Reading to Become Stronger Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 649: The commander-in-chief supports Lu Yu (10)

Chapter 640 The Commander-in-Chief Supports Lu Yu (10)

K2 began to rapidly increase the number of naval forces. In order to expand the number, this time, regardless of the size of the naval forces, as long as they exceed 100, they will be recruited.

Moreover, the benefits have also been opened to the largest ever. The naval forces attack 24 hours a day, and they can be sent without the supervision of k2.

This immediately increases efficiency. As long as the navy has nothing to do, they can keep posting comments to make money.

The scale of online attacks has also increased rapidly, up dozens or even hundreds of times over the previous period!

Everyone contributed money, and when they released their efforts, K2 was happy, and the navy was also happy.

Under the fierce operation of k2, online attacks on Lu Yu began to increase again.

In order to make more money, many navy forces directly made posts.

Disregarding the facts, they fabricated a lot of content out of nothing to attack life.

Some people even said that Lu Yu and Wen Yin had an improper relationship between men and women, spreading rumors that they even gave birth to a child.

Such a bottom-line slander and personal attack are horrendous.

However, what k2 didn't expect was that their actions not only failed to defeat Lu Yu, but made him a scum that tens of thousands of people scorned. On the contrary, it inspired more netizens to start defending Lu Yu and join the action against the navy.

High-level headquarters.

Zhang Jinzhong personally convened a group meeting to discuss the current response to Lu Yu's assistance.

This cyber war seems to be just an attack on Lu Yu, but in fact it has greatly damaged the honor of the army and the country.

Zhang Jinzhong called on all high-level personnel and asked them to command their various departments to carry out a severe attack in any way they could fight back.

On the other hand, the headquarters also actively announced Lu Yu's usual behaviors and actions.

Use sufficient evidence to fiercely fight back those who spread rumors.

With an order, all departments acted quickly.

The network departments of the three major services jointly issued a statement to jointly support the hero Lu Yu and severely crack down on the navy who spread rumors on the Internet!

At the same time, Cao Shizhu also issued an announcement here to warn all rumors and followers on the Internet that maliciously slandering and publishing inappropriate remarks to attack heroes without any basis will inevitably accept severe sanctions by law.

As soon as the announcement of the two parties came out, within two or three days, the scolding war on the Internet immediately reached a white-hot stage.

One night ago, countless ordinary people who had received the news spontaneously joined the ranks of defending the flood fighting heroes and fighting against Internet trolls.

They don't have any organization or all calls, but they are the most powerful and unignorable force.

All the people stood by Lu Yu's side, posting blatantly and angrily at the rumors.

Ling Feiyang probably would never have thought that the people who helped Lu Yu were all survivors in the flood that he saved.

Each of them has feelings of awe and gratitude for the heroes who have given up their lives for fighting the flood.

Especially Lu Yu, he saved too many people in that great flood.

Without his presence, hundreds of thousands of people affected by the disaster would be completely washed away by the flood.

When these people noticed false statements on the Internet, they joined in without hesitation.

Support Lu Yu!

"You squirrels are really splattering all over the world, even the heroes who fight the flood dare to scold? Your conscience will not hurt... Oh, I forget, you don’t have a conscience at all, because your consciences are all caught by dogs. have eaten!"

"Who gave you the qualifications to scold other heroes? When they were fighting floods and saving people on the front line, where did you internet sprayers hide? A group of keyboard men who would only slander in dark corners!"

"These scolding Lu Yu are all psychological distortions, and beasts are not as good as beasts! They only dare to hide behind the screen and use the keyboard to swear. In reality, they are a bunch of **** and scum! You are a waste of air when you live, and a waste of land in your country. The flood and the tenth magnitude earthquake won't kill your family. Anyway, you have a keyboard. You don't need to be rescued. When that happens, you can repent with the keyboard!"

"People can get married any way they want, and you need to take care of it? That way, the hero's marriage deserves to be celebrated by the whole country. No amount of luxurious wedding banquet can reflect his dignity. This is our greatest admiration for a hero. Grape sour, rubbish!"

"Heroes should be treated like heroes. Everything is fine. No matter how much money is spent on holding a wedding, they are in exchange for their lives. High standards are not enough! How many people's lives did they save when they were fighting floods? Plus those us He doesn't know how many times he has been wandering between life and death for things that he usually can't see. We are willing to use a lifetime's money to repay the hero!"

"Hmph, money will only insult the hero. Hundreds of thousands of people in our disaster area still owe the hero a life! Whoever scolds the hero for being disrespectful to the hero, hundreds of thousands of us drown him with one spit!"


Too many people stood up for Lu Yu and severely condemned the behavior of the navy.

Although k2 invited a large number of naval forces and cost a lot of money, it still seemed too stretched with the support of the people across the country.

No one is a fool. In the face of a large amount of evidence and facts, anyone can tell right from wrong.

Cao Shizhu is right. Most people in this country are kind and will not be deceived by unfounded lies.

The eyes of the masses are discerning, and everyone has the ability to think independently.

The age of ignorance is long gone.

More and more people came to Lu Yu's side, and the momentum became bigger and bigger, and many navy soldiers were so scared that they dared not scold again.

The momentum of domestic netizens is too strong. They are defeated and retreated. They can't stand it.

On the third night of the scolding war, another heavy voice was broadcast in the news media, which strongly expressed support for Lu Yu.

This person was the commander-in-chief who fought alongside Lu Yu.

"No matter who it is, any unprovoked accusation and abuse against Comrade Lu Yu is desecrating the hero and provoking us all!"

The commander-in-chief said: "Since ancient times, our ancestors have been grateful and advocating heroes, and those who do not compromise and blaspheme our heroes are tantamount to betrayal. A strong blow must be made."

"The hero must be blessed and protected!"

As soon as this remark came out, both on the Internet and among the people, a huge wave was set off.

And this wave is more than ten million times bigger than the wave created by Ling Feiyang?

The commander-in-chief spoke in person, and still so openly and powerfully supported Lu Yu.

Those people who didn't pay attention to this incident also turned their attention to it, once again increasing the exposure of the incident.

The network, which was already lively and extraordinary, became even more lively for a while.

The servers of many popular websites crashed directly because of the influx of too many netizens...

Ten more is over! Ask for monthly pass for subscription, five chapters will continue tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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