Realistic Game

Chapter 59: No need to bear

   "The one trembling in the corner, come out, don't look, it's you."

   Mo Lan's mental power radiates ten meters in a circle centered on himself, and everything within ten meters is reflected in his mind, without any omission.

   "Not coming out yet? Five, four, three..."

   "Come out, I'm out, don't, don't."

   A warrior walked out from the corner trembling, Mo Lan could perceive the fluctuations of vindictiveness, but he could not determine his level.

   The moment he stood up, the Five Wind Blades technique was instantly activated, but it was not the same as Al’s swarming in the same place.

   Molan releases the wind blade technique in five different directions after accurate calculation.

   After this person walked out, his eyes widened when he saw Wind Blade Technique.

   "You don't talk about credit!"

   As soon as the voice fell, he couldn't care about anything, and directly grabbed the dagger hidden behind him and cut it down fiercely.

   "I didn't promise you anything."

   Mo Lan shrugged and continued to look at him.

   The moment when the dagger fell, a black light fell on the dagger, which was obviously a spell.

   The short sword cuts off the wind blade directly, and instantly collapses the entire wind blade.

   Mo Lan saw the slight difference, but he continued to watch.

   Before the man had time to slash the wind blade technique, he felt a wind blade technique fall on his right arm and thigh.

   For Mo Lan, whose brain is comparable to a computer, he doesn't need to know your activity habits or predict the direction of dodge.

   As long as there are enough spell scrolls, it is enough to cover all the range that he can move in a unit time.

   Are you hiding or not hiding... Is there a difference?

  , at least for the little fighters who seem to be only level five at the moment, there is no difference.

   Mo Lan looked at the warrior whose right arm and leg were torn, tilted his head for a moment, and another wind blade flew by.


In the wailing sound, the soldier's left hand and left arm were also torn, because of his subconscious dodge, even his stomach was scratched.

   "Who made you move, look, are you hurt?"

   The soldier heard the words and looked at the sky in despair.

   "Well, what is your name? What are you doing here? Who sent you here?"

   Looking at the warrior who should have been unable to move, Mo Lan found a bamboo pole, poke his wound from a distance and asked.

   "Why didn't you ask before, what if you were a friend? Why didn't you ask before!"

   The warrior endured the severe pain and was unwilling to say.

   Mo Lan said lightly upon hearing the words.

   "Sneakly climbed the window into my house at night, if it is a friend, kill it first."

   "But I didn't enter your house!!"

   said the soldier angrily.


   Mo Lan tilted his head for a moment.

   "It seems to be, then... I'm sorry."

   After apologizing, Mo Lan stabbed him in the wound again with a bamboo pole.

   "What's your name? Who sent you here? Why do you want to come here?"

   "I was sent by Mr. Yu Jinanyu, and he asked me to protect your safety. If there is anything unopened, I will immediately teach him."

   said the soldier pale.

   "Can you help me inform Mr. Yu that I am about to die."

   "Oh, yeah, you are dying, but since you are dying, why are you stiff?"

   Mo Lan poked the wound and said lightly. Hearing what this person said, he knew what Yu Jinan had made.

   is nothing more than protecting him to move him, or simply directing and acting himself to show favor.

   "Well, this trick is too old, right? Even if Yu Jinan is stupid, it is impossible to use this kind of trick in the TV series, and it seems that Yu Jinan does not look like the kind of brainless person."

   Mo Lan pondered for a moment, and felt something was wrong, so he turned towards the soldier.

   "The bear's tenacity!"

   The spell fell on the unresisting warrior, and the spell broke out. His muscles were instantly full of vitality, and a wave of power poured out from his body.

   This warrior might be pleasantly surprised, because although this power is very violent, it is also very powerful.

   But at this moment, there is only despair in his eyes.

   The vigorous and violent muscles tore through his wounds, and slammed his vindictiveness to seal off the wounds. Waves of pain from torn muscles and tearing membranes rushed into his mind like a tide.

   "No, no! Ah! Stop! Ah!!!!"

   A cry of wailing came from his mouth, and the blood that had been slowly stopped on his hands and legs flowed and shot again.

   Active muscles are constantly squeezing blood vessels and tearing wounds.

   "I have to say that the soldier's recovery ability is really amazing, but I don't understand whether it can be recovered now?"

   Mo Lan said lightly.

   "Speak your purpose, I will let you go. When I say it, I will never break my promise. You can rest assured."

   "Ah! Ah! There is a letter in the clothes and jacket, there is a letter, ah! Let me go, I'm going to die!"

   With a cry, Mo Lan glanced at the house next to the alley.

   "Can you help me?"


   Fighting for so long, this person screamed again and again, but there was still no movement next to him, and a voice came from the shadow of the quiet house.


   Scars led people out, one by one, more than a dozen people directly surrounded the alley.

   A person went to the wailing soldier and found a letter and handed it to Mo Lan.

   Mo Lan took it and opened it, his eyes cold suddenly, but then he smiled again.


   Al came out from the shadow of the shop, holding a magic scroll in his hand.

   Looking at the large number of magic scrolls, the corners of Scar's eyes twitched slightly, and Al was also a lot of correctives.

   Al took the letter in Mo Lan's hand, with a dazed expression on his face.

   "Sir, I can't read."

   Mo Lan's face was stagnant, and then he said softly.

   "They want to catch you away, and then use you to threaten me."

   Al's eyes fluctuate slightly.

   "I will commit suicide and will not be caught by Mo Lan's breathing was stagnant.

   "Don't say it's dead, it's more important to keep a small life than anything else."


   Al's eyes didn't fluctuate at all.

   "Then you said what should we do in this situation?"

   "Kill them, kill them until they are afraid, or else they will keep bullying you."

   Mo Lan nodded.

   "Well, well, Al said it makes sense, but I have promised that I can't kill him, are you clear?

   I can’t break my promise. "

   Before Mo Lan finished speaking, Al drew a scimitar from the waist of the person next to Scar, went to the fallen soldier, raised the scimitar... and fell down!

   The warrior's head rolled a few times, his eyes widened, and his eyes were filled with despair.

   The hot blood splashed on Al's face, making him look a little hideous.

   The people around him were a little palpitated subconsciously.

   "The next time you take someone else's thing, you have to get the consent of someone else.

   Return the knife to someone, and then wash his face. "

   Al walked over to the man.

   "I'm sorry, your knife."

   When the man took the knife, he walked into the room to wash his face.

   "This is a good boy."

   Scar smiled upon hearing this.

   "A child who sees hope in despair, there are so many such people."

   After speaking, he paused.

   "Don't be impulsive about this matter today. You can't step on some lines."

   "I know that I have always had a good temper, but some people are too much, they have to take an inch, no need to bear it, don't warn them that they are not sensible."

   Mo Lan said with a smile on his face.

   "You have to do me a favor in this matter."


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