Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 110: Are foreign monks chanting sutras?

Chen Xiao has invested almost all of his savings into Changtian Technology. The 500,000 investment some time ago, and the 500,000 bonus (apology fee) he just received from Shengda will also be fully invested.

The foundation of the company has been built, and what is lacking now is talent.

If Liu Hao is willing to stay in Changtian Technology, Chen Xiao is of course willing. After all, the most advanced computer and Internet technology in this era is still in the United States, and Liu Hao's ability is not bad.

If Liu Hao just used Changtian as a springboard and planned to stay for a while and then leave, Chen Xiao wouldn't mind.

The flow of Internet talents is already fast. It would be very good if Liu Hao could help do something during his time at Changtian Technology.

Chen Xiao's salary for Liu Hao is 5,000 yuan a month, including food.

This salary level is definitely different from that of Internet companies in the United States, but for Xia Guo, especially inland cities, it is definitely a high salary.

The first task Chen Xiao gave Liu Hao was to modify the homepage layout of the 11181 website and be responsible for server expansion.

Chen Xiao's plan is to keep the search bar entry of 11181, which is the traffic for Baidu.

Keep the navigation link entry below the search bar, which is the basic function of 11181 to survive.

But to add some live hotspots above the search bar.

The real-time hotspot does not need to be written by yourself, just need to crawl from the portal website.

Baidu once mentioned to Chen Xiao, or put the 11181 server at Baidu, but Chen Xiao decisively refused.

No matter how pleasant the cooperation is, the data must be in your own hands. This is the true meaning of survival.

Chen Xiao's budget for server expansion also reached 500,000.

When the news was announced, Wang Xiang was a little muttered, the world is in an Internet bubble, and Chen Xiao is still involved?

500,000, a lot!

However, because Wang Xiang had already set his own position, he chose to shut up and obey after he mentioned this point and was not accepted by Chen Xiao.

But Liu Hao is different.

Liu Hao has stayed in a large company overseas, and he immediately saw that the 11181 navigation website is somewhat similar to Yahoo in the 1990s.

Because Yahoo is basically a navigation monk, but in the United States, navigation has no future. There are navigation websites, but they do not make money. Including Yahoo, has gradually turned itself into a portal website instead of a navigation website.

Liu Hao has stayed in a large factory, and he must despise the investment of 500,000 yuan, but he thinks that a small company like Changtian doesn't have much money. Besides, Chen Xiao, a little brat, is actually the boss of the company, and he has already retreated.

Liu Hao said: "I must point out that navigation has no future. It can be seen from Yahoo. If you want to make a website, you can make a portal website. Now there is no profit in doing navigation."

Does Liu Hao make sense?

He is a turtle, of course it makes sense. The United States has a navigation website, but the traffic is poor. That is because the Internet in the United States is quite mature. In addition, the main value of the navigation page is to let users who are not proficient in using the input method quickly and easily Enter the URL, so the navigation does not make much sense for US users.

Moreover, the Omi country can use the input method proficiently, and does not need input method conversion, and the comfort is that the website is still familiar with the English spelling.

They are accustomed to using search engines such as Google as navigation, enter the abbreviation of the website they need to enter in the search engine, and then click directly into it.

This is much more comfortable than going to the target page of the click navigation.

This kind of habit will also appear in the Xia Kingdom 20 years later. Netizens are used to entering keywords in the whiteness to find the website, search and click to enter, instead of finding the entry link from the navigation website.

But it's different now. Now Xiaguo's netizens are immature, and search engines are not popular. At this time, Xiaguo's websites have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, so users need "navigators".

A very large proportion of netizens in China have directly crossed from a civilized farming society to a civilized information society, and they also need "navigators", so different national conditions have different meanings.

If you do 11181 well, you will master the traffic password, not just profit.

Liu Hao suggested: "I suggest either making 11181 a portal website, or increasing the proportion of advertisements, and making profits as soon as possible is the first priority."

Chen Xiao said with a smile: "By the way, there is another modification to remove all the advertising links of 11181 on the homepage, and put some advertising links in the hotspots of current affairs. I want to ensure the user experience of 11181 and the cleanliness of the page."

When Liu Hao heard Chen Xiao say this, it was incredible, and he felt that Chen Xiao was crazy.

He wondered if Chen Xiao knew the Internet? Do you understand market development? !

Liu Hao asked, "Have you ever been abroad?"

After the rebirth, Chen Xiaoxing has never been out, what country has he been out of?

Chen Xiao said, "No."

Liu Hao laughed!

After a long time, Chen Xiao is just a bum!

Haven't been out of the country, haven't seen the advanced of the United States, what else are you talking about?

People of Liu Hao's era were deeply influenced by the West (flickering) and believed that the Western system, culture, and technology were the most advanced, and they disliked everything in the I can't wait to take that from the United States. Just copying a set is enough.

Liu Hao asked again: "Do you know how the top US websites like Yahoo operate? What do you eat without advertisements?"

Liu Hao's attitude is very hard, he is not polite to Chen Xiao at all, as if he is the boss.

He is a returnee, and he has the arrogance of returnees. He never thought of working in Changtian for a long time, and then seeing that the boss of Changtian is actually a little kid like Chen Xiao, a little kid who doesn't understand anything , and have no desire to continue.

Moreover, a series of ideas from Chen Xiao just now made Liu Hao feel absurd!

Chen Xiao said kindly: "It is indeed profitable to implant a large number of advertising links now, but in the long run, it will ruin word of mouth, and our user base is far from enough."

11181 is not a difficult website, it is easy to imitate, but no one in the market has responded.

In fact, Chen Xiao took a time difference and a poor information, and quickly captured the market during this gap time period.

Guaranteeing the user experience is the only magic weapon to keep 11181 ahead.

Innovative technology products (new materials, chip semiconductors, new energy, biotechnology, etc.) are absolutely money-burning projects, and they are not projects that can be played by millions. Seize the Internet as soon as possible to get enough funds. This is what Chen Xiao considered.

11181 is just an entry point. To do major events in the future, you must have traffic. Ensuring the traffic entry is more meaningful than a few advertising fees.

Liu Hao looked at Chen Xiao, smiled disdainfully, and said to Wang Xiang proudly, "Brother Xiang, I appreciate your kindness! This company is not very suitable for me, I will go back first."

"Hey! Hey! Liu Hao, don't go!"

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