Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 758: Firefly, apply the matrix!

Jobs wanted to go to Yanjing for a meeting, and first of all, he had to drive to the airport.

Since he is not familiar with the terrain, navigation is definitely required.

You must buy a ticket before going to the airport, otherwise you won't be able to get on the plane.

After arriving in Yanjing, you also need a hotel, otherwise there is no place to stay.

So this application scenario demonstrated by Jobs is very representative for many people who travel frequently.

The Xiaoying voice assistant responded within 1% of a second.

The voice assistant replied happily: "Okay master, I will arrange it for you immediately."

Then the voice assistant popped up the map application of the mobile phone.

The map application is not a simple Gaode map or a Baidu map, but integrates all the advantages of mainstream maps on the market, and plans the road from Changzezhou to Suzhou-Hangzhou Airport with an optimal route.

There are two roads from Changzezhou to Suzhou and Hangzhou:

One is the Changsu Expressway, which charges a toll for foreign license plates.

The other is to bypass the county road to the national road and finally enter the urban area.

There is no toll on this road, but the route is relatively long, with only two lanes and a limited speed.

So Xiaoying assistant showed the two roads to Jobs at the same time, and asked in a very cute voice:

"Master, which of the two roads do you choose? One is the expressway, and the other is the national road. Since you are bound to the Suzhou-Hangzhou license plate, it is recommended that you take the expressway."

Of course, the picture also shows the advantages and disadvantages of the two expressways, and Jobs said that he chose the first expressway route.

After the route planning was completed, Xiaoying voice assistant continued to complete the second task, which was to buy air tickets.

Jobs had already informed Xiaoying voice assistant when he was going to Yanjing.

So there are only four or five flights to choose from.

Xiaoying voice assistant displays several flights on the screen at the same time, lists the advantages and disadvantages of these flights, and gives corresponding suggestions.

Xiaoying voice assistant said, "Master, I suggest you choose the flight of Suzhou-Hangzhou Airlines. The flight has a high punctuality rate and the plane is very new. It is a Boeing A320 medium and large passenger plane. It is comfortable and has lunch. The price is relatively cheap, yes. The most comprehensive value for money.”

Xiaoyingyin voice assistant, the choices made and the choices made by most people.

Jobs chose to agree.

"Does the master need first class?"

Yes or no pops up on the screen.

Jobs said, "You don't need first class, you can choose business class on regular flights, which is located in the corridor."

All these choices can be done by clicking the buttons on the screen, or by dialog with Xiaoying voice assistant or by direct voice.

After the flight and the seat on the plane are confirmed, the next step is to book the hotel.

Xiaoying voice assistant will first ask the location and price range that Jobs Hotel needs to book.

When Jobs told Xiaoying voice assistant all this information.

Xiaoying voice assistant immediately placed the four or five of the best hotels on the screen according to the best order given by Jobs.

Jobs will of course choose the first one, the location is moderate, the price is moderate, and the evaluation is relatively good.

After all this is done, the electronic payment wallet bound to the system (Alipay, a partnership between Changtian Technology and Ali) will automatically pay the full amount, and a complete travel time map has been planned for Jobs.

It originally took half a day to plan the itinerary, but Xiaoying completed it in less than five minutes.

Jobs stood in the middle of the stage and looked at the crowd with a smile.

Jobs said, "If we use an Android phone or an iOS phone, we need to complete a series of tasks, in addition to needing us to click the screen one by one, more importantly, we need to spend time to find the corresponding APP, And make choices in the app.”

"" It was said at the beginning of the conference that a smartphone is first and foremost the word "smart". "

"In my demonstration just now, I think you should have realized what the meaning of the word "intelligence" is."

"Now invite our assistants to the stage," Jobs said.

Soon a staff member of Hanhai Technology, the assistant of Jobs' press conference, stepped onto the stage.

Jobs said to the audience: "My assistant will use an Android phone and an iOS phone to re-present my itinerary plan."

The assistant uses the latest Samsung Galaxy 4 mobile phone and iPhone5S mobile phone.

The audience didn't dare to make a sound, because the powerful performance of Hanhai's mobile phone, especially the intelligence of the operating system and intelligent assistant Xiaoying, far exceeded everyone's expectations.

Where is a simple mobile phone assistant, it is a super intelligent assistant that can communicate with users and can accurately understand the user's meaning feedback on the application.

The assistant began to test, whether it is an Android phone or an iOS phone, it is yoyo to open the map and enter the address.

It's up to you to decide which way to go.

The same is true for buying air tickets, you need to download the corresponding APP.

Of course, if it has been downloaded, you need to open the corresponding APP, such as the journey APP that is currently used by a large number of users on the market.

After opening the app, you enter the time you bought the ticket, and the app will show you the flights to and from Suzhou, Hangzhou and Yanjing for the entire day.

After the flight is the price.

But what kind of flight to buy, the app can't give you any answers at all, and users need to judge by themselves.

The user also needs to analyze the time period of the flight, the type of the aircraft, the age of the aircraft and the price in detail.

The model and age of the aircraft will not be displayed on the APP of the journey.

If the user is more concerned about the model of the aircraft and the age of the aircraft, they also need to try the search software.

Hanhai mobile phone and Firefly system are different.

You don't need to worry about all this, Xiaoying Assistant will display all the information of the flight type and use the algorithm of big data. We recommend you the most cost-effective flight you need.

The same goes for hotel bookings.

Using an Android phone or an iOS iPhone to book a hotel will also use a hotel booking app similar to travel.

In this one-click APP, you enter the place you need to stay, and many nearby hotels will be displayed.

These hotels have different prices and different room types, and each hotel will have some comments from netizens who have stayed.

However, all the information needs to be screened with your own brain to select the best hotel that meets your needs, which is very troublesome.

You need to look at the room types and prices of these hotels, as well as the distance from your destination. The price should be moderate, the distance should not be too far, and the room type is comfortable.

In addition, you have to look at the comments of netizens. If the comments are too bad, the room will definitely not work.

Of course, some hotels with good reviews may be relatively expensive.

Users need to synthesize this information to make their own judgments, and are often dazzled. I don't know what choice to make.

Hanhai mobile phone is completely different.

Xiaoying voice assistant will recommend to you the most suitable hotel according to a certain algorithm and combined with these data.

This algorithm does not just look at the rating of the hotel.

After the assistant's demonstration, all the audience in the audience were stunned and shocked.

At the beginning, when Steve Jobs said that the Hanhai mobile phone uses the Firefly system, everyone thought that the Firefly system might be the same as the iOS system or the Android system, just an ordinary operating system.

But when Jobs gave a series of demonstrations and explanations, everyone found out. Compared with iOS and Android, Firefly operating system is more than one grade higher in intelligence and convenience.

Xiaoying voice assistant is like a real friend by your side.

She can fully understand what you mean and give prompt feedback on your commands.

The Android system has no voice assistant at all, or only a simple mechanical voice feedback.

Apple's iOS system does have Siri. Compared with Xiaoying, the current intelligence is more like a three- or four-year-old child. He can only carry out some simple conversations and call up simple applications.

The performance and the intelligence of Xiaoying voice assistant are completely incomparable.

Rebs, who was sitting under the stage, was even more stunned.

He has been making mobile phones for several years. Xiaomi mobile phones are also welcomed by many consumers in the domestic market because of their superior cost performance.

But Rebs watched today's press conference and saw the powerful functions of Hanhai mobile phone.

He suddenly felt that Xiaomi mobile phones were worthless compared to Hanhai, and they were completely products of the previous era.

Lu Lei, president of Apple's Daxia Country, was also extremely shocked.

He once thought that smartphones will continue to evolve with the development of hardware, becoming smarter and more in line with consumers' usage habits.

When Apple did Siri, it was hoped that one day Siri could help users manage their phones like a real human being, and be able to understand the user's words instead of specific words.

I didn't expect that Changtian Technology's Hanhai mobile phone has already completed this design and turned it into reality.

Lu Lei had mixed feelings in his heart, he was short of breath and felt a little flustered.

He is also an expert in the mobile communication industry. He believes that with the advent of the Hanhai mobile phone, normal consumers will definitely choose Hanhai instead of the sitting-like iPhone.

After a brief silence, there was a burst of warm applause.

Jobs smiled and watched the audience.

In fact, Jobs himself felt that his worldview had been subverted when he used Hanhai.

Whether it is Hanhai mobile phone or Firefly system, all these are independently developed by the corresponding subsidiaries and departments of Changtian Technology.

Without the help of overseas technology, there is no technical intersection with Apple.

This was completely beyond Jobs' expectations.

Jobs also had some emotions in his heart. He thought that if he was still the CEO of Apple, even with his efforts.


The 5S may be stronger than the iPhone 5S led by Cook, but there is no way to compete with the Hanhai mobile phone.

Jobs is very fortunate that he can join Changtian Technology, become the head of Hanhai Mobile, and witness the arrival of a great era.

Jobs continued to press his hands, hoping that everyone at the scene would be quiet.

After everyone was quiet, Jobs said:

"Through the demonstration I just gave and the comparison with the Android and iOS systems, everyone should also realize that the Hanhai mobile phone and the Firefly system on the mobile phone are very convenient to communicate with users.

"The application matrix and application set created by Firefly system can organize and summarize the mainstream applications on the market, so that these applications are in the appropriate position in the application matrix."

"What we show users is not a single application, but an application matrix. These application matrices are called and used by Xiaoying assistant according to the scene."

"I just briefly demonstrated some life scenarios. And we have many office, search, entertainment and other scenarios in the daily use of mobile phones. I also made some simple demonstrations here."

"On our official website of Hanhai, after today's press conference, we will list the usage process of each scenario in detail, and will also give some explanations to common problems."

Jobs also demonstrated the application matrix of social information.

In the matrix, in addition to individually calling microblogs and headlines that are commonly used by users, there is also a comprehensive consulting application matrix interface that is more in line with user habits and more advanced algorithms.

Here, users can get information on all news platforms.

And one account can manage all the information platforms.

Of course, each piece of information will be added in front of it. It is convenient for users to identify which platform the consultation is from.

In order to realize the application matrix, Changtian Technology has a separate server.

These servers can become the transfer and collection station of the data of multiple application platforms, and the data can be reprocessed, distributed and output.

Therefore, users can use one account to manage data on different platforms at the same time.

Such an approach, of course, must be discussed with the relevant application providers to redistribute the profits of the corresponding service provision.

But Changtian Technology is confident. The App Chamber of Commerce will compromise with Changtian Technology.

In the future, app providers will focus on providing excellent content, rather than other useless efforts to occupy the market.

Any applicator will be part of the app matrix.

The application matrix can be optimized and modified by individuals and application providers.

These optimizations will be added to the application matrix after being reviewed by Changtian Technology.

There are three reasons for this.

On the one hand, it is to establish its own ecological chain belonging to the domestic operating system, so as to avoid being stuck by Western technology companies in the field of operating systems and the ecosystem.

On the other hand, it is to let these domestic application providers focus on the content of the service, instead of putting money and energy on competition with each other.

As long as your content is excellent, the application matrix of Changtian Technology can show you, and you can make money.

This also encourages many small application manufacturers.

Small application manufacturers do not need to be afraid of the monopoly mechanism of large manufacturers. As long as your content is good, you can also become a winner.

The third aspect is to concentrate the ingenuity of all application manufacturers and even individuals to continuously optimize the content of the application matrix. Make the application matrix more perfect and more in line with user needs.

Jobs then demonstrated the use of Hanhai mobile phone to do work.

Jobs said: "I need to make a presentation for work reasons. In addition to collecting resources on the Internet, this presentation is also included in the presentation that I have written."

"I have written the manuscript, and now I will briefly demonstrate it."

After Jobs opened the office application matrix, Xiaoying voice assistant searched for the corresponding pictures according to Jobs' requirements.

The voice assistant was quick to show the various images Jobs needed, and Jobs chose a few as backups.

Jobs let the voice assistant turn his tabular data into graph data.

Voice assistants also got the job done quickly.

Jobs then asked the voice assistant to use the office software matrix to synthesize the materials provided by himself into a presentation document.

Then choose a template and display method.

Less than 10 minutes. A total of 56 pages of presentation documents are ready.

Jobs opened the presentation and showed it to the crowd.

The presentation document is extremely beautiful, not only the logic is very clear, but also has text, pictures and data representation.

This time, the reporters couldn't believe that the press conference in front of them was held in 2013.

They even had some doubts that this series of black technologies of Hanhai mobile phone came from the future.

There are many journalists and people in the industry who have made presentation documents.

It should be said that as long as you are in the office industry, you can't get rid of presentation documents.

A beautiful presentation like the one that Jobs just made could take a day or two or more to do on an individual basis.

If it is a team, at least one day.

The time consumed does not include the time for writing the text content, but only the pictures that have been collected by these texts, or the patterns converted from data, and give it a more comfortable playback. way time.

In Jobs' presentation, it took less than 10 minutes to complete this presentation document, or 9 minutes and 38 seconds to be exact.

Some reporters have been restless:

"This is simply an office artifact. If nothing else, I want to buy one for this kind of super office efficiency."

"In the PC version of the Firefly system, there are these functions, but they are not so advanced. I didn't expect such advanced office performance on mobile phones."

"The office function of an Android phone is just to view files.

iOS and Android are about as simple as editing and viewing documents. Compared with Hanhai mobile phone, these functions are far worse. "

"I'm so looking forward to this feature, so that I don't have to work hard to edit the news, and just hand the writing and layout of the press release to the mobile phone."

The eyes and expressions of the audience at Jobs were all in full view.

The application matrix of the Firefly system is absolutely invincible!

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