Rebirth 2003

Chapter 147: The leader is in action

   Driven by a strong idea, the Necromancer has entered the super book fan group of "Three Warlords", and there are already many readers who are saying that the author left at the end of the chapter.

   Yiqiu: I really can't bear it! It's only 1.8 million words to finish the book, why is it so fast to finish the book? I haven't seen enough!

   Second Governor: I haven’t seen enough! I knew that the author wanted to finish the book, so I tried to persuade him to write more, alas! It's going to be a book freak again! After reading this book, look at other themes of the Three Kingdoms. It's over.

  The eyes are so confused: I don’t know if Wen Ju’s new book is still not in the Three Kingdoms category after the end of this book, it would be great if it is still in the Three Kingdoms category!

Qu Yukun: Looking at the three books of Wen Ju, you will find that Wen Ju never seems to write the same type of subject matter. The first is science fiction, the second is fantasy, and the third is history. Therefore, the new book is still history. The possibility is very small! Everyone should be mentally prepared!

   Yaoyue~弑: Does anyone know what the subject matter of Wen Ju’s new book is? If you know, come out and say it!

  Mr. Baobao: You are really hard to serve, and you have to write history by Wen Ju. I am an omnivorous bookworm. No matter what type of Wen Juxin writes, I will follow it! You deserve it!


As the first leader of the book "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms", the Necromancer rarely speaks in this group. At this time, watching everyone in the group regret that Wen Chouju ended this book so quickly, the Necromancer thought about it. Thinking, finally started typing some text on the keyboard and sending it to the group.

"Dear brothers and sisters who like "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms"! I, like you, are reluctant to end this book so soon, but Wenda said it has finished the book, so there is no way to change it. I am from "Warlords of the Three Kingdoms" The first leader, but it’s not a long time since I watched Wenda’s work. Many people in the group may have followed Wenda earlier than me. Today, just not long ago, I saw the sentence written by Wenda after the latest chapter, and I know this book. The book will end at the beginning of October, and a very strong idea came into my heart! I really want to do something for the University of Wenzhou and for this book at the end. I wonder if any friends who have the same idea would like to join me?"

  Because of the large number of words, when I write this, the Necromancer will first post the above content into the group, and then continue to write down, while writing, from time to time glance at the reactions of the people in the group.

Everyone in the group is familiar with the screen name of "Undead Master". They all know that it is the first leader of "Three Warlords". He has rewarded more than 3,000 yuan to the author. Can look up.

Moreover, because this first leader rarely speaks in the group, so suddenly such a long sentence was sent out at this time. The people chatting in the group were all quiet for a while. Everyone was in front of their respective screens and watched carefully. What did the necromancer say.

   Ten seconds later, one of the readers who read the above paragraph first sent a sentence: "Mage League! What do you want to do? Tell me your idea, and if it is reasonable, count me!"

   This person is also a leader of "Three Warlords", with a fan value of more than 100,000 and a reward of more than 1,000 yuan.

   This person's screen name is Banknote Lighter. When you look at this screen name, you know that the money is too much to spend.

   Then, several readers posted similar words.

   The Necromancer thought for a while, deleted all the crosses he had just written, and then re-written: "I want to help Wen Da get the first place in this month's monthly ticket list!"

   When this domineering remark was sent to the group, the group where there were more than a dozen people questioning just now became quiet again. Ten seconds later, the leader's banknote lighted the cigarette and jumped out for the first time.

The banknote lit the cigarette: "Mage League! You have a good idea! But did the literary conference agree to break out? During the last monthly ticket war, Wenda said that the online update is more than a dozen or 200,000 words slower than the publishing side, in July. The outbreak has already been won by Wenda and the publishing house..."

   Only love Yu Jie: "Yes! Unless you can persuade Wenda to cooperate with us in the Mage League, otherwise we only want to help Wenda get the first place in this month's monthly ticket list, it must be no show!"

This only love elder sister is also a leader of "Three Warlords". Up to now, "Three Warlords" has four leaders. In addition to these three, there is also a second-ranked leader with a fan value of more than 200,000. She is a female leader, she seems to be absent tonight and has not spoken.

   Two leaders have spoken in a row, and other readers have also come forward to share similar views, and they all feel that this plan needs the support of the University of Wenzhou.

   In the chaos, a reader with the screen name of the small mouse made everyone wake up, as if they were thrown into a pot of cold water.

Little Mouse: "Are you not awake? Wen Judu has already said that this book will be finished at the beginning of next month. This is still the update rate of two chapters a day. You let Wen University cooperate with us, and how does Wen University cooperate? Will the ending be abolished and continue to write hundreds of thousands of words to burst out? Or after the ending, write a few hundred thousand words and then pass it out?"

Yes! Wen Chou has already written the ending, how can Wen Chou cooperate with them?

After a long silence, the undead archmage, who didn't know how to persuade everyone, brightened his eyes, and finally said in the group: "The little mouse is right! Wenda can't cooperate with us anymore, let's not talk more nonsense! This time I took out 50,000 yuan and gave all the rewards to Wenda, and all the monthly tickets obtained were given to Wenda for the monthly ticket list!"


   Hundreds of book fans in front of computer screens all over the country were shocked, their eyes widened, Nima! So rich? One opening is fifty thousand? Why are you so rich that you only paid 3,000 yuan in the past?

   With a sentence of fifty thousand, the group was silent again.

Just as the two leaders of the banknotes lighting cigarettes and only Ai Yujie were thinking about how much money they could give out, they didn’t say anything tonight. Everyone thought that the second leader who was offline tonight, the female leader—— A solo dance under the moon appeared.

   When everyone in the group was stunned by the great handwriting of the Undead Archmage, she finally said the first sentence in the group tonight.

   "I pay one hundred thousand!"

   Add an exclamation mark to these four words, and there is no more word, which deeply shocked a group of book fans in the group.

  The second-ranked female leader has one hundred thousand.

   The third leader who has always wanted to win her favor-Jia Aiyu Jie couldn't help it. On impulse, she followed up and said: "I also give out one hundred thousand!"

   As soon as this sentence was sent out, he immediately regretted it! Oh day! That's more than a month's pocket money! Scolding the next door, the woman really is a disaster! The impulse is indeed the devil! I hope that this one hundred thousand yuan will fall down, so Dancing will be able to take a look at her photos that month! I begged her so many times without any photos.

   Cigarette with banknotes: "..."

   I feel speechless when I light up the banknotes, and everyone in his family calls him a prodigal. Compared with the ruthless people above, he is a ruthless man! Just reading this online novel, one by one seems crazy, either fifty thousand or one hundred thousand...

  I saw a few leaders, but he hadn't said how much money he took. The Necromancer couldn't help but asked in the group: "How much money can you get?"

   At this time, except for the four leaders of the group, everyone else in the group was quiet, all quietly watching these leaders discussing.

  Although other people also want to join, they don't have so much spare money. Those with a lot of money have long been used to be the leader, and they will not be the head or master.

   scolded the next door!

   The banknote lit the cigarette and cursed an **** in front of the screen. As a prodigal son, he also has his own dignity, that is, he must not be underestimated by other prodigal sons in terms of money!

   If you are stingy today, your image in the minds of these 500 readers will plummet in the future. From now on, it will be spread ten or ten, and I don’t know how much it will be looked down upon.

  Who called Laozi's name to be a banknote lighter!

   The banknote lit the cigarette, gritted his teeth, typed a number in the chat box, and then closed his eyes and hit the enter key. It was paralyzed! There is no money to go fishing for girls in college this month!

   Cigarette with banknotes: "200,000!"

   Many group friends who saw this number can't help but wipe their eyes. Is this tamar crazy? 200,000 is scratch paper? Even if it is 200,000 papyrus, most people are reluctant to reward others like this! You can save a lot of liquefied gas if you use it to cook rice!

The fans who kept silent before all appeared one by Some people were amazed, some chanted, and more said that they would count as him. This one said I was a hundred, the other said I was one. Fifty, and some people from the student party said that I would pay five yuan.

   no matter how much, it represents their support for Wen Chou and the book "Three Warlords".

   The Necromancer looked at the craze that he initiated after his suggestion. He couldn't help but boiled with enthusiasm. He has been ruined all the time. Over the years, he has squandered a lot of money, but he has never done something like today that made him feel fulfilled.

After thinking about it, he sent another sentence in the group: "Thank you for your strong support! That's it! I will go to Wenda University immediately. Since several leaders are more than 100,000, I will also 100,000! Everyone! Go ahead and refresh the page! See if I lie to everyone!"

   After finishing speaking, the Necromancer closed the book friend group, and then transferred from the bank card to his starting account, 100,000 yuan, converted into starting currency, which is 10 million.

   Looking at the large number of extra numbers in his starting point account, the Necromancer smiled, and he felt excited about doing something big.

   This is indeed a big deal!

   Since the launch of the starting point reward system, no reader has ever rewarded any author with so much money.

   Soon, the book review area of ​​"Three Warlords" was replaced by a piece of bright red text, all of which were rewarded with 100,000 starting coins.

   just a moment, the whole book review area floated.

   Those book fans who paid attention to this matter all watched with enthusiasm in front of the screen, amazing! Is this for real? So many rewards for 100,000 starting coins? RS

   The fastest update, please read without pop-up window.

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