When going through customs, Lu Jiaxin was worried that her three paintings would be seized. Unexpectedly, during the inspection in the mainland, they asked where the three paintings came from. When Lu Jiaxin said that they were found in the antique market, they were immediately released. When she arrived at the port city, the prosecutors checked what she had brought and let her go without asking.

After exiting the gate, Lu Jiaxin saw Hu Ming waiting outside. She doesn't do any surprises. She called Gu Xiuxiu yesterday to tell her about crossing Hong Kong.

After walking for about half an hour, Lu Jiaxin looked out the window and noticed that the route was different from last time. She asked casually: Where are we going?

Hu Ming explained: Ms. Cousin, when you called yesterday, it happened that the second lady came to visit the old lady. Knowing that you were coming today, she told the old lady to take you to buy some clothes, and the old lady agreed. Cousin, the second lady Waiting for you now at the Central Shopping Plaza.”

Lu Jiaxin closed her eyes and said calmly, I'm a little tired. You can take me back to the villa to rest first.

Su Heyuan showed her all the information about the He family. The person in charge of the He Group now is He Zhuliang, the eldest son of He Long's original wife. Her wife also came from a famous family before, and the couple fell in love freely and are now in a good relationship. Married for thirty-five years and gave birth to three sons and two daughters. The eldest daughter and the youngest daughter are both daughters. The eldest daughter He Mingzhu is now the general manager of the group, and the younger daughter He Yanyan is the oldest daughter. She is seventeen years old this year and will study in Form 7 when school starts. Three sons, the eldest son He Hanguang currently works in the group, managing the hotel business, but has mediocre abilities; the second son He Hanzheng is a cardiovascular expert, and the younger son He Hanxuan is a frequent guest in gossip magazines.

According to Su Heyuan's information, He Yanyan is arrogant and has a bad temper and is very difficult to deal with. For this reason, Su Heyuan called her to remind her that she would be made difficult by He Yanyan.

After Su Heyuan recognized her relatives, she was often challenged and bullied by her uncle and several cousins. She was afraid that Lu Jiaxin would be bullied and taught her some ways to deal with it. Lu Jiaxin just listened to these words and didn't take them to heart at all.

Hu Ming looked at her expression in the rearview mirror and asked, What does my cousin mean, don't we go to Shopping Center to find the second lady?

Lu Jiaxin's voice was a little cold as she said, I don't like to repeat words.

Hu Mingguo thought about his cousin's words, and reminded him: Miss Cousin, the second young lady has a bad temper. She will be angry if you don't go.

Lu Jiaxin chuckled lightly, with disdain in her words: Whether she is angry or not has nothing to do with me. Is it because I am afraid that she will be angry, so I have to humble myself to please her.

Hu Ming thought she had a good temper before, but now he realized that he had poor judgment and that this cousin was just a little pepper.

Arriving at the mansion in the middle of the mountain, Aunt Hong was surprised to see Lu Jiaxin and asked, Miss Cousin, why didn't you go shopping with the second lady?

Lu Jiaxin glanced at her and said, Do I agree?

No one from her came over, so He Yanyan arranged her schedule. She came to visit relatives and not to be a maid. If you compromise this time, this woman will definitely yell at you from now on.

Hong Gu was momentarily stunned by the question.

Lu Jiaxin asked with a straight face: Where is my room?

Last time she came to stay in the guest room unexpectedly, but this time she was not sure which room she would stay in.

Gu Xiuxiu lives on the second floor. In order to facilitate her care, Aunt Hong and Aunt Mei live on the second floor, so she arranges Lu Jiaxin on the third floor.

The guest rooms on the first floor were reserved for guests, so Lu Jiaxin expected that she would be accommodated on the third floor. Young people, climbing stairs is a form of exercise.

Gu Xiuxiu went to an old friend's house as a guest today and has not come back yet. Lu Jiaxin carried a box and a duffel bag. When she went upstairs, she handed the box to the strong maid and asked her to help carry it forward.

When they arrived on the third floor, Hong Gu pointed to the first room on the left and said softly: This is Master Biao's room. Master Biao went to class today and will be back at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Lu Jiaxin's room was the second one on the right. When she walked in, she found that the room was very big, similar to her bedroom in Sijiucheng. The decoration is in the same European royal style as downstairs, with a pink and exquisite princess bed and French exquisite furniture.

Lu Jiaxin pointed to the pink European-style palace hanging dome mosquito net and said: Honggu, I don't like to use mosquito nets, so I removed this mosquito net.

With the air conditioner on, there will be no mosquitoes when the temperature is low, and removing the mosquito net won't affect anything.

As she expected, this cousin is not easy to take care of, but fortunately, the young cousin is good and filial. Hong Gu reminded: Miss Cousin, this is arranged by the old lady.

Lu Jiaxin hummed and said, I will tell my aunt when she comes back. You first have someone take down the mosquito net.

Although Hong Gu felt that she had too much to do, she still arranged for the maid who came up with the luggage to take down the mosquito net: Miss Cousin, is there anything else you can do?

Lu Jiaxin knew that she didn't like him, but she still said politely: I have nothing to do here, you go ahead and get busy!

Hong Gu is the housekeeper of Gu Zhai. She is really busy handling all the big and small things. If the old lady hadn't warned her before going out, she wouldn't have been able to bring Lu Jiaxin up in person.

When going down the stairs, the young maid said softly: Auntie, my cousin has such a bad temper. This mosquito net was chosen for her by the old lady.

Although Hong Gu also thought so, she couldn't express it like a young maid: My cousin has a bad temper. Please take good care of her and don't let her find excuses to drive you away.

Lu Jiaxin's room not only has a beautiful dressing table, but also a separate cloakroom, which she is particularly satisfied with. What pleased her most about this room was the floor-to-ceiling windows. When she opened the curtains, she could see the garden below.

The day in July was very hot. Lu Jiaxin noticed that she was a little sticky and took a shower first, changed her clothes and went downstairs to call Su Heyuan.

Su Heyuan went to work in his family's garment factory in February and was ostracized there. However, he did not leave and worked conscientiously.

Lu Jiaxin knew that he was capable and not a soft-tempered person. He must have had a purpose in staying behind after being made things difficult by his uncles and cousins.

Su Heyuan heard her voice and said with a smile: Are you here?

Lu Jiaxin said with a smile: I arrived an hour ago. Brother Su, are you free tomorrow? I would like to treat you to dinner.

Su Heyuan was happy: You have just arrived in Hong Kong City, how can I let you treat me to dinner? You can treat me later when you make money.

Lu Jiaxin didn't even bother to be polite to him and agreed with a smile.

Su Heyuan was also quite busy. He made an appointment to pick her up after get off work tomorrow and go to dinner before hanging up.

Lu Jiaxin had nothing to do after hanging up the phone, so she called the maid who was packing her things: What's your name?

The maid replied respectfully: Miss, my name is Huang Mei, everyone calls me A Mei.

Lu Jiaxin said politely: Do you have newspapers and magazines at home? If so, show them to me.

The maid quickly went to the utility room and came out with a thick stack of newspapers: Miss Cousin, these are the newspapers from last month and this month.

Lu Jiaxin thanked her and picked up the latest newspaper and read it.

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