Chapter 628

Ann Dapan was bragging. Mother An Ran ran out of the kitchen after hearing the sound and yelled with a spoon: "Lao Ann, are you able to bear it? You brag to the leader and immediately shut up and hear no ?"

An Dapan was immediately trembling with fear, and hurriedly closed his mouth tightly, even Lu Yu next to him was startled.

Cang Dang!

An Ran’s mother put the spoon down on the table and shouted angrily: "Are you panicking? Just you have a mouth? If you have nothing to do, you can brush the toilet for the old lady, and don’t tell you not to eat out."

"Yes!" An Dapan nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice. He didn't dare to put a fart, and turned to the toilet dingy.

The three leaders were embarrassed, and after greeted Lu Yu, they hurriedly flashed.

When An Ran's mother entered the kitchen again, everyone took a breath.

He Chenguang walked to Lu Yu's side and exclaimed: "Brother Yu, you mother-in-law, are you really tough?"

Lu Yu nodded with lingering fear: "Yes, I just learned that it is too sturdy and scary... Hehehe, fortunately your sister-in-law is not like her, otherwise it will be miserable!"

Next, after the food was finally prepared, Lu Yu asked He Chenguang and the others to help and serve them together.

A large table full of dishes, many of which are local specialties from the northeast, make one's appetite refreshing.

Li Erniu and Wang Yanbing stared straight at the table full of food, and their saliva almost came out.

Everyone was on the road for a day, and their stomachs were almost hungry.

An Ran's mother Wu Xiangjun smiled and greeted: "Come on, everyone sits down and eats as if they are back at home, don't be polite!"

He Chenguang waved his hand and said: "Auntie, we are all orderly soldiers, how can we sit? The chief eats, I just stand by the side, and I can deal with it a little later."

Wang Yanbing swallowed his saliva and turned his head with difficulty: "Yes...yes! You can eat first, just leave us the leftovers!"

Wu Xiangjun smiled and said, "What are you talking about? You are all guests when you come to my house. What sort of orderly is there? Besides, there is no reason for our family to let the guests stand! Xiao Lu, let some of your soldiers sit down. eat!"

The mother-in-law had already spoken, Lu Yu certainly wouldn't say anything, and smiled: "Don't stand, let you sit down! What about the big man's mother-in-law? Sit down and eat!"

The four of them sat down excitedly, next to Lu Yu.

It seems that there is still one person missing, Wu Xiangjun just remembered, and ran into the bathroom to call out An Dapan.

"Did you brush it clean?"

"Clean it up!"

An Dapan nodded honestly.

"Will you brag and criticize next time?"

"Don't blow, don't blow!" An Dapan hurriedly shook his head into a violent drum: "Don't blow to death!"

Wu Xiangjun nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, let's have dinner at the table, and drink with Xiao Lu and his friendly friends."


An Dapan happily agreed, his face was full of smiles, and he sat down beside Lu Yu.

An Ran held back a smile and quietly gave An Dapan a thumbs up: "Dad, your family status has been stable for many years? It's faster to change your face than to turn a book!"

An Dapan squinted her eyes and curled his lips: "What do you know? Your mother and I have been in peace for so many years. It depends on this family's life-saving ability! Otherwise, your dad can live now? Huh, this Let the husband be able to bend and stretch!"

Li Erniu looked at him with admiration, and said with deep experience: "Uncle, my situation is the same as yours. At my house, my daughter-in-law is also very irritable. Can you teach some experience? I will learn from you. what!"

"Good talk!"

An Dapan patted his chest and laughed and said, "It's all my own. I'll teach you later. Over the years, I have summarized the secrets that many men must survive. Go back and deal with your wife, be sure..."

An Dapan was talking triumphantly. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of Wu Xiangjun coming out of the kitchen, his heart jumped, and he quickly coughed twice in a low voice: "Ahem! Eat first, tell you when there is no one, learn hard point!"

After speaking, he got up and took a box of wine, and smiled: "Come on, drink mine first. This is the daughter red that I have treasured for ten years. Although it is not as good as the one sent by Xiaolu, it is also regarded by me. Like a treasure, today we drank all of it, not drunk or returning!"

Put a large bowl on everyone's table, and pour a bowl full of wine directly.

It was the first time that Lu Yu had a bowl of alcohol. When watching TV before, he had only seen it in martial arts TV series.

This man from the Northeast was really bold enough to drink. A woman Wu Xiangjun poured herself a bowl of wine and smiled: "Come on, welcome Xiao Lu to our home for the first time. From now on, this is your home. , After doing this bowl of wine, we will be a family from now on."

Lu Yu stood up with a bowl in his hand, and met Wu Xiangjun.

An Dapan also stood up and patted Lu Yu on the shoulder: "Xiao Lu, our old couple is just such a daughter. We all said that the water that our married daughter pours out, but An Ran has been the heart of my mother and my daughter since I was a child. Raising such a big child, we naturally don’t want her to suffer a little bit."

"Before, it was my father who cared for her, protected her, and pulled her so big. In the future, I will change your husband to take care of her!"

Speaking of the emotional part, An Dapan's eyes were slightly moist, and his voice choked: "I handed my daughter over to you. Don't bully her. Otherwise, my dad will feel distressed!"

"If An Ran did something wrong, tell me and I will beat her personally! If one day you dislike her, please don't hurt me, tell me, I'll take her home."

An Ran's tears flowed silently, unable to control his emotions anymore, and crying emotionally while holding An Dapan.

The scenes from childhood to grandeur flicked in front of her like a movie.

Every day, my father took her to school by bicycle, combed her hair, bought a beautiful floral dress, and took her to fly a kite...

So many years passed in a flash.

An Ran suddenly discovered that his father was already full of gray hair on his temples, and he was old unknowingly his waist had been bent a lot!

It seems that the father who did not care about anything in the past is full of vicissitudes and silence at this moment!

"Bad old man, what are you talking about in such a happy day? Is Xiao Lu such a person? Shut up!"

Wu Xiangjun secretly wiped his tears, but still berated his husband.

"Yes, yes, it's me who talked a lot... Xiao Lu, I just hope you and An Ran will be happy in the future! This is also our biggest wish as parents."

An Dapan slapped his mouth and solemnly said: "Just like me and An Ran's mother, although we are usually noisy, but I will let her at critical moments. Only such a couple can be harmonious for a long time and live together forever!"

"Dad, please, don't bully her, this bowl of wine, I will do it first!"

An Dapan raised his head and drank the wine in his bowl.

(End of this chapter)

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