Ranger Legend of Azeroth

Chapter 496: fairy tales in reality

The officers of the Joint Operations Command in Menethil Harbor did not dare to rashly make adjustments in military deployment based on this kind of enemy situation report that was almost a fantasy. So they could only wait anxiously, and make a decision after the elf griffin rider who went to investigate the next day came back after recording the scene.

At noon the next day, the elven griffin riders who went to investigate brought back the memory crystal that recorded the situation in and around Grim Batol. The human and elf commanders of the joint combat command couldn't wait to open the recorded video in the combat command.

I didn't see the incomparably huge black dragon in the legend, but with Grim Batol as the center, there are raging fires everywhere within a radius of dozens of miles. Such a fire, not to mention ordinary orcs, I am afraid that even the death knight will not be able to escape, and will definitely be burned into coke.

The many human and elf commanders in the Joint Operations Command finally reluctantly believed the fairy tales described by the elf griffin riders. Although the memory crystals have proved the veracity of the fairy tales told by the Elven Griffin Riders, many commanders still feel as if they are in a dream.

Gone? Did the two orc legions that made the Elven Expeditionary Army and Daelin's human army feel as heavy as a mountain like a mountain on their backs, just disappear in the blink of an eye?

A few days ago, everyone was speculating about the motives of these two orc legions, and even felt terrified about the power they possessed. However, it's only been a few days? Why was it inexplicably wiped out by a giant dragon that came from nowhere?

"I think...I think...I have to go to the scene to see for myself, otherwise I really can't believe the authenticity of this matter." Dai Lin said with a hard swallow.

Countless elves and human commanders nodded in agreement.


A group of about fifty elf griffin riders were waiting on the pier flat to take off.

This time is different from the past. Among these elf griffin knights, twenty of them only wore the lightest civilian clothes, and their weapons only brought bows and a quiver each, because they were going to carry elves and humans. Commanders go to Grim Batol. The other thirty Elven Griffin Knights are fully armed, and they will fly as escorts for the transport team of the transport officer inspection team.

Not long after, all the elves and human officers from the officer inspection team came, and there were ten elves and ten human queens each.

The Gryphon Riders take off.

It was the first time for human officers to fly on flying mounts. At first they felt novel and curious, but after an hour, they didn't feel so good.

The Griffin Riders are flying in the sky, and they look handsome on the ground, but only when you sit on them, you will feel the hard work. This is different from riding a horse. You can rest on the spot when you are tired from riding a horse, but not a flying mount.

Because you have to find a place that is convenient for the next takeoff before you can land, otherwise, if you land, the Griffin can't take off with people again, then you can only walk on foot at that time.

Because when the Griffon takes off with a load, it needs a short run-up distance. If you are tired of flying on the sea, then you can only pray that there will be a safe island in front of you that you can land on! Otherwise, no matter how tired you are, you have to straighten your back and carefully control your mount.

If you are really unlucky and can't find a place to land on the sea, then it is very sad. There is a high probability that it may change from flying in the sky to swimming in the water, more likely to become a submarine, then become food for fish, and finally become...

Due to load reasons and safety considerations, the elf griffin riders all flew along the road, and would stop and rest for a period of time after flying for a period of time.

This arrangement made every officer of the inspection team quite satisfied, but the time to reach Grim Batol was pushed back to the evening because of this.

When they arrived, Grim Batol and its surrounding areas were still burning raging fires, making it impossible for people to enter and observe. All they could see was fire or fire, except black smoke or black smoke, and they couldn't even see the shadow of Grim Batol City.

"It seems that the fire here will not be extinguished in a few days!" Dai Ben said with a sigh. It's just that he didn't know whether he was lamenting the magnitude of the fire, or the ability of the guy who created the fire.

The human and elf commanders finally fully believed in this almost fantasy story. Since he couldn't enter the fire zone, and he didn't know the specific situation of the orcs in Grim Batol, they decided to go back first and wait for the fire to go out in a few days before coming back to observe.

It's just that it's too late, Dai Lin and the commanders discussed to stay one night first, and go back early tomorrow morning. All the human and elf commanders agreed, but the elf griffin riders strongly opposed it.

Because the elf griffin riders are afraid that at such a close distance, they may attract the attention of the black dragon who set fire, which will bring great danger. They strongly demanded that before it was completely dark, they would fly back for a certain distance before stopping to set up camp.

The officers of the inspection team had no choice but to agree with the Griffin Knights. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Have a safe night.

At noon the next day, Dai Lin and the commanders of the investigation team returned to the joint operations command room in Menethil Harbor. Although it has been confirmed that the orcs in Grim Batol were attacked by a powerful giant black dragon for unknown reasons, and the fire in Grim Batol is still fierce.

But no one really knows what happened to the orc troops in Grim Batol, so the commanders of the Joint Operations Command still dare not take it lightly.

Daelin proposed to immediately organize a vanguard force composed entirely of cavalry troops, and rush to Grim Batol for investigation and verification.

Starting from Menethil Harbor, it would take at least ten to fifteen days for a pure cavalry force to march to Grim Batol by land in a rapid march. This period of time is enough for the fire there to burn out the last spark, and the troops can directly enter Grim Batol to investigate when they arrive there.

The elves had no cavalry, but they all had mounts, so they agreed to Daelin's proposal.

Humans dispatched a troop of heavy and light cavalry, a total of 1,200 people, while the elves sent a mixed formation composed of 400 rangers and 200 mages to go to Grimba together with the two human troops as a long-range attack force. support.

In addition, in addition to being responsible for scouting and guarding along the way, the elf knights are also responsible for reinforcing the ground troops at any time or assisting the ground troops in attacking.

After everything was arranged, it was already the second day after the inspection team came back.

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