Rebirth 1999: Opening the Age of Black Technology

Chapter 766: Covering explosions for all ages

When Wen Qi got this data, some couldn't believe it.

The sales volume of more than 1 million units a month is actually not a lot compared to the original Nokia or today's Apple.

But compared to the poor sales on the day of the sale, it is already a huge improvement.

Wen Qi went to the marketing department again to verify the sales data.

After detailed verification, it can be determined that there is no problem with the sales data of these 1.033 million mobile phones.

And through analysis, it is found that most of the buyers of mobile phones are in first- and second-tier cities.

That is to say, Hanhai mobile phone has been recognized by citizens of economically developed cities.

This time Wen Qi was more excited.

The improvement in sales means that more people will use Hanhai mobile phones.

And when more and more people use it, they are also willing to share their mobile phone experience with those around them.

Either praise or criticize, but no matter what the attitude is, at least users can actually experience the effect of using the phone.

This is a very intuitive feeling, not like watching a press conference, feeling very far away from yourself.

Wen Qi quickly printed out the data in the background and sent it to Chen Xiao's office.

At this time, Wang Xiang was in Chen Xiao's office, and the two were discussing some things, while Jobs was still planning the marketing plan of Hanhai Mobile on the project.

Seeing Wen Qi so excited, Wang Xiang certainly knew what was going on.

Wang Xiang smiled and said, "Have you seen the back-office sales data?"

Wen Qi nodded affirmatively and said, "I just saw that the sales volume exceeded one million units!"

After speaking, Wen Qi put the printed background data in front of Chen Xiao.

Wen Qi said: "As a domestic mobile phone, although our current performance is not as good as that of Xiaomi, which is also a domestic mobile phone, it is amazing to be able to sell one million in a month!"

Chen Xiao agrees with this.

A million units isn't much, but it's definitely a good start.

Moreover, Hanhai mobile phones are all produced by subsidiaries of Changtian Technology Group except for the screen, so the cost after mass production is extremely low.

The profit of Hanhai mobile phone is very terrible, far exceeding the profit of Apple mobile phone, but it is not comparable to Xiaomi mobile phone.

Wen Qi said: "The opinion of my colleagues in the Culture and Propaganda Department (Hanhai) is whether we can make a poster with a sudden sales of one million units, and we will also promote it on the major portals, telepresence and media."

Colleagues from Hanhai Science and Technology's Cultural and Propaganda Department may have had enough of it, and that's why they made this suggestion.

But Chen Xiao said: "Is one million a lot? We currently have 20 million mobile phones in stock, and our factory is still producing them all the time."

"It is estimated that after the end of this year, our total number of mobile phones should reach 40 million to 50 million units."

"So one million is not a lot, even if it is compared with the sales of iPhones, it is not much. We are now deliberately promoting it. Does it mean that our mobile phones are difficult to sell, and selling one million units is worth celebrating?"

Wen Qi's excited mood calmed down immediately.

She felt that what Chen Xiao said was very reasonable. Hanhaishou had stockpiled nearly 20 million mobile phones before the press conference.

Its sales target is not just one or two million units.

It is to surpass Samsung and iPhone to become the global smartphone sales champion.

Now the sales of mobile phones have improved, and the monthly sales have exceeded 1 million units, but this is still some distance from the sales target of Hanhai Technology, so this matter is not worth celebrating at all.

Really made the poster, but it backfired.

Chen Xiao said: "But publicity must be publicized. The word of mouth of consumers must be combined with our publicity, so that more potential consumer groups can understand our Hanhai mobile phone."

In fact, how to promote it, Chen Xiao already has an idea in his mind.

Moreover, Chen Xiao's so-called publicity is not just about inviting a few celebrities to advertise this advertisement or placing advertisements on the Internet, but to truly touch the souls of consumers, making them feel that if they don't buy Hanhai mobile phones, they will be at a disadvantage.

However, Chen Xiao still gave the right to speak to his subordinates.

Wen Qi said: "In fact, at the press conference, Mr. Jobs has shown many functions of Hanhai mobile phone to everyone. But I think some functions need to be more concretely displayed."

"For example, our Hanhai mobile phone uses a seagull camera, and the camera's 21 million and 48 million pixels are already higher than those of iPhone and Samsung.

In addition, because our photosensitive base and photo algorithm are more advanced than those of these two manufacturers, the texture of the photos we take is already very good for ordinary people, and it is more than one grade higher than iPhone and Samsung. . "

"We don't have to ask celebrities to shoot advertisements, but we can let users post photos taken with our mobile phones on Weibo, a major forum."

"I believe that there are many users who use other brands of smartphones, and there must be some different feelings."

Chen Xiao nodded, Wen Qi's idea was very in line with the principles of market information dissemination.

If Hanhai Technology spends huge sums of money to invite celebrities, or advertises overwhelmingly on major platforms, combined with the current sales, it will definitely give consumers a feeling that Hanhai mobile phones cannot be sold, so it will be so crazy. advertise.

However, if Changtian Technology uses some small technologies to divert or expose information that is beneficial to Hanhai mobile phones such as photos shared by users on forums or Weibo, it will give users a more realistic feeling.

"What about Mr. Simpson?"

"I don't have any better advice, it's just that you can't just rely on the internet when selling in Europe," Simpson said.

Since the Hanhai mobile phone has not yet been launched in Europe, Simpson has no more suggestions.

Xia Guo's mobile Internet application is at the forefront of the world, so it is more convenient to buy online, but Europeans are not. Simpson's suggestion is that Hanhai Mobile should follow the tradition of cooperating with European operators in the European market.

Chen Xiao also recognized this.

The fact that Hanhai mobile phone is located in the European market at night is because the current state of the Xiaguo market has not yet risen, and the word of mouth has not yet been released.

After these two conditions are met, it is logical to launch the product in Europe.

Wang Xiang's suggestion is whether to give consumers more support in after-sales.

In this regard, Wang Xiang is deeply harmed by Apple. It costs more than 2,000 yuan to replace an iPhone with a screen, which is almost 1/3 of the price of a mobile phone.

Chen Xiao also agrees with this point: "Our current screen is from Sharp, because it cannot be made in China, so the cost is relatively high, but as an emerging brand, if we want to open up the market, we must make some profit concessions. "

Chen Xiao decided and said: "At present, all users who purchase Menhanhai mobile phones can enjoy it, and the broken screen will be replaced for free within two years."

Chen Xiao's decision surprised Jobs a little.

Jobs has some objections and said: "The screen is the most expensive part of the mobile phone, and because the mobile phone is a consumable item, it is normal to fall on the ground or some bumps."

"If we open this hole, the cost will be very large."

Jobs has made cell phones for so many years, so his opinion is very important.

But Chen Xiaoze explained with a smile: "Mr.'s words are very reasonable. If we only pay for the replacement of the screen from the perspective of selling mobile phones, the cost will definitely increase. After all, we cannot produce hardware according to 1. :1 ratio production, will definitely increase the purchase of screens by a certain percentage.”

"But looking at mobile phones is not selling mobile phones, but our ecological chain. I expect to build a complete Firefly ecological chain with Hanhai mobile phones as the carrier in 3 to 5 years. The place where we really make money is in the ecological chain. ."

In fact, this is a virtuous cycle. When users cannot leave the Firefly ecological chain, they can only use Hanhai mobile phones. At that time, it is no longer a problem to produce one more screen and one less screen.

Jobs has experienced so much, and he is not a stubborn person. He smiled and said to Chen Xiao: "Mr. Chen, Apple's plan is to create its own ios ecosystem. If there is no Hanhai mobile phone, I think the iPhone will definitely be It could be successful, but not now.”

After some deliberation, Chen Xiao can make a decision. In addition to the above-mentioned publicity schemes, Yuedong Internet also held a season of heroic glory. Each quarter is divided into a season, and users who can get the top 10 online can get 5 million to 500,000 rewards.

The winners of the remaining divisions can also receive several hundred to tens of thousands of incentives.

Yuedong Internet even held offline competitions in Shanghai, Yanjing, Jiangzhou, and Suzhou and Hangzhou, and the winners have generous rewards.

In order to cooperate with the promotion of Hanhai Technology, Firefly has also introduced two measures.

One is to allow the mobile phone version of the Firefly operating system and the PC version of the user operating system to communicate with each other. The purpose of this is to facilitate office users.

The combination of mobile phone and PC can give great support to office workers

The second is that Firefly issues an invitation letter to programmers around the world, inviting programmers and corresponding application companies around the world to actively build the Firefly ecosystem.

Whether it is an individual or a company, as long as the application you develop can be recognized by the application matrix of Firefly os, in addition to enjoying the tiers that the application deserves, Firefly will also give developers huge rewards.

The highest reward is as high as 10 million!

The purpose of this is to actively mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, especially the enthusiasm of some grass-roots technology leaders.

In the past, these programmers had to rely on big companies to survive, but now they can submit their work directly to Firefly and get rich compensation.

This is also the original intention of Chen Xiao when he designed the Firefly operating system. Only the mobile phones used by most people are good mobile phones, and only the systems and ecosystems jointly built by the people are good ecosystems.

Not to mention, these measures of Changtian Technology are very powerful. In addition, the sales of Hanhai mobile phones have continued to rise, and the reputation is getting better and better.

More than a month after the phone was released, sales suddenly exploded.

In major office industries, Hanhai mobile phones and Shenchuan PCs have become standard equipment.

Because of the combination of these two artifacts, many employees have greatly reduced their daily workload.

Instead of spending a lot of time on mechanical and boring tasks like in the past, employees are more able to exert their own initiative (lazy) at work.

Some media in the IT industry also specially visited the offices in first-tier cities such as Yanjing and Shanghai stock market.

It is found that the penetration rate of Hanhai mobile phones and production PCs has reached as high as 60%, and many white-collar workers chose to use iPhone mobile phones before, but now they are replaced by Hanhai mobile phones.

In the film and television industry and the female user market, Hanhai mobile phone has super attractive appearance, thin and light body, super camera ability and photo processing algorithm.

Hanhai mobile phone has also been welcomed by the majority of female compatriots.

In the chat tribe, WeChat Moments, and Weibo, girls send selfies or landscape photos. If you don’t use a super powerful SLR to take photos, then the photos taken and processed by Hanhai mobile phone do not need p In the picture, its texture is all the mobile phones on the market, including the iPhone and Samsung, which are famous for taking pictures.

For many young men, the playability of mobile games represented by Hero Glory is much more enjoyable than Temple Escape, Angry Birds, Fruit Ninja, etc. in the iOS system.

The game actually has two functions, one is to play and the other is to socialize.

Many games developed on the ios platform are barely able to play, but they are much weaker in some social skills.

But the heroic glory of the Firefly system has both, and the heroic glory is directly bound to your chat account to log in. Once you log in, you can find your friends.

For the elderly, the Xiaoying voice assistant of Hanhai mobile phone is a good helper for the elderly in life.

In the past, using a mobile phone was very difficult for the elderly, and some elderly people could not even use a feature phone, let alone a smartphone.

The old man does not need to touch the so-called application on the mobile phone too much when using the Hanhai mobile phone. Chatting with Xiaoying directly by voice can let Xiaoying complete the functions that the old man needs to use.

In first- and second-tier cities, many children have bought Hanhai mobile phones for their elderly people who live alone, not to mention the elderly like them.

So, in the smartphone industry, a very strange phenomenon happened.

It has been five or six years since the development of smart phones from, but smart phones have always been a natural insulation from the elderly.

Many elderly people or their children buy mobile phones for their parents. The first choice is the feature phone with large screen and large buttons. Because the operation of smart phones is very complicated, the elderly do not even know how to make calls.

However, Hanhai mobile phone has no such phenomenon at all, and it is actually very popular among the elderly. According to a comprehensive survey by a technology website, there are as many as 10% of the users of Hanhai mobile phone are elderly (over 60 years old).

It is precisely because Hanhai mobile phone is very friendly to elderly users, so it has a lot of reputation and praise on the Internet.

At the beginning of July, the peak season for mobile phone sales, Hanhai Mobile's network-wide sales volume has exceeded 10 million units.

Because the inventory of Hanhai warehouses in Rongcheng and Zhengshi was not much, they were all sold out!

This made the sales leaders of several large areas in a hurry, so they hurriedly called the marketing department of Hanhai Technology.

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