After dinner, Master Qian asked Lu Jiaxin what he wanted him to do. Gu Wenfeng told him before that Lu Jiaxin needed help for something to do, but he didn't say what he wanted to do. Mainly because Gu Wenfeng didn't know either, so naturally there was no way to tell him.

You come in with me.

Entering the study, Lu Jiaxin asked, Do you know anyone in Sijiu City?

I know a lot of people. Which kind of manpower are you looking for?

Lu Jiaxin did not hide anything from him and said: I want to investigate Ding Jing and her natal family. Ding Jing is the woman my father married, and my best friend in high school Kang Tongtong and her family.

Gu Wenfeng told Master Qian about Lu Jiaxin's family situation. This investigation into the stepmother and her family is understandable, but it is unusual to investigate a high school classmate: Why did your classmate offend you?

Lu Jiaxin said: She persuaded me to go back to my hometown to relax, and she also said not to tell my dad or my family. This would make my dad very anxious and know how important I am.

Master Qian looked at her with scrutiny and said, It will be very expensive to investigate these people. Can you afford so much money?

He had never doubted Lu Jiaxin's financial resources before coming here. After all, Gu Wenfeng was very reliable in his mind. It's just that this girl was deceived and almost died by a few words. It doesn't feel good!

Don't worry, I made a lot of money in Yangcheng.

Master Qian looked at her and said: Miss Lu, for Afeng's sake, it's fine for me and Xiaoxiao to work for you for a few days, but not for my friends. They risked their lives to investigate for you. It's not enough. The reward won’t do it.”

Lu Jiaxin went back to the house, took a stack of thick dumplings, put them on the table, and said, This is five thousand, should it be enough?

Five thousand is a very large amount of money these days.

Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Seeing her easily take out five thousand yuan, Master Qian was relieved. He asked: What do you want to investigate?

Lu Jiaxin said: I have seen Ding Jing wearing gold bracelets and necklaces at home several times, and the styles of those bracelets are different. My dad said he never bought them for her. Where did the things come from? It could only be bribery. .”

Women all like jewelry, but Lu Hongjun will definitely be reported if he wears gold and silver outside. You can't wear it to show off, just wear it at home to enjoy yourself. She was still a child and didn't think much about it when she saw it. Her tutor wouldn't tell anyone what happened at home, so Ding Jing didn't put her guard up.

Master Qian looked at her in confusion: You can tell from the gold jewelry that Ding Jing has accepted bribes. Why can your classmate trick you into returning to your hometown alone with just a few words? He was almost kidnapped.

Lu Jiaxin showed a sarcastic smile: I have gone to the King of Hell once. If I don't grow up and become as stupid as before, I will waste the chance of King Yama to let me come back.

Master Qian had a lot of experience and said with relief: This is a blessing in disguise for you. However, how can you conclude that the Ding family helped to accept bribes?

Lu Jiaxin said: People in the family hospital are talkative. If someone comes to my house all the time, they will definitely be suspected. Ding Jing's brother is a big talker, and he wants the whole world to know about the slightest thing; her brother is a researcher, and watching He Shan is actually a man who hides his sword behind his smile.

Master Qian wrote down all these words and said, Where is your classmate? Why do you think she wants to harm you?

Lu Jiaxin thought about this matter carefully and said: Kang Tongtong's father is the director of a building materials factory and his family is very well off. If you can't seduce her with material things, then you can only use threats. But she has a lively and cheerful temperament and gets along well with everyone. , her mind is also on studying, there can't be any clues or stains. Ding Jing should have caught the clues of her parents. I have met her mother, a very virtuous woman, so the problem should be with his father.

Master Qian asked: First check Ding Jing, Ding Xiaodi and Kang Tongtong's father,

If there is nothing wrong with Kang Tongtong's father, then we can check on her mother. Lu Jiaxin said. The probability is very low, but some things cannot be taken at face value.

Master Qian went out the next day and didn't come back until evening. He went to Lu Jiaxin and said that the person had been found, and the other party was willing to help her investigate these three people, but the cost was relatively high.

Hearing his offer, Lu Jiaxin became uneasy: Five thousand deposit, and another five thousand after the deal is completed? Your friend wants to kill me like a fat sheep, right?

This is not high, this is outrageous! Nowadays, pork only costs one yuan and a pound, and vegetables cost a few cents a pound and no one wants them. The three people to be investigated are not big shots. Even if the other party knew about it, they would not dare to kill and silence them. How could such a high fee be needed.

Master Qian coughed and said, I told them to give them five thousand first and then decide based on the investigation. If the evidence of the crime is easily found, we don't have to pay anymore; if the other party hides it for a long time, we won't have to pay anymore. If it’s dangerous, then add more money.”

This Lu Jiaxin is acceptable. She said: Okay, five thousand first. But I can't show up. My dad still has some connections in Sijiu City. If he finds out, it will be troublesome.

Master Qian looked at her and said, Husband and wife are one. Are you sure you really want to investigate that woman? That woman's bribery must be proven, and your father will not be able to escape.

Lu Jiaxin looked very cold: As long as he doesn't do anything illegal or disciplined, he will retire two years early. If he embezzles and accepts bribes like Ding Jing, he deserves to be caught.

Master Qian reminded: Your dad is going to be arrested and imprisoned. If you can't pass the political review, you may not be able to get into college.

Lu Jiaxin really hadn't thought about this problem. She said, The policy is now more relaxed than before. If you pass the exam, you should be able to study.

Master Qian said: Don't take chances. I think even if you want to mess with Ding Jing, you have to wait until you go to college. It's not worth it to affect your future for such a woman.

Both Mother Lu's and the original wish were to be admitted to college. She would definitely take the exam, and she would also study if she did. Lu Jiaxin said: There is nothing yet, it is too early to say this.

Master Qian was worried that she didn't take this into consideration and decided to do this after reminding her. No one can blame him.

The next morning, Xue Mao avoided Xiaoxiao and Lu Jiaxin and said, Sister Xin, I found that Fifth Sister-in-law doesn't want to see Master Qian and Xiaoxiao, and won't let Qiangqiang and Xiaofeng out for these two days.

Don't worry, she will move away soon.

We haven't bought a house yet, where will we move to?

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: She came back so late yesterday and today just to look at the house. She has plenty of money, so she should be able to look at the house soon.

From the time of moving, she discovered that Ma Lili had some indiscriminate priorities. When you get married, you should focus on your small family, but she always puts her family first. Under the partiality of Ma's father and mother and the cynicism of Ma Dahua, Fifth Brother strongly requested to move several times, even if she stayed out for the night, she would not relent. She would not move until the adoption was implemented. Even if her husband was wronged and her children were bullied, she would endure it.

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