Rebirth 2003

Chapter 144: It is said that you have played a white head, but you secretly?

The starting point is the recommended position with the strongest recommendation effect on the whole site. As long as any work can stay in this position for two days, various data will be greatly improved. {First issue}

On Monday, "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" boarded this position without exception. In just one day, the number of collectors increased by more than 4,000, the number of subscribers increased by more than 500, and the monthly pass was like a few liters of hormones. As it went up, the author who ranked tenth on the monthly ticket list panicked.

At the critical moment, Dafeng Tweet is a big killer!

As soon as he got the news, this great **** issued a single-chapter monthly ticket, shouting hoarsely, begging his readers to give him fire support, and withstand the anti-skeleton boy below the back of his head!

After the single chapter was issued, the great **** also hurriedly posted the two chapters he had finally accumulated on his hand. After that, it was even more confined, and he locked himself in the study with code words desperately.

Unfortunately, the "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" has been fully fired, the time and place are favorable, and the people are all in harmony. The general trend has been achieved. When the great **** finally finishes a chapter, landed at the starting point, and opened his work page, "The Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" was already Cut him off the horse, already ambitiously continuing to catch up with the ninth-ranked book.

This great **** who was ranked tenth more than an hour ago sighed. Although stimulated by his single chapter and two chapters, the monthly ticket for his book also increased greatly, but he still lost. The momentum of "Three Warlords" has come to an end. I don't know how many readers who like to join in the fun, even if they haven't read that book, are still voting for that book, just to see the jokes of the top gods on the monthly ticket list.

Some bad guys. Obviously, he was chasing the book of a certain great **** in front, but only to stimulate that great **** to explode and change, and voted for the monthly ticket to "Three Warlords". Force your favorite authors to work hard to update the monthly pass, and then they will have more new chapters to watch.

The top gods on the monthly ticket list, except for the top three, almost everyone feels that their chrysanthemum flowers are tight, and a chilly cold wind blows up from under the crotch, and a sense of crisis is about to be blown up by the chrysanthemum. Heart.

There are only the top three gods, because the monthly ticket is thousands more than the "Three Warlords". Therefore, the sense of crisis is not strong, and I still sit on it and watch the jokes below.

They really have nothing to worry about. Dafeng tweets only last for 48 hours. In two days, in two days, no matter how abnormal "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" is, it can't threaten them. Wait for the time for Dafeng Tweet. The viciousness of that book will inevitably be greatly reduced. At that time, they will be able to use their popularity to widen the monthly ticket gap again in a matter of minutes. Moreover, this month is about to end, and "Three Warlords" has no time at all. Launch a second shock.

Just take the plunge. If you can't take it anymore, you will surely be blasted into dregs. If you can eat, you can have the last laugh.

On Tuesday, another day passed, the ninth and eighth works were exploded one after another, and the two great gods felt the sorrow of the chrysanthemum and the sadness all over the floor.

They are already erupting. However, Wen Chou's 200,000 manuscripts have been saved, with full firepower and the help of a big push. When they realized the crisis, it was too late.

The book review area of ​​"Three Warlords" is full of joy. Some celebrate the beheading of the two great gods, some are excited that there are six more chapters and more changes today, and some are purely to join in the fun.

In the dark realm, Dong Yin Xi Jian did not speak this time, but posted a picture of silently weeping tears. One of the two great gods exploded today is him.

My uncle took you to see the goldfish and is also a popular author. Seeing that the always-sexy and the low-ranking is uncharacteristic today, he actually learned the pictures of others who were sending out silent tears, so he added the following sentence: "The West is a giant! Don't do what you don't want. Yuren! Last time I exploded my chrysanthemum, did you think that you would have such a day?"

He made a joke, and added a big smile at the back.

Dong Yin Xi Jian returned to a picture of a **** dagger, expressing his anger.

It is a pity that he is usually too cheap, and there are indeed many readers who like his cheap and cheap style. At the beginning, he was very popular, and he exploded a lot of chrysanthemums of great gods. Now he has been exploded, and many have been unhappy with him for a long time. The great gods all jumped out.

Lonely old wolf: "..."

Bashang Fishing: "..."

There is a head penalty day: "..."

A passing lamb: "..."


One by one, the great gods copied the words of the uncle who took you to watch the goldfish just now, and over and over again sprinkled salt on the wicked wounds. For similar things, these great gods who have long since lost their morals often do it, and no one is true. If you are ridiculed, you will not be really angry. Everyone is urinary.

Seeing that Tuesday was about to pass, several great gods ranked above the eighth place on the monthly ticket list were relieved. Some readers in the book review section of "Three Warlords" also expressed regret. "The momentum of "will be greatly reduced, and there will be basically no threat to the above books.

When Lu Yang looked at the book review section, he saw a reader who wrote: "Oh! What a pity! If the time for Dafeng Tweet is the same as the other recommendations at the starting point, it will be a week! Even if it is only half a week. In a week, we can also blow up a few more great gods!"

Almost everyone thought that the momentum of "Three Warlords" this month ended here. Lu Yang was secretly refreshed and wanted to see tomorrow, when they all saw "Three Warlords" still hanging in the position of Dafeng push. When I went up, the expression of surprise at that moment.

Wednesday, as scheduled.

Countless readers and authors who surfed the Internet this day all saw an incredible thing.

Ni`ma! Why is "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" still being promoted by Dafeng? What's the situation with this ni`ma? Is the starting point getting windy again? Why do we need to add a "again" in front of the word "convulsive"? Haha, if you log in to the starting point frequently, you don't need to explain.

Almost everyone thinks that this is the result of the starting point and the wind.

Readers of "Three Warlords" expressed their love to hear, and hoped that this time the starting point could be a little longer, so that "Three Warlords" could blow up another great **** and give them a few more chapters.

The seventh-ranked god, seeing that Dafengtui is still in the position of "Three Warlords" today, he can't calm down.

Last night, I was still fortunate that the "Three Warlords" ended here, and my chrysanthemum`s flowers are well protected. For this reason, I specially let my daughter-in-law cook two good dishes last night, and I was in a good mood to have a couple of small wines with my daughter-in-law, Nima. ! I woke up in the morning and saw such a **** thing as soon as I turned on the computer. What is the starting point? If you don’t have a convulsion in the morning, you don’t have a convulsion in the evening.

However, in order to maintain the demeanor of his great god, the great **** did not immediately ask the editor to respond to this matter. He must maintain his calm style and not let the editor think that he is afraid of being ugly.

He decided to wait a while and have a look. He believes that the starting point must have seen the website convulsions, and believes that the problem of convulsions will be solved soon. At that time, "Three Warlords" will still not be able to explode himself.

Then, one hour later, "Three Warlords" still stayed in the position of Dafeng push; another half an hour passed, the homepage of the starting point was refreshed again, and the next door was scolded! That bird book hasn't moved there yet!

A group of grass and mud horses rushed past his heart, whether it was tolerable or unbearable! Lao Tzu's book is about to explode, and Nima's starting point is still convulsing? Stubborn convulsions, there is no cure, right?

The great **** who wanted to calm down finally couldn't bear it, found his editor-in-chief q`q, and quickly typed a few lines into the chat box. Because of the agitated mood, this great **** who rarely makes mistakes in code words, just a few lines The word, stupefied is that three or four letters have been typed incorrectly one after another.

Ni`ma! It's not good to be irritable!

After waiting for more than ten seconds, the editor-in-chief who still values ​​him more replied.

"Don't get angry! Wait a few minutes. After a few minutes, you will see the bulletin board at the top of the starting point homepage and you will know what is going on. I can only say that this time starting point is really not convulsive."

The angry **** looked at the editor-in-chief's reply, a bit stunned, but also a bit cold, **** it! The editor-in-chief told me that there was no convulsion at the beginning? Why is the bird book still on the big seal when there is no convulsion? Since the starting point has been in existence for so many years, has there been such a thing? Two Dafeng pushes together? Do you want to consider other people's feelings?

It’s all like this, but the monthly ticket list is not allowed to be played by others?

However, since the editor-in-chief responded to him like this, he had nothing to do. He had to wait and wait a few minutes to see how the matter would be explained in the bulletin board on the homepage of the starting point.

A few minutes later, I refreshed the homepage of the starting point again, and sure enough, a line of red and bold bulletin titles appeared in the starting point bulletin board-congratulations on starting point, author level, reader level and other systems are fully online!

What the hell?

Does this have anything to do with that the bird book is still hanging on the Dafeng push position?

With a whisper in his heart, the Great God still clicked on this announcement.

"After the day and night tackling of the technical department of the starting point, the industry’s latest reader reward system, author rating system, reader system, reminder ticket system, etc., have been tested internally by the starting point and officially launched from today. Users are welcome to actively experience it. Any suggestions can be sent to us through the starting point customer service. We sincerely welcome any useful suggestions. As the leading original industry, we have been committed to providing better services to authors and readers!

Finally, we sincerely thank the author Wen Chou for the above ideas In order to express our gratitude to the author Wen Chou, we will give a big reward for the starting point for four consecutive days!


After reading this announcement, the great **** was silent, and he wanted to spit in his heart, thinking of an internet buzzword in his mind for no reason-saying that we would get baitou together, but you secretly baked the oil...

Nima! Everyone writes novels. It's okay for you to conceive the plot of the story. What are you doing with the starting point? Give a bird's advice to the starting point?

Does it make sense to get two big seals like this?


Whether it made sense, Lu Yang didn't know, anyway, on this day, "Three Warlords" exploded the seventh-ranked book. (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to the Soul Eater ¥Bookworm, a set of used clothes for rewarding 100 coins, thanks to the team of Thor, Pang Dao Dao, and Xiao Su Ze for rewarding 588 coins, as well as your monthly and recommended tickets. This is today's Chapter two.

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