Chapter 617

Lu Yu came to the yard again, and more than one hundred k2 members had lined up and were ready to go.

Looking around, the eyes of each of these people are extremely sharp, revealing cold murderous intent, and they are sharp at first glance.

"Mole, we are all ready, where is the black cat?" a little boss ran over and asked.

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "The black cat will not come. He will wait for you to meet in hell."

The leader stared in shock, but he still didn't realize the meaning of this sentence.

Lu Yu took out the gun and pressed it to his chest. The next second, he pulled the trigger continuously.

With blood splashing, this guy's body was directly smashed, and from the front of the chest to the back, a scar with a big mouth appeared.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

Looking at Lu Yu incredibly.

When they reacted, their complexion changed drastically, and they shouted and took out their guns.

"He is not a mole, kill him!" a member of k2 shouted.


At this time, two bullets broke through the air, killing two members of K2 directly in the crowd, and the bodies crashed to the ground.

"No! There are snipers, we are surrounded!"

As soon as the voice fell, the members of Team A, who had already ambushed on the periphery, quickly rushed into the yard with a cat waist.

Raising the gun and aiming at these k2 members, it was a sudden, violent shot.

The explosion of bullets continued to be heard, accompanied by the sound of penetrating the flesh and the sound of various bone fragments.

The K2 members who were caught flat-footed fell in batches like cutting wheat, unable to organize an effective attack.

This is simply a one-sided slaughter!

In the third floor room.

The black cat was shocked by the sudden sound of gunshots, and jumped up from the sofa.

His heart beat violently, and he immediately rushed to the window to look out, and suddenly found that his men had been beaten up by a group of heavily armed special forces.

These k2 elites are being put down in batches, lying down on the ground, almost blood flowing into rivers.

The black cat's heart is dripping blood, these are the backbone members of k2, and it took countless costs to train.

It is also the black cat's biggest support, and now, all have turned into cold corpses.

"Bastard! Damn bastard!" The black cat roared again and again: "Who let them all run out? Ah?!"

The assistant was pale: "I'll go out and have a look."

However, just as he turned to leave, An Ran suddenly drew his gun and fired three shots at his back.

The black cat's heart trembled fiercely again, looking at the assistant who had followed him for more than ten years, he was covered in blood and fell in a pool of blood.

He was almost crazy, and shouted at An Ran: "What are you doing? Are you crazy? Do you know that the betrayal organization, you and your family are going to die!"

"Is it?"

An Ran turned his gun to the black cat and sneered: "Unfortunately, I have never been yours. Open your eyes and see, who am I?"

He tore off the mask on his face with his hands, tossed his hair, and revealed his original face peacefully.

The black cat's horrified pupils contracted slightly, staring at An Ran firmly.

Secretary Lin was cultivated by him alone. What's funny is that he was deceived and didn't recognize him at all.

A pretending Secretary Lin sneaked into him, still so vivid.

I've been playing with others all my life, but I didn't expect that one day, I was actually playing with others.

After the shock, the black cat's mood suddenly became crazy.

He already wanted to understand what happened. Since Secretary Lin is fake, the mole just now must be fake too.

I was completely deceived by others!

Not only was he deceived, but his men were also deceived.

Otherwise, they can't run into the yard for no reason, it must be the order passed by the fake mole.


At the same time, the door was smashed open vigorously, and members of the Fire Phoenix swarmed in with their guns.

"Don't move, stand with your head in your hands!" Tan Xiaolin shouted sharply.

The black cat stared at the fire phoenix who rushed in again, his angry eyes twitching.

"I should have thought of your identity long ago, Dragon State Special Forces? I should have known it was you, **** it!"

The black cat's expression was extremely distorted and furious.

"It's too late to say anything, you're so arrogant, no one will believe it, so you are doomed to fail."

Zhang Haiyan stood up holding the corner of the wall, showing sarcasm.

Ye Cunxin looked at Zhang Haiyan in surprise, and rushed to support her: "Mom, what's the matter with you? Why are you here?"

As she said, she turned her head and glared at the black cat with hatred: "You bastard, even your own woman, you are worse than a bastard!"

The black cat's face was distorted, and he stared at Ye Cunxin: "You dare to call me a beast? You little bastard, how could you come into this world without me? You are the **** I accidentally made! And your mother, She is just a tool for me to vent, a **** smashes, nothing! I fight as I want!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Ye Cunxin madly raised his gun at the black cat.


Zhang Haiyan rushed forward, blocking the muzzle with her body, and her face was full of pain: "Cun Xin, you can't kill him, no matter how you say he is your father! Don't make yourself regret it because of impulse, you will definitely be caught by this in the future. It's tormenting."

"I hope that your life will be spent peacefully, don't be affected by this bastard, tortured for a lifetime!"

Tan Xiaolin also said: "Cunxin, forget what I said? It's not worth shooting for this kind of person. Get him up and hand him over to the law to punish him. This is the best punishment for him. Shoot him and kill him yourself. Will be implicated."

"The enemy kills, just listen to the instructor!"

"Yeah, this kind of garbage is not worth it!"

"Don't affect your life for this..."

The other girls also persuaded.


The black cat suddenly laughed wildly and said loudly: "You thought it was over if you caught me? Tell you, it's impossible! I failed, and you have to die. Everyone here will be buried with me. You today No one can escape."

"Black Cat has never failed, even if I was caught, I also completed the task!"

The black cat said crazy like: "Not only are you all dead, thousands of people in the entire Pearl will also die! Cat is destined to be a great man who will be recorded in history. One person destroys a city, hahahaha!"

As he said, staring at Zhang Haiyan and Ye Cunxin with a sneer: "You are my people, of course you have to accompany me to the next place! Hahaha, I gave you a chance to survive, but you don’t want it! In that case, just join me. Go to **** and be company!"

"Detonate the device! Detonate me immediately!" The black cat yelled into the headset hysterically: "I want the entire Pearl to bury me!"

Everyone present had weird eyes, quietly watching him go crazy alone.

However, the black cat waited for almost a minute, but nothing happened around him.

Da da da!

The gunfire of the diplomatic war in the window still resounded.

In the room, everyone looked at him like a fool.

The black cat shook his heart, and suddenly gave birth to an ominous premonition...

(End of this chapter)

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