Rebellious Consort: Profligate Elder Miss

Chapter 292 Personality Split

Chapter 292 Personality Split

Ye Qilin left for a week, and this week gave Hua Qiangwei and Li Kexin a chance to breathe.

Li Kexin wanted to get in touch with Lan Shaoze, but he was afraid that after Ye Qilin left, he would strengthen the supervision of himself and Ye Zhai, so he chose to give up.

However, Hua Qiangwei had frequent contact with Hua Ji and Xie Lingyu. When Hua Ji and Xie Lingyu proposed to see her, she decisively chose to refuse.

After hanging up the phone, Hua Qiangwei thought about her own life in the past few days, and nodded slightly relieved.

Looking at her hands, she already has a little thin calluses. In fact, being a maid is not without gain. At least she has experienced how to do housework, how to store and organize clothes, how to wash clothes, how to wash vegetables, and how to pick vegetables. I learned the first edible dish in my life, vegetable salad, and various kinds of porridge.

It would be better if Li Kexin didn't show up from time to time and was full of concern for himself.

Hua Qiangwei really didn't want to interact with Li Kexin again. The more she was kind to her, the more confused Hua Qiangwei felt.

A lot of things, a lot of feelings, have deteriorated, they have deteriorated, and it is not how we round and maintain them that they will remain intact.

What's more, Li Kexin is pregnant with Ye Qilin's child, and she is Ye Qilin's nominal wife and actual maid.

Between her and Li Kexin, there may be N kinds of relationships in the future, no matter what kind of relationship, there is no possibility of becoming friends or even sisters again.


Between the busy and the idle, the days passed by, and in a blink of an eye, it was time for Ye Qilin to return to China.

Knowing that Ye Qilin was coming back, Li Kexin instructed Xiaoling Xiaoqing to prepare a lot of ingredients early in the morning, and wanted to make a table of dishes for Ye Qilin to wash away the dust.

Hua Qiangwei looked at the dishes prepared by Li Kexin, mostly clear soup for health preservation, opened her mouth and said nothing.

It stands to reason that Ye Qilin has been abroad for many days and has experienced all kinds of rushes. There is nothing wrong with eating light and healthy food.

But Li Kexin forgot one thing, appetite.

People who travel long distances and experience jet lag have no appetite.


Sure enough, at dinner time, Ye Qilin only moved a few chopsticks, and then said that he would go back to his room to rest, and he didn't move his chopsticks again.

Hua Qiangwei, who was waiting on the side, heard that Ye Qilin was going back to her room to rest, and was relieved.

Just go back to rest. Going back to rest means that you don't have to endure those inhuman tortures, and you don't have to worry about whether you have a terminal illness afterwards.

Hua Qiangwei's reassurance was not more or less, and it happened to be all watched by Ye Qilin, who was watching her specially. Ye Qilin, who was already very depressed, saw Hua Qiangwei's face when she heard that he was going back to the room Meng Da's expression was even more angry.

"Flower Rose, come back to the room with me."

"Ah?" Hua Qiangwei, who was on the side, heard Ye Qilin's command, and suddenly felt that she was helpless, and disaster fell from the sky.

Am I just scaring you and annoying you?

"Ah what, hurry up." Ye Qilin said angrily.

"I'm not feeling well today." Hua Qiangwei thought about it for a long time, and under Li Kexin's murderous gaze, she spoke weakly.

"You're either comfortable today, or you can pack up and leave." Seeing Hua Qiangwei openly lied and rejected herself, Ye Qilin lost her patience.

"Okay..." Hua Qiangwei took a deep breath silently and slowly followed behind Ye Qilin.

It's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided.


"Do you hate me so much?" As soon as she got to Ye Qilin's bedroom, Hua Qiangwei was pushed against the door by Ye Qilin.

"Well." Leng Hua Qiangwei's head slammed on the door because of inertia, causing her to feel dizzy and dizzy.

"Do you hate me so much?" Ye Qilin turned a deaf ear to Hua Qiangwei's pain.

"Hate you? How dare I, I'm afraid of you" Hua Qiangwei laughed at Ye Qilin who didn't care about her.

"Afraid of me? Well, why are you afraid of me? Did you do something wrong and have a ghost in your heart, so you're afraid of me?" Ye Qilin asked Hua Qiangwei with a cold smile when she heard Hua Qiangwei say that she was afraid of herself.

"I'm sorry? The thing that I'm most sorry for is falling in love with you." The clay figurine still has a three-point temper. The grievances, accidents, and unknown fears over the past few days, Hua Qiangwei has long been on the verge of collapse, and Ye Qilin is so excited , also on fire.

"How dare you say that." Ye Qilin's eyes turned red, and he couldn't help but grab Hua Qiangwei's neck.


"Ye Qilin, you lunatic."

Ye Qilin thought that Hua Qiangwei would take this opportunity to explain to herself and beg for mercy, but she didn't expect Hua Qiangwei to be so stubborn at this time, so stubborn, she didn't know if she made a mistake, but she still said at this time that the biggest loss she had done was fell in love with myself. This answer made Ye Qilin burn with anger.

"Save... the lunatic..." Survival is a human instinct, Hua Qiangwei clenched Ye Qilin's fingers over and over again, struggling, kicking and hitting twice from time to time, all the restraint and manners of the eldest lady were all forgotten by her.


"Ye Qilin, what are you doing? Let go, you are about to strangle her." Li Kexin, who felt that the atmosphere was not right, suddenly dragged her already sinking body and ran upstairs from downstairs, looking at Ye Qilin's green eyes, suddenly Ye Qilin, who was wide open and pinched Hua Qiangwei's neck with both hands, looked at Hua Qiangwei, whose face became more and more purple and was struggling more and more weakly, and rushed up to slap Ye Qilin's hands, hoping that he would wake up


"Ye Qilin, did you hear that? Let go, you're about to strangle her." Li Kexin didn't respond to Ye Qilin, and when he couldn't bear it any longer, he had to bite Ye Qilin's arm fiercely.

"Hi..." The sharp pain in his arm replaced Ye Qilin's consciousness. When his eyes began to focus, he looked at Hua Qiangwei, who had almost no longer struggled and breathed in his hands, and was shocked. Quickly let go.

"Weiwei, Weiwei, wake up." Ye Qilin carefully put Hua Rose on the ground, and carefully probed for Tan Hua Rose's breath with her fingers. When she found that Hua Rose was still breathing, but very weak, she was in tears. excited like a child,

"Weiwei, you'll be fine." Ye Qilin called Hua Qiangwei's name affectionately while continuing to give Hua Qiangwei first aid and artificial respiration.

"Cough...cough..." Finally, with Ye Qilin's unremitting efforts, Hua Qiangwei began to cough violently, and her face gradually turned around.

"Weiwei..." Ye Qilin saw that Hua Qiangwei had improved a lot, and looked at Hua Qiangwei with great distress.

"..." Hua Qiangwei's consciousness gradually returned to her cage. Seeing Ye Qilin's concern for her, she felt a chill in her heart, she couldn't help turning her head to one side, and refused to have any communication with Ye Qilin.

Ye Qilin, you are the one who hurt me and strangled me, and you are the one who has a relationship with me now.

Ye Qilin, so many people are you, which one is the real you?

"Three Young Masters..." Li Kexin, who witnessed Ye Qilin who was insane before and now crying and laughing, couldn't help but muttered when he saw Ye Qilin treating Hua Qiangwei like a treasure.

"Why are you still standing still? Why don't you let the family doctor come over immediately?" Ye Qilin, who was doing first aid, looked aside, and Li Kexin, who was sobbing with sadness, only felt a burst of chest tightness, disgust and roar, pouring out without thinking.

"Okay." Li Kexin took a deep breath, nodded silently, and walked out silently, as if he had spent his life's patience.

The moment he walked out of Ye Qilin's bedroom, Li Kexin couldn't help but look back at Ye Qilin and Hua Qiangwei, only to see that Hua Qiangwei still turned her head aside with a face of rejection, Ye Qilin hugged Hua Qiangwei's body with affectionate eyes.

Why do I have to come up? Why not just let Ye Qilin strangle Hua Qiangwei?

As soon as this vicious idea was born, it was completely rejected by Li Kexin.

Her purpose is just to get Ye Qilin and happiness. Hua Qiangwei is hateful, she wants Hua Qiangwei to leave, but she doesn't want Hua Qiangwei to die or make Ye Qilin a murderer.

Ye Qilin Ye Qilin really killed Hua Qiangwei, I'm afraid that no matter whether Hua Qiangwei is right or wrong, whether there is any misunderstanding between them, Ye Qilin will be immersed in self-blame and guilt misses in this life.

"Weiwei, don't worry, take a deep breath, the family doctor will be here soon." Ye Qilin looked at Hua Qiangwei and comforted her.

"Cough cough... What? Family doctor?" Hua Qiangwei immediately opened her eyes wide when she understood what Ye Qilin was saying.

"You said you called a family doctor?" Hua Qiangwei asked in disbelief as she dragged Ye Qilin's clothes.

"Yes." Ye Qilin didn't understand that he was just a family doctor, and Hua Qiangwei was so excited.

"There's no need for a family doctor, and you don't need to pretend to be a good person here." Hua Qiangwei refused without thinking. She couldn't accept Ye Qilin's change so fast, and she was also afraid of the family doctor's examination.

She knew that something was wrong with her body recently, and once the family doctor checked her, she would have nowhere to hide.

"Weiwei, you are in a very bad state now, how can you do without seeing a doctor?" Ye Qilin thought that Hua Qianweiwei was still being petulant at this time, and her tone was displeased again.

"Hehe, family doctor? This is honorable?" Hua Qiangwei pointed at her neck with a mocking expression.

"This..." Ye Qilin lowered his eyes and looked at Hua Qiangwei's neck. Ten finger marks were evenly spread on the slender and white neck. You don't need to ask to know what she has experienced and what happened.

what have i done?

The more he looked at Ye Qilin, the more terrifying and unbelievable he felt. For a moment just now, he felt that he was no longer himself. It seemed that he had another self in his body, and he was madly clamoring for revenge, destruction, and destruction of everything.

In the past, it was not common for me to want to destroy everything. After the split between myself and Hua Qiangwei, the probability of this kind of emotion appeared more and more, and it became more and more serious each time.

It is said that people who have been kidnapped will more or less have some mental illness. Ye Qilin has always sneered at such rumors, but the recent actions made him have to think about a question.

That is, does he really have a so-called mental illness, and it is not serious.

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