Rebirth 2003

Chapter 109: First battle

   "Hehe, we meet again! We didn't finish last time, there will be no more accidents today!"

   When Lu Yang walked about one meter in front of Zhang Wei and stood still, Zhao Wei still said this to Lu Yang with a smile.


   Lu Yang didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, his face coldly showed the starting style of the Octopus fist-the bow style.

   Left fist stretched forward, right fist hidden in the waist, both fists seemed to be pulling an invisible bow. For Zhang Wei, who is also a martial artist, the starting style of Bajiquan can be seen at a glance. Bajiquan is one of the top major types of martial arts in China. There are many people who practice it. This is Sanda. In the society, there are a few who practice this style of boxing.

   "Eight poles..."

   Zhang Wei sneered, his body suddenly fell, palms one after another.

   Xingyi dragon shape!

  This starting style, Lu Yang saw him use it last time, so it's no stranger.

"Okay! Let's get started!" Pei Yunlong's voice came from the side. Before Pei Yunlong's voice fell, Zhang Wei had already risen into the air. In the process of flying into the air, he suddenly clenched his right palm and slammed his fist from top to bottom. Yang's face door.

  Dragon-shaped, people want to play the effect of a dragon, naturally it is necessary for the dragon to jump and jump, jump high and low, seek up and down, rarely stand on the feet of the opponent, and fight hard.

   Lu Yang hadn't seen Zhang Wei's move last time, and he didn't know much about Xingyi's dragon shape, so when he faced Zhang Wei's move, Lu Yang's expression changed.

There was originally only about one meter between the two. Lu Yang was about to rush over, cast a supporting hammer, and attack Zhang Wei's left rib with his right fist as he was about to shoot an arrow. What? Lu Yang doesn’t know yet, but Lu Yang knows that if he continues to attack as planned, he will definitely suffer, so he unconsciously retreats backwards. Zhang Wei’s move is unsuccessful. As soon as his feet touch down, his whole person will be lost. As if he collapsed almost halfway down, his body slumped, his feet sprang, he chased Lu Yang again, and he swept towards Lu Yang's calf. As long as he swept, he could sweep Lu Yang to the ground. .

   Xingyi Longquan, palms, fists, and claws change at will, and you can hurt the enemy with a little chance.

Unfortunately, after Lu Yang was caught off guard just now, he had already set his mind, Zhang Wei swept over with a paw, and the cruel look in Lu Yang's eyes flashed away. The leg that Zhang Wei was aiming at instantly retreated half a step and fisted at the same time. Suddenly smashed-Octopus Fuhuquan!


   Lu Yang slammed his fists on the rubber mat under his feet. The moment his fists were about to come to his body, Zhang Wei turned over, rolled awkwardly on the rubber mat, and dodged.

   Immediately, the two jumped up at the same time, returning to the previous confrontation.

   Two moves in an instant, no one can do anything.

Lu Yang's face was still cold, and Zhang Wei's smiley expression was never seen again. Instead, he was solemn. He didn't expect that this little character that he simply looked down upon would actually be able to perform two tricks in his own hands. And unscathed.

   "No wonder you are so crazy!"

The villain Zhang Wei first filed a complaint, and after a backlash, he made another move. This time he no longer jumped into the air, but suddenly rushed forward. A punch hidden in his waist hit Lu Yang's chest and abdomen. .

   Progress and collapse punch!

   Xingyiquan is a famous move.

   Guo Yunshen, the master of Xingyiquan in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, claimed to have beaten the world in half a step, showing the power of this move.

This time, Lu Yang made the move at the same time as Zhang Wei. At the same time Zhang Wei made the move, Lu Yang used the tiger in Bajiquan to climb the mountain. This move is very brutal. The ultimate goal of attacking and resisting is to hit the opponent's entire face with a palm of his right hand.

   It can be said that as long as you practice this trick to the extreme, as long as you can quickly open the opponent's offense and defense in the first few styles, you will definitely be able to hit the opponent's face with a palm.

   The last palm was not on the cheek like a parent beat a child, but the eyes, nose, and mouth were all hit by this palm.

   It can be said that this time, the two used the ultimate move at the same time. Zhang Wei wanted to improve and collapse Lu Yang's combat effectiveness. Lu Yang wanted to use a fierce tiger to climb the mountain and beat Zhang Wei into confusion.

   As long as anyone hits the last palm of the tiger's hard climb of this trick, within a few seconds, they will definitely be dizzy and confused.

  In the process of fighting against the opponent, once this happens, it will naturally be defeated.

   The two killer moves against the killer move, they got together in an instant. The onlookers, including Pei Yunlong, all changed their faces when they saw this scene. Pei Yunlong followed Huo Ran and got up, but it was too late.

Lu Yang's left hand suddenly bends, elbow and palm, while pressing against Zhang Wei's chest and abdomen, making him unable to go any further. At the same time, Lu Yang's right palm instantly smashed against Zhang Wei's progress. , Lu Yang’s right elbow lifted up as soon as he opened Zhang Wei’s Bengquan arm, and hit Zhang Wei’s chin. Zhang Wei’s chin was smashed. He could only uncontrollably lift his chin, and suddenly climb the mountain. A blow followed, and as soon as he slammed it up with his right hand, Lu Yang's right hand was already raised, and he slapped Zhang Wei's face with another palm. The eyebrows, eyes, nose, and mouth were all hit by the slap. .

   Zhang Wei was drunk and stumbled a few steps back and fell heavily on the ground.

There was silence around   .

   Everyone stayed.

In this training room, no one has ever used such a brutal move. Even if those who also practice Bajiquan and learn from friends in the same society, it has never been possible to fully display this move~www. the last palm. Although it doesn't make a fist, you can see how heavy it is by looking at Zhang Wei who has fallen on the rubber pad now.

   Nosebleeds flowed, and a blue-purple palm print on his face had clearly emerged.

   After such a big loss, Zhang Wei's face didn't show the slightest anger, because at this time his eyes were still confused, and his head was still dizzy.

   "What a powerful tiger climbing the mountain!"

   Someone finally recovered and exclaimed softly.

   "Bajiquan is so powerful?"

   A shirtless young man who only practices Sanda is also shocked. They practice Sanda all with one punch and one kick. Where can there be such coherent and fierce moves?

   "You are too heavy!" Pei Yunlong finally frowned and spoke. A young man who had a good relationship with Zhang Wei had already gone to check on Zhang Wei's situation.

"I'm sorry! I haven't played against anyone, I haven't grasped the importance! I will be responsible for his medical expenses!" Lu Yang, who has won, did not challenge Pei Yunlong. Anyway, he has won and wants to stay here to accumulate actual combat. Experience, Lu Yang naturally did not want to offend Pei Yunlong as the president.

Pei Yunlong took a deep look at Lu Yang. He knew in his heart that Lu Yang had deliberately made a heavy hand. He had a clear view of the previous failure between Zhang Wei and Lu Yang. He also knew that if Zhang Wei was not as skilled as a human, he would be injured now. It was Lu Yang who lay down.

   (Thanks to caoshun for rewarding 10,000 starting coins and becoming the second master of this book. Ask for recommendation votes.)

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