Wang Tie scratched his head and said with a smile: "That's Brother Feng's explanation well, I understood it as soon as I listened."

"Just get it, wait until you're watching." Yi Feng glanced inside the shop.

The young woman was walking over with a middle-aged man wearing a blue shirt and black trousers.

The middle-aged man had a big back, gold wire glasses, and a small belly between his abdomen, which looked slightly rich.

"Hello hello, I am the owner of this store, my surname is Ning, my name is Ning Feipeng, what do you call the little brother?" Ning Feipeng walked in front of Yi Feng, his attitude was very warm, and he also sent a business card from each of them from the business card holder in his pocket.

"Boss Ning, hello, my name is Yi Feng, next to me is my buddy Wang Tie."

Yi Feng also took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to him.

Exchange business cards, this is the initial understanding before normal business interactions.

Because from the business card you can see your name, phone, and company occupation, main business.

"Xifeng Electronics?" Ning Feipeng was stunned, he had been doing electrical engineering for more than five years, and he had never heard of this store.

When I saw the address on the business card, it was Tianhe City Square, the area in the city center, and I was suddenly a little surprised.

"Little brother Yi is also a companion? No wonder I heard A Xiang say that you are going to produce a batch, 22 computers, in addition to large enterprise companies, it is estimated that there are only peers. Ning Pengfei said with a warm smile.

"Sort of, it's just that our store hasn't opened yet, and it won't open until a while."

"When I came to the phone building today, I mainly want to sell a batch of second-hand computers, so come and take a look." Yi Feng explained.

"Hehe, okay, little brother Yi, let's sit down and talk slowly, please." Ning Feipengfeng said politely.

His gaze kept fixed on Yi Feng, and a bit of curiosity flashed in his eyes.

The young man in front of him seems to be only about twenty years old, so young to already have his own shop, and judging from his behavior, speech and speech, he is particularly old, unlike ordinary fledgling young men, which makes people a little surprised.

He rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Little brother Yi opened a shop at a young age, it's really scary, I came out to be the boss at such a young age, I haven't seen a few, it's amazing."

Yi Feng smiled lightly and said modestly: "Boss Ning has passed the award, just came out to mix, has no experience, in the future, I still have to learn more from Boss Ning."

"Boss Ning, this is the configuration list of the computer, you should take a look at it first."

Yi Feng handed him the list.

Ning Feipeng took the configuration list, but he couldn't help but look up to Yi Feng a little higher in his heart.

The young man spoke without revealing his face, holding him a word, and did not see how happy he was.

People who know how to hide their minds, hide their true thoughts, and even hide their emotions are very scary, such people have deep scheming!

"Well, okay, I'll take a look at the configuration list first."

Ning Feipeng carefully scanned the configuration of a total of 22 computers and found that these computer configurations were all three or four years ago, and most of them were Internet café configurations.

The price of this kind of new machine is not high, the configuration cost performance is better, Internet café computers like this, so that it can compress and reduce costs.

"Little brother Yi, this batch is all computers replaced by Internet cafes?" Ning Feipeng asked in surprise.

Yi Feng's heart moved, it was indeed an old adept, and it could be seen from the configuration alone that this was a computer from an Internet café.

"Not bad, indeed, the Internet café has replaced the machine, and Boss Ning has a good eye." Yi Feng smiled slightly and nodded.

Ning Feipeng smiled: "Seeing too much, practice makes perfect."

"Judging from the configuration list, these computers are really good, the price is right, they can still be sold to individual customers, and if the machine is okay, I can indeed collect it."

"How does Little Brother Yi plan to sell it?"

Ning Feipeng's words fell, squinting his eyes, staring at him fixedly, wanting to catch any subtle expression of Yi Feng, and subtlety could judge Yi Feng's psychological bottom price.

Yi Feng's face was expressionless, and he seemed to be thinking.

"Oh, this little brother wants to sell computers, right?"

Suddenly, a rough voice sounded from the next store.

Yi Feng looked back and saw a fat man wearing a suit and a big belly hurriedly walked over and smiled warmly at Yi Feng.

"Hello, I am Xu Yongfa, the owner of the Yongfa computer store next door, and this is my famous brand."

"What do you call a little brother?" Xu Yongfa handed out his business card.

"Yi Feng."

Yi Feng smiled slightly, got up and took the business card with both hands.

"Hello Boss Xu, I just went to your shop and found that you weren't there, so... Come and sit.

Yi Feng left room for speaking, and also told Xu Yongfa that he and Ning Feipeng had not yet reached a deal agreement.

Xu Yongfa was naturally also a personal essence, and when he heard Yi Feng's words, a shrewd look flashed in his eyes.

"Well, I'm really sorry, I just went to the bathroom, and my clerk heard that someone was selling a lot of computers, so he hurried back."

"What kind of computer does Brother Yi sell?" Show me too! Xu Yongfa said with a smile.

After Ning Feipeng saw Xu Yongfa, his brows furrowed, and his face showed a look of concern.

"Boss Xu, you're not interesting like this, didn't you see me and Little Brother Yi talking about things?"

"You broke into my shop and cut off your beard in front of me?"

"You're a bit overdone, aren't you?"

After saying that, his tone became a little colder.

The two stores are opened next to each other, and the business is exactly the same, and they compete with each other on weekdays.

Xu Yongfa was cheeky and scoffed: "Boss Ning, you haven't done business yet, why do you say that I am a cut-off beard?"

"Besides, whoever can make this business is not certain!"

Ning Feipeng's face was a little ugly, but he didn't want to say much.

He tried his best to suppress his anger and his expression returned to normal.

"Hehe, Boss Xu, these 22 machines, if you want to eat them, I'm afraid it's a little difficult." Ning Feipeng said calmly.

Although these words were said to Xu Yongfa, they were addressed to Yi Feng.

It means that Xu Yongfa's funds are limited, and his financial strength is not thick enough, and he cannot compare with Ning Feipeng.

Yi Feng was also from the shopping mall, and he immediately heard the meaning of Ning Feipeng's words.

But he didn't mind having one more competitor, so he laughed.

"If Boss Xu is interested, sit down and talk, and you can also look at the configuration list."

"Haha! Okay, I'll take a look first. Xu Yongfa pulled out the chair and sat down on his own, completely ignoring that this was still Ning Feipeng's shop.

He picked up the configuration list on the table and glanced at it a few times, nodding, "The old computer in the Internet café a few years ago, the configuration is okay, and it can still be used."

"Little Brother Yi, I'm quite interested in this batch of computers, do you plan to price them individually or sell them together?"

Yi Feng glanced at Ning Feipeng and said with a smile: "It's too troublesome to sell alone, I'll sell it in a package, 22 computers, 60,000 6."

"And all the machines, our store warranty for one year, there are problems repaired and replaced."

The average is only 3,000 yuan a piece, and the price of buying this configuration is really not high, and it is even a little cheap.

Yi Feng estimated that if it is sold to individual customers alone, a single unit can be sold for about 4,000 to 5,000 yuan, and they must have earned money if they have customers who have ready-made demand.

These two bosses are insiders, so Yi Feng is not vain, and directly sets his own reserve price.

Xu Yongfa and Ning Feipeng couldn't help but show a slight joy when they heard the price Yi Feng offered.

And hearing that Yi Feng dared to guarantee for one year, it was really cost-effective!

Now second-hand computers are generally only sold with a three-month warranty, and once the three months have passed, if the accessories are broken, the repair has to be recalculated.

The one-year warranty really moved the two of them.

Slightly lower price plus a one-year warranty, as long as the computer is okay, buy it back is earned!

"Haha, Little Brother Yi does know how to do business, this price is not too high, I set it!" Xu Yongfa immediately spoke.

From the perspective of pricing, he felt that the young man in front of him was not simple, he could be a person, and he could do business.

Yi Feng smiled slightly: "If you have money to earn together, if I open too high a price, you won't buy it, right?"

Ning Feipeng didn't want to be preempted by Xu Yongfa, and then said to Yi Feng: "Little brother Yi, you dare to guarantee for one year, very sincere, then I will sell these 22 machines to me for a price, 70,000!"

After speaking, Ning Feipeng glanced at Xu Yongfa coldly.

Can this good business be robbed by him?

Xu Yongfa snorted coldly, and said to Ning Feipeng strangely: "Boss Ning is quite bold, but I Xu Yongfa has worked for all these years, and I still have a little old capital."

"Little brother Yi, I paid 74,000, you sell me this batch of computers!"

Ning Feipeng's face turned cold, and he immediately rushed to say, "I will give out 76,000!"

"I'm out of 70,000 8!"

"I'll give out 80,000!"

"I'm out of 80,000 2!"

The two of you speak, I speak, constantly raise the price, the atmosphere of the scene is very tense, the smell of gunpowder is extremely strong.

Ning Feipeng squinted, slapped the table, and shouted, "I'll give out 90,000!"

"If Boss Xu adds more, I will gladly let it go to you!"

When Wang Tie heard the number of 90,000, his heart almost jumped to his throat.

90,000 yuan!

That's 90,000 yuan!

The average family's annual expenses are only about 3,000 yuan.

He had never seen that much money, let alone imagined how high 90,000 dollars would be stacked on the table.

But this amount is enough to make ordinary people happy for a whole year.

Xu Yongfa was stunned when he heard this, opened his mouth, and finally calmed down.

If this price is increased, it may not be very profitable, and there may even be a slight loss, so isn't it bought back to work for nothing?

The price of 90,000 is already very high, even if all of them are sold, the profit is meager and not worth it.

Who is willing to do business at a loss?

Xu Yongfa's face was gloomy and ugly, and he sneered after thinking for a moment: "Hehe, since Boss Ning has an iron heart to take down this batch of computers, then I will be a beautiful adult."

"Boss Ning's business is prosperous, I still have business, go first!"

Xu Yongfa arched his hand and got up to leave.

Since he couldn't do this business, he didn't want to stay here to see Ning Feipeng's smug face.

Ning Feipeng saw Xu Yongfa leave, and a relaxed smile finally appeared on his face.

Although the price of 90,000 is very high, it is not for nothing, just earn less.

However, it can make Xu Yongfa go back with a black face, and this money is also comfortable to spend!

He turned his head to look at Yi Feng and said with a smile: "Little brother Yi, I count when I speak, 90,000 is 90,000, buy this batch of computers of yours, we can also be regarded as giving it to friends, what business will there be in the future, take care of each other, haha!"

Yi Feng only chuckled, did not show any joy, nodded and said: "Boss Ning is a cheerful person, I am happy to make friends with you, as the saying goes, many friends have many roads, more friends, and the road is wide."

"I've always been a friend maker."

Ning Feipeng glanced at him with appreciation.

This young man talks and talks without leakage, such a city government, it is really not to be underestimated.

"Are these computers in your store today?" Can I check the plane on the same day? Ning Feipeng asked.

"Yes, you can do it at any time, wait for Boss Ning to drive." Yi Feng smiled.

"Haha, then I'll go with you later, just check the machine and there is no problem." Ning Feipeng got up and said.

He has always done things resolutely, never dragging mud and water, and deciding things to be done immediately.

"Little brother Yi, you guys wait for me here, I'll go get something."

"A Xiang, pour some tea for the two little brothers!"

Ning Feipeng shouted towards the store, and then quickly walked to the compartment in the display table.

After the others walked away, Wang Tie looked at Yi Feng, his face full of adoration, and said in a low voice.

"Brother Feng, this trick of yours is really high!"

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