Rebirth 2003

Chapter 154: e Publishing House Fan Huacheng

Four days later, Taiwan e Publishing House. 【First Release】

In the early morning, after the editor-in-chief Fan Huacheng entered the company, like the previous two days, he deliberately passed by the receiving editor Yingying. As a receiving editor, Yingying could not come later than the editor-in-chief Fan Huacheng.

"He Ying! Hasn't that Wen Chou talked to you about signing the contract?"

Fan Huacheng started to ask questions like this two days ago every morning and evening. Unlike the editor-in-chief of c publishing house, Zhang Nianjin, Fan Huacheng is only 32 years old this year. The editor-in-chief is also the boss here, and this small publishing house is his father's legacy.

He Ying hurriedly stood up, shook her head cautiously, and replied, "No, President Fan!"


Receiving a negative answer, Fan Huacheng left disappointedly and went to his own office.

In the office, his personal secretary, Miss Xia, was sorting out documents. One of the documents was the last month's financial statement. Seeing Fan Huacheng came in, she handed him this form.

Fan Huacheng took the report, just glanced at it, and threw it on the desk, looking a little irritable. The small publishing house his father left him has been operating at a loss.

It's not that Fan Huacheng didn't care about this publishing house. If he hadn't been working hard, this publishing house would have gone bankrupt.

However, in many cases, it is not enough to work hard to do one thing well.

Taiwan is inherently small, but there are nearly 3,000 large and small publishing houses, including those with official backgrounds, and many privately-run publishing houses are far larger than his publishing house.

Well-known authors who write physical books have long been divided up by the national publishing houses and large private publishing organizations. The ones that are slightly more famous have almost all signed with the well-known large publishing houses, like him. Small publishing houses can only pan for gold among a large number of new authors. With good luck, they can meet one or two talented people. After publishing, they can make a small profit. With bad luck, they can’t find novel works. Publishing houses can’t stay idle without publishing books, so they can only choose a tall one from among the dwarfs. Although they will definitely lose money after publishing, it’s better than publishing houses without publishing books and asking for their own wages.

Similar dilemmas exist in many small publishing houses in Taiwan.

A few days ago, He Ying received a manuscript signed by Wen Chou. At that time, He Ying didn't take it seriously, but passed the manuscript to a first reviewing editor as usual.

As a result, in the stagnant office area that afternoon, the first review editor suddenly stood up excitedly, and ran to report to Fan Huacheng excitedly, saying that he had received a very exciting manuscript, and told Fan Huacheng that he had just checked it online. By the way, that Wen Chou is not an unknown person. In the past two years, the three novels published by the publishing house in the Taiwan market have sold more than one. In the first half of the year, when the single episode of "Three Warlords" had the highest sales volume, Even once boarded the ninth best-selling novel list.

Fan Huacheng, who has been short of famous authors and high-quality manuscripts, immediately brightened his eyes, and he could not help but read the manuscript himself. This was more than an hour, and his eyes had never left the computer screen, even when drinking water or smoking cigarettes. .

After reading it, Fan Huacheng slapped his thigh with excitement and startled Miss Xia, the secretary sitting opposite him, and then heard him say: "Good! Great! Great writing! Sign! Hurry up and follow that Wen Chou. Sign this book! Such a good idea! Such a good manuscript! Be sure to sign it!"

"President Fan! Is that book so wonderful?" Miss Xia couldn't believe it. She had been Fan Huacheng's secretary for three years, and she had never seen Fan Huacheng so excited.

Not only is Fan Huacheng used to not seeing high-quality manuscripts, she has also been used to it, so when she heard that there were such excellent manuscripts, her first reaction was not to believe it.

After all, Fan Huacheng became the boss. After a while, he calmed down a bit. After calming down, he suddenly realized a problem, and then hurriedly called Miss Xia out to call the first review editor and the receiving editor who received this manuscript.

He Ying and the editor of the preliminary review soon came to Fan Huacheng.

"Who knows Wen Chou's new book, why didn't you sign a contract with his original publishing house?"

Fan Hua asked as soon as he saw the two.

He Ying glanced at the editor of the first review, and both shook their heads.

Fan Huacheng frowned, and then asked again: "Then you know which publishing house he originally signed with? Is it a smaller name than ours?"

He Ying still shook her head, but the editor of the preliminary review who had checked the pseudonym Wen Chou before has the answer this time. He shook his head and replied: "President Fan! I checked it, it's c publishing house! The three previous books of Wen Chou were all published in c publishing house!"

"Oh? c publishing house?"

Fan Huacheng and his secretary Miss Xia looked at each other, and both felt strange. It stands to reason that an author who has published in a large publishing house cannot continue to cooperate with the original large publishing house, and instead actively submit a manuscript to a small publishing house.

Compared with c publishing house, e publishing house is much smaller.

"Okay! Go out!"

After getting this answer, Fan Huacheng waved his hand and let them go.

After waiting for the two of them to go out, Miss Xia went over to lock the office door, then walked to Fan Huacheng, and said softly: "President Fan! There must be a reason for this. I think it should be this Wen Chou and c publishing house. Something unpleasant, then I submitted the manuscript to us, do you want me to inquire with my friend? c In the publishing house, there happens to be a classmate from China’s middle school period, and the relationship is okay. If he knows the inside story, Will tell me!"

For e Publishing House, Wen Chou is now a famous artist, but for the large-scale c publishing house, there are no less than ten authors who are more famous than Wen Chou, most of which are physical books specializing in traditional Chinese publishing. author.

Fan Huacheng nodded, and said, "Hurry up and ask! It's best to find out the inside story! If this Wen Chou is in trouble right now, we might be able to sign him at a low price this time!"

Miss Xia nodded and went back to her side and started calling the old classmate’s number. The phone was soon connected, and a young man’s voice came across. Miss Xia saw that Fan Huacheng had been paying attention to her, so she immediately pressed the free button. Lift the key.

"Huh? Xiaoyu? How do you think of my old classmate coming today?"

Under Fan Huacheng’s gaze, Miss Xia chuckled and said, “It’s really awkward! Didn’t we have dinner together last month? Give you a call, and you still say that! If you want me to take it now Is the phone hung up?"

"Haha! Xia Xiaoyu ah Xia Xiaoyu! After so many years, your mouth is still so powerful! Okay! It's your and my working hours, you must call at this time, there must be something! Let's talk! We are so old for so many years My classmates, I'm boring to talk about something, it's boring!"

"Okay! Since brother, you said that, then I'll just say it straight. I'm calling this phone! The main reason is to ask you something about the original author of your publishing house. I don’t know if it’s inconvenient for you now. Say?"

"Huh? That person?"

The phone hesitated for a while, and then the voice suddenly lowered, and continued: "I probably understand what you mean, so let's do it! I emailed it to you, but it was inconvenient to say on the phone."

"Okay! Send it now?"


Then the two ended the call.

"It seems that your classmate knows the inside story!"

Once the call was over, Fan Huacheng said with a smile.

Miss Xia also smiled and nodded. Both of them are human spirits who can know each other's meaning by just a little bit of conversation. This point can still be heard.

Miss Xia hurried to log in to her mailbox, Fan Huacheng also got up and walked behind her, waiting for the other party's mail.

A few minutes later, a new e-mail appeared in Xia Xiaoyu's mailbox. When she clicked on it, she found it was sent by her old classmate.

In the email, the man wrote like this.

"Do you want to sign the ugly new book? How can I say it! I have looked for the manuscript of that book in the past two days. You don't know. When the manuscript was sent to us, I saw the first review of the manuscript. The editors and receiving editors all praised the book very well and thought that the book was very exciting and creative! Unfortunately, after reading it, our editor-in-chief, Zhang, felt that the text was too aggressive and there were too few female characters, and it might be different Many film companies have infringement disputes, so they asked the receiving editor to refuse to sign the book. Seeing that when the sales of the first three books of the article were good, the editor-in-chief asked the receiving editor to tell the other party that the article was written. A mainstream fantasy essay came over and signed a contract with him at that time. Who knows that the news has been sent for several days, and the other party has not responded at all, what? Have you received his submission? A piece of advice! The book is Good book, but as our editor-in-chief said, there may be copyright disputes with those film companies, so please do it yourself!"

After reading the email, Miss Xia, who hadn't read the manuscript of Wen Chou's book, hesitated and looked back at Fan Huacheng hesitantly.

Fan Huacheng's complexion also changed slightly.

Before, he only cared about the excitement of the book and never thought about it, but at this time he was reminded that he realized that this "Unlimited Killing" really seemed to have copyright concerns.

"Or... Mr. Fan! Let's stop signing this book? The editor-in-chief of c publishing house, who has been editing for most of his life, has traveled more bridges than we have traveled, since he It definitely makes sense not to agree to sign this book."

Miss Xia was cautiously persuading her.

It's okay for Xia Xiaoyu not to persuade her. Instead, Fan Huacheng's persuasion made Fan Huacheng suddenly clear, and the hesitation on his face was swept away, and the excited smile appeared again. He gave a high-five and said: "Xiaoyu! You are right! That editor-in-chief Zhang It is true that there are more bridges that we have traveled than we have traveled! But it is precisely because of this that he seeks stability! Blindly seeks stability! He dare not take the slightest risk! Anyway, their c publishing house is rich in wealth, and there are a lot of famous names under it. , It doesn’t matter to sign one less Wen Chou! But are we the same?" rs

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