Jobs is present today at Apple's board of directors and high-level meetings.

Because he had been estranged from the company for several months, during which time Cook had served as the company's acting CEO, Jobs felt a little strange.

After all, in the release and sales of the iphone4s, Cook also contributed a lot, so Jobs did not intend to care about these details with Cook.

When Jobs sat down.

Many old employees in the company greeted Jobs.

But different from the past.

All is clearly felt that the staff is a lot alienated from him.

There were even many employees who simply said hello to him and left.

However, many employees surrounded Cook, constantly congratulating Cook.

"Congratulations sir! The sales of iphone4s this time far exceeded our expectations!"

"Congratulations Mr. Cook! There is no doubt that the iPhone 4s will be the best-selling phone of the year!"

"Consumers can't wait for the launch of the iPhone 5!"

Such a scene made Jobs feel like a lifetime away.

Jobs was not a particularly face-saving person, nor was he a particularly stingy person.

But it is clear that the design and release of the iphone4s was brought about by Steve Jobs.

There are many design elements and some small functions in the iphone4s, which Jobs put a lot of energy into.

And these people.

These former employees and their subordinates.

Actually next to Cook, congratulate him on the success of the sales of iphone4s.

And he was like a passer-by, sitting in the seat.

At this time, the heads of Apple's design department and R&D department came over.

They walked to Jobs's side, looking very ugly.

The heads of the design department and the R&D department are Jobs' true cronies and direct descendants.

Among them, Bob, the head of R&D, followed Jobs for more than 10 years.

Once left Apple with Jobs, and returned to Apple with Jobs.

"Sir, you are back!"

There was still a hint of surprise in their eyes.

"It looks like your body is recovering well!"

Listen to old friends caring about themselves.

Jobs smiled from the heart.

With some emotion, he said to his two old friends: "It's a good recovery. The medical technology of Changtian Technology is indeed very strong! I never thought that a pancreas and a pancreas would grow back in my body. liver."

"Now in my body, lymphocytes are also completing new metabolic work. As long as this stage of treatment is completed, my cancer will be able to fully recover."

After Jobs finished talking about his physical condition, he saw that Bob and the others were not looking very well, and said very strangely: "After I returned to the company this time, I found that there was something wrong with the atmosphere in the company."

When Bob was about to say something, Swell, who was beside him, made a color for the baby.

Bob's character is inherently straight, and he has the easygoing temperament of a tech nerd.

Whatever comes to mind, you must say it, but you won't keep it in your heart and make yourself uncomfortable.

Bob said to Jobs: "Sir, you should have heard that the relevant department has put a patch on the hearing for the first half of the year."

"This time, the companies involved in the ban include companies associated with Changtian Technology, and to put it bluntly, it includes the French company Pascal."

"In order to obtain the understanding of France, I heard that Wall Street and France exchanged in some areas."

What exactly is exchanged.

There is no way to understand this level of Bob.

Jobs frowned when he heard the news.

"The reason why iphone4s can be successful is that we use the hardware of Changtian Technology."

"The ios system uses a closed system. In order to solve the problem of easy redundancy of data, what we require is that the speed of data reading must be fast."

"We used Changtian Technology's storage and memory to solve this problem."

"Why doesn't the iPhone 4s freeze when using it, why doesn't it get hot? Why does it consume less power and can be used for a long time? The fundamental reason is our hardware configuration."

Jobs said with some uncontrollable anger in his heart: "It is because of Changtian Technology's hardware that the iPhone 4s has achieved such success."

"Now that Apple has forgotten how it became successful, it completely caters to Wall Street's capital and abandons Changtian Technology. This is a price to pay!"

Jobs' body never fully recovered.

Thinking of where he was angry, he trembled with anger.

Bob also said angrily: "So we fought hard at first, but the people on Cook's side were too strong."

"Mr. today's conference theme is related to Apple's future development."

"This is also our last chance!"

Before Bob's words were finished, the meeting began.

The meeting was moderated by Cook.

Cook first welcomed Jobs' return and physical recovery at the convention.

And proposed to applaud all to welcome the arrival of Jobs.

Cook's proposal was very good, and the atmosphere at the scene was very warm.

But Jobs always felt that something was wrong.

Because under the framework of Apple, the power of the CEO is the greatest.

The CEO is responsible for the shareholders and for the board of directors.

The board of directors generally does not intervene in the operation of the company.

The company's operations are all carried out by the CEO.

But this time.

My own CEO seems more like a guest.

And Cook is like the owner of Apple.

After a simple welcome ceremony, Cook did not even give Jobs the right to speak.

Without letting Jobs say a word, the second phase of the meeting began.

The second stage is to analyze the reasons for the success of iphone4s.

Cook has his speech ready.

The whole speech lasted about an hour.

In Cook's speech, he never mentioned the hardware of the long-form technology.

Much of the success is attributed to the close collaboration of the Apple team and the ultra-creative design and concept.

After Cook's speech, the participants burst into applause.

This was followed by the third phase of the meeting.

Report to the board on the design of the iPhone 5.

The iphone4s was a huge success and laid the foundation for Apple's idea of ​​launching a new phone every year.

iPhone 5 is still being designed.

But some prototypes of designs have already emerged.

Cook is very attentive to the design of the iPhone 5.

So he tried his best to design the iPhone 5, excluding Jobs' elements and adding his own.

Jobs heard this and felt completely wrong.

As the CEO of Apple who has not yet stepped down, the headquarters began to design the iPhone 5, but he didn't even know it.

And the iphone5 actually abandoned the glass appearance, but used the combination of metal frame and metal back cover.

Such designer Steve Jobs has always been very disapproving.

Originally, 3g and 3gs used metal back cover or plastic back cover.

As a result, there are many scratches on the back cover of the mobile phone, and the texture is very bad.

So on iphone4 and iphone4s, Jobs boldly used glass material.

Now, after going around in circles, Kuka actually went back.

Seeing this, Jobs wanted to speak.

But he saw that there was no microphone in front of him.

Jobs endured.

Speaking of the hardware of the iPhone 5.

Some of Cook's words left Jobs unbearable.

The chip is okay, it still uses the Samsung chip.

Because in the current global semiconductor market, there are not many companies that can produce Apple-designed mobile phone chips.

Samsung is one of the most cost-effective and most technologically rich.

When it comes to memory and storage, Cook has announced a number of suppliers.

Including Samsung, Toshiba, SanDisk, Hynix, etc., but never mentioning Changtian Technology.

No, when it comes to the last sentence of memory and storage, Cook mentioned Changtian Technology.

Cook said: "In order to protect the privacy and security of users and to comply with relevant regulations, we will not consider the supply of Changtian Technology in the memory and storage of iPhone 5."

Next up are the battery and camera.

Orders for batteries and cameras are said to be taken away by you.

That is, in the design of the iPhone 5.

At the beginning, Jobs tried his best to find a way to cooperate with Changtian Technology—memory, storage, camera, battery, etc., all of which were excluded by Cook.

Hearing this, Jobs couldn't bear it.

He didn't care whether there was a microphone in front of him.

Did the conference give him a chance to speak?

Jobs supported his tired body and stood up, and said in a loud voice:

"As the CEO of Apple, I am against such a design!"

"The success of the iPhone is inseparable from the hardware of Changtian Technology."

"If we get rid of carbon crystal storage and carbon-based memory, the whole phone experience will feel down a notch, and the speed will be slower than iphone4s."

"If we give up the Seagull camera, even if Sony can make a camera with the same pixel, the display effect will be more than one grade worse than that of other cameras."

"We gave up the lithium battery of Changtian Technology, and the battery life will also be greatly reduced. The company with the most advanced lithium battery technology in the world is the Galaxy Energy Company under Changtian Technology."

Although there was no microphone, Jobs's voice was full of energy, and the entire conference room could hear it clearly.

Jobs looked awe-inspiring, and said angrily: "Our consumers have already experienced the very powerful iPhone 4s, and now all the hardware of our iPhone 5 is down one grade, so why should consumers pay for our new phone?"

After Jobs finished speaking, the scene was whispering, and everyone was talking about it.

Some people say that Jobs is right.

After all, mobile phone technology is always moving forward.

No company released a strong phone last year, and new phones released this year aren't as good as last year.

There were also concerns about the outcome of the hearing and the patch.

If Apple violated the results of the hearing and continued to cooperate with Changtian Technology, there would be no way for Apple's products to be sold in the US market after all.

Although Xia has a large population, the price of iPhones is relatively expensive, so the consumption base of Xia people is very small.

The largest country in the world buying iPhones is the United States.

If Apple's new products cannot be sold in the United States, the global sales of Apple's mobile phones will be lost by more than half.

The loss to Apple is immeasurable.

Jobs immediately came up with his own plan.

Even if there is no way to avoid the results of the current hearing.

But Jobs hoped to hold talks with Changtian Technology to discuss ways to deal with it.

Jobs said:

"The worst plan is that in the US market, we design Apple mobile phones according to the current plan, but in the overseas market, we still need to use Changtian Technology's hardware products."

After Jobs made this generous speech.

He originally hoped that everyone at the meeting would give him applause and stand on his side under the overall situation of Apple's development.

But Jobs didn't think so.

Before I entered this venue, the game within Apple had already come to a conclusion.

The elites such as Steve Jobs were severely hit by Cook's youth group.

Many of Jobs' cronies have been marginalized, far from the company's center of power.

So after Jobs spoke.

Basically no one stood up to applaud Jobs.

The place was eerily silent.

Cook smiled at this time and said very politely: "The question raised by Mr. Jobs is very reasonable. We will hand over the corresponding resolution to the board of directors, and the board of directors will decide."

Now that the power struggle has come to an end.

So whether the board will choose Jobs' plan or Cook's plan has long been decided.

Jobs, of course, knew that Cook was perfunctory with his words.

Jobs had no further remarks.

Cook added: "At the end of the meeting I announce an update from the board."

"Considering that Mr. Jobs's body is still recovering and needs a long period of rest, the board of directors has removed Mr. Jobs's company CEO position."

"The appointment of Jobs to the company's board of directors..."

"The board appointed me, Tim Cook, as the new CEO."

After the announcement, Cook smiled at Jobs.

in this world.

There is no successor to anyone.

There is no substitute for anyone else.

Everyone is his own.

Jobs once built an Apple empire that belonged to him.

When the handover came to Cook's Cook also wanted to build an Apple empire with his own brand.

Cook finally said: "From the birth of the iPhone to the iPhone 4, we have not tried to cooperate with Changtian Technology, but we have all achieved great success! I always believe that Apple's success does not depend on any company, but on us Apple itself. "

Because Jobs owns nearly 1% of Apple's shares.

So he is still a shareholder of Apple.

But 1% of the shares, placed in the board of directors, will not have any right to speak.

Jobs looked around and realized that the Apple of today is not the Apple of a few months ago.

Jobs suddenly laughed.

Instead of sitting quietly and waiting for the end of the conference, he left the conference room and returned home.

On the second day, Jobs submitted his resignation to Apple's board of directors, resigning from the newly appointed director.

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