Chapter 669

"Contact them immediately, I need to know their specific location." Lu Yu shouted coldly.

"I...I can't get in touch!" Phra Song yelled, "These guys are all weird people. After taking my money, they said they would take care of the rest. I didn't know they would go. Where is it!"


Lu Yu frowned and continued to step on his head with his feet, crushing and kicking hard.

This guy screamed in pain and screamed, desperately begging for mercy: "I know, I really don't know! You can ask my men, I swear I never lied to you, they contacted me before..."

Lu Yu kicked his head fiercely, then stepped on it hard, as if stepping on a football to stop the football from moving.

Pa Song was weak, like a dead dog lying on the ground and being subdued by Lu Yu.

Staring at Pa Song's men, Lu Yu asked coldly: "Is it really impossible to contact? If you tell lies, I will send you to **** now."

The subordinates took out the phone in fright and said: "Sir...sir, I really can't get in touch anymore. Their phone number has become an empty number!"

Lu Yu asked him to report the number and asked Tang Xinyi to check it on the computer. It was indeed an empty number.

"They use a one-time card. As long as there is no call charge in it, it will immediately become an empty number!" Tang Xinyi nodded.

Lu Yu looked at Pa Song again: "Did k2 introduce them to you?"


Phra Song nodded his head into a little chicken sucking rice: "I wanted to ask K2 for help, but they introduced the Red Devil to me! Also, there are those weapons, which they provided to me... Sir, you have to believe this. It really has nothing to do with me, it was all arranged by the k2 group!"

"I never wanted to fight against you, but k2 gave me an idea, saying that they not only provided weapons, but also that we didn't have to be punished at all after the incident! It seems that those **** are all very uneasy and kind. They want to die. Where's I..."

Lu Yu frowned and fell into thought.

I already got the information I wanted.

Judging from the look of this guy, it should not look like a lie.

Since the whereabouts of the Red Devil could not be found, I had to take these things back first.

Immediately he contacted Hu Guohai and asked him to rush over to support him: "There are a lot of things, weapons, money and more than a hundred prisoners. You have to send more planes!"

"It seems that progress is going very well this time. Is it completed so soon?"

Hu Guohai was in a good mood and smiled and said, "Okay, I will contact the local government immediately. They are ready, and support will arrive soon."

Lu Yu asked immediately: "Their people come here, do you want to get something to go?"

"Of course!" Hu Guohai said: "All weapons are given to them, and other things are divided into half. As for money..."

Lu Yu laughed: "We packed up this good thing ourselves and took it away. This stolen money is not easy for others to collect, so I reluctantly accepted it all."

"Just know, good things can't be cheap for you kid!"

Hu Guohai shook his head and laughed: "However, if you take it back, no one else knows it. It happens to be the fund for our Self-Defense Force, so you don't have to pay for it yourself.

The two ended the conversation, and Lu Yu thought for a while and wanted to call He Chenguang and others.

"Quickly, you load all the banknotes found in the search into the car, and then we leave. Anyway, other things are not important, we just take the money!"


He Chenguang and others all smiled at each other.

This is not the first time I have done this, and every time I go out to act, there will be an extra money.

Everyone is familiar with it!

They immediately called in more than a hundred recruits and started busy carrying the spoils.

It was learned from Phrasong that there were two special rooms in his camp for storing banknotes.

There was a room full of gold and silver jewels. The most striking thing was the neat stacks of dollars.

And these are only a small part of Phra Song's property!

After all, a lot of money cannot be deposited in the bank, only after batches of laundering.

So these are unlaundered money, kept in cash.

In addition to these, Phrasong also dug many pits under the camp for more storage.

A full fifteen cars were driven to consign the cash from the two houses.

But the money buried in other cellars can't be pulled away.

Lu Yu asked He Chenguang and the others to transfer the money first, before their local team arrived.

Those who are left can only find a way to get rid of them later.

He Chenguang and the others just drove away, and suddenly there was the roar of a rumbling propeller in the distant sky.

Everyone looked up at the same time, and saw several helicopters flying from the sky, hovering over the camp.

On the helicopter, there are signs of local teams.

Phra Song, who had been castrated like a dead dog, suddenly jumped up with excitement like a savior, dancing and shouting: "Hahaha! My people are here, my people have arrived, you can’t take me away. !"


Lu Yu thrust his head into the mud pit with one kick and took a mouthful of mud.

"Did you let you talk? You just pretended to be a dead dog and didn't pretend to be like a dog. Who really made you compare?"

Pa Song was shocked by Lu Yu.

However, even if he wanted to curse at this moment, he couldn't come out.

The mud in his mouth is enough for him to vomit for a while!

After a while, the helicopter began to land towards the camp.

The two generals and their guards jumped off the plane and looked at Lu Yu and others in front of them with bad intentions.

Seeing Phra Song vomiting violently in the mud pit, his face suddenly became gloomy.

"Let him go!"

A middle-aged general yelled: "Who gave you the courage to come here to make trouble? Kill our people! Are you trying to stir up trouble?"

Another general also yelled at Lu Yu: "Let you let heard? Is it deaf? Believe it or not, I will let you kill you!"

The guards behind them swiftly stepped forward, cracking, it was the sound of bullets being loaded.

Lu Yu's subordinates were not afraid at all, spread out, and quickly formed an encirclement, with a tense atmosphere.

Taking a few steps forward, Lu Yu smiled calmly: "Sorry, I have to take Phrasong home. This is also negotiated between our two parties! Haha, maybe the two are not enough, so I didn't receive the notice. Just ask."

"Slot! Who are you fooling?"

One of the older generals shouted with a gloomy face and angrily: "Phrasong is our father and the leader here. Our two brothers are even more senior generals! At our level, don't you know what happened? "

The younger general, Phra Song’s second son coldly snorted, “Don’t think that you are too crowded, and you are afraid of you! Tell you, our support is coming here, in ten minutes, let me go. Father, otherwise, you will die!"

(End of this chapter)

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