Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 624: Zhang Nengli was beaten, and the total attack started


Zhang Nengli's eyes lit up, and he rubbed his hands in excitement: "After that is done, I am eligible to enter the A team?"

"That depends on your performance!"

Lu Yu smiled slightly and leaned into Zhang Nengli's ear: "You will be like this later..."


Zhang Energy pointed his head like a chicken pecking at rice, expressing his understanding.

five minutes later.

In the basement corridor leading to the first floor of the hotel, there was suddenly verbal abuse and fighting.

There are several screams from time to time!

The thirty k2 elite members guarding here suddenly became vigilant and quickly took out their guns from their waists.


After a while, footsteps sounded, and several figures were walking towards this side.

All the k2 members immediately raised their guns together, aiming at the people who appeared as if they were facing an enemy.

"It's me, put the gun away." Lu Yu walked over and shouted lightly.

When they saw the mole and the frog, the group of people secretly relieved and smiled and put down their guns.

"Mole, who is this guy?"

Seeing a young man with a swollen nose and swollen nose in their hands, an elite member asked.


Lu Yu casually threw it, and Zhang Nengli was thrown to the ground next to him: "Look at this guy sneakily, peeping here, I suspect he might be a sliver."

Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes suddenly became cold, and the gaze towards Zhang Nengli was full of murderous intent.

"Leave it to you, hurry up and interrogate him, and see what he can pry out of his mouth."

Lu Yu confessed, pointing at the door and commanded: "Open the door, and the black cat will let me check the detonating device."

These people didn't doubt either, and a little boss in the lead immediately agreed and turned to open the door.

"Didn't you check it several times? Why do you check it again?"

The guy asked with a smile.

"It's not that the fat man doesn't do things badly. There is a problem with the design."

Lu Yu shrugged: "The warehouse over there was not exploded, and the black cat was furious. No more mistakes can be made here."

The boss sneered: "I think this fat guy is owed. Give him a woman a good night, and keep him alive!"

The others laughed and seemed to be very familiar with the fat hacker.

However, this sentence also dispelled everyone's doubts, and no one asked more questions.

When the door opened, Lu Yu ordered: "You go to try your guy, don't beat him to death, I will check the device."

The boss sneered: "Dare to come here to investigate, I will let him know that I have come to the wrong place."

More than a dozen k2 members were greeted and surrounded Zhang Nengli together.

Not long afterwards, there was the sound of punches and kicks from outside, as well as Zhang Nengli's howling like a pig.

Wang Yanbing couldn't help shrinking her neck as she listened, and whispered to Lu Yu: "This kid, won't be beaten and confess on the spot, right?"

Lu Yu said lightly: "He wanted to confess, so he was killed on the spot, save trouble!"


Wang Yanbing was shocked and opened his mouth wide: "Brother Yu, are you kidding me?"

"Am I kidding?"

Lu Yu shrugged, and rolled his eyes towards the biochemical device.

The equipment was placed on a square wooden shelf. The body length was over two meters. Compared with the counterfeit that I saw in the warehouse last time, it was completely insignificant. No wonder it was a fake.

There were five elites guarding the device. Lu Yu went over and asked, "Has anyone touched this thing?"


"So, can it be used normally?" Lu Yu's eyes flashed.


An elite nodded and replied: "Since the last test, the boss has ordered that no one is allowed to approach, so I haven't moved, so I can definitely use it normally."

"Oh well."

The corner of Lu Yu's mouth raised, and suddenly he pulled out the pistol with a silencer.

Puff puff.

Each of the five people was rewarded with a bullet.

The five k2 members stared in shock, never expected that Mole would shoot them?

Next second.

All five people fell into the blood amber, and the other K2 members in the house were shocked.

Wang Yanbing and Zhuang Yan were also unambiguous, and immediately took out their guns and fired them, quickly finishing the rest of the personnel.

Except for the three of them, there were corpses lying in the house.

"Quick, get rid of the outside!"

Lu Yu drank coldly, turned and walked out.

Outside the house, those people still gathered around and beat Zhang Nengli violently, without paying attention to the murderous three of Lu Yu coming out.

"Say or not?"

"Quickly explain!"

"Are you a note?"

These guys chatted.

Zhang Nengeng's face has been beaten into a pig's head, and he spit out **** saliva: "I am your ancestor, I am your grandfather, trough..."

Bang bang bang.

The gunfire sounded.

More than a dozen k2 elites were ruthlessly shot as targets.

Even without a chance to look back, he was killed by the three of Lu Yu.

"Ah, help..."

Zhang Energy was crushed by the fallen corpse, and he yelled in pain, "Hurry...pull me out, I will be crushed to death!"

Wang Yanbing came over and pulled him out of the pile of corpses.

Zhang Nengli was like a drowning dead dog, panting on the ground.

"Captain Marine, you are not all special soldiers, you should be very powerful, how come it will take so long..."

Zhang Nengli held a pig's head, crying and said: "Slow down a little longer, I will really be beaten to death!"

Lu Yu held back a smile: "Look, they are all dead? I have already avenged you."

"But... but this is not the same thing!"

Zhang Nengli shouted angrily, feeling very hurt: "You just let me act before, and you didn't say that you would be beaten? Damn, you see, this white and tender little face is disfigured. Why do you still pick up girls? No, I need to call an ambulance, I need to go to the hospital for examination!"

Lu Yu looked at him amusedly: "Do you want to be a girl or to be a special soldier? When I want to be a girl, I didn't say anything."

Zhang Nengli was taken aback: "What...what do you mean?"

Lu Yu shrugged: "I mean, you have passed the special forces assessment, but since you don't want to be a member, just forget it."

"Yes! I do!"

Zhang Nengli’s legs don’t hurt and my waist doesn’t hurt He shouted with excitement, "I even dream about it, Captain Lu, I’m not picking up girls... Oh, I mean, I’m like a special soldier Than, what is it to be a girl? Nothing!"

"Okay. Give me a quiet rest here. We will act immediately. Before the mission is over, we will not contact the outside world or go to the hospital."

Lu Yu lightly ordered.

"Good, good." Zhang Energy nodded vigorously: "I'm almost a special soldier, this little pain is still bearable! Go and act, hurry up and catch the bad guys and leave me alone."

Wang Yanbing was speechless, and whispered: "This guy is really affectionate? We didn't plan to care about you at all!"

Lu Yu adjusted the headset channel and called out: "This is Lu Yu. Please reply when the headquarters receive it."

After a while, a response came from the headset: "This is the headquarters, please tell me!"

Lu Yu said: "The biochemical device has been shut down, and the crisis has been resolved! In addition, we have controlled this side, and the black cat is also under my supervision. K2 can't get much waves now, and the general attack can start."

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