Raven's Claw at Hogwarts

Chapter 26 Troll Killer

The next day, it was already noon when Mike walked out of the infirmary.

Perhaps due to fatigue, he fell asleep in the middle of the examination last night. He didn't even know when Professor Flitwick and Hermione left.

When Mike came to the restaurant, it was already crowded.

Yesterday's dinner was interrupted in the middle of the dinner. Professor Dumbledore ordered that all students must follow the prefects of each house back to their own houses.

This resulted in the delicacies carefully prepared by the house elves for the dinner going to waste.

Fortunately, this world is a magical world, and house elves are proficient in various household magics. Keeping food fresh is of course the basis of the basics.

So the delicacies that were not served to the table last night became the little wizards' lunch today.

But not many people enjoyed these delicacies that the little wizards usually loved today. Everyone gathered at the Gryffindor table, and in the middle of the crowd was the beaming Ron.

At this time, he was recounting what he had seen when he followed the professors to the scene of the troll's death last night.

He was spitting as he spoke, and from time to time he would take a sip of juice handed to him by others.

In his narration, it seems as if what Mike defeated was not a troll, but a giant dragon.

But it is undeniable that Ron does have a talent for telling stories. The little wizards around him were all stunned and even forgot about the delicious food at hand.

Look! It's Mike the Troll Killer!

A young wizard who was on the periphery of the crowd and tried to squeeze into the crowd several times but failed failed found Mike and immediately let out an excited scream.

With this scream, the crowd that originally surrounded Ron quickly dissipated and surrounded Mike. They asked Mike about what happened last night.

Mike was overwhelmed by all this, and he was dealing with the enthusiasm of the little wizards in a panic.

Fortunately, the person who can help Mike to rescue him has arrived.

Get out of here! Snape's deep voice, although not loud, clearly reached the ears of every young wizard present.

As soon as Snape finished speaking, the little wizards surrounding Mike immediately dispersed and returned to their dining table. Mike even saw a few timid little wizards whose legs were trembling with fear from Snape and could only be supported by their companions. Walking.

This is the power of Professor Snape. There are only two people in the entire Hogwarts who can do this kind of thing, one is Professor McGonagall and the other is Snape.

Mike wanted to thank Snape for rescuing him, but before he could open his mouth, Snape spoke:

Disturbing the order of the restaurant, five points will be deducted from Ravenclaw!

After saying that, Snape shook his black robe and turned away.

Mike's scalp was numb after this show of manipulation, and he had no choice but to sit down at the Ravenclaw dining table.

When Mike sat down, a little Ravenclaw witch next to him shook her legs excitedly, but before she could say anything, Penello came over and asked to change places with her.

The little witch obviously did not dare to resist the senior senior sister, so she had no choice but to change places with Penello in disgrace.

Do you know what they call you?

Um, Troll Slayer?

That's right! Did you really kill a giant monster?

If you're talking about the one last night, I should have killed it.

As soon as he sat down, Penello fired off a barrage of questions.

Penello's eyes lit up after receiving Mike's confirmation. He couldn't help but move closer to Mike and asked, How did you do that?

Just luck, I do this, and then that, and then the troll dies.

Penello's face was only about ten centimeters away from Mike's face, and Mike could clearly smell the fragrance coming from her body. It was a fragrance similar to pear blossoms, and it smelled very good.

It's too close, Senior Penello. Mike pulled his head back a little uncomfortable.

It turns out that little Mike is still shy. Penello laughed when he saw Mike's appearance, stretched out his hands and pinched Mike's cheeks.

Being so excited by her, Mike, who was still a little unaccustomed to it, immediately straightened his body.

Just kidding, I was a person who rolled in flowers in my previous life, how could I still be afraid of this little girl?

Now it was Penello's turn to be shy. Mike suddenly rearranged her body and startled her. She blushed and retracted her face that was stretched out towards Mike.

You are so awesome. I have never heard of someone being able to kill a giant monster in the first grade. Penelosch tried to change the subject to ease his embarrassment.

In general, senior sister is really powerful. She manages the entire Ravenclaw in an orderly manner. Professor Flitwick often mentions you, saying that he would be in trouble without you. Mike looked at Penello. The little daughter’s posture can’t help but feel a little funny.

This wave of commercial exchanges obviously scratched Penello's itchy flesh. She covered her mouth and kept chuckling, and the blush on her face became more and more obvious.

Mike thought it was fun to tease the young lady sometimes, and continued: Especially Senior Penelo is so beautiful, I think there must be many boys who like you, Senior, right?

No, you are. You are handsome and so strong. Many elementary school girls in the school are your little crushes. Even some of my best friends said they are interested in you. Pennay Luo rolled his eyes at Mike and said coquettishly.

The rest of the meal time passed unknowingly as the two exchanged business blows one after another.

What Mike didn't notice was that Hermione was staring at him from the Gryffindor table not far away.

Damn Mike! Stinky Mike!

Looking at Mike, who was chatting happily with Penello, Hermione felt as if her lungs were about to explode.

It was already late at night when Hermione returned to her dormitory last night. She stayed up all night because she was worried about Mike's safety. She rushed to the infirmary to see Mike at dawn, but Madam Pomfrey refused because she could not disturb the patient's rest. .

In the next potions class, he accidentally fell asleep because he was too sleepy, and was deducted 20 points by Snape.

As a result, the person involved, Mike, had nothing to do and became a celebrity throughout Hogwarts.

Forget it, now he was flirting with his beautiful senior sister in front of her.

It turns out that men’s mouths are deceiving!

Everything I said to myself in the Ravenclaw lounge last night was all lies!

The more Hermione thought about it, the angrier she became, chewing the chicken in her mouth, as if what she was biting was not chicken, but Mike's arm.

Harry, who was sitting next to her, stopped stuffing food into his mouth and looked at Hermione in surprise.

He just clearly heard the sound of bones being broken.

Hermione...just...cracked the chicken bones and ate it, right? Harry thought to himself.

Looking at Hermione's expression of wanting to eat someone else, Harry couldn't help but move a little further away from Hermione while holding the plate.

Hermione is so scary now!

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