Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 697: Sorry, I changed the world once again

From the first generation of pn to the current pn3s, to the pn4 mobile phone currently being designed by Apple, Jobs basically focused on the design, production and sales of mobile phones throughout the process.

So he has a very good understanding of every hardware of the mobile phone.

Since Apple wants to be the best mobile phone in the world, of course it will use the best hardware in the world.

Therefore, Apple chose to let Samsung represent its own chips, and also used Sony's cameras, and used memory and storage from several global top brands such as Samsung, Hynix, and Toshiba.

Jobs used to think that these mobile phone hardware manufacturers purchased by Apple should be the best and top hardware manufacturers in the world.

So even if Jobs had heard of Changtian Technology's hardware before, and heard that carbon crystal memory and carbon crystal storage were so good, Jobs just listened to it and didn't take it too seriously.

But today is different. Today Jobs got a pn mobile phone in his hand.

This pn phone is made by Apple, but not by Apple.

Because most of the hardware of this phone has been improved by Changtian Technology and installed with Changtian Technology's hardware.

Jobs simply played with the mobile phone and knew it very clearly, compared with Changtian Technology's carbon-based memory, carbon crystal storage, cameras and lithium batteries.

The hardware purchased by Apple in the past is completely different from Changtian Technology.

The two sides are not only a generation or two generations apart in craftsmanship, but a difference of decades.

If the pn mobile phone can use the hardware of Changtian Technology, Jobs can be sure that the sales of pn will definitely explode, and it may become the best-selling mobile phone in the world in a short period of half a year or a year.

But if ppsr ownership is sacrificed for this purpose, is the deal worth it or not? Jobs felt he had to seriously think about it.

The most critical point is that Changtian Technology has just agreed to provide Apple with the most advanced hardware in the world within 13 years. Even if Changtian Technology cooperates with other mobile phone companies in the future, these mobile phone companies will not be able to buy the same advanced hardware as Apple.

This condition is indeed quite attractive.

And one of the most attractive parts of Changtian Technology's hardware is its strong performance and light weight, which can solve the problem that performance, weight and size are mutually exclusive in the process of pn4 mobile phone design.

The Apple team, who had just been bluffing, was collectively silenced.

With a smile, Jobs handed the phone in his hand to the team around him and asked them to use it to see the performance.

Sure enough, as everyone tried to use mobile phones, many people's faces changed.

Because they feel that this pn recreated by Changtian Technology is the real pn that everyone ideals.

Jobs did not immediately answer Chen Xiao's question, but said after discussing: "Mr. Chen, see if you can give us 12 days, and we will give you the answer in the morning the day after tomorrow at the latest."

In fact, negotiation is like this. When a person hesitates and struggles to agree to your terms, the negotiation is basically successful.

Chen Xiao smiled and said to Jobs: "Mr. Jobs, the autumn weather is cool during this time, and the night in Changzezhou is very beautiful. You can stay at the Mochizuki Hotel for a few more days, and you will definitely be able to see the bright moon and moonlight without any interference from the city lights at night. Galaxy."

The final meaning is actually agreeing with Jobs' suggestion and giving Jobs two days to let them think.

The finance team immediately returned to the hotel, and they were about to meet to evaluate the pros and cons of cooperation with Changtian Technology.

After waiting for Jobs to leave, Wang Xiang was still very puzzled.

Because they are both mobile phone companies, why is Chen Xiao willing to sell the hardware to Jobs, but not willing to sell the hardware to? After all, Zhou Ming is still waiting for the answer from Changtian Technology in Suzhou and Hangzhou at this time. He has completely agreed with the conditions given by Chen Xiao.

Wang Xiang couldn't help but ask this question.

"There are two reasons," Chen Xiao said.

"The first reason is that Apple is unique. Apple's s system is unique in the world, and its ecology has begun to show its prominence."

"Even without the addition of Changtian Technology's hardware, Apple will certainly be successful."

"And the Android system is used, and the Android system is an open system. It can not only do Samsung, Motorola, and future mobile phone companies."

"The current sales of several mobile phones are relatively good, but do you see the bright spot of the mobile phone? I don't see it."

"I think the main reason for the good quality of mobile phones is not only related to the hardware of Changtian Technology, but also because it is in the forefront of the Android system, giving consumers a sense of freshness."

"Including the so-called first-generation King 2, still using mechanical keyboards."

"I haven't seen any innovation on his phone, everything is in order."

"Being in good order means that what he can do can also be done by others. If someone else's mobile phone can do better than him one day, then he will still face defeat."

"The second reason is that Apple is a technology company in the United States, and it is inextricably linked with the consortium behind the United States and other large companies in the West."

"If we can drive nails into Apple's interior, we can lay the foundation for a future living environment where technology has not yet existed."

"And from the beginning to the end, it is a company in the Wanwan area of ​​Xia Guo. Even if he is backed by US capital, he has no absolute right to speak in the US and European markets."

Wang Xiang seemed to understand something.

Indeed, Chen Xiao still has many specific reasons for not telling Wang Xiang, because Chen Xiao feels that now is not the time.

This is Chen Xiao's rebirth, knowing that Apple will succeed and fail in the future.

Doing business is the same as investing in stocks. You must choose the right track. Even if you encounter a short setback, you will quickly overcome the difficulties and move on.

Apple is an excellent track, a track where consumers are already making choices.

It is absolutely impossible for Chen Xiao to go against the trend, but to follow the trend.

This reason is whether it is an Apple mobile phone or a mobile phone.

All the previous cooperation of Changtian Technology is to ask for directions, to expand the popularity of its own hardware, and to embed its influence in any single market in the world, including the United States.

Cooperation with any mobile phone manufacturer is paving the way for Changtian Technology's future Hanhai mobile phone.

Chen Xiao is planning for the worst in the future, assuming that Hanhai will succeed in the future, but due to system or other reasons, he will not be able to open the US market.

Then the thunder buried in Apple's hands today will be the magic weapon for Chen Xiao to win in the future.

The competition in technology is becoming more and more intense, and so is the competition in the mobile phone industry.

It is not enough to rely on advanced hardware and technical level. It is also necessary to have a far-sighted view and formulate plans and paths suitable for the development of Changtian Technology.

Chen Xiao is now taking every step of the way, and he can't go wrong.

In addition, the fact that Changtian Technology has cooperated with Apple today does not mean the cooperation between Changtian Technology and other mobile phones.

If or other mobile phone companies are willing to buy the hardware products of Changtian Technology, Chen Xiao is also willing to sell the hardware products currently in hand to them at the market price, and everyone can cooperate for mutual benefit and make money together.

It's just that in the last three years, they haven't been able to get the most advanced products as Apple.

Chen Xiao stood up and said to the company's executives and the negotiating team, "Okay, I'll be here today, everyone, let's end the meeting."

"Any details we negotiated with Apple, I ask that no one person be allowed to leak to the outside world, including media reporters, people inside the company, and your relatives and friends."

When Chen Xiao said this, his face was very serious.

It is to ask all people not to allow leaks.

Changtian Technology requires very strict internal confidentiality principles, and has a very strict system to restrict the behavior of employees.

Unless someone is unwilling to take the job of Changtian Technology, then say this.

At present, the treatment of Changtian Technology is very good, and the development prospects are very good. No one is a fool.

So everyone said in unison: "Don't worry, President Chen, we will definitely keep this matter a secret."

After Jobs' team left the venue, reporters frantically interviewed.

"Hello Mr. Jobs, have you reached some agreements with Changtian Technology this time?"

Some attentive reporters saw that Jobs' face was not very good, and his face was completely ashen. It was completely different from the situation when he came to the venue a few hours ago, and immediately asked:

"Mr. Jobs, are the negotiations between the two parties not going well?"

"Mr. Jobs, has Changtian Technology made some unreasonable demands?"

Even if the media asked what kind of question, Jobs and his team still did not say a word, and finally, under the **** of security, they left the venue and returned to the hotel.

Similarly, when the staff of Changtian Technology left the conference room, the media also came forward to ask questions, hoping to get some news of the negotiations.

But again, none of the top executives spoke to the media.

In the end, under the **** of the security guards, all the senior management of Changtian Technology also left the venue.

However, the media were keenly aware that there was more or less a smile on the faces of the experts of Changtian Technology, which was in sharp contrast to the frowning and serious Apple team.

After returning to the hotel, Jobs immediately held a meeting, turned on the video, and held a meeting with the board of directors of Apple headquarters in the United States through encrypted channels.

It is still early morning in the United States, but this matter is of great importance, and the team in the United States will not mind whether it is time to have a meeting or sleep at this time.

Jobs' opening line was "What did you say?"

The high-level people were discussing at a high speed.

Those who agree say the reasons for agreeing, those who disagree say the reasons why they disagree.

After 5 hours of discussions and detailed calculations using specific models on the US side.

Apple's think tank team in the United States has determined that in cooperation with Changtian Technology, Apple's profit in the next year will be 50% to 80% higher than previously calculated.

If such a cooperation lasts for three years, and there is no product more advanced than Changtian Technology's hardware in the world, then Apple's sales and net profit will be 12 times higher than the previous team's estimate.

The simulated data is very impressive.

In comparison, it is actually quite cost-effective for ppsr to become a separate subsidiary and invite Changtian Technology to become a shareholder.

It was already 700 a.m. in the Xia Kingdom, and the meeting lasted for fifteen hours.

Apple's team was exhausted, and the think tank team in the United States also stayed up all night.

Jobs did things resolutely, without the slightest sloppiness.

As soon as the matter was confirmed, Jobs immediately asked his entourage to draw up a cooperation plan, which was to be submitted to Changtian Technology later this afternoon.

In order to ensure the smooth cooperation, and to reach the relevant agreement as soon as possible.

After Apple drafted the plan in English, it sent the plan to the U.S. headquarters, so that the U.S. headquarters immediately hired a professional translation team to translate the plan.

Apple handed over the partnership agreement in the late afternoon.

Apple completely agrees with the request put forward by Changtian Technology, and is willing to make ppsr a subsidiary independently, and invite Changtian Technology to take 50 shares.

In addition, Apple also confirmed that ppsr will be the only application store for pn mobile phones and s systems.

Apple requires Changtian Technology to provide some advanced hardware products, and to ensure that the most advanced products will not be provided to other third-party technology companies.

Apple also requires that Changtian Technology can only cooperate with Apple and not sell hardware to other companies.

But Jobs also knew that this was just talk, if it could be discussed, it would be fine if it could not be discussed. Of course, it was impossible to talk.

On the second day, Jobs and Chen Xiao jointly signed a three-year cooperation agreement in the academic lecture hall of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Changtian Technology, and after the expiration of the three-year cooperation agreement, Apple has the priority to sign.

This means that it is the first time that Xia Guo Capital has entered such a deep level of mobile phone technology companies in the United States.

When Jobs signed the cooperation agreement, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This time, in cooperation with Changtian Technology, all the hardware will be prepared for the pn4 mobile phone, and Jobs will rush back to the United States non-stop to redesign the pn4 mobile phone.

Under the spotlight of the global media, the two sides signed and shook hands to celebrate.

Jobs joked to Chen Xiao: "Mr. Chen, we hope that your company can provide the first batch of 100,000 pieces of hardware within three months."

Jobs has calculated this time in detail, and three months later will be January next year.

At that time, the pn4 mobile phone had completed all the design and entered the mass production stage.

After all, Jobs expects that the pn4 mobile phone will be released and sold publicly in the spring or summer of next year. If the hardware comes later, it will not be able to keep up with the production of pn4.

Jobs originally thought that his request would put some pressure on Changtian Technology.

Who knows, Chen Xiao said with a smile: "Don't worry, sir, we have prepared and packed these 100,000 pieces of hardware, and will go to the United States with your plane."

The speed of Changtian Technology can be so fast!

Jobs was stunned for 5 seconds. He suddenly felt that if he put some pressure on Changtian Technology, would Apple still be able to obtain better negotiating conditions?

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