The last time Nie Zhan chatted with Lu Jiaxin, he got stuck after not even saying a few words. This time he learned his lesson and all he talked about was finance and real estate.

Lu Jiaxin is preparing to apply for the finance major in college, so she is naturally interested in this topic. She will ask a few questions if she doesn't understand.

Finance and real estate are the most profitable in Hong Kong City, and Su Heyuan also listened very carefully.

When the dishes were served, Lu Jiaxin found that the four dishes she chose were more delicious than what she had eaten in her previous life. After thinking about it, you will understand the reason. The chef's skill is second, and the most important thing is that the ingredients are high-end and fresh.

We ate well and chatted happily. After eating, all three of us were smiling. When Su Heyuan went to check out, he found that the account was already in Nie Zhan's name.

When they got outside, Nie Zhan said: Miss Lu, let me take you back!

Lu Jiaxin declined politely, saying that Su Heyuan could just give it to her.

Nie Zhan thought that she had enjoyed her meal just now and said, Miss Lu, if you want to come here to eat next time, you can tell me and I will ask my friend to save a good seat for you.

The last time I chatted with him, I found that this girl was very repulsive to me. Being able to chat with him for so long today was already a big improvement. Take your time, don't rush, or be too eager and scare others and ignore yourself.

Lu Jiaxin did not refuse this time, smiled and thanked her and left.

Nie Zhan was about to leave after watching the car drive away. Unexpectedly, he turned around and saw his friend Feng Qinglei: How long have you been here?

William punched him and scolded him with a smile: I was at the counter when you entered the restaurant, but it's a pity that you only had eyes for that beautiful little girl, and I didn't even see you say hello.

Nie Zhan ignored him and walked towards his car.

Feng Qinglei followed him and joked as he walked: Are you really attracted to that little girl? I think that little girl is underage. Nie Zhan, you are so good at this?

Whether he is at school or back in Hong Kong, there are too many girls chasing him to count. There were many ladies from famous families, many of them were very beautiful, but this guy didn't like any of them. His high standards led many people to think that he liked men, and he himself became one of the suspects.

Nie Zhan said: She is very beautiful and very special.

Seeing him like this, Feng Qinglei reminded: That little girl looks okay, but she is too immature. When looking for a girlfriend, it is better to find someone with a curvy front and a curvy back to be more attractive.

The girlfriends he found were all hot girls with hot bodies, but feelings came and went quickly. However, there are many rich young men in Hong Kong who change women just like clothes. He is just one of them, and not the outstanding one.

Nie Zhan said with disdain: It's quite exciting. It's so exciting that you can bring other men home and make your head green.

I didn't mean to criticize those women. After all, Feng Qinglei was not an innocent man, and he only had a playful attitude towards those women.

Feng Qinglei pouted: If you don't have fun while you're young, you won't be able to have fun when you get married and have children. Life would be so boring if you were like you!

Nie Zhan ignored him, opened the car door and got in. Unexpectedly, Feng Qinglei also got into the car and asked next to him: Azhan, are you serious?

Do you think I am you and can play with emotional matters?

Feng Qinglei didn't understand how a passionate person like the second lady of the Nie family could give birth to such a rigid son: What's that girl's name? Which family is she from?

Nie Zhan didn't hide it from him. If he didn't say anything now, he had already aroused his interest and found someone to find out: She is the granddaughter of Mrs. He's sister. She was brought over from the mainland last month.

Feng Qinglei said in disbelief: This girl just came from the mainland? I think her conversation and dining etiquette are not inferior to those rich ladies!

It's not like everyone in mainland China is poor. Her father is an official and her family is very well off, Nie Zhan said. He hasn't checked out Lu Jiaxin, but she can speak English and understand French and Western food etiquette. She is also very good. A poor family cannot raise such a girl.

Feng Qinglei thought this made sense. He joked: If your suitors know that you like a mainland girl, I'm afraid they will think you have no taste.

Nie Zhan said: As long as you know this, don't tell it, otherwise it will affect her.

I won't tell you for sure. But when you catch him and the paparazzi catch the two of you dating and publish it in the newspaper, everyone in the entire Hong Kong City will know.

Nie Zhan didn't even look at him: I don't need you to worry about it. Don't let the paparazzi take pictures of you anymore, or my aunt will complain about it again.

Thinking of his mother who urged her to get married every day, Feng Qinglei suddenly felt dizzy.

At the same time, Su Heyuan was also asking Lu Jiaxin: How did you and Nie Zhan meet?

My paintings are sold to him, you should know this, right?

Su Heyuan knew that Su Hongying had mentioned this to him: I know! It's just that I think Nie Zhan seems to like you, so attentive. He can't just fall in love with you when you are in Yangcheng, right?

Now Lu Jiaxin is smart and lovely, it is normal for Nie Zhan to like her. But a year ago, she looked like a refugee. If Nie Zhan could like that look, there was something wrong with this person.

Lu Jiaxin shook her head and said: We didn't meet when we were in Yangcheng. We met after coming to Hong Kong City. I'm also curious, why is he so enthusiastic about me? There are so many beauties in Hong Kong City. What kind of young man like him is looking for? No, why would you fall in love with me, a bean sprout?

Su Heyuan said amusedly: How could anyone say that about himself?

Lu Jiaxin was not belittling herself, but told the truth: I haven't grown up yet. Compared with those fair-skinned and beautiful rich ladies, I am just a bean sprout.

Su Heyuan laughed loudly and said: Everyone likes these vegetables and radishes. Some like charming people, some like hot people, and some like people with outstanding temperament. You are pure and lovely, and Nie Zhan should like you. All kinds of things.”

You mean, I don't look good?

Su Heyuan shook his head and said: It's not that you are not good-looking. As you just said, you are still a bean sprout that has not grown yet. When you grow in two years, you can participate in the TVB beauty pageant and you should be able to win. A Hong Kong girl is back.

This is too exaggerated.

Lu Jiaxin asked with a smile: What kind do you like?

Su Heyuan said frankly: I am a relatively vulgar person, and I want to marry a rich girl with white skin and good looks, which will help my career. It's not just me, many men have the same idea as me. Even those rich and noble young men, most of them I want to marry a well-matched young lady as my wife.

Lu Jiaxin was not surprised. Su Heyuan was very ambitious and he could use marriage to pave the way for his career. As long as you treat your wife well after marriage, a business alliance is not bad.

Su Heyuan said: People in Hong Kong look down on us from the mainland and always call us mainland boys and mainland girls. Rich families like the Nie family have an even greater sense of family status.

Jiaxin, the Nie family fights harder than the Su family. If Nie Zhan wants to take charge of the Nie family in the future, finding a wife who can help him is the easiest way.

Lu Jiaxin didn't know Nie Zhan very well. The Nie family's affairs were also seen in gossip magazines, but they may not be true: I only want to do two things now, get into college and make money.

With these words, Su Heyuan felt relieved.

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