Shenchuan's headquarters in Yanjing is considered a relatively luxurious headquarters of technology companies.

And it is located in the high-tech science and technology park in Yanjing Hai District.

There are many technology companies here, and the location is very prosperous, and there are many people coming and going.

There was a sudden incident of someone jumping off the building at the Shenchuan headquarters, which of course immediately attracted the attention of a large number of people.

For a time, the headquarters was full of onlookers.

Security personnel also urgently activated, prohibiting outside personnel from coming to watch the fun.

The executives of Shenchuan also immediately called the police and the 120 emergency number.

Because the headquarters is relatively close to the hospital, police and emergency vehicles quickly arrived at the scene.

Yao Chenke, the vice president of Yanjing headquarters, quickly reported the matter to Sun Yanfang.

Who knew that Sun Yanfang's phone call was not answered.

Yao Chenke had a very bad premonition, and he immediately went to the scene.

The ground was blurred with blood and blood and brain plasma.

Yao Chenke felt sick for a while.

He didn't dare to go any further to identify this person's appearance.

But see what this person is wearing, as well as the figure.

Yao Chenke instinctively felt that this person was Sun Yanfang.

Sure enough, after the police surveyed the scene, they determined the identity of the person who jumped off the building - Sun Yanfang.

Yao Chenke's heart skipped a beat.

Afraid of what to come.

Sun Yanfang is the CEO of Yanjing headquarters and the vice president of the head office.

Why did you suddenly jump off the building?

This time, the employees of Yanjing headquarters were talking a lot.

Some say that Sun Yanfang's incident happened, and what she did has been discovered by the company headquarters, and it is very likely that she will be handed over to the judicial authorities, so Sun Yanfang only committed suicide.

Others said that Sun Yanfang suffered from severe depression, so she committed suicide.

Yanjing has always been the place where the media pays the most attention. The news of Sun Yanfang's suicide immediately occupied the front pages of the major media in Yanjing.

On Yanjing's forums and various post bars, related matters were even more noisy.

"The Shenchuan Shenzhen headquarters seems to have just held a board of directors to determine the new general manager. The original popular candidate, Sun Yanfang, seems to have not attended the meeting at all."

"Isn't it? I heard that Sun Yanfang is being investigated and audited by the headquarters, and there are many serious problems."

"I don't know how much money this woman has embezzled. Now commit suicide in fear of crime and protect the leaders above."

"Oh, everyone, don't eat melons. Changtian Technology is a private company. Even if it is embezzled, it is his Changtian Technology's money, not taxpayers' money."

"That's right, that is, let's take a salary of one or two thousand yuan to worry about other people's multi-millionaire affairs, what are we doing!"

Shenchuan's public relations department immediately launched emergency measures.

The relevant news was completely blocked, and Internet companies such as Baidu were urgently contacted to ask these Internet leading companies to delete some bad photos on the Internet, especially the photos of the falling building.

But there is no such thing as an impermeable wall.

Relevant photos are still uploaded on the Internet all over the city.

The police in Yanjing also immediately issued a warning notice.

It means that there was a fall from the building at the Shenchuan headquarters, and the cause was initially identified to rule out homicide.

The meaning of this report is actually to clearly state that Sun Yanfang committed suicide.

Yao Chenke immediately wrote a situation report about Sun Yanfang's suicide, and urgently reported it to Shenchuan headquarters and Changtian Technology headquarters.

Then immediately held a meeting at the Yanjing headquarters, and asked all the people at the Yanjing headquarters of Shenchuan to absolutely not allow the publicity of what happened on the scene.

All remain silent until there is a clear result of the investigation at headquarters.

About Sun Yanfang's family.

Because Sun Yanfang is not married, she has no husband or children.

She has only one younger brother and parents.

Considering the emotions of Sun Yanfang's family, Yao Chenke asked the headquarters to notify Sun Yanfang's younger brother first.

Yao Chenke protected Sun Yanfang's office in time.

Find a letter to the headquarters on Sun Yanfang's desktop.

If the scene is discovered by the police, then this letter must be handed over to the police.

Yao Chenke is weighing the pros and cons.

Yao Chenke has already heard about some rumors about Sun Yanfang at the top.

This matter is likely to involve some scandals within the Shenchuan and also affect Changtian Technology.

Therefore, before the police inspected Sun Yanfang's office, Yao Chenke directly put the letter in his pocket, and arranged for his cronies to immediately take a special plane to Changzezhou to deliver the letter to Chen Xiao.

According to reason, the letter should be sent to the Shenchuan headquarters first.

But the matter is very small, and time cannot be wasted.

Before Sun Yanfang's unique letter was delivered, Chen Xiao had already learned the news of Sun Yanfang's jumping off the building.

At this time, Changzezhou Changtian Technology Headquarters.

Chen Xiao, Zhou Linghua, Wang Xiang, and Wu Jun, who came from Shenzhen, were all sitting in Chen Xiao's office.

The sudden incident caught Wu Jun a little by surprise.

In the Shenchuan board of directors not long ago, the general manager appointed according to Wu Jun's idea should be Sun Yanfang, but Zhou Linghua greeted him urgently, and then the candidate was temporarily changed. The headquarters appointed a general manager Zhou Ming.

Wu Jun had expected at that time that an earthquake might occur inside the divine ship.

Unexpectedly, it was only a few days before Sun Yanfang jumped off the building.

It was at this time that Luo Ning hurried in from outside the office.

Luo Ning said to Chen Xiao, "Mr. Chen, this is Sun Yanfang's absolute letter. It was written to the headquarters."

Chen Xiao opened Sun Yanfang's letter.

There are more than 3 pages in total, and the content in it is related to Sun Yanfang's involvement in several projects and the people involved.

In fact, Chen Xiao is very clear about all the circumstances in the letter.

In fact, the content involved is almost the same as the content of the original audit report.

It's just that Sun Yanfang clarified the reasons and some facts more clearly.

Sun Yanfang left all the assets and unjust enrichment to the headquarters and handed them over to the headquarters for processing.

Chen Xiao sighed.

Knowing today, why was it in the first place?

Being a person at the level of Sun Yanfang, sometimes it may be really involuntary.

Push yourself to a dead end.

For Sun Yanfang, money may be just a number.

What Sun Yanfang pursues is not just as simple as money.

at the end of this letter.

Sun Yanfang begged the headquarters to consider that the intermediate treatment center could continue to treat her father's disease due to the fact that she had paid so much for Shenchuan.

When Chen Xiao sent the report to Sun Yanfang, he had expected two results.

The first is that Sun Yanfang may commit suicide.

The second is that Sun Yanfang will confess everything she is willing to do.

Unexpectedly, Sun Yanfang chose the first one.

However, Sun Yanfang was able to make such a choice as expected.

After all, if such a strong woman loses her social status, her current position and job, she actually loses everything.

A man who fell into despair and could not see the future.

There is no other way but suicide.

After receiving the letter, Chen Xiao said, "It is determined that Sun Yanfang died unexpectedly at work, and Sun Yanfang's family should be compensated accordingly."

Then Chen Xiao looked at Zhou Linghua again and said, "I heard that Sun Yanfang's father is being treated in the intensive care center in Shanghai."

"Let the intensive care center do everything possible to save his father."

Chen Xiao handed this letter from Sun Yanfang to Wang Xiang.

"Make a color scan of this letter, print out the scan, and send it to Sun Yanfang's younger brother, so that they can do their own thing."

The fundamental reason why Chen Xiao made such a decision was to make the Sun family obey the arrangement of the headquarters.

Don't make a fuss about it, make a fuss.

It's not that Chen Xiao is afraid of Sun Yanfang's family members making trouble.

Rather, they do not want this tragic thing to continue to ferment.

All things end here.

Sun Yanfang's audit report will also be released within the company gradually in the follow-up.

This is also an example.

What Chen Xiao wanted was to tell all the Changtian Technology staff.

If you work in a group company, the group company will guarantee your health, high income and extraordinary social status.

But if you have other ideas.

I'm sorry then.

Changtian Technology is not a charitable organization, nor a social welfare organization.

It is a complex of scientific research and business.

Every staff member in Changtian Technology has to play his own role.

Otherwise, the head office of the group will have many means to make that small group of people pay a painful price.

After the news of the death of Sun Yanfang's younger brother and sister in Shanghai, they rushed to Yanjing from Shanghai immediately.

Seeing his sister's body at the funeral home, he collapsed completely.

He clamored for the Shenchuan headquarters to pay the price, and asked the police to thoroughly find out the truth of Nodule's death.

"My sister is such an excellent person, it is absolutely impossible for her to commit suicide!"

"She must have been coerced by something!"

"I strongly urge the media to expose this matter!"

"The head office must compensate us!"

Sun Yanfang's younger brother was very excited, because her elder sister was the backbone of the family.

After Sun Yanfang's death, if nothing else, it's no problem for the Sun family's income to be less than a few million a year.

While crying, the younger brother hopes to ask the media for help.

But he searched the entire funeral home, and there was no media willing to come to interview this matter.

Moreover, he called the media, and the media, under the instruction of Changtian Technology Group, were unwilling to get involved in this kind of thing.

Sun Yanfang's younger brother became more and more troubled, and even directly told the person in charge of the Yanjing headquarters that if the truth of the matter could not be found out, Sun Yanfang would never be cremated.

Yao Chenke has been instructed by Wang Xiang. He took out the last suicide note written by Sun Yanfang and gave it to Sun Yanfang's younger brother. After that, he said, "This is the letter your sister asked to hand over to the company headquarters before she committed suicide."

"You should know your sister's handwriting very well."

"Look at the contents for yourself."

After seeing the contents of the letter, Sun Yanfang's younger brother collapsed to the ground.

The content of the letter basically stated clearly that, although the reason for Fang's suicide, it also involved his father's treatment in Shanghai.

Yao Chenke said: "If this matter continues to escalate, I think President Sun's father will also encounter some problems in treatment."

"And the company will not give Mr. Sun a penny in compensation, and will pursue Mr. Sun's legal responsibility."

"The company headquarters is not prepared to make this matter public because of Mr. Sun's 10 years of dedication to the Shenchuan."

"We want you to think about it for your sister and your father."

For the sake of this, Sun Yanfang's younger brother could only accept his fate besides crying.

The police quickly came to a conclusion about Sun Yanfang's suicide - depression.

This is also the end of the story.

A day later, Sun Yanfang's body was cremated.

At the funeral home in Yanjiao, a simple farewell ceremony was held.

Wu Jun came to Yanjing from Changzezhou to see Sun Yanfang off.

Wang Xiang also came to say goodbye to Sun Yanfang on behalf of the headquarters.

The ancients had a cloud, and the coffin was closed.

After a person dies, all merits and demerits disappear.

Whether Sun Yanfang contributed to the Shenchuan in the past, or did something later, it went against the company's regulations.

It's all over.

After the guests gradually dispersed.

Shen Wei walked in.

She was wearing a black business suit and was holding a bunch of lilies in her hands.

This is Sun Yanfang's favorite flower.

Shen Wei walked to the crystal coffin.

Put the lilies on the ground.

Then he bowed three times deeply.


Shen Wei's eyes were already full of tears.

The cruelty of the world was even more terrifying than she imagined.

Changtian Technology is still a company with relatively standardized management.

What if Shen Wei audited some kind of state-owned enterprise this time, or some other private enterprise?

What she saw was probably more filthy than what she saw today.

Sometimes in front of feelings and rules.

Really hard to choose.

Wang Xiang saw Shen Wei.

He walked over and handed a handwritten letter from Chen Xiao to Shen Wei.

"Shen Wei, the boss originally wanted to call you. But it might be better to write you a letter."

"Mr. Chen means that Changtian Technology has just set up an anti-corruption audit department. President Chen hopes that you can come and be the person in charge."

Shen Wei opened the letter written by Chen Xiao.

In addition to comforting Shen Wei and letting Shen Wei not have a psychological burden.

There is also a sincere invitation.

Chen Xiao expected it.

Where there is profit, there will be rivers and lakes.

Where there is interest will be intertwined.

Changtian Technology is absolutely impossible to be a blank sheet of paper.

Each subsidiary is very profitable.

It is absolutely impossible to say that some of these key figures are not selfish.

However, a group company must go down step by step.

There can be no problems within the company in the first place.

Therefore, it is quite necessary to establish a clean government audit department.

The person in charge of this department must be Chen Xiao's confidant, and he is only responsible to Chen Xiao.

This is like the Dongchang and Jinyiwei in the Ming Dynasty, or the bad people in the Tang Dynasty.

From this letter, Shen Wei could feel the great pressure on Chen Xiao.

She wanted Chen Xiao to fight alone, leading the entire group to fight against internal instability on the one hand, and to constantly compete with Western technology companies on the other hand.

He must also be very There are not many people that Chen Xiao trusts.

Shen Wei is the most important person among them.

Thinking of this, the weakest part of Shen Wei's heart was touched.

After she folded the letter, she put it in her bag.

After wiping away his tears, he revealed a pale smile and said to Wang Xiang, "I'll go back to Changze Island with you."

------off topic-----

Sorry for being in a hurry yesterday, the typo and sick sentence in the previous chapter have been revised.

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