Rebirth 2003

Chapter 141: As in the cloud

That night, after dinner, he brushed the pots and bowls, and Lu Yang took a dry towel to help Cao Xue wipe off the water stains on his hands. This time after Cao Xue came back, he has changed a lot. He always likes to rush to do housework. She took the initiative to learn how to cook with Lu Yang and rushed to wash the pots and dishes. Lu Yang didn't let her do it. She was not happy.


   "Are you going to take a shower? I'll get you clothes and towels?" Cao Xue asked Lu Yang with a smile while wiping her hands. Lu Yang shook his head, rubbed her soft hair, kissed her forehead, and smiled and said, "Follow me to the Internet cafe! You haven't been there for a long time, do you want to see it?"


   Cao Xue blinked her big bright eyes, holding Lu Yang's arm, and smiled sweetly: "Listen to you, just do what you say!"


Half an hour later, the two swaying slowly entered the Dragon Internet cafe holding hands. During the summer vacation, there were only three or two sparse kittens in the lobby. The business was definitely not comparable to when the school started. Lu Yang was mentally prepared. I was not disappointed either. There was still a smile on his face, but Cao Xue frowned lightly and said, "Lu Yang! Business was too bad during summer vacation. Will you lose money?"


   "No! It's okay to save money, maybe I can make a little bit more."


As soon as Lu Yang and Cao Xue came in, Lu Shuping, who was sitting behind the cashier, saw them. They hadn’t seen Cao Xue’s girlfriend for more than half a year. Today, they suddenly saw them holding hands and walking into the Dragon Internet cafe. Lu Shuping After a moment of stunned reaction, he hurriedly showed a pleasant smile, greeted Lu Yang and Cao Xue, and immediately went to get cups to make tea for the two of them.


  Because there is no business, Chen Jian, another boring webmaster, is looking at s in front of a computer. Hearing Lu Shuping saying hello to the boss and Cao Xue, she was shocked and suddenly turned her head. Sure enough, seeing Lu Yang and Cao Xue, standing up subconsciously, his expression was a bit embarrassed. During working hours, he just played games. Although it was because of the bad business in Internet cafes during the summer vacation, Chen Jian was still a little nervous when he was seen by the boss.


but. Obviously he was thinking too much, and Lu Yang didn't care about this little thing at all, and walked over to say hello to Lu Shuping. Then he smiled and nodded to him, and gave him a cigarette. After Lu Shuping finished a few conversations with Cao Xue, Lu Yang smiled and said to Lu Shuping, "From now on, you will talk to Cao Xue about Internet cafes. Let's talk about it! She also collects the business money every day. This is what I am here to say hello to you today."




   completely unprepared Cao Xue exclaimed in a low voice, her little hand covered her surprised little mouth. Although Lu Shuping and Chen Jian were a little surprised, they didn't think much about it. Since Lu Yang said so, after they froze for a while, they immediately said that they knew it, and it was completely fine.


   What Cao Xue wanted to say, Lu Yang smiled and shook her head at her. When Lu Shuping handed over all the business funds for these days to her, they were still holding hands when they walked out of the Internet cafe. Cao Xue asked the question in her heart.


   "Lu Yang! Why do you suddenly want me to take charge of the Dragon Race Internet Cafe? I will also collect the business money, okay?"


   Lu Yang rubbed her hair fondly, clasped her soft waist tightly, and said cheerfully, "What's the problem? Unless you don't want to, you will be the boss lady!"


   "Then... I'll give you the sales money!"


   Cao Xue handed nearly 10,000 yuan in business funds to Lu Yang. These business funds included Lu Yang's return home from the holiday, until today, so there are so many, after all, it is the off-season of summer vacation.


   Lu Yang smiled and did not answer, but he held her big hand tightly around her waist, and smiled: "You don't need to give it to me! The money that this Internet cafe will make in the future, let me cover your expenses! Haha..."


   "Huh? Bastard! Do you dare to say that it is covering my expenses?"


   After Cao Xue was taken aback, a warm current flowed through her heart, but then she cooperated with Lu Yang to play around. She didn't need to doubt Lu Yang's mind anymore. No matter how Lu Yang joked, she wouldn't take it seriously. Even if Lu Yang said just now to take care of her, she felt sweet.


  On the way back to the rental house, when passing a supermarket, Cao Xue hesitated slightly and pulled in Lu Yang who was walking forward.


"what do you want to buy?"


   Lu Yang, who was suddenly pulled in, asked casually, thinking that Cao Xue wanted to buy some snacks, but unexpectedly Cao Xue took his hand and went straight to the meat seller without turning around.


   "Call me this simple bone!"


   After talking to the fat man selling meat happily, Cao Xue turned around and smiled and said to Lu Yang: "You have lost a lot of weight recently. Go back and I will cook your bones and yam soup for you to make up for it!"


   "Did we just ate?" Lu Yang said subconsciously.


   "It doesn't matter! I will cook it slowly with a small fire, and wait until you finish writing at night!"


   After buying the pork tube bones, Cao Xue really went to buy a yam again. This time it was Lu Yang's turn to feel happy. I haven't seen him for half a year. Cao Xue will take care of others and start to transform into a caring little quilted jacket!




After returning, Cao Xue went into the kitchen, and pushed Lu Yang, who wanted to help out, into the study, and said to him, "Go! Code your words! When you finish coding, the Xiaoxue version of the love pig bone soup is ready to drink. !"


   Lu Yang smiled, let her go to toss, stew a soup, there is no technical content, Cao Xue has stewed it before, he has nothing to worry about, with a happy mood, turn on the computer to start the code word.


   I went to Cao Xue two days ago. The manuscript stopped writing for a few days. Although there are still more than two hundred thousand manuscripts left, he has to explain to himself.


Writing novels is different from public office workers. This is an industry that relies entirely on self-discipline. Regardless of tying yourself up, fishing for three days and surfing the net for two days, or dealing with errands every day, you will end up with thousands of garbled words. Fighting to the end, Lu Yang has had this experience before.


No one forces you to write, and no one forces you to take every chapter seriously. If you relax your requirements, you will fool the readers. Readers are not fools. On the contrary, many readers are very picky in their tastes, and your writing is not wonderful. I will click the x in the upper right corner of the webpage immediately, and I won’t linger for more than a second. Is there any other possibility for the author who has been abandoned by readers not to rush to the street?


   Sitting in front of the computer, conceiving the plot of the next few chapters for twenty minutes, Lu Yang started to do it, the protagonist Xie Qing has already taken control of Xiliang, and Ma Jiuwen has been violent. The battle between Yuan Shao and Cao Cao at Guandu finally began. Xie Qing had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. Xie Qing, who came across, knew the consequences of the battle at Guandu. Yuan Shao, who seemed to be strong enough to dominate the world, was finally defeated. The seemingly inevitable Cao Cao made a big comeback at the last minute and defeated Yuan Shao in one fell swoop. After this battle, Cao Cao's strength will expand rapidly and become the new northern hegemon.


   Xie Qing’s small abacus is to give Cao Cao a knife at a critical time. Cao Cao, who had won a big victory, became the one who suffered both losses with Yuan Shao, and got a big vote easily.


   Such as grabbing a fortune or grabbing a few famous generals.


   To weaken the opponent is to strengthen oneself!


   Because of the change of mood. The three chapters that Lu Yang wrote in succession that night all carried a wretched mood, savored them carefully, but felt extremely refreshing.


   This is something that Lu Yang had never seen before in his style of writing.


   The style of a writer. It depends on the mood of the writer himself. Happy people, the written words will give people joy; unhappy writers, the written words will be very aggressive, readers who read too much, even their own mood will be affected; people with indifferent minds , If you write Xianxia. Between the words, there will be a sense of dust. Huang Huangran, there seemed to be a faint fairy air.


   Because of different moods, different writers have their own suitable main lines and absolutely unsuitable main lines.


A happy person, even if he wants to write a story about the killing stream, no matter how hard he tries, there will be a lack of murderousness in the book; an author with a deep heart, if he writes a casual urban work, he will definitely not be able to write it. That kind of leisurely feeling.


  Everything is only because the author can't substitute into it, and the writer who can't substitute into his own characters is absolutely not good at writing characters.


   Just three chapters, Lu Yang was about to stretch his waist, and suddenly there was another soft collision from the second floor, the rhythm was even.


   "I scolded the next door! Come again?"


Lu Yang laughed and cursed, and suddenly there was a mischievous taste in his heart. Suddenly he got up and was about to go out to find a mop. The door of the study was pushed open by Cao Xue from the outside, and his two small white hands were holding a bowl of steaming steam. Cone bone yam soup, the soup is as white as milk.


   Seeing Lu Yang who came to the door, a sweet smile appeared on his little face, and said: "Dear! Finished?"


   Lu Yang gave a hum, quickly took the porcelain bowl in Cao Xue's hand, turned around and quickly put it on the computer table, then turned around and wanted to go to the balcony to find a mop, but Cao Xue was puzzled and grabbed his arm.


   "If you don't have the soup, why are you going?" Cao Xue asked him.


Lu Yang smirked and pointed to the ceiling above his head, and said in a low voice: "Listen! What's the sound on it? Damn! The two dog men and women above did it once before, and it made me unable to sleep in the middle of the night. Wait a minute! I'll get a mop and poke a few ceilings!"


Cao Xue was taken aback and listened carefully, and found that there was a rhythmic sound from upstairs. Not only did her face turn red, but she and Lu Yang were not so reserved now, so she suddenly stretched out one. The little hand touched Lu Yang's crotch, the feeling when she started it made her laugh utterly.


  Lu Yang finished speaking and was about to go out again. Cao Xue grabbed him again and met Lu Yang's puzzled eyes. She blushed and stubbornly said to Lu Yang, "Go and sit down! Drink your soup!"


Lu Yang didn’t understand what she only thought she wouldn’t let him do such wicked things, but still sat back in the computer chair obediently and picked up the tube bone yam soup that had just been placed on the computer desk. After a sip, he was stunned.


  Because Cao Xue, who has always been conservative, blushed, she squatted gently beside his thigh, slowly unzipped the zipper of his jeans, then looked up at him with flushed cheeks, and lowered her head...


   At that moment, Lu Yang's brain was blank. This is a scene only in a dream! It really happened.


   "Drink your soup..."


   In a daze, Lu Yang seemed to hear Cao Xue say these four words.


   That kind of happiness is bursting! (To be continued...)


ps: Thanks to the green pen and ink for leaving marks, trapped in place, fly attachment, Ai rabbit, playing the piano and saying alas, human zombies for rewarding some coins, thanks to Qu Yushen, poor Dao Dao Wuji for rewarding 5 coins, and thanks to yy for rewarding life. 76 points, thank you Banshi Dianpei for rewarding some coins, thank you Lizheng Xiyang for coming to reward 7 points again, and everyone for reminders and monthly tickets, thank you for your support.

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