Reaching the other shore starting from the research and development of Yi Jin Jing

Chapter 156 Spread the message widely! Yan Chuang practices bone training!

The next morning.

Tap tap tap!

"finally reached!"

Huo Zhen and Shao Yancong rode wildly, day and night, and finally arrived at Suanzao Mountain not long after sunrise. Riding his horse straight to Longhujian, he was waiting to rescue Yan Chuang when he saw——

On the top of the dragon and tiger, there are crowds of people.

There are nearly a hundred apprentices in the Iron Line Martial Arts School, and nearly a hundred martial arts people gather in the three counties. There are more than 200 people in the mountain, and it is bustling and lively.

at this time.

Crowd surrounded.

And in the center is Yan Chuang.

"Is he okay?"


Huo Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay." Shao Yancong also felt relieved. God knows how he felt when he saw Huo Zhen coming to ask for help in the middle of the night in Taikang County. He never imagined that Yan Chuang, who was bent on pursuing the 'secret method to break the limit', would actually be the first to 'enlighten the limit and break the limit'. Unexpectedly, it was extremely dangerous. .

Fortunately, Yan Chuang is fine.

"I wonder which bone-training person can help me break the limit?"

Shao Yancong thought to himself.

This side.

Huo Zhen had already stepped forward, listening to Yan Chuang's voice surrounded by the crowd——

"'Xingyiquan' has 'three sections' and 'eight essentials'."

"What is 'Three Festivals'?"

"'The top section starts, the middle section follows, and the root section urges', these are the three sections."

“From the perspective of the whole body, the head and upper limbs are the terminal sections, the trunk is the middle section, and the lower limbs are the root joints; the upper limbs are divided into three sections: the hips, knees, and feet. By meeting the requirements of the 'three knots', you can ensure that the whole body is complete and integrated, and that the inside and outside are unified."

"As for the 'eight essentials'——"

“Top, buckle, roundness, sensitivity, hugging, hanging, bending, and straightness, these are the ‘eight essentials’!”

"Expanding it, that is -"

"Top, the head should be raised, the palms should be forward, and the tip of the tongue should be raised!"

"Buckle, the shoulders must be buckled, the backs of the hands and feet must be buckled, and the teeth must be buckled!"

"Round, the chest should be round, the back should be round, and the tiger's mouth should be round!"


Three quarters!

Eight things!


The more Huo Zhen listened, the more shocked he became. He felt familiar with what he heard. After thinking about it for a moment, he recalled that wasn't this the essence of the boxing technique that he had read from Yan Chuang's boxing manual a few days ago!

Yan Chuang actually announced the content of these boxing manuals and the essence of these boxing techniques to the public? !

"This, this, this!"

What does Yan Chuang want to do?


"Is this the boxing technique created by Professor Yan once he had an epiphany?"

Shao Yancong was also listening, with surprise in his eyes. On the way here, he heard Huo Zhen talk about Yan Chuang's situation. He knew that Yan Chuang had created another profound boxing technique, but he had no idea of ​​the specifics. At this time, he listened carefully. After a while, Shao Yancong became serious and realized : "This boxing technique is not simple!"

It is indeed not simple!

Early in the morning.

Yan Chuang talks about boxing.

Starting from the 'Three Body Styles', 'Five Elements Boxing' and 'Twelve Forms', he then moved on to a more specific explanation of boxing techniques. He summarized and sorted out the boxing techniques from hundreds of schools of boxing with the help of 'Xingyiquan' There is no reason to hide clumsiness——

Three quarters!

Eight things!

Seven methods!

Six directions!

One by one.

On the field, some people were paying full attention, some were careless, some were writing vigorously, and some were scratching their heads and ears.

All living things are in it.

Huo Zhen listened with rapt attention.

He had read many boxing manuals written by Yan Chuang before, and he was confused at the time. Now combined with Yan Chuang's explanation, he finally understood——

"The hard marrow bones, spiritual roots, and spring in the peach blossom caves."

"This is the root packing method!"

"The so-called 'rooting' refers to 'cultivating the roots and cultivating the spirituality'. 'Xingyi Quan' emphasizes 'root-breaking and jointing' in its fighting skills, but in terms of 'internal cultivation and external training', it pays attention to resting the spiritual roots. "

"The cultivation of spiritual roots by practicing 'Xingyiquan' means to understand the soul of each form and style from the movements of the boxing. Once the spiritual roots are exercised, the more they are practiced, the brighter they become. Their brilliance can be multiplied, and naturally there will be a piece of Spring in a peach blossom cave."

"'Xingyiquan' also has an external 'root'. From the perspective of martial arts, this root means that with long-term practice, you can stand like a tree and be as motionless as a mountain. That is the skill, which is the 'root'." Xingyiquan "To attack the enemy, you must deceive the enemy's roots and pull out the enemy's joints. This is also the 'deception of the roots and joints' of 'Xingyi Quan'."

"The 'rooting' of 'Xingyi Quan' means when striking an enemy, it is like pulling out a piece of grass, gently pulling out the root of the opponent's grass."


Huo Zhen was enlightened and felt great joy in his heart. He felt like listening to the sound of the Tao. The more he immersed himself in it and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Xingyiquan was profound and profound. It seemed that there was no end to the Tao, and there were infinite mysteries waiting for him to discover. , seductive and thought-provoking.

Even though his own 'Butterfly Palm' has been promoted to the secret martial arts level by Taikang Academy, compared with 'Xingyi Quan' at this time, it is really bullshit.

Different from Huo Zhen.

Shao Yancong joined in halfway. He didn't listen for a while. He just looked around the field and saw all kinds of people. He turned his eyes and saw an eagle dormant in the treetops not far from Yan Chuang. , and upon closer inspection, the eagle tilted its head and was actually listening.

"Yan Chuang teaches martial arts, and even birds and beasts are attracted to him!"

Shao Yancong was amazed.

"Thank you, Master Huo!"

"Thank you, Mr. Shao!"

After the martial arts lecture ended in the early morning, Yan Chuang saw Huo Zhen and Shao Yancong. Seeing that they were tired from work, he quickly clasped his fists.

He knew that the two of them were in a hurry and came to save him.

"Professor Yan, just be fine." Shao Yancong laughed and said, "Congratulations to Professor Yan, your energy and blood have broken through the limit!"

Shao Yancong has extraordinary eyesight and can see that Yan Chuang's energy and blood are like a rainbow, and he has broken through the limit.

Huo Zhen was also happy for Yan Chuang: "Congratulations, Palace Master Yan!"

"It was just a fluke."

Yan Chuang was modest, and then he greeted the two of them: "You two, please take a rest, and I will talk again after I finish talking about 'Xingyiquan'."


Not finished teaching yet!

This day.

In the early morning, there was a big class. Yan Chuang taught Xingyiquan widely at Longhujian. No matter the new school or the old school, whether they joined Baihua Palace or not, everyone came to listen. There were more than 200 people who listened to the lecture, which was a very large number.

In the morning, there is a middle class. Only those from the same discipline who have clearly joined Baihua Palace can come to attend the lecture. There were originally 22 people including Duan Jiu and Luo Yi. After early morning, the number increased to 34 in a short period of time. Baihua Palace grew day by day. .

There was a small class in the afternoon. There were only eight people attending the lecture, Yu Jinpeng, Jin Yutang, Wei Quan, Cheqi, Zhong Hui, Su Ye, Peng Quan and Huang Geng. Among them, except Wei Quan and Cheqi, they were from Jianzhou in February next year. All members of Taikang Academy's "Team Yan Chuang" in the competition.


Wang Kuan, Jian Rong, Huo Zhen, and Shao Yancong, these four Breaking Limits are present in both large and small classes. Yan Chuang does not avoid them, and even looks forward to listening to the lectures all the time. After all, Breaking Limits level thinking and feedback, It's not something that ordinary warriors can compare to.

They have the thickest ‘wool’ on them!

During the day, I teach boxing and practice boxing on the side.

Yan Chuang has not fallen behind in his own practice.

[Your ‘Split Fist’ has been improved, and the four realms have been slightly improved → the five realms have been integrated]

[Your ‘Pao Fist’ has been improved, and you have achieved a slight success in the four realms → the five realms have been integrated]

[Your ‘Drilling Fist’ has been improved, and you have achieved a slight success in the four realms → you have mastered the five realms]

[Your ‘Heng Fist’ has been improved, and the four realms have been slightly improved → the five realms have been integrated]

[Your ‘Five Elements Fist’ has been improved, and the four realms have been slightly improved → the five realms have been integrated]

[Your ‘three-body posture’ has been improved, and the four realms have been slightly improved → the five realms have been integrated]

[Your ‘twelve forms’ have been improved, and the four realms have been slightly improved → the five realms have been integrated]

With the teaching and practice, Yan Chuang received more feedback, and the "Xingyi Quan" continued to improve, and the "Five Elements Quan", "Three Body Postures" and "Twelve Forms" were gradually integrated.

This is an improvement in boxing skills.

at the same time.

The improvement of boxing skills led to the improvement of Qi and blood. Yan Chuang's Qi and blood were like rainbows, and the 'tiger and leopard thunder' resounded throughout his body. The realm of breaking the limit was quickly stabilized. Yan Chuang quickly entered the 'Qi and blood breaking' state only on the second day after breaking the limit. Only in the later stage of practice of "Qi and Blood Cleansing".

Qi and blood cleansing!

Start with bone training!

Only after this practice did Yan Chuang know——

"Bone training!"

"It's so difficult!"

"The body is like a crossbow, and the hands are like a hundred arrows. They go in and out of the middle path, closely connected. With one go, they move forward bravely. The arrows are raised and lowered, and the footwork is not chaotic."

"This is 'collapse fist'!"

"The body is like holding a bow, and the hand is like a hundred arrows piercing it."

"'Beng Fist' has the momentum of a boat sailing on the waves. Its shape is like an arrow but not an arrow. You need to pay attention to the entry and exit of Qi."

"This 'Yi Qi' originates from the hairy area of ​​the big toe, goes up to the base of the ankle, goes one inch to the medial malleolus, and eight inches to the upper ankle. After passing over the taiyin, the inner base of the upper popliteus goes along the femoral vagina, enters the hair, and passes The yin organ reaches the lower abdomen, holds the stomach, belongs to the liver and gallbladder, goes up through the diaphragm, runs along the side ribs, along the back of the throat, goes up into the chin, connects the eyes, and comes out from the forehead to meet the Du Vein at the top."

In the early morning of this morning, Yan Chuang was teaching 'Xingyi Quan' again. His explanation became more and more in-depth. Today, he explained in detail the 'Beng Quan' in 'Five Elements Quan'.

Tossing and turning and punching.

Yan Chuang's Qi and blood also flowed through his body as the 'Beng Quan Yi Qi' circulated, but no matter where it came from or where it fell, the 'Hu Bao Lei Yin' only flowed through the phalanx in front of the big toe of his right foot. rang when.

Tiger and leopard thunder sounded!

Yan Chuang's whole body was numb, especially his toes and toes. At the same time, as soon as the sound sounded, his whole body's energy and blood trembled, sometimes hot and then cool. Between hot and cold, his whole body was baptized, feeling sour and refreshing indescribably.

However, Qi and blood are also being consumed rapidly.

Human qi and blood circulate back and forth, being consumed and regenerated all the time. When Yan Chuang is practicing or fighting, he can lock his energy and blood and prevent it from leaking out. This can last for a long time and is very long-lasting.

But when it comes to tempering bones and activating the ‘Tiger and Leopard Thunder Sound’, one often cannot make ends meet.

The whole body's energy and blood were obviously consumed.

It is impossible to temper the bones continuously for a long time and cast the 'Tiger and Leopard Thunder Sound' for a long time.

For example, right now——

Yan Chuang sometimes tempers and sometimes stops, calculating every bit of energy and blood and not daring to waste it.

Good steel must be used on the blade.

He is more willing to use the 'Tiger and Leopard Thunder Sound' when performing the 'Half-Step Collapse Fist' to temper the bones to the greatest extent and most efficiently. Moreover, he does not forget "Teaching and Learning" and does not forget to harvest a wave of feedback——

"'Bengquan' turns around and the starting position is like a civet cat falling up a tree, and the downward position is like a civet cat attacking a mouse. The starting position is to amputate the leg, and the downward position is to trample on it."

"Half-step collapse fist!"

"The left foot is always in front, stepping forward to punch without changing steps, so it is called 'half-step collapse boxing'."

"This is the inspiration I got from the 'Half-Step Jeet Kunch' of Senior Shang Yunsheng, a 'Liuhe Boxing' master from Guangling County decades ago. After becoming a master of boxing, Senior Shang Yunsheng was arrested and imprisoned for some reason. After being thrown into the death row, he was still practicing the "Threading Jeet Kune" taught by his master Chen Zijiangneng in prison. However, due to the shackles and the small cell, it was more difficult to practice "Thunder Step Jeet Kune", so he According to local conditions, according to the restriction that when walking in shackles, the front foot takes one step forward and the back heel takes half a step, on the basis of the 'cross-step Jeet Kune', the 'Half-step Jeet Kune' was originally created."

"I got inspiration from it and changed the 'Jet Fist' to 'Beng Fist'. It's also half a step, but it has unexpected power."

"The Bengquan moves in and out of the center, and strikes forward like an arrow; the liver qi rises and fights, and the five bows are fired together and the six are combined."


"This is the 'Beng Fist', this is the 'Half-Step Collapse Fist'!"

Yan Chuang finished two rounds of Bengquan and two rounds of bone tempering. His energy and blood had subsided and he could no longer continue——

Bone training!

How difficult!

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