Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 644: Big leaders all come to join in (5)

Chapter 635 Big Leaders Come To Cheer Up (5)

From morning to noon, a large number of guests came to the hotel in an endless stream to attend Lu Yu and An Ran's wedding.

Most of them were friends and relatives of the An family. Originally, An Dapan wanted to invite forty tables, but I heard that Lu Yu also had many big figures coming, and he simply invited all the people he knew. Collected sixty-six tables.

This hotel has been fully booked, and now, all the guests who fall upstairs and downstairs are the guests of the settled wedding, and more people can accommodate it.

When I got off work at eleven o'clock, An Dapan’s old classmates also rushed to congratulate him one by one with a smile.

"Lao An, congratulations! I didn't expect you to marry your daughter so soon. Time is so fast!"

"Yeah, I haven't seen your family for many years. It's all grown-up girls who are getting married. How can we not get old?"

"Haha, looking at Lao Ann's face full of spring breeze today, I have never seen him so happy before. I seem to be very satisfied with this son-in-law..."

The old classmate greeted enthusiastically, and soon expected An Dapan's son-in-law.

"By the way, Lao An, where's your son-in-law? Let's see you!"

"We are all very curious, how can anyone be blessed to take away your family Ranran?"

"Wait!" An Dapan waited for these words, and immediately called Lu Yu and An Ran who were welcoming guests at the door.

"Ouch! Lao Ann, it's horrible, your son-in-law is still an officer, colonel?"

Seeing Lu Yu, all these old classmates stared in surprise.

When they came, they saw many military helicopters and military vehicles parked on the road of the hotel, and many soldiers stood guard.

This place is completely surrounded, and other vehicles are not allowed to pass.

At the beginning, they thought it was the troops doing some exercises, and they didn't even think about the wedding.

Was it all prepared for the wedding?

An Dapan immediately became proud and said triumphantly: "Haha, this is my son-in-law, the youngest colonel in the country..."

Seeing his father-in-law started to brag again, Lu Yu felt helpless and couldn't stand it.

He said this sentence eight hundred times today!

It is estimated that the wedding banquet is not over, so he has to continue talking.

Who told him to be his father-in-law?

No matter how impatient, I can only let him laugh and let him go.

Boom boom.

At this moment, a BMW X5 galloped over from outside the hotel, and a very awkward swinging head stopped at the gate.

A middle-aged man with a big back, looking like a successful person, with a beer belly in his bag, got out of the car full of anger.

However, before he could lock the door, a few guards approached him.

"Hey, you can't park here. Drive the car quickly, do you hear?"

The BMW guy with his big back frowned: "I'm here for the wedding. Where does the car stop here?"

"Stop talking! Anyway, you can't park here."

The guard scolded unceremoniously: "Drive your car away immediately, otherwise, we will call it a tow truck!"

The BMW man was dumbfounded, he really left, what should I do if the car is towed away.

But if you change location, there is no place to park here!

Just when he didn't know what to do, he saw An Dapan welcoming guests from a distance, and hurriedly shouted: "Lao An, come here quickly, come here quickly."

An Dapan immediately recognized that this BMW man with a big back was his classmate as chairman.

He came up with a smile and said to the guards: "Sorry, he is my classmate, let him in!"

The guard glanced at each other, without saying anything, and helped drive the car into the underground garage.

The BMW man was full of surprise, and said, "Lao An, it's a good mess, he can command and serve as a soldier, Niucha!"

An Dapan smiled and waved his hand: "This has nothing to do with me! Those soldiers are my son-in-law's, they look at the face of my son-in-law, I can't compare with you, the boss of a listed company... …"

The BMW man looked at Lu Yu next to him, and was shocked: "Damn! Lao An, your son-in-law is actually a big colonel? He's still so young, so amazing!"

"Hehe, nowhere, it's just a big colonel, he hasn't taken the head yet!"

An Dapan spoke of modesty, but he did not conceal what he meant: "But yesterday, the old Long from our country personally gave him a gift, congratulations to my son-in-law for a happy wedding!"


When these words came out, everyone's eyes rounded in shock, and they gasped!

"Damn! Really? You didn't lie to us! The leader of the country's leader Long, actually giving gifts to your son-in-law?"

The BMW man asked incredulously, obviously not convinced.

An Dapan held up his head and said, "Of course, it was written by Mr. Long. The gift is in my house. If you have a chance, you will all visit my house!"

The BMW man sneered: "Lao An, this kind of cow ratio, you still don't blow too loudly. If you can't get something out by then, won't you be alive? Hahaha."

As the saying goes, Buddha fights for a scent, people fight for a breath!

People with a temperament like Ann Dapan, people don't believe him, he might actually go home and take the framed character to the wedding scene.

However, the next scene happened, but An Dapan gave up this idea.

Because a military vehicle and local local vehicles appeared on the road of the hotel at the same time.

This road has been blocked, and ordinary vehicles are definitely not allowed to appear.

An Dapan led everyone back to the side.

There is no way to not retreat. The guards who ran off the car retreated all the people watching around to one side.

In front of the convoy, a large open area was quickly cleared.

In the car, walk down the various director-level leaders.

Including Zhang Jinzhong, head of the headquarters, Cao Shizhu of the police department, Hu Guohai of the security bureau, and others were surrounded and walked out of the car.

And the local mayor and the governor's grandmaster, all rushed to hear the news.

Gao Shiwei, the commander of the Southeast Military Region, and Jiangnan governor also rushed over by special plane.

With so many big shots, almost everyone who arrived at the scene had to walk over to shake hands with Lu Yu.

This scene made An Dapan's old classmates dumbfounded.

Especially the BMW man who is the rubbing his eyes desperately.

Seeing these big figures appear one after another, his little heart throbbed violently, unreal like a dream.

Normally, even if he wants to see the grandfather governor who can hardly reach the sky, he smiles and greets Lu Yu at the moment, like an old friend for many years.

"Lao...Lao An, you, your son-in-law, what is the origin?"

The BMW man swallowed fiercely, his face turned green: "So many big leaders come to cheer him, he is too shameful!?"

An Dapan himself was severely shocked.

These big people have only been seen on TV before.

Although Lu Yu said before that there will be many big leaders coming, but seeing this scene in real life, the shock brought by it is still unimaginable.

One day, they will come together to attend their daughter's wedding!

(End of this chapter)

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