Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 762: Western media: Now we can rest assured

Chen Xiao's office.

Wang Xiang, Jobs, Wen Qi, Simpson and others were sitting on the sofa.

Song Yi brought everyone a cup of tea, but everyone didn't seem to be in a good mood, and didn't drink a single sip of the tea on the table.

The stocking quantity of Changtian Technology ranges from 20 million to 30 million units.

The current five-day reservation number is 520,000 units.

Not to mention that this data is placed on Hanhai Technology, even if it is placed on iPhones, Samsung, HTC or even domestic Xiaomi phones, it is a great failure.

Jobs looked at the background data of Hanhai's official website, and his face was very bad.

He did not expect that after the lively and vigorous Hanhai mobile phone launch conference, only about 520,000 units were sold in 5 days.

Moreover, the reservation of Changtian Technology Hanhai mobile phone does not require you to pay a deposit. You only need to log in to the website, register an account, and click to make an appointment.

Logically speaking, there is moisture in the reservation without submitting a deposit, and the actual number of people who buy it in the end is 1/10 of the number of people who made the reservation.

One tenth is very good.

Jobs even had some doubts about whether his eyes were overwhelmed, because with his understanding of the performance of Hanhai's mobile phone, how could the total number of reservations be so small.

Jobs was still more responsible, he sighed and put the phone on the table, and said apologetically to the crowd: "Maybe I didn't play well enough at the press conference, so the people didn't know our Hanhai phone very well. As a result, the number of reservations is relatively low.”

It's not unreasonable that Jobs feels this way.

Because Steve Jobs used English throughout the press conference, although there was simultaneous translation at the scene, the conversion between English and Chinese still took time in the Chinese-dominated Xiaguo mainland.

The reason why Steve Jobs was selected as the host of the press conference was not because Chen Xiao was so foreigner, thinking that foreigners could do it, but Xia people couldn't, but Chen Xiao intended to challenge Apple and the entire US market.

Didn't Apple terminate the cooperation with Changtian Technology?

That's okay, Changtian Technology invited the former CEO of Apple to be the host of the conference.

Didn't the US market also prohibit the sale of Changtian Technology's hardware in the US?

That's okay, Changtian Technology invited a well-known person from the United States to be the host of the conference.

In addition to these two reasons, in fact, Jobs is already half of Xiaguo in his heart, because his life was saved by Changtian Technology.

Wang Xiang comforted Jobs and said, "Mr. Jobs, our number of appointments is not good, and it has little to do with you. I think the price is too high. If our purchase price is lowered a little more, the number of appointments should increase. several times."

Wang Xiang knew that what Chen Xiao had already decided could not be changed.

But in his heart, he always thought that the price of Hanhai mobile phones was indeed set high.

The relationship between Wang Xiang and Chen Xiao is also very good, and they can say anything they can think of, that's why they have such a sigh.

Simpson has been at Nokia for so many years, experiencing Nokia's success and accepting Nokia's failure.

He is very experienced in mobile phone sales.

Simpson said: "I have absolute confidence in Hanhai mobile phones. I have worked for Nokia for so many years and have used Apple mobile phones some time ago. I believe that as long as consumers use Hanhai mobile phones, the sales of Hanhai mobile phones will not be a problem."

Wen Qi's opinion is the same as Simpson's. The current booking volume of Hanhai mobile phone is relatively low. The most fundamental reason is that Hanhai mobile phone is a smartphone of Xia Kingdom. Everyone is only watching the press conference, but they can't fully understand and experience it. The intelligence and convenience of Hanhai mobile phones.

Chen Xiao took a sip of tea and said, "Mr. Jobs, there may be some differences between the personalities of Easterners and Westerners."


"Westerners are more likely to like challenges and accept new things quickly. Easterners are more reserved or somewhat conservative."

"These two character traits do not mean which one is better or which one is worse, but two manifestations in the face of one thing."

"I believe that after Chinese people have used Hanhai mobile phones, their acceptance and love for it will be far greater than that of Western users. We can draw this conclusion from the fact that iPhone fans in Xia are more crazy than those in the United States."

Jobs said: "Actually I have a responsibility. I think our mobile phone promotion may not be doing well."

"We just let consumers know the brand of Hanhai mobile phone, but we did not let consumers feel the advantages of mobile phones from more details. This is a drawback of our lack of offline sales points."

Jobs really wanted to set up a Hanhai mobile phone experience store, so that more consumers could enter the offline store to experience and use it.

This can increase the desire of consumers to buy mobile phones.

Chen Xiao also agrees with Jobs's point of view, but it is not necessary to open a large number of experience stores for mobile phones before the actual sales of Hanhai mobile phones.

Chen Xiao is very optimistic, "I don't know if you have ever bought stocks in the next A-share market. If you have accepted the baptism of A-shares, then you will know that our citizens of Xia have a unique personality just like our stocks. ."

"Opening high will inevitably lead to going low, but opening low has a chance to reverse."

"Let's wait and see."

Wen Qi asked Chen Xiao with some doubts: "Are we just stocking up on the pre-sale volume of 520,000 units? Shouldn't we take some other measures, or find a way to hide this data to... hide it?"

What Wen Qi said is very reasonable. If Changtian Technology announced that the pre-sale volume would only reach 520,000 units after five days.

It is very shameful to say it, and the influence on Hanhai Technology and Changtian Technology is also very bad.

Chen Xiao confidently said to Wen Qi: "Whether we release the pre-sale data this time or not, the facts are there, and we can't change it. The growth of a company is never straight, and he will definitely There are some twists and turns, so if a reporter asks this question, we just answer it truthfully.”

Since President Chen has said so, Wen Qi can't say anything else.

Wen Qi and others directly prayed silently in their hearts, hoping that after the mobile phone began to be sold, after consumers experienced the advantages of Hanhai mobile phone, the sales would gradually increase.

In fact, as far as Wenqi is concerned, she has no expectation that Hanhai mobile phone will surpass the iPhone 5s.

She just hopes that Hanhai mobile phone can have a place in the entire smartphone market, have a certain share, and have a certain specific consumer group.

What Chen Xiao expected was indeed correct.

After Hanhai Technology's press conference, many reporters did not remove people completely, but kept some staff in Changzezhou so that they could be on call at any time and get the news of the number of reservations and sales of Hanhai's mobile phones as soon as possible.

Many reporters are asking about the number of reservations for Changtian Technology's Hanhai mobile phone.

Under Wen Qi's instruction, the staff truthfully informed the media that for five days from the end of the press conference to the present, Hanhai's mobile phone reservations were only 520,000 units.

When the reporters got the news, they were stunned.

The number of reservations for the iPhone 5S has almost reached 5 million units, while the number of reservations for Hanhai mobile phones is only 520,000 units. The gap between the two sides is ten times.

After the Western media got this news, of course they were secretly delighted, and they even joked and despised Changtian Technology.

Because in the hearts of Western media, as a backward Asian country, Xia's domestic technology products will never surpass the West.

Mobile phones are the culmination of human wisdom in the world, and represent the most advanced science and technology in the West.

How could Xia Guo's mobile phone technology surpass that of the West?

Xia Guo's media, such as Xinlang Technology, are very shocked. As Xia Guo's domestic media, they certainly hope that Changtian Technology's mobile phone sales can be comparable to iPhone mobile phones.

But the actual situation is that the staff of Hanhai Technology told them that the pre-sale volume in 5 days was only 520,000 units. This is the data obtained under the premise of pre-sale that users do not have to pay any deposit.

The reporter of Xinlang Technology thought that he heard it wrong, and repeatedly asked the staff: "Is there a daily reservation of 520,000 units, or a total of 520,000 reservations?"

The staff of Hanhai Technology did not lie and said truthfully: "From the end of the press conference on May 15th to the present, the total number of reservations is 520,000 units."

This time, the domestic media looked at each other in dismay, feeling completely incredible.

They all think that Hanhai Technology's mobile phone performance is very strong.

Judging from the performance of the conference, it should be a few grades stronger than the iPhone.

Why is there only 520,000 reservations?

In this era, FMCG electronic products are voted with their feet. If consumers agree, they will sell well. If consumers do not agree, even if your press conference is hype, consumers will not buy it if they don’t buy it.

Soon the domestic and foreign media announced the number of reservations for Hanhai mobile phones - 520,000 units.

It made the entire mobile phone industry laugh out loud, and it made Xia Guo's consumers unable to complain.

Xinlang Technology "The number of reservations for Hanhai mobile phones on the first day is only 520,000 units, and Changtian Technology is likely to dream of breaking smartphones."

Huohu Technology: "With the iPhone5S as its own competition, the five-day reservation for the iPhone5S is close to 5 million units, while the five-day reservation for Hanhai Mobile is only 520,000 units."

On Weibo and many Xia Guo forums, netizens were stunned when they heard the news.

"How is that possible! The performance of Hanhai Mobile's press conference was so good, how could the five-day reservation volume be 520,000 units? Is the media one of the few?"

"Yeah. Going back upstairs, I think this data is true, because many friends around me are also optimistic about Hanhai Technology, but they did not choose to make an appointment, but bought the iPhone 5S instead. Although the performance of Hanhai Technology is strong, it is after all. It is a smartphone from Xia Guo, and the price is relatively high. The application of the system does not seem to be as rich as the iPhone, so consumers should choose to buy the iPhone.”

"Don't doubt the data. Just ask yourself and your friends have they made an appointment? If they haven't made an appointment, then the data is real."

Those netizens who are concerned about the development of Xiaguo's technology are like a stone in their hearts, which makes them very uncomfortable, but when they ask themselves whether they want to buy Hanhan mobile phones, their hearts also retreat.

The price is expensive, the first mobile phone does not know the experience effect, etc. These are all influencing factors.

The Western media, on the other hand, cheered the announcement that "the number of reservations for Hanhai mobile phones is only 520,000".

For the entire Western media, the failure of Hanhai Mobile is the victory of Western technology.

Apple headquarters in California.

Cook also learned the news. Cook was trying to take a breath. He was very happy leaning against the window and drinking coffee.

It is not so easy for a new Xiaguo mobile phone company to surpass the years-old iPhone.

Cook immediately ordered dealers around the world to ship the iPhone 5e5S as quickly as possible.

Occupy the vacant market as soon as possible because of the missing iPhone5.

May 20th arrived as scheduled.

Chang Zezhou, the conference room of Changtian Technology Headquarters.

Chen Xiao, Wang Xiang, Jobs, Wen Qi, Simpson and others sat in the conference room and watched the backstage of Hanhai Technology's official website displayed on the big screen. There was data for users to pay for mobile phones.

At 8:00 a.m. on May 20, mobile phone purchases officially began.

According to the current stocking quantity of Changtian Technology, as long as anyone you are willing to buy can buy it, there is no need to snap up.

A minute later, only 20 people paid.

An hour has passed. The number of payers was only 428.

at this rate. The number of payers on day 1 is likely to be less than 10,000 people.

This made Wen Qi and others very embarrassed.

Rebs' Xiaomi mobile phone sold out 100,000 mobile phones on the first day.

Everyone's faces were very bad, but Chen Xiao left the conference room after drinking a sip of tea.

No one knew whether Chen Xiao was angry or disappointed.

Hanhai mobile phone, Changtian Technology has invested a lot of energy and money!

Wen Qi also let out a long sigh. She thought, many media should be waiting to see Hanhai Technology's joke.

Shanghai Stock Exchange, Anxin Investment Company.

Wang Kexin, a staff member of the investment department, is sitting at the workstation.

She logged on to the official website of Hanhai Technology, chose a shadow cyan 128G phone, and made a payment.

The income of ordinary employees who can work in Anxin Investment is relatively high, and the average annual salary can reach more than 300,000.

Wang Kexin's iPhone 4 fell to the ground two days ago and turned into scrap metal.

She is a fan of Apple and originally planned to buy the iPhone 5S, but it is a pity that the iPhone 5S in the Apple Experience Store in Shanghai has been sold out, and it takes half a month to a month to buy the iPhone 5S.

Investing in a work phone at Essence is essential.

Wang Kexin couldn't wait that long, so she chose Hanhai mobile phone among the many available mobile phones.

For a girl, the configuration of the phone is one aspect, and the appearance of the phone is even more important than the configuration.

The delicate and pleasant appearance of Hanhai mobile phone's shadow blue color deeply attracted her.

So she prepared to be the first person to eat crabs despite the objections of her colleagues.

Moreover, Wang Kexin heard that there is a warehouse of Hanhai mobile phones in the local Shanghai market. After UU reading, the mobile phone can be delivered to your hands within two hours, and she is even more happy.

This experience is much better than waiting a month or two to buy an iPhone.

Wang Kexin clicked to buy, and many colleagues said behind their backs: "How can you be a guinea pig, Kexin, it's great to have this money to buy an iPhone."

"Yeah, if I were, I'd buy the top iPhone 5S."

Wang Kexin said with some helplessness: "I think so too, but the iPhone 5 is still not available, and the appearance of the Hanhai mobile phone is not bad. It is lighter and thinner than the iPhone, and the color matching is very ancient."

Everyone shook their heads helplessly.

Two hours later, the phone was delivered to Wang Kexin's company.

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