"Single Fox King City."

"With one hundred thousand troops."

"Divided into the 'Hundred Beasts Army', 'Black Armor Army', 'Golden Armor Army' and 'Black Armor Army'."

"The 'Black Armor Army' is the strongest!"

"The 'Army of Beasts' has the largest number!"

"And those guarding the 'Xuan Iron Mine' are the 'Wujia Army' from the capital."

"The 'Wu Jia Army' is named after all its members are equipped with 'Wu Bronze Armor' and the armor is black in color. The soldiers themselves are not weak in strength. In addition, the 'Wu Bronze Armor' is excellent. A hundred people in a city can easily Kill through a thousand 'hundred beasts' army'."

Wang Kuan introduced Danhu King City and the 'Wujia Army' with a serious face: "The 'Wujia Army' are tyrannical. We must not meet them head-on. Once we do, just one word, run! Don't hesitate, just in case. If you get entangled, you will definitely die!"

A hundred-man Wujia army!

Everyone is strong and strong, and they are masters of martial arts. They unite and form a battle formation to charge and kill, and they are almost invincible.

Break the formation?

One versus a hundred?

Don’t even think about it!

"Wujia Army!"

"So strong?"

Yan Chuang asked curiously: "Are the Wujia Army all masters of level-breaking?"

He was frightened by Wang Kuan and imagined Shanhu King City and Wujia Army to higher places and then higher places.

But he thought too much——

"It's not that exaggerated."

Jian Rong was amused, "The 'Wujia Army' is divided into 'du' units, and the leader is called the 'dutou'. The strength of a dudutou is about the fourth level, and the limbs are fully tempered. There are fifty people in a group." , Ten people have one tenth, and the village commander and almost half of the tenth commanders are also above the limit level. The ordinary pawns below are not."

All heads!

Very long!

Calculating this way, there are at least eight members of the Wujia Army in Yidu who have exceeded the limit.

"A Wujia Army in the capital can already rival a Guangling Academy!"

Yan Chuang was amazed.

Since he killed Wu Qi, Wen Wu and Yuan Shicai in Guangling Academy, there are only seven inner dean elders left, and seven have exceeded the limit.

It is even one less than the number of people in the Wujia Army who have broken the limit.

There are more than a hundred Wujia Army in Danhu King City, not to mention the stronger 'Golden Armor Army' and 'Black Armor Army'.

A royal city!

Really powerful!

"The Wujia Army is awesome."

"So, the Black Iron Mine can only be outmaneuvered."

Wang Kuan continued: "The miners who mine Xuantie Ore are ordinary people. It is difficult for them to find and identify the 'Black Flame Stone'. If you want to get the 'Black Flame Stone', only the Wujia Army's breaking limit level can do it yourself." Going in, you can find it with your keen sense of 'essence' after breaking the blood limit. Therefore, at least six of the Wujia Army in Yidu have broken the limit, and half of them have been in the mine for a long time. We If you sneak into the mine, you are likely to encounter them."

The Wu people of Dayan are thirsty for cultivation resources!

The warriors of the Mountain and Sea Realm are no exception!

The Wujia Army guards the mine, which is a waste of money. Not to mention stealing and selling the 'Xuan Iron Ore', the accompanying 'Black Flame Stone' alone is a lot of wealth, which can greatly speed up the progress of cultivation, thereby gaining more opportunities in the Wujia Army. High status means better treatment.

Therefore, these people are not just guarding outside. In addition to responding to inspections from above, they spend most of the other time taking turns searching in the mines.

"Finding a pound of fine stone is better than half a year of hard work!"

Jian Rong said sternly: "Let's not be greedy. After entering, the four of us will report to a group and leave. In this way, once we meet the Wujia Army's limit-breaking master, four against one, we can quickly control the situation, fight or escape, advance and retreat together!"


Yan Chuang and Huo Zhen obeyed everything.

After agreement.

The four of them joined hands and threw themselves into the star gate.

More than a month has passed.

Yan Chuang comes to the realm of mountains and seas for the second time!

The realm of mountains and seas.

In the southern part of Shanhu King City, there are rolling mountains and dense swamps. Years ago, the prospecting team discovered a small black iron mine in this mountain that looks like a lying cow. The King City mobilized a Wujia army to garrison and start mining.

In the past year, many thieves and gangsters have sneaked into the mines and stolen 'Xuantie' and even 'Fine Stones'. Most of them were killed by the Wujia Army, but some people escaped by luck. There was even one who, a month ago, actually He counterattacked and killed a commander of the Wujia Army.

What a shame!

In such an atmosphere, the Wujia Army was loose on the outside and tight on the inside, secretly strengthening the defense of the mine.

At the same time, Wang Cheng quickly transferred a new chief to fill the vacancy.

It has been a few days since the new arrival.

This night.

He practices boxing in the mountains.

Bang bang bang!

But I saw this man moving like a walking dragon, as steady as a crouching tiger, as quick as a cunning rabbit, as agile as an ape, and as light as a crane. One hit, two take, three throw, mighty and tall, strong and agile, flash and move, priority, wit and flexibility.

The boxing skills are really superb!

Not only boxing skills, but also Qi and blood!


Between the movements of his fists and feet, his energy and blood flowed like a rainbow, accompanied by faint thunder.

This is--

"Tiger Leopard Thunder Sound!"

Yang Zheng, the leader of the Wujia Army, watched the newcomer practice boxing from a distance. Seeing that his boxing skills were superb and the sound of "tiger and leopard thunder" could not be heard, he suddenly had a headache and found it difficult to get off the tiger.

Some time ago, one of his closest confidants was killed by a thief, and Yang Zheng was already unhappy.

But at this time, a new person was parachuted down for him.

That’s okay!

But it happened that this newcomer was ignorant. When he entered the city, he had no flattery and no money to show his respect, and he was not sensible at all.

Yang Zheng had plenty of ways to train this kind of 'thorny head', so he left the newcomer aside and let him patrol all day long, but did not give him the opportunity to enter the mine to look for essence stones.

This is clearly a sign of exclusion!

It's nothing at first. After polishing it and drying it, you'll know whether it's good or bad.

However, within a few days, he discovered that although this newcomer had just broken through the limit, his boxing and spear skills were really good. What was even more outrageous was that he had actually mastered the 'Tiger and Leopard Thunder Sound Technique'. From then on, his progress was bound to be rapid. Such a 'newcomer' cannot be beaten or scolded, nor can he be offended!

But Yang Zheng has already been offended, and if he is asked to show weakness, surrender, or make amends now, Yang Zheng cannot help but feel embarrassed.

When you are upset!

Evil comes from the most courageous side!

"Hubao Leiyin?"

"so what!"

"There are quite a few geniuses who died in the Wujia Army!"

Yang Zheng was heartbroken: "In this three-thirds of an acre of land, I have plenty of ways to kill you!"

He had murderous intentions in his heart.

But he didn't show it on his face, he still smiled, walked out, and said to the man: "Bandits have been rampant recently. Wang Shichang has a harder time. I have to trouble you to lead a patrol tonight."



Wang Shichang turned around. He was in his twenties with a handsome face and clasped his fists to accept the promise!


"It looks like a lying cow, and this is it!"

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse. After Yan Chuang and his party entered the realm of mountains and seas, they went straight to the Xuantie Mine. They arrived in less than a day and night.

Wanniu Mountain!

Black iron ore!

Just ahead!

"This mountain is not big."

"But it can't be defended by a hundred people!"

Huo Zhen glanced at Woniu Mountain from afar and asked in surprise: "Is it true that only one Wujia army is stationed here in Shanhu King City?"

"It won't make any difference."

Jian Rong nodded and explained: "Master Huo doesn't know that the Wujia Army does not actually need to guard the huge Woniu Mountain. It only needs to guard the entrances of several mines and send two teams of troops to patrol in shifts. .”

The entrance to the mine was watched by the Wujia Army!

There are also two teams of people patrolling day and night to prevent thieves from digging tunnels and sneaking into the mines. This can prevent most theft incidents.

Another thing is, even if the thief sneaks in by luck and later comes out of the mine, it will be troublesome.

Strict in, strict out!

Stealing mines is too difficult!

"So strict?"

"Then how do we get in?"

Yan Chuang was stunned.

According to Jian Rong's words, you can't get in, you can't get out, and the road is blocked, so how can you steal?

Jian Rong smiled and said: "The Wujia Army is not without flaws. There are at least five to six hundred miners in this mountain. They come and go from work every day. There are so many people and chaos. This is our opportunity!"

Wang Kuan explained: "We all have broken the limit and have strong skills. We can sneak into the miners' team first and take advantage of the chaos when the miners change shifts and the Wujia Army changes defense."

"So simple?"

Yan Chuang frowned: "The miners change shifts. Although there are many people, if you only need to go out one door and go in one door, and line up to count the people, how can there be chaos?"

Not to mention five or six hundred people!

Think about the concerts and Spring Festival travel in previous lives. Even if there were tens of thousands of people, how many could sneak in by bypassing security checks and evading fares?

Arrange it in advance.

It means that one man is in charge, and ten thousand men are not allowed to open it!


There can be no chaos!

"That's right!"

"Chaos is probably an illusion."

Jian Rong nodded and cast an approving look at Yan Chuang, "We suspect that the Wujia Army may have deliberately created a certain amount of chaos so that we can sneak in. They are expecting us to go in!"

"Catch a turtle in a urn?"

Huo Zhen frowned.

In this case, knowing that it is a trap, knowing that it is a trap, they still step into it?

"Not really."

Wang Kuan shook his head and explained to the two of them: "There are only a limited number of limit-breaking masters in the Wujia Army, and the number of 'fine stones' that can be found in the mines is also limited. But if three or five are deliberately put in every once in a while, Break the limit and let these people stay inside for a while. After they find a lot of essence stones, the Wujia Army will take action to kill them or drive them away. It will be more efficient to snatch the ready-made essence stones from these thieves than searching for them yourself. It’s much easier to look for it.”

"I see!"

Yan Chuang immediately understood——

Chinese chives!


This is to treat thieves who break the limit as leeks and put them in for free labor, which can be harvested at any time.

"Another point."

Jian Rong added: "It's not just for the 'fine stone', but it may also be to create conditions for theft. Guarding the mine is a waste of money, not only in the 'fine stone', but also in the 'ore'. If you are the emperor, you will be rich." If you have the right skills and work together, you can steal the 'Xuan Iron Ore' and sell it privately, and the harvest will be no worse than the 'Essence Stone'. But if you want to steal and sell the Essence Stone, you can't be too orderly, and it's better to be a little more chaotic!"

These two points are all speculations of Wang Kuan and Jian Rong.

But the probability is extremely high.

However, no matter which situation it is, or both, this is an opportunity for Yan Chuang and the others——

"Sneak in!"

"Looking for the Essence Stone!"

"Evaded the tracking and encirclement of the Wujia Army, and successfully took away the essence stone!"

"This is a chestnut from the fire, and it's done. It's popular, and it's progressing by leaps and bounds. If it's exposed, the four of us can work together to fight a bloody path."

The second elder has not come here for a while, just because he is afraid that he will not be able to escape afterwards.

But now.

There is Yan Chuang.

There is Huo Zhen.

The four broken limits have joined forces to gain more confidence and give it a try!

Yan Chuang and Huo Zhen looked at each other and nodded in unison——


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