Real Cthulhu Running Game

Chapter 1648: dog owner

   Chapter 1648 Dog Group Master

"However, the problem is that these mods are all related to... sigh, let's take a look first, I think even if others haven't shown up, they should be paying attention to this mod now." Black Pharaoh said with a sigh .

At this time, Liu Xing and others have come to the visitor center on Moon Island, which is a two-story long building. There are also general partitions of the visitor center on the outside signboard - the first floor is the tourist information office and a small bar , and also comes with a game room; the second floor is the rest area for the staff, which is the staff dormitory of this holiday island.

   "This visitor center is not big enough."

   Liu Xing said meaningfully: "I don't know how many people will live here tonight. If there are too many people, we won't have much room for activities."

   Just as David was about to speak, he saw a middle-aged man in a suit walking out of the visitor center. It seemed that he was the staff member who just spoke on the radio.

   "Just waiting for you."

   The middle-aged man said with a smile: "I'm the person in charge of the visitor center - Goering. Now other tourists have already arrived at the visitor center, so I'm going to find you now, but you've already arrived."

   Liu Xing looked at Goering and found nothing unusual.

   "Oh, we were just playing at the beach, so we went back to our room and changed our clothes."

  Philip stood up and said, "Mr. Goering, can we only stay at the visitor center tonight? Is the villa we live in not safe enough?"

Facing Philip's question, Goering nodded and said: "Yes, the safety of the villa is worse than that of the visitor center, because we did not expect such a strong storm in the early stage of construction of Moon Resort Island. After all, recently The weather data for decades has not seen this level of storms, so the construction specifications of the villas have not been raised so high, so there may be damage to the villas; for the sake of insurance, I do not recommend that you return to your own Of course, if you really want to go back, please use your mobile phone to record a disclaimer video."

   "Does the visitor center accommodate so many people?" York asked next.

"Of course, because the storm came too suddenly, so the other staff on the island just went back to shore with the yacht that was going back and forth today. They originally planned to buy some supplies and come back, but because of the storm I can’t come back; it’s also the off-season for tourism on the holiday island, and a group of tourists have only returned before, so apart from you, there are only a couple on the island, and the woman’s brother.”

Goering said seriously: "The second floor has a total of six rooms. Usually, except for the first three rooms for a few employees who are resident on the island, the latter three rooms are basically idle, but every other room. It will be cleaned for a while, so you can choose to live in the last two rooms, because the other room has been reserved by the couple, and the woman's brother is going to sleep in the hall on the first floor; of course, you can also if you want In the other three rooms, I will also change the quilts and pillowcases for you."

   Only four NPCs?

Liu Xing was a little surprised. I didn't expect that there were only a few NPCs in this module, and it was said that there were four NPCs, but in fact they belonged to two camps - employees and tourists, so my group only needed to choose one from the other. , to choose the villain in this mod.

Of course, Liu Xing guessed that Goering in front of him was the villain in this mod, because the combination of the three tourist NPCs didn't look like a bad guy, but more importantly, there were only staff left on the island. This Mr. Goering was taken down, so Liu Xing very much doubted that Goering might not be a staff member, and the real staff member may have been sent away by Goering in advance.

   Anyway, this Moon Island is surrounded by the sea, and no one will find out if you send a few people down to "swim".

   However, the possibility that all NPCs are enemies cannot be ruled out.

   "Then let's stay in the visitor center."

   York said, "So without the cook, what are we going to eat tonight? We were all hungry just now."

   Liu Xing looked at York with a bit of surprise. He didn't expect him to ask such a crucial question. It seemed that he was prepared before entering the Cthulhu Running Group game hall.

  Sickness is no joke. If the Goering in front of him really has a problem, then he is very likely to do something during dinner.

"There are also some snacks and convenience foods in the visitor center. You can take them as you like. As for dinner, I will be responsible for it. Fortunately, the chef has already cut the ingredients and packaged them before leaving, so I just need to Just put the pots in order." Goering replied with a smile.

   Just when York was about to ask a few questions, a strong wind suddenly blew over, making Liu Xing unable to stand a bit.

   This physical fitness is really a bit poor.

   Liu Xing looked up at the sky and found that the dark clouds had come to the top of his head.

  Really. Dark clouds weighed down.

   "Come in, everyone, I can't collect some beach chairs and umbrellas on the beach alone. It would be bad if the wind blows over and hits us."

  Goering opened the door of the visitor center while talking. Er Liu Xing and the others did not dare to stay outside for a long time, and walked directly into the visitor center.

The visitor center is a bit similar to the common sales department. There is a consultation desk at the door, and then there is a "real estate" next to it. The building location on Moon Island is marked on it, and the corresponding number is also placed next to the villa that has been occupied. The villain; and there is a "work area" sign behind the consultation office, it seems that the kitchen of Moon Island should be behind this.

Then go further inside is an entertainment area, in addition to the innermost bar, there is a billiard table, there are several massage chairs on both sides, and there is a room separated by a curtain in the middle, which can be vaguely seen inside There is a big movie, this should be the game room on the sign outside the door.

   But what concerns Liu Xing the most is that there is only one staircase leading to the second floor, and this staircase can also be used for two people to pass side by side, which means that only one person can block the stairs and make it impossible for people to go up and down the stairs normally.

   This is not good news.

   As for the three tourists who arrived before Liu Xing and others, they were playing billiards at this time, and they seemed quite happy.

   "Today we are all in the same room, so in order to avoid some unnecessary embarrassment, please let us know in advance if you have any special habits."

After locking the door, Goering said, "For example, I like watching movies, and I can't fall asleep without watching two movies every night, so I may sleep a little later. If I play the movie too loudly and disturb you, then Just please knock on the door and let me know; then the couple on the opposite side—Jack and Rose have nothing to do, but Rose’s brother Magall likes to drink a little bit, but his drinking capacity is average, so he plans to do it today. Have a few more drinks in the evening, and then sleep on the sofa nearby."

   "That's it, I said how could he sleep in the hall."

   Philip shook his head and said, "We don't have any special habits, we usually go to bed before twelve o'clock."

   "Okay, then you can do it yourself, I'll prepare dinner when I have it."

  Goering walked to the "work area" after speaking, and the four Liu Xing walked into the game room together after making eye contact.

   After playing the game for a while, the secret room will be opened directly after the cooling down time.

   "Tom, do you think there is something wrong with this Goring, or is Jack Rose and the others more likely to be our enemies?" David asked impatiently.


Liu Xing said without hesitation: "From the current situation, Goering is more likely to become our enemy, because ordinary tourists must have gone through security checks when they go to the island, and are unlikely to carry any dangerous items, and It is also unlikely that they will act on us temporarily; and Goring, as an employee of this holiday island, may have set foot on the island with some dangerous goods, but I can't think of what he is going to do now. So if I had to choose between the two, I would just wait for Goring, but I can't guarantee that I'm right."

   "So are there other possibilities?" David pressed.

Liu Xing nodded and answered affirmatively: "Yes, I think there are still many possibilities. For example, these four NPCs are all enemies, or they are all their own. The real enemy may not wait until the storm starts. Appear! There is even a possibility that there are no enemies at all, which sounds a bit incredible, but there are indeed some mods that do this kind of work. It is a coincidence that players mistakenly think that some NPCs are enemies, and then give players a chance to strike first. As a result, most players will act in advance to protect themselves. As a result, this is considered a Cthulhu run. The tricks of the group game hall."

"Specifically in our mod, it is possible that Magor drank too much alcohol and died in an accident. As a result, because Goering arrived at the scene first, we thought he killed Magor, and then we We first shot and killed Goering. As a result, in the end screen of the mod, we may directly open the Prison Fengyun series of modules because of intentional killing; and the prison Fengyun series modules are the most pitted in the game hall of the Cthulhu Running Group. It is a series of modules, because not only is the difficulty of the module high, but the income is also very low, in short, this kind of module is easy to get in and difficult to get out.”

After Liu Xing finished speaking, he looked out the door and continued: "But this visitor center is so big, so as long as the Cthulhu running group game hall is not a human being, the enemies arranged for us will not be too strong, so Everyone can be at ease, as long as we don’t lose the chain when the battle is judged, then we are basically invincible.”

   In order to let David and others have a game experience, Liu Xing deliberately said a lot of car wheel words. These words sounded like a lot of content, but if you look closely, you will find that Liu Xing didn't actually say anything useful.

   But it is enough to fool new players like David.

   "Then we still have to continue to observe these NPCs, and then determine who is more suspicious."

Philip put down the handle and continued: "But the question now is that if there is a problem with Goering, will we still have dinner later? If Goering does something during dinner, then we may directly destroy it. Yes."

   "Yeah, let's not have dinner, anyway, we only need to wait until six o'clock tomorrow morning to clear the mod, so it's okay to be hungry for a while." David continued.

   "Then why don't we sleep or not?" Philip asked again.

"It depends on the situation, if nothing worth noting happens before going to bed, then we can actually take a nap, because the Cthulhu running group game hall generally does not kill the plot at this time, let us It's not clear to die in sleep."

Liu Xing opened his mouth and said: "So in this case, there are nine out of ten NPCs who had an accident first, and then we were woken up and watched, and then we judged who the enemy was based on some clues left at the scene. Of course, in that It's time to directly determine who our enemy is."

   "Oh, then we can indeed sit back and relax, sleep first and then get up to continue the modding."

   Philip was stunned as soon as he finished speaking.

   Liu Xing followed Philip's gaze and saw that a piece of paper seemed to be pressed under the host.

"This is?"

  While talking, Philip stepped forward and took out this piece of paper, "Is this a square character? Is it Chinese?"

   Liu Xing raised his brows and quickly set his eyes on the piece of paper, only to see that it was written in Chinese.

   "Are you looking at us? Dog pack owner."


What does it mean?

Liu Xing looked puzzled, because this sentence looks like someone is playing JOJO stalk, but the problem is that this is an unknown holiday island near America, so there are generally no Chinese people who come to travel specially , so it stands to reason that this paper should not exist.

   Besides, the word "dog group owner" is also a relatively unique new word on the Internet, so it is generally not used by foreigners, so Liu Xing is more certain that this piece of paper is definitely left by a Chinese person.

   So what exactly is this situation?

   At this time, Philip took out his mobile phone and used translation software to translate the sentence on the paper. Then he and David both looked confused because they didn't quite understand what the sentence meant.

"Dog Master? Is this some mythical creature? And it's still looking at us, which means the Dog Master is the villain of this mod and has been hiding somewhere in the visitor center watching us, wanting to wait. Do we launch a sneak attack when we're alone or let our guard down?"

  Philip forcefully explained: "Then we have to be careful about this dog owner!"

   (end of this chapter)

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