Chapter 637: Let him be ruined (7)


A K2 subordinate walked over and said respectfully to Ling Fei: "The naval forces you have ordered have been found, and they can go on duty at any time."

Ling Feiyang shook the red wine in the glass and raised his eyes to look at him: "Is the person reliable? Is the strength enough?"

The other party replied: "I have found nine groups of people, eight of them are from Dragon Country, and each group controls at least 30,000 to 40,000 offlines, and the remaining group is from Europe. I gave them the highest price in the industry. , They will continue to add manpower, so don't worry about their strength!"

"Okay!" Ling Feiyang nodded in satisfaction, and handed over the computer in his hand: "Let them forward and spread this video, and then comment... I have told you what to do, you can just tell them."


The subordinate nodded to express understanding, but he hesitated before leaving: "Boss, what are you doing this way..."

"Don't you understand?" Ling Feiyang's eyes were extremely sharp.

The subordinates hurriedly lowered their heads, did not dare to look into his eyes, and said in a frightened voice: "You want to kill him and avenge the cat boss. Brothers are also willing to work hard, but you spend so much money just to do this, yes. Isn't it too wasteful?"

Ling Feiyang said indifferently: "Now, I have just taken over k2. The original high-level backbone has not completely handed over them. It is not good for us to act recklessly. Those **** are just clumsy and unreliable! This is the only feasible way at the moment. method!"

Ling Feiyang squinted his eyes slightly: "Sometimes, the brain is a very good thing. Defeating a person is not just killing him, it stigmatizes his reputation, makes him isolated and ostracized, and it will endure more pain! So this money is worth it, understand?"

"When he has nothing and is spurned by thousands of people, and I have complete control of k2, it is the best time to kill him!"

Ling Feiyang said in a murderous tone: "When the time comes, it will be your turn to play. Give me this **** to take the skin, blood, bones and ashes, and make him pay a painful price to pay tribute to the spirit of my father in the sky!"

"Now, you can bear it for the time being and do what I said!" Ling Feiyang said coldly: "Is he not a hero? Then discredit his reputation and let him wait for death in pain and torture!"


The subordinates took a deep breath, and then figured out the boss's far-sighted intentions, and then retreated.

Inside the room.

Ling Feiyang took a sip of wine and closed his eyes alone: ​​"Father, don't worry, I will repay this **** hatred for you!"

time flies.

after one day.

A three-minute edited video suddenly appeared on Longguo’s major online media, causing an uproar.

The content on the video is the real record of Lu Yu’s wedding

However, a text commentary is also specially added.

Those who went to Lu Yu's wedding were all stripped of their identities and exposed!

Immediately afterwards, all kinds of overwhelming insults and comments appeared on the Internet, launching a personal attack on Lu Yu.

These slanderous comments, like monstrous scourges, swept all major video sites.

With the help of K2, the black hand behind the scenes, the uproar that started on the Internet began to madly sweep over Lu Yu, who was the party involved.

Overnight, all kinds of information on the Internet quickly fermented, and those slanderous and slanderous remarks about Lu Yu became extremely terrifying.

All the navy forces directed the spearhead at Lu Yu in unison, with all kinds of ugly and unsightly words.

Under their verbal criticism, Lu Yu has become a moth in the army, and a serious corruption criminal should be expelled from the military and sent directly to prison.

Lu Yu didn't know about all this, and he was still staying in the northeast of Anran's hometown.

Europe, Italy, Milan.

Ling Feiyang always paid attention to the trends on the Internet, and didn't close his eyes all night.

He visited all the major portals and checked the comments and news specific to Lu Yu one by one.

When I saw that the reprint of the video was about to suddenly tens of millions, and the comments exceeded several million, I was relieved and smiled again.


At this time, his subordinates opened the door and walked in to report: "These people are indeed very efficient. They are worthy of professional naval forces. Not only can their people change their vests and comment repeatedly, but they will also change the comment information every day and use different identities to scold. Lu Yu."

"You are indeed a very clever trick. This video has already occupied the hot search of all major portals of the Dragon Kingdom. A large number of Dragon Kingdom netizens have been attracted. Then, if you increase your efforts, these stupid Dragon Kingdom people will definitely follow suit. Rudder, that Lu Yu's reputation is ruined!"

Speaking of this, he sighed slightly: "But this trick can only make him stink, and it will not do him any substantial harm..."

Ling Feiyang shook his head: "You don't understand, you don't understand this country, let alone this nation! I have the blood of the Dragon Kingdom. Since ancient times, they have paid great attention to personal reputation, and they have a high-spirited mentality. His reputation is tarnished."

"The first thing in the battle between the people of the Dragon Kingdom is not physical fighting, but trying to destroy the other's reputation and stinks for thousands of years! This will make everyone scream and destroy each other from the spiritual level to the body."

Ling Feiyang smiled confidently: "Don't underestimate this. As long as Lu Yu's reputation is discredited, they will definitely punish him in order to preserve his reputation. Either he will be dismissed from the military or hid in the snow, but either way is very beneficial to us. of!"

The subordinates said with admiration: "Boss, it turns out that you thought so far-reachingly and your subordinates are dull, and then you understand your good intentions."

Ling Feiyang tapped his fingers on the sofa, and said lightly: "Okay, don't flatter here, and quickly tell them to hire more naval forces and increase their attack! Humph, isn't he going to protect the people? I'll let him The people who protected him drowned him with saliva and let him taste the ruin!"

The subordinate smiled slightly: "This will definitely make him more uncomfortable than death."

"Don't talk hurry up!"


Early the next morning.

Carrying a briefcase, Cao Shizhu bought breakfast from the roadside stall, then went to the newspaper office to get a newspaper as usual, and walked towards his office.

When he entered the door, a figure hurriedly chased up from behind: "Minister, please wait..."


Cao Shizhu looked back and was surprised to find that the person who came was actually Ma Tianliang, the person in charge of the entire network department.

"How did it happen?"

Cao Shizhu frowned, "What's it like to run so flustered and sweaty!"

Ma Tianliang casually wiped the sweat on his forehead, and hurriedly said, "I ran here all the way... Minister, the big thing is not good, please take a look! In the past two days, we have a big problem on the Internet!"

(End of this chapter)

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