Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 640: Ling Feiyang's Revenge (1)

Chapter 631 Ling Feiyang's Revenge (1)

The blond man quickly coughed and reported: "Young Master Ling, all the members of the Senate Council have resolved, no one is left! The backbone of k2 has been summoned according to your request. They are waiting at the back door. Do you need to let someone in? ?"

"Let it go! Why not let it go?"

Ling Feiyang finally stopped, threw away the ashtray, took off the coat covered with blood, took the tissue and wiped the blood on his face.

"Hurry up and let them all in."

Ling Feiyang showed a smile.

It's just that this smile matched his look, and it looked like a ghost from hell.

"But, the bodies of the elders..." the blond man hesitated.

"Inviting them to come is just for a good show!" Ling Feiyang stared at him lightly: "Do I need to say it a second time?"

"Uh... dare not!"

The blond man suddenly became clever, and the smile on Ling Fei's face was like a poisonous snake about to hunt.

He has been with the latter for many years and knows the character of the young master very well.

Whenever he wants to laugh, it proves to be the most dangerous, and any situation may happen next.

The young master's temperament is completely different from that of the black cat. The black cat is calm and sophisticated, and Ling Feiyang is a real pervert and madman.

Although the black cat, the gangster is cruel and ruthless, he is not yet desperate madness, but Ling Feiyang can do anything. He is a total perverted killer, ignoring any rules.

"Master, please wait a moment, I'll call them over right away."

The blond man became more cautious, said quickly, and left the room to deliver orders.

After a while, under his leadership, a group of key members came to the room where Ling Feiyang was.

Along the way, they witnessed Ling Feiyang's subordinates handling the corpse and cleaning all traces, which shocked everyone.

Those ninjas wrapped in black clothes, as well as the ruthless killers, didn't have the slightest emotion in their eyes.

Only cold and murderous!

These backbones were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe, let alone take another look, for fear that they would hurt themselves.

Honestly, he followed the blond man into the second floor room.

However, the scene in the room gave them even more shock.

All four veterans were killed, and they were beaten to death alive.

His head was **** and bloody, he had been beaten up in an inhuman manner, and the methods were extremely cruel, and it looked disgusting.

What made them even more frightening was that Ling Feiyang was smiling, sitting in the middle of the four corpses, smoking a cigar and squinting at them.

This scene is really creepy!

Even if they are high-ranking members in k2, they are used to big winds and waves.

At this moment, I was so scared that my heart thumped and my two legs trembled involuntarily.

Ling Feiyang, many of them had seen him, and he was the more respected son of the black cat.

But he was sent to Dongying country a long time ago to manage a mysterious organization in K2 over there.

They had also heard of some of Ling Feiyang's previous deeds. This is a very cruel master.

Except for the black cat, he would not follow anyone's orders, and in the entire k2, only the black cat could hold him down.

When the black cat died, he was afraid that no one would be able to suppress this crazy boy brother.

"Hehe, dear uncles and uncles!"

Ling Feiyang smiled and said hello, with a relaxed and casual look, as if nothing had happened.

"Call you here temporarily. It's a bit dirty and there is no time to clean it. I can only trouble you to stand."

For my own ‘masterpiece’ in the room, it’s like my own house is really dirty.

A gray-haired K2 executive smiled and said, "Ling Shao said and laughed. In front of you, there is no place for us to sit. It should be standing."

Others also reacted, and another high-level nodded immediately: "Yes, black cat is our most respected person, followed by Ling Shao! Now that your father has passed away, we naturally want to look forward to your head!"

"Yes, in front of Young Master Ling, it is our duty to stand...hehe, it's good to stand."

Everyone rushed to express their stance and did not make any more mistakes.

After all, the corpses of the four elders were there, causing a strong shock and shock to them.

If you don't know how to be interesting, you can rely on the old and sell the old, just because you are living too long.

Sitting in their position, they were so mature, they naturally understood what Ling Feiyang wanted.

The black cat died, and the senator's association was also destroyed. Ling Feiyang called them over at this time, the purpose was obvious.

People who don't want to die must listen to Ling Feiyang's orders!

"Hehe, uncles and uncles, it's rare to praise me so much?"

Ling Feiyang smiled indifferently, and the conversation turned: "However, when I talked with you on the phone before, it seemed that none of you had this attitude? I remember someone hung up my call! Why, I figured it out so soon?"

As soon as this was said, the expressions of everyone present changed instantly, and they all began to beg for mercy.

"Young Master Ling, there was an order from the senator before, so we dare not listen!"

"Yes, Young Master Ling, we are all loyal to you and the black cat boss in our hearts, please trust us!"

"The veteran dares to sing against Ling Shao, don't kill it, it deserves it. From now on we will all listen to Ling Shao!"

"Oh? Is that so?"

Ling Feiyang let out a breath of smoke and smiled: "Since the previous things are over, you can wake up in time, and I won't be troubled by you! Now I come back, I must re-form k2, the veterans will become the past tense, I Ling Feiyang Is the only command of k2."


"I listen to Ling Shao!"

Everyone answered one after another.

Ling Feiyang was very satisfied with the knowledge of these people.

"Who tells me the current specific situation of k2, I just came back from Dongying Kingdom, but I still don't know much about it."

A high-level executive immediately said: "Returning to Ling Shao, now all major branches of k2 in the world have been severely hit, and the economic losses are very serious! Nearly 60% to 70% of our industries have been seized, and more than half of the people have been arrested. , And many people at large are wanted."

"K2's strength is greatly impaired, everyone is like a frightened bird, these days are very difficult! Moreover, just hiding here, more people are wanted than usual."

Ling Feiyang frowned and asked, "Where is my father's body now?"

"I heard that it was casually burned by Longguo, and the ashes were spilled into the river!" a senior reported.

Ling Feiyang's eyes were filled with gloom and madness, and the smile on his face disappeared.

" Very good! What they did is amazing!"

Ling Feiyang clenched his fists tightly, and said coldly: "From today, I will concentrate the intelligence forces of K2 and conduct all-round inquiries. I will launch a revenge operation against them, not only to avenge my father, but also to revive. Our k2 reputation in the world!"

Hearing this, everyone seemed to have seen a ghost, their faces panicked.

"Ling Shao, now the K2 power is greatly damaged, it is impossible to prevent an effective attack, please think twice!"

Ling Shao stared at everyone coldly: "Don't worry, we won't be so loud this time. We will only kill people this time, and... only one person!"

"who is it?"

"Kill Lu Yu!"

Ling Feiyang's expression was gloomy and terrifying: "This **** killed my father and must pay for it. I will unscrew his head by myself!"

(End of this chapter)

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