The three old men asked in shock: "What do you mean? You say it again!?"

The physician director swallowed his saliva and said: "According to the previous examinations we performed on the old chief, the extra organs in his body have already reached the point of failure. According to our analysis, the old chief can live for up to two years. With the full assistance of all the doctors!"

Fang Bin's hearts were silent, and these words were similar to what Lu Yu had previously explained.

They immediately admired Lu Yusheng in their hearts, and this was all said, and they were indeed a god!

Speaking of this, the expression on the physician director's face was very incomprehensible: "But now, under our inspection, we found that the exhausted organs in the old head's body have recovered intact, and according to our observations, these organs are very good. Vitality, just like people in their 50s and 60s, is a miracle!"

"With young organs, the old head’s life has been prolonged a lot. There weren’t a few years left to live, but with the development of his body’s organs now, with the help of advanced medical treatments, he can live for at least 20 years. ."


The three old men became more surprised.

Lu Yu only said that he could live for 20 years. It seems that this number is still very conservative!

Watching Zhou Zixu, who was sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed, his complexion has improved a lot after a blood transfusion.

The whole person seemed to be much younger, and there was no sign of life exhaustion.

The eyes of the three could not help being full of envy.

I am really happy for this old man!

"This old thing can actually live so long?"

Fang Bin licked his lips, and said unwillingly, "No, I can't die before him, I also want to find Xiao Lu to show me!"

Hearing what he said, Chen Lei and Zhang Shan also reacted.

The three old men rushed out, pushing their wheelchairs, scrambling to one another.

Even the guards who were fast were far behind them.

The physician director took the report and looked back and forth, as if looking at some peerless treasure.

He didn't know how many miracles he said. He suddenly thought of something, and rushed into the office to pick up the phone, and began to contact his gang of old men.

The news spread quickly from the nursing home, rushing to all parts of the capital like having countless feet.

Most of the people living here are national retired senior executives, and there are many heroes!

Although they don't ask about world affairs now, they don't want to see anyone.

But every move in the nursing home still affects the hearts of many people in front of them.

After a whole day of spreading this matter, it has fermented in the high-level circles of the entire capital.

The news that Zhou Zixu's body shrapnel was taken out, and that he even lived another 20 years, suddenly exploded among these high-levels!

Originally, Lu Yu's name was only known between the headquarters and the police department in Beijing.

The attention that was aroused by this incident immediately began to spread the name of Lu Yu among the top executives.

All the senior executives don't know who Lu Yu is, but I can't hear the name again.


As the person involved, Lu Yu didn't know at this moment, he suddenly became famous in the capital.

Because of his name and himself, a violent storm is about to set off.

His life will also be pushed to a peak!

The next day, early morning.

Lu Yu, who was still asleep, was awakened by a rapid knock on the door.

Opening his eyes, Lu Yu was startled instantly, three old faces full of folds were printed on the window, grinning at him.

"Haha, Xiao Lu, are you awake?"

Zhang Shan smiled and opened the door and walked in: "Such a young man, at the age of a dragon and a tiger, don't sleep too much, waste time!"

Lu Yu smiled bitterly. Last night, these three old guys got him to sleep at one or two in the middle of the night.

Now, waking him up so early again, look at the time, it's just after five o'clock!

The three of you can't sleep by yourself, don't disturb my dreams, okay?

Lu Yu was lying in bed and couldn't get up: "Go out first, I will continue to sleep for a while."

After a whole day of getting along yesterday, he has become acquainted with the three old guys and speaks more casually.

The point is, they are not the kind of people who like to carry them, and they are more harmonious if they are casual.

In addition, these three people wanted to ask for themselves, and Lu Yu didn't need to be more polite!

Fang Bin smiled and said: "Xiao Lu, we have been waiting for you all night, anyway give an answer? You choose one of us! Not only Lao Zhou has shrapnel on his body, we also have it, it hurts and hurts. of!"

Chen Lei wore a bitter face and pretended to be pitiful: "Yes, we are all men who have walked down the battlefield. We have a common experience. Can't you die without saving? We are also in pain!"

Lu Yu said angrily: "You don't hurt for a year or two. Do you still care about this time? Go out right away, I will continue to make up my sleep, and come to me after ten o'clock. If the rest is not good, I don't If you have the strength to cure your, if a handful of shrapnel is wrong or the qigong is not enough, you will go to see God and his old man in advance."


The three old men were startled, but ignored the problem.

I just want Lu Yu to treat them quickly. I didn't consider that I didn't have enough rest, and I might go wrong!

The three of them had no choice but to push the wheelchair out.

Before closing the door, I didn't forget to confess carefully: "Well, take a good rest first, and we'll be here to watch the door for you. Don't bother anyone! Go to sleep, and you must rest your body!"

After speaking, they closed the door, guarding the door like three door gods, not letting anyone approach.

Lu Yu reached out and patted his forehead, fell on the bed and continued to sleep.

Blink of an eye.

When it was ten o'clock, the three old men were on time like an alarm clock and woke him up again.

Lu Yu stretched his waist and got up from the bed, finally feeling better.

Under the expectant eyes of the three old guys, Lu Yu asked them to guess who came first.

In this way, you won't say who you prefer.

After a round of fierce fighting, Fang Bin defeated the other two and gained this priority.

Happy, he almost didn't jump out of the wheelchair, and his blood pressure soared.

Just as when treating Zhou Zixu, let the other party take off his coat, leaving only a pair of pants sitting on the stool.

Zhang Shan and Chen Lei were both envious and jealous, and watched with anger.

From the face of each other, for the first time they felt that this old man was so awkward with a smile!

"It's getting started, bear the pain!"

Lu Yu confessed that his palm was pressed against Fang Bin's body. .

Using the healing power, it slowly penetrated into the opponent's body, and soon, thirteen pieces of shrapnel were found, fewer than Zhou Zixu.

After finding the largest piece, Lu Yu used the old method before and slowly began to push the shrapnel out of his body.

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