Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 730: This man wants to reshape the world (1)

Almost under the watchful eye of journalists around the world.

The team of Changtian Technology has left the Suzhou-Hangzhou Airport and went to Changzezhou.

At this moment, it is the early morning of summer time, and it is close to noon in the morning of eastern time in the United States.

The media in the United States are frantically reporting the relevant news of Xia Guo, and making inferences and analysis.

Almost all the analysis points to the result that Apple is prepared to go against the results of listening to the Z meeting and continue to use Changtian Technology's hardware on the iPhone 4S and sell it to the United States with Changtian Technology Foundation.

"New York Times": Steve Jobs may be subverting the rules of Wall Street.

"Wall Street Journal": At present, we don't know whether Steve Jobs was instructed by Apple's headquarters this time to go to Xiaguo. If he got Apple's income, what was Apple's intention?

Some capital and related departments have approached Apple and asked what was the specific reason why Apple sent Jobs to visit Xiaguo?

But Apple is also at a loss at this point.

Because this time Jobs went to Xia Guo with his own personal power, without borrowing any power from Apple, let alone using a dime from Apple.

Not even Apple's business jets are used.

How does this allow Apple to answer the question?

Apple had no choice but to reply: "Job's visit to Xiaguo has nothing to do with Apple. This is his private visit. It is very likely that he went to Xiaguo for vacation."

Such an answer means no answer.

God XX went to Xiaguo for vacation.

Of course, you can go to Xiaguo for vacation. You can see the Great Wall and the Forbidden City, you can go to Sanchuan Province to see giant pandas, and you can go to the beach in the South China Sea to bask in the sun. What are you going to see in Changzezhou?

Watching Chen Xiao go fishing at the beach with a fishing rod?

Make international jokes.

But Apple's response was better than nothing.

At least everyone knows that Jobs' visit to Xia Guochangtian Technology this time is likely to have nothing to do with Apple, and it is a private behavior.

After all, standing in front of global reporters, Cook's demeanor and tone did not seem to be pretentious, but seemed to be really ignorant.

Affected by Jobs' trip to the canyon, Apple's stock jumped up and down on the Nasdaq today, first plummeting by about 15%, and then extremely rising in the afternoon, rising by 10%, which also explains to a certain extent that capital The ambivalence of the effects of the Jobs visit.

The capital of the entire Wall Street is not at all stable, and various capitals and various forces are playing fierce games around the effect of Jobs' visit.

Because Apple is a smartphone giant.

Any of its decisions involve the upstream and downstream industry chains.

And the companies behind every industry chain involve Wall Street capital.

After Jobs arrived at the headquarters of Changtian Technology in Changze Prefecture, Wang Xiang greeted him at the door.

A day's journey made Jobs very tired.

Oxygen tube has been put on under the advice of family doctor.

Wang Xiang did not delay Jobs' rest time too much, but immediately arranged the relevant medical personnel of the intensive care center to accompany Jobs' family doctor to place Jobs in the special ward of the intensive care center.

After the medical staff in the intensive care center gave Jobs painkillers, Jobs felt a little better.

But the painkillers just numb the nerves, and have no effect on Jobs' current condition.

It was too late today, and Jobs had just come on a long journey.

After discussing with Qu Ping and the family doctor Hedson, Wang Xiang decided to stay up all night to check Jobs' medical records tonight, and then do a comprehensive physical examination on Jobs tomorrow, so that Jobs could rest first.

Qu Ping still admires American medical technology.

In fact, only relying on the case data provided by Hedson, Qu Ping felt that Jobs had no need for further examination.

With Jobs' current physical condition, the more tossing him, the more pain. It is best for him to lie on the hospital bed and rest for a while, and it will also lay a certain physical foundation for future surgical treatment.

At this moment, Jobs was lying in bed, unable to sleep.

He knows that he is a crazy person, making crazy decisions all the time, but today's decision is just too crazy.

Jobs was even thinking.

According to his current physical condition, it is very likely that there is no way to return to the United States.

After Jobs's mobile phone was turned on, there were countless missed calls and messages, and he also had countless messages and messages on social software.

But apart from his family caring about his body, most people are either accusing him of coming to Xia at this time, or conspiracy theories.

Jobs smiled and said, "I'm just here to heal."

In Jobs' heart, he was also very emotional, the strong technical ability of Changtian Technology.

In the wards of this intensive care center, many facilities and equipment are much more advanced than the best hospitals.

Jobs swept around these medical equipment. Most of the equipment was unbranded. It was completely designed, produced and applied by Changtian Technology, not purchased in the market.

Jobs was too lazy to reply, and after sending his family a message that he was safe, he continued to shut down and slept in bed.

Jobs had a long dream that night.

Early morning on day 2.

Qu Ping and his team submitted an analysis report on Jobs' physical condition to Chen Xiao.

Before Chen Xiao opened the report, Qu Ping came to the conclusion: "The liver transplanted last year had a severe rejection reaction, and the tumor attacked the liver again."

"These are little things, but the most important thing is the pancreas and lymph throughout the body."

"The pancreas has basically broken down, and the swollen lymph nodes have lost their function."

"Especially the pancreas. If you say you're going to die, it won't give you any time to react."

Qu Ping said very seriously: "Our team's suggestion is to perform surgery as soon as possible."

"I don't know how long it will take for our clinical trials to be approved."

"But our team has done both."

"Yesterday we have drawn blood for Jobs and extracted some of his somatic cells. At present, the team is intensively using his somatic cells to cultivate more cells for future use."

Chen Xiao nodded and said, "The leaders of the relevant departments have already spoken to me."

"The country has recognized our Changtian Technology's "Cell Totipotency and Tumor Inhibitory Effect under the Action of Combined Colonies", and believes that this research of ours is a good thing for the country and the people under the legal framework."

After all, Xia is the most populous country in the world, as well as the country with the highest incidence of cancer and the highest number of deaths.

If Changtian Technology can find a way to treat cancer, it will definitely improve people's sense of happiness and gain.

"Our scientific research technology is applicable to the country's shortage medical technology test plan (the plot is fictitious, don't take the right seat), and if the volunteers sign the consent form and meet the relevant legal requirements, we can carry out the corresponding clinical experiments as appropriate. "

"At the same time, our normal clinical trial procedures will continue to be handled."

This is where the state is quite human.

Similar to the major scientific research results of Changtian Technology, the scientific research results that are time-consuming.

The state will allow you to conduct clinical trials first, but you cannot conduct large-scale clinical trials.

Large-scale clinical trials still need to go through normal procedures.

The purpose of this is not only to ensure the urgency of space science and technology for experiments, but also to ensure the country's quality and demand control of related scientific research experiments.

When Qu Ping heard the news, she almost jumped up with excitement.

During this period of time, she has not slept well, not because of the long working hours, but because of too much mental stress.

The main reason is that I do not know when the application for clinical trials will be approved.

Now that Chen Xiao has obtained accurate information, Qu Ping can be considered a tone.

But she also heard the main point of Chen Xiao's words just now.

One is clinical trials, which cannot be carried out on a large scale, but can only be carried out on a small scale.

Although the relevant departments did not say how much the small scope is.

But Wu Yong called Chen Xiao later.

A small-scale clinical trial means that the number of clinical trial subjects should not exceed three.

The second is that volunteers must agree and sign relevant consent documents.

The third is compliance with legal moral and ethical requirements.

The shallow meaning of this sentence is that the volunteers must be in a desperate situation, and there is no other way to treat them. They can only come to Sima as a living horse doctor at Changtian Technology.

Qu Ping said: "We have already prepared all the materials including the notice of clinical trial and voluntary application, both in Chinese and English."

"I will explain to Jobs the risks associated with this clinical trial."

Chen Xiao nodded and said to Qu Ping, "Jobs came to our Changtian Technology this time to cure a disease, not to cooperate with Apple."

"So I won't come forward, I wish you all victory!"

Chen Xiao smiled and raised the teacup in his hand.

Qu Ping said affirmatively: "Our experimental process and steps have been repeatedly reasoned for dozens of steps, and this time is definitely no problem."

After returning to the intensive care center, Qu Ping communicated with Jobs' personal doctor Hedson, and came to Jobs' bed with relevant materials.

In order to consider the patient's feelings, Qu Ping did not use the text, but communicated with Jobs in English.

Informed Jobs of all the risks of this clinical trial, and everything else volunteers needed to know.

The communication time is not long, more than 10 minutes.

But Jobs felt professional and meticulous from the deceit.

Jobs joked: "I have already arrived in Xia Guo, and I have prepared for the worst, and now I am willing to give my life to you."

Jobs soon signed his name on dozens of agreements.

In the end, Jobs said, "But I have one small request."

Qu Ping said, "Please speak."

"For my own reasons, my family and Apple are having some trouble right now," Jobs said.

"I would like to make a brief video statement before proceeding with treatment."

"When the time comes, I will trouble you to forward this video statement of mine to the international media."

Qu Ping said with a smile: "Mr. Jobs, you are our patient, not our criminal. You have all the rights granted to overseas citizens by our country's laws."

"Not only can you record a video and give it to the international media, you can also invite the media to come over."

Jobs waved his hand and said with some discomfort: "I know my physical condition very well. With my current physical condition, I can't accept the tossing of those reporters."

In Jobs' words, a lot of the media are essentially hooligans.

If Jobs were to be interviewed by those media now, the bombardment of the media might cause Jobs to die suddenly.

Qu Ping looked at the time and said to Jobs, "Then we will give Mr. half a day to record a video. Now let's talk about the specific steps of surgery and treatment..."

The video that Jobs recorded was not long, just over a minute.

After recording, he handed the video to the medical staff.

The medical staff handed over the video to Qu Ping.

According to Jobs' wishes, Qu Ping received global media in the media reception center of the intensive care center.

The reporters who have been waiting on the outskirts of Changzezhou heard that Changtian Technology would announce the important information about Jobs for interested parties. After quickly applying for a license, they went to the media center of the intensive care center.

The media center, which can accommodate 2,000 people, is packed full of well-known media from all over the world.

The spokesperson of the news is Qu Ping, the attending doctor of Jobs and the leader of the project team.

Qu Ping, the reporters said: "Long story short, the intensive care center has three things to announce."

"The first thing is that the experiment of cell totipotency and tumor inhibition under the action of combined colonies of Changtian Technology was approved as a medical experiment in short supply, and we obtained the qualification for a small-scale clinical trial."

After Qu Ping announced the news, reporters talked a lot, because although Changtian Technology published this paper in the journal of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, it was still quite low-key in general, and many people and the media did not know about it. matter.

Everyone is talking about the experiment of cell totipotency and tumor inhibition under the action of combined colonies.

After all, if it is a non-medical related or even a medical professional, but a related person who does not know much about Changtian Technology's medical technology, looking at such a title is also dizzy and confused.


Qu Ping said: "The second thing, the first volunteer of each experiment is Mr. Steve Jobs."

As soon as this was said, the audience was in an uproar.

"What Jobs was a volunteer in a medical experiment?"

"What an international joke, Jobs came to Xia Guo not because Changtian Technology hardware can be used on the iPhone 4S, but as a medical volunteer?"

"I know that an emerging medical technology is very risky, Jobs is crazy."

Just when the reporters were talking, Qu Ping pressed his hand and said, "The third thing."

"Steve Jobs recorded a video and told me to make it public."

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