Rebellious Contract Beast

168. 167 Realize Dan Huo

“No wind …” She stretched out her hand without feeling any wind.

“You can’t afford the wind.” Shen Yi came impatiently, and continued to hum. He Jianchuyun didn’t speak, and approached some ears and listened carefully.

Different from human beings to pronounce vocal cords, Shen Yi’s speech is completely relying on the effect of vibrating throat to achieve the effect of spitting people, so the sound is very boring, and the sound is also a hoarseness that cannot be ignored.

Oh, it’s hard to say, but Shen Yi is just entertaining and self -entertaining, but not humming to others. Where do you care about those?

Just when he saw Chuyun understand the rhythm, he found the melody at once.

Humming and humming, Shen Yi felt something wrong, looking back.

“What are you doing? Look at your book.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“Then what do you come here?”

“Oh, then I’ll rest first.”

Watching her sitting down beside the fire, Shen Yi turned his head and continued to pass the time, but soon he felt a bit strange. He looked back again and found that although the old demon was far away, his eyes kept on himself. I hurriedly turned my head when I saw myself.

“Are you sick?”

“No …” She panicked and explained that Shen Yi’s eyes were full of suspicion. Her head turned back and wanted to continue to hum, but thinking that the old demon would look at herself, he couldn’t hum.

With a sharp wood in his hand, he climbed down from the granite and twisted his body and faced her.

Time passed one second and one second, and soon it was a minute. During this period, she didn’t know how many times I turned. Every time I just looked at it with Shen Yi, she finally depressed. “Why don’t you continue? ? ”

“What am I going?” Shen Yi asked, and He Jianchun was silent.

Humm ~ Hum ~ Humm ~ Humm …

At this time, a night breeze blew, accompanied by her soft and gentle singing, Shen Yi froze, only feeling that the world was quiet.

As if an invisible hand, gently brushed away, took away all the troubles in the world.

The wind was gone, and her singing stopped.

Shen Yi gradually came back.


“is that so?”

“I just listened to me just, right?”

“Do you have a score?”

“No.” Shen Yi shook his head, he just hummed twice, where did you know the score? There are so many paragraphs over and over.

Seeing his movements, he saw the first Yun Chuyun’s disappointment, but the melody just remembered by her. She sat in a pile of fire in the fire. A guqin appeared in front of her. The sound of the piano echoed in the night sky.

Ding Ding ~ Ding Ding Ding Ding …

Shen Yi was also interested in. He listened quietly, the song or something, the professional people came to make a better listener, which was much stronger than he hummed. In the previous life, he liked to listen to songs.

But unfortunately, the other party popped up was the section that he turned over and over, and she stopped after a while.

“keep going.”



“I have to continue learning alchemy.”

“All right.”

Shen Yi didn’t say anything, closed his eyes to digest red gas.

Today, digest the red air of the two units first …

He Jianchun also put away the Guqin in front of him, and the atmosphere fell into silence. She looked at the beating flame in front of her. She kept thinking about the melody and glanced at Shen Yi from time to time. It was a pity in her heart.

The song he hum was lost in ancient times. This Xuan Li remembered is also a part of the incompleteness. I don’t know if he can make up for it in the future.

Thinking of this, she temporarily set aside the thoughts in her head, opened the Xiaodan Sutra, and forcibly cheered up spirit.

Aware of her movement, Shen Yi opened her eyes and glanced, and found that her good -looking brows turned into a ball again, and she couldn’t help shaking her head.

“It’s really enough.”

He was too lazy to care about her and continue to rub his big move.

But what Shen Yi didn’t know was that in the middle of the night, He Jianchun looked at what seemed to understand what he understood, his eyes looked at the night sky, and his locked brow gradually relieved.

This day passed like this.


When I was on the three poles of the day, Shen Yi opened his eyes and stood up, observed for a while, and found that she was no longer simply reading it. She would read it for a while, and then thought about it, then sat down under the tree, closed, closed Practice on the upper eyes.

This way, Shen Yi couldn’t help but mutter.

“Is there a progress?”

Seeing He Jianchun’s serious look, he didn’t bother her. He went out for a long time and went to scattered him.

He Jianchuyun’s state lasted for two days. On the third day, she simply didn’t read the book. She realized something under the tree. Seeing her changed.

Until seven days later, when she saw her face getting pale and pale, Shen Yi finally panicked. She quickly went out and grab a rabbit outside.

“Old demon, old demon … do you want to eat?”

“Old demon? Old demon! You wake me up!”

He held the roast rabbit back and forth in front of her, but no matter how he shouted or how to shake, he saw that he had no movement at all, and he didn’t even have a expression.

In anxiety, he stretched out his paw and felt her breath. Before that, she hadn’t died, but she didn’t wake up.

“Is this what?” Shen Yi couldn’t understand, and he knew half of his understanding of the practice of God.

I dare not wake her up at all, for fear of causing more serious consequences.

The fragrance of the grilled rabbit kept drilling into his nose, and the old demon was not successfully seduced, but he stole Shen Yi himself.

He could only run aside, and from time to time, he looked at the first cloud.

“The old demon won’t practice himself to death, right?”

After thinking about it, he still didn’t eat the grilled rabbit, but put it in the storage space. He wanted to close his eyes to digest the red gas, but after checking, the amount of red gas in the body has dropped to two hundred units. By the time, the wood is cut off in the past few days, or it is to strengthen itself, and if you consume the amount of red gas, you will not be hungry.

After dispeling this idea, Shen Yi could only sleep with his eyes closed. It has been a long time since he hasn’t shared Chen Xingyun’s perspective. Tonight, he touched his luck.

However, he did not fall asleep and wakes up in a half dream. He was muddy, and he realized what he realized halfway. He opened his eyes and looked at the fire pile. He found that the old demon didn’t know when he woke up, and he was looking at the flame.

Shen Yi stayed, almost suspected that he had an illusion and read it wrong.

“you’re awake?”

“Ah? Oh, wake up.” She spoke with a sense of weakness, and the words continued to look at the flame.

After slowing down, Shen Yi had a moment and asked, “Don’t eat?”

“Huh?” Suddenly the words made He Jianchun a little unable to touch. He looked at Shen Yi for a while and finally nodded.

After that, Shen Yi took out the rabbit meat from the storage space. She said it for a while before she took it. She hadn’t eaten things for more than ten days. Now she didn’t dare to eat too fast. Dare to swallow the rabbit meat after being chewed.

In the process of eating, Shen Yi comforted: “I also saw your efforts. Don’t practice when you wake up. Hurry up to your wishful family. Originally, I could still support it. You delay me for a few days. It’s really abolished. ”

“I have become it.”

“If you can’t achieve it, I don’t expect you to make it … Wait a minute! What do you say?”

“I said I have done it.” He Jianchun said lightly while eating. For a while, the atmosphere became weird.

Shen Yi looked at her, her eyes widened: “You’re really!”


He Jianchun still answered flatly, Shen Yi was stunned for a long time, but it felt a little fake.

No, a person becomes a alchemist, it is equivalent to money and status. Even if his talents and life gods pull your hoe, the future will be admired by major families.

The old demon’s response was wrong, too flat, and it felt like talking about a trivial matter.

“You won’t you lie to me?”

“I did not lie to you.”

“Then what are you doing?”

“…” He Jianchuyun was speechless. “I didn’t do anything … I realized Dan Huo.”

“Dan Huo … Where is it?”

“My Danhuo is now taking shape, and I can’t show it to you yet.” She said weakly, and Shen Yi was even more doubtful after hearing it.

“So why are you reacting? Shouldn’t you be happy to be a alchemist?”

“Should be happy … but … but I need silver.”

“How much do you want?”

“I have no idea.”

“Then what do you want silver?”

“Buy the Dan furnace.” Seeing Chuyun, the three words, looked at him.

Shen Yi couldn’t help but narrow his eyes. In a few thoughts, he said, “Don’t look at me like this, I don’t have money on me.”

“Oh.” He Jianchuyun was a little disappointed, and Shen Yi asked quickly: “Since you have realized Dan fire, what do you want to do next?”

She shook her head and said, “I don’t know.” Then put the mat to the ground, lying on it to sleep.

Shen Yi crooked her head and kept analyzing her words in her head a bit of false. If she cheated herself, did she want the silver in the storage space? Or do you just want to let yourself eat that stone?

She can’t lie to she who can not deceive herself? When she was aware of it, the poor old demon would be sinned by the old crime, but if it wasn’t for it, her reaction was not like a person who had just become a alchemist.

“Old Demon!”

It was difficult to determine for a while. Shen Yi came to her and asked some questions to test it, but what was aggressive was that as soon as the three words were finished, the other party pulled the collar a little and revealed her white neck.

“If you want to touch, I feel sleepy, I want to sleep.”



As soon as I woke up the next morning, he saw Shen Chuyun go straight to Longchun Town and entered a treasure shop to find the Dan furnace that conforms to her heart.

With the help of the shopkeeper, she learned about the price of Dan furnace, and then found an excuse to leave.

Dan Fan said that it is expensive or not. The cheapest is fifteen silver, and the most expensive selling more than one hundred or two.

However, as soon as she became a alchemist, she would not refine the very difficult elixir in Chengdan. She was prepared to refine it from the relatively basic elixir like the beast. Dan furnace.

After coming out of the treasure shop, she turned blindly in the town. When she met someone, she caught and asked, “Where is the Town Department of Longchun Town?”

Her purpose is simple, that is to make money!

Eighteen or two silver, maybe before her, may be a meal, but now there is no financial support of the family. She wants to get eighteen two silver. It is not a matter of overnight in a normal or normal method, so she is her. Ready to take some risks.

The so -called “town affairs department” is a way. This institution specifically handles some things that ordinary people cannot handle, such as where evil spirits, or robbers need to be annihilated, and you can come to the town department.

Unlike Chaying Sin, the latter is shot by himself. Although there is a lot of rights in your hand, it is not free. Many things are not that members do not want to go, because it is their duties.

The Town Department is outsourced for bounty hunters, which is relatively free. If the price given by the employer does not meet his mind, then you will not take this stall business.

However, it is a pity that he asked Chuyun for a long time and did not get an answer. Most people either put their hands hurriedly or ignored her.

Until he asked the last man wearing a gown, the other party had a little patience and said, “Girl, don’t look for the town department, there is no town affairs department here.”

“There is no town affairs department, this … why?”

“You came from the city?”


“You don’t understand this. We have such a small place in Longchun Town, who will do a town affairs department.” After that, the man in Changshan shook his head and walked away.

He Jianchuyun frowned and frowned, and he was unwilling to accept it. How can she make money without the town affairs department?

For a while, she was in trouble. She found a step and sat down, and her face was unhappy.

In the space of consciousness, Shen Yi focused on her perspective, what she wanted to say, but finally gave up and said, “Old demon, what do you do now?”

“I can …” He Jianchuyun just wanted to say what he could do? But halfway, she remembered something, and suddenly stood up and walked outside the town.

“where you go?”

“I have a way.”

“any solution?”

“Caizi Village.”

“Caizi Village?” Shen Yi was full of doubt. He had no image in this “Caizi Village”, and he had not been to Caizi Village.

“Where is this?”

“A village of evil.”

“Strange, why do you know this place.”

“You don’t remember what the two people said on the carriage more than ten days ago?”

“What?” Shen Yi couldn’t remember. At first he didn’t listen carefully to what the two brothers talked about what were the homes, but only when they talked about what happened to He Jianfu, he started to raise his ears.

He Jianchun said helplessly to Shen Yi, and she just remembered that there was a place called Caizi Village in trouble. No one picks up this commission.

Twenty -two, but enough for her to buy a Dan furnace. (This chapter is finished)

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