Rebirth 2003

Chapter 131: Simplified Chinese Publication Intent

There was silence in the living room, only the singing in the study and the even rhythmic sound of hitting the wall upstairs. Rui Xiaoxiu blushed and lowered her head, holding the corners of her clothes with her two small hands. Lu Yang pressed her temples speechlessly. , What a coincidence! I've lived here for nearly two years and haven't heard such a voice, but Rui Xiaoxiu just walked in tonight. Isn't this cheating?

In other words, Cao Xue had been away for a semester, and Lu Yang was also a man with a sense of taste. He had endured very hard for a long time. The upstairs gave himself a scene like this, which happened to be when Rui Xiaoxiu came back. [This book is published by the first]

Lu Yang, who was a little overwhelmed with alcohol, finally got up suddenly. Rui Xiaoxiu was taken aback. She stood up from her seat and looked at Lu Yang with bewildered eyes. It was too conquering.

With Jiu Jin, Lu Yang walked over and pulled her into his arms. Before Rui Xiaoxiu could react, he kissed her. Rui Xiaoxiu moaned and struggled. After a while, he calmed down, but slightly Opening the cherry mouth, let Lu Yang attack the city.

After a while, Lu Yang left her panting mouth. Rui Xiaoxiu was almost suffocated. As soon as Lu Yang left, she opened her mouth and breathed, her chest fluctuating, and her mind fluctuating. Lu Yang just said that. It was so sudden, she was completely unprepared.

Lu Yang stroked her back, waist, and hips with his big hands, and the adrenal hormones in her body were also rapidly secreted. However, Lu Yang still had some concerns in his heart, so before he actually went to bed, Lu Yang leaned close to her thin ear and asked in a low voice, "You're not a virgin, right?"

Rui Xiaoxiu, whose brain was still blank, didn't understand the purpose of Lu Yang's question for a while, but subconsciously shook her head slightly and said, "No! Still."

These words are like a basin of cold water pouring from the top of Lu Yang’s head, instantly repelling Lu Yang’s lust. Lu Yang is just a little fond of her, and she is far from love, plus knowing how much she has talked about before. She was in love at young age, so she took it for granted that she was no longer a virgin. For a mature man like Lu Yang who has lived for decades, having **** with a woman when he is lonely is not a big deal. Physical needs do not involve feelings at all, but virgins are different, and they will definitely devote themselves to true feelings for the first time, especially for a good girl like Rui Xiaoxiu, so Rui Xiaoxiu was stunned to see that she said she was still right. After the girl, Lu Yang let go of her instead.

This made her a little bit unable to understand for a while, and she didn't understand what was going on at all? Don't men always care if their woman is a virgin? Why is he a virgin, but he is not interested in himself?

Rui Xiaoxiu stared blankly at Lu Yang who had kissed her just now. The upstairs was still making crashing noises. Lu Yang suddenly ran to the balcony to fetch a mop, and slammed the ceiling several times with the mop handle, and the crashing noise upstairs stopped abruptly.

"The posture is wrong! Change one quickly!!" Jiu Jin added Depressed Jin, and Lu Yang blurted out. Scolded upstairs.

Rui Xiaoxiu stared at Lu Yang, who seemed to be a different person. In the bedroom upstairs, a man and a woman stacked on top of each other were also filled with sorrow. Then the woman chuckled out, and the man pressing on the woman was depressed. He cursed "Grass!"

After getting mad, Lu Yang went to the kitchen to get a soup bowl. Pour down the mung bean soup that Rui Xiaoxiu brought, and then simply wash the thermos barrel, and said to Rui Xiaoxiu who came to the kitchen: "It's getting late, I'll take you back!"

Rui Xiaoxiu: "..."

Rui Xiaoxiu was very hurt when he kissed and touched her just now, and was about to send her back in a blink of an eye. They all doubt whether their body is not attractive to Lu Yang.

But Lu Yang has already said so, what else can she say for a girl who is not sturdy? Only nodded and let Lu Yang send her back.


After sending Rui Xiaoxiu back, Lu Yang found that there was no sound upstairs, regardless of whether the men and women above hated him to death. Lu Yang went to take a shower, and then, very rarely, went to bed before 12 o'clock.

Lu Yang slept well that night, but Rui Xiaoxiu, who returned home, was tossing and turning. She kept thinking about what happened tonight. It was too unreasonable. She was a virgin, so she didn't touch herself?

After thinking about it, Rui Xiaoxiu felt aggrieved. She was not really that stupid. She just didn't understand it for a while. After returning, she understood Lu Yang's thoughts carefully.

He certainly didn't want her to be his girlfriend. He suddenly kissed her and touched her tonight, definitely just because he wanted to find a woman to vent, he didn't like her at all.


. The next morning, when Lu Yang went downstairs, he happened to meet a man carrying some steamed buns, soy milk, and the like to go upstairs early. The man was tall and thin. When Lu Yang went to the Xingyu Internet Cafe to go online, he met Several times, I knew that this man was the husband of the beautiful young lady proprietress of Xingyu Internet Cafe. Lu Yang saw him and didn't react. He stared at Lu Yang. Lu Yang's first reaction was , The companion is an enemy, this man must be disgusted with himself because he knows that he is the boss of the dragon clan.

It was not until he was about to walk out of the community that Lu Yang thought of another possibility—isn’t his family living upstairs now? Wasn't it a good thing for this hapless guy that he sabotaged it last night?

The corners of Lu Yang's mouth curled up slightly when he thought of the guy's black face and staring at him, what a fun! I don't know if there will be such an opportunity in the future.

When I came back from school in the afternoon and turned on the computer, Lu Yang saw a message sent by the editor-in-chief old Z.

"Your suggestion last time, we have met and discussed several times in the past few days. I think it can be tried. Thank you for your creativity! The editor-in-chief has decided to give you two big rounds this month. Work hard! This book is not bad. !"

"Two big seals?"

After reading the news of old z, Lu Yang smiled.

Dafeng push this stuff is rare! In 2005, the starting point was only a big post. At the top of the homepage of the website, no matter who clicked on the starting point, he would definitely see the works that were posted. The recommendation effect is better than any recommendation from the starting point.

The recommendation effect is very strong, one point, another point, a book that can be widely promoted, no matter how much the popularity can rise, it is a kind of affirmation and a great honor.

More than 90% of the authors who write online articles, who have written books for ten years, may not be able to get a big tweet, a big tweet, usually the welfare of the top great gods, and hang up if nothing is wrong.

This is also an important reason why Dashen's works are so much more popular than ordinary authors' works. Special recommended positions are placed one by one, and ordinary works are completely incomparable!

In his previous life, Lu Yang didn't get the chance to get a big push. After his rebirth, "The Doomsday Wasteland" did not get it, only "Master Loneliness" got it once when it was written in the middle and late stages.

Unexpectedly, I gave the starting point a few suggestions that are good for me, and I got the opportunity to get a big push twice a month. After saying thank you to old Z, Lu Yang started to code. There was no code last night. Today and tomorrow, I will try to make up the two chapters from yesterday.

When people are lucky, good things always come one after another.

Two more days passed. This evening, after Lu Yang's code word ended, he landed on q`q and planned to enter the readers and the dark realm. A private chat window from the dark realm suddenly popped out.

A man with the screen name up80 and Zhan Yu sent a message in the private chat window. The content of the private message is like this:

"Hello, Mr. Wen Chou! I am the receiving editor of the e province Children's Literature and Art Publishing House. Is the copyright of the simplified version of the "Three Warlords" you are serializing still in your hands? If it is, do you have it? Interested in working with us?"

"Simplified Chinese Publishing?"

After reading this message, Lu Yang was stunned. Unlike traditional publishing, piracy in the mainland is so serious that a small Taiwan`s bay can feed countless writers who rely on publishing to survive. Few online novels can be published in Simplified Chinese. The starting point in 2005, hundreds of thousands of novels, and the successful publication of works in Simplified Chinese can be counted.

It is conceivable how difficult it is for online novels to be published in the mainland. Many authors rely on a little electronic subscription to live like dogs. On the market, their works have been pirated into various versions and landed in the country. Countless large and small bookstores everywhere.

So, if you want to ask an author, what do you hate most?

The pirated version is absolutely number one, and all the water of the three rivers can not wash away the hatred in the heart of a writer. When Lu Yang was chatting with people in the author’s group, every time someone talked about pirated editions, everyone hated them. As the creator of novel content, websites made a fortune, and pirated editions made a fortune. The country also receives a large amount of personal income tax, who is it? In addition to hard-working writers, who else?

Genuine subscription costs two cents for a thousand words and half of the website.

Tens of thousands of readers have collected your book, and after it was put on the shelves, more than 90% of them went to see pirated editions.

If the author can get it, it costs a penny for a thousand words. For this penny, the state still charges a 20% tax. The threshold is still Tamar's 800 yuan. If the manuscript fee exceeds 800 yuan, the state will take you. 20%.

Looking at the world, what other industry is so hard pressed?

So, why do you feel so hard to write online articles? Why are there at least ninety-nine in a hundred Why is it looked down upon?

Speaking of it, it's all tears!

Fortunately, Lu Yang was reborn. For now, he was mixed well, and the legendary Simplified Chinese Publishing House began to look for him.

Such a good thing must be promised!

Without hesitation for a second, Lu Yang replied: "The simplified copyright of "Three Warlords" is still in my hands. We can talk about the specific cooperation."

Editors of the publishing house usually work during the day and rest at night. After Lu Yang sent this message, he did not receive a reply.

I didn't see the other party's reply until I came back from school at noon the next day.


Thank you Xiao Mingshen for the reward of 588 points and everyone's monthly pass. This is the third chapter of today. Before 12 o'clock, there will be additional changes for everyone. Thank you for your support.

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