expeditionary Army. Almost one-third of the soldiers of the Elven Expeditionary Army boarded the elves' battleships, and those elf battleships were also preparing to set sail.

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