Rebirth 2003

Chapter 159: Hot


   "Awesome! Lu Yang!"

As soon as Lu Yang left the field, Jiang Shigang gave a thumbs up and praised him in a low voice. Lu Yang smiled, his eyes still watching that Teng Lei nonchalantly. This person is probably really a relative of Teng Hu. Just now Lu Yang. For a moment, if it weren't for Teng Lei's good skill, it would be impossible for ordinary people to get up so quickly and casually.

   Tieshankao can easily injure people's internal organs.

   The meeting at noon ended soon. As for the dinner that Pei Yunlong said, Lu Yang didn't plan to participate. Not far from the training room of Sanda Club, Lu Yang began to call Teng Hu's mobile phone.

   The phone was quickly connected, and Teng Hu's hearty voice came from inside.

   "Brother Lu! I haven't contacted for a long time, why do you remember calling your brother today?"

   "Brother Teng! Do you have a relative named Teng Lei?" Lu Yang and Teng Hu were not polite, and went straight to the subject as soon as they spoke.

   "Huh? How do you know that kid? Teng Lei is my cousin! What's the matter?" Teng Hu was surprised on the phone.

   "Looks like a leopard head and tiger eyes? Have you practiced Bajiquan too?" Lu Yang continued to ask.

   Teng Hu was even more surprised now.

   "Brother Lu! Why are you so clear?"

"I just met and discussed with him. If we said Teng Lei is the same person, then he is now a freshman in our school. He has just joined the Sanda club. I think he is somewhat similar to you between his eyebrows and eyes. I have the same surname as you and both practice Baji, so I came to ask you."

   "What? Did that kid go to your side after all?"

   "What? You don't know?"

Teng Hu: "The last time he said he was going to apply for that school, I persuaded him. At that time, he promised me not to apply there. He didn't expect that he would go anyway! I have been in Beijing for this period of time and did not go home. It’s not you who told me today. I don’t know when I will know about this! Brother! Teng Lei is impulsive and aggressive. You can help me watch him. I’m afraid Xing Rong would know that he is my brother. Will start with him!"

Lu Yang hummed, and said, "Big Brother Teng, you'd better call your brother and ask him not to mention that he is your brother in school. Although Xing Rong has graduated, there is no guarantee that he will not receive the news, Xing Rong. The family's influence in City H is not small. If Xing Rong knows and really wants to deal with him, I'm not sure I can keep him."

   Teng Hu gave a hum, which is exactly what he was worried about.


After the conversation with Teng Hu ended, Lu Yang did not go to Teng Lei. Many people know his relationship with Teng Hu. Teng Lei also has the surname Teng and his practice is also Baji. If he goes to contact Teng Lei, he will be informed. When people get the news, it is hard to guarantee that they will not immediately think of the relationship between Teng Lei and Teng Hu.

   Go to Sanda club more in the future, just keep an eye out for Teng Lei.

After school this afternoon, Lu Yang returned to the rental house and found that Cao Xue, who had no class in the afternoon, had a table of good food and a bottle of red wine on the dinner table. When Cao Xue came and hugged Lu Yang’s arm, Lu Yang also paid attention. To Cao Xue's face was full of joy.

   "What happy event did you meet today?"

   Lu Yang pinched her nose and asked.

Cao Xue shrugged his cute little nose and told him with a grin: "Yeah! Mom called me in the afternoon and told me that my father had succeeded in reducing his sentence! Because of the money he made over the years, my mother and I have handed it in, so I gave it to him. Dad has lost many years, only three years. After three years, Dad will be back!"

   "This is indeed a happy event!"

   Seeing that Cao Xue is so happy, Lu Yang is also happy for her, although he has not seen the future father-in-law yet.

That night, Cao Xue was in high spirits. He drank a lot of wine with Lu Yang. After drinking the red wine and drinking beer, he became drunk before he finished his meal. When he was drunk, he still laughed and said happy words. .

  Lu Yang drinks a lot more than her. He smiled and shook his head, washed her face, and washed her feet, then put her on the bed, let her sleep well, and then went out to clean the table, wash the dishes and wash the dishes.

   Everything is done before I go to the study to code words.

  E Publishing House is already asking him when the manuscripts for episodes 3 and 4 can be handed in?

   Lu Yang finished coding today's chapter, then sorted out the two episodes and sent it over.

The popularity of "Unlimited Killing" at the beginning is still hot, and the website also arranges one after another high-quality recommendations. Tian Ge did not break his promise. He said that Lu Yang did not care about the recommendation, and he really won a lot of good recommendations for Lu Yang. It was the first time that Lu Yang enjoyed such a strong recommendation.

   There is another thing that makes Lu Yang happy. The Necromancer has finally appeared.

He also rewarded RMB 10,000 and became the first leader of "Unlimited Killing". He also posted in the book review area, indicating that the reason why he has not appeared during this period of time is not as everyone guessed, but has just joined the family company. , I have been conducting closed training a few days ago, and I didn’t have the opportunity to read books online. Now that the training has just ended, I know that Wen Chou has released a new book, so I will give a reward of 10,000 yuan first, and then a reward of 100,000 yuan when the book is on the shelves. !

   did not appear for a while, and the tone of the undead archmage seemed to become energetic.

On   Q`Q, he also left a message for Lu Yang, briefly explaining why he didn't appear in the first place, and finally told Lu Yang that as long as he continued to write books, he would continue to support him.

  Looking at his message, Lu Yang thought for a while, and asked him if he would like a physical book of the new book?

  At that time, the Necromancer seemed to be offline. Lu Yang waited for a few minutes, but without a reply, he closed the chat box, and then suddenly went shopping in Longkong on a whim.

Most people who write and read online articles know about Longkong. There are almost all the gossips and messages in the Internet circle. Lu Yang used to come here to read gossip. After his rebirth, he didn't come here much. , Suddenly on a whim tonight, let’s see if Long Kong has any gossip about his new book. I don’t know how people here comment on his own book "Infinite Killing."

   I went to the Tweet section first and took a look. There are a few posts recommending his "Unlimited Killing". The title of one of the posts is like this: "Unlimited Killing", the pinnacle of Wen Chou! It doesn't look like you hit me!

   click to open the post, the content is also very beautiful, Lu Yang smiled, continue to read the following reply.

   A user named Ji Pin Guan Nan replied: "Congratulations to the host for finally getting online! This book is so popular, do you want to push it?"

   I will vote for you if I like it: "Although I have read this book, I can't help but come over and praise it when I see the host pushing the book!"

   scribbled a heavy makeup: "I am from Taiwan, and I bought a physical book, which is really awesome! Many of my classmates like to read it! The poster has the same taste as us. Please carefully ask, the poster is from Taiwan, right?"


   After reading a few similar posts, Lu Yang went to the fighting section inside and outside the circle.

   There has been a noticeable increase in the number of fans in this section. Basically, every novel with high popularity here is either madly praised or criticized.

   "Infinite Killing" is the same here.

   Kuang Zan’s post has a title like this: "Unlimited Killing", Wen Chou’s creativity is invincible! Little me is conquered!

   also has this title: "Unlimited Killing" is too cruel! Blood is flowing in the story, and corpses are everywhere on the new book list!

   madly criticized post, one of the most popular, the title is like this: "Unlimited Killing" kills your sister! To teach bad young people, Wen Chou should go to jail!

   The disturbing praises and mad criticisms all only explain one thing-Lu Yang's "Infinite Killing" is on fire, otherwise, a bird like Longkong would not even bother to talk about your book.

   Therefore, Lu Yang is not angry even when he sees a post scolding himself.

   Lu Yang has heard this sentence before: a book that has not been scolded in Long Kong is not a good book!

   Therefore, this place is not recommended for newcomers to play. There are too many people who are not offline and have no morals. There are many people who are mixed, and many mentally unhealthy. They specialize in hacking other people's books for pleasure. If you are serious, you will lose.


   After another half a month, two episodes 3 and 4 of "Unlimited Killing" were launched in Taiwan.

It is completely different from the calm when the first and second episodes were released. As soon as the third and fourth episodes were released, a large number of book fans poured into various bookstores to buy books. The new books that were just put on the shelves and were expected to be sold out in a week were 3 in the afternoon that day. Before the order, they were sold out one after another. Calls from large and small bookstores to urge the goods were made into e-publishing. The e-publishing, which has always been accustomed to a slow pace, was very busy.

   Everyone feels caught off guard, and all feel that this book seems to be really popular.

   Fan Huacheng, the owner and editor-in-chief, couldn’t sit still in the office either, holding a cigarette excitedly, walking around inside, as if seeing tempting banknotes falling from the sky, happiness came too suddenly!

   Secretary Xia Xiaoyu is also full of joy.

  If e-publishing can use this to make a beautiful turnaround, not to mention that her bonus this year will rise sharply, even in terms of work history, it will be much more beautiful.

  The experience of working in a large publishing house is far worse than following the boss to develop a small publishing house!

   The company is already working hard to reprint, and the printing machine is spinning day and night.

   This is a grand occasion that e publishing house has never seen before.


   There is no secret among colleagues, or even if there is a secret, it is impossible to keep it under such an obvious situation.

   Which publishing company does not have a marketing department? Which marketing department does not pay attention to the sales of other new books?

   On the same day, in the office area of ​​c publishing house, all kinds of discussions sounded in every corner. Everyone has heard that the two episodes 3 and 4 of "Infinite Killing" are very popular on the market today.

  If the first submission of this book was not their company, they would not pay so much attention to it, but who made Wen Chou always publish it here from the first book to the third!

   When this new book first came out, it was the first manuscript submitted to them. It can be said that if it weren't the editor-in-chief refusal of Zhang, the result now belongs to them. Not only does it have honors, but it also has attractive bonuses.

   But, now these have been handed over to the small e publishing house by their editor-in-chief.

   It's like, they planted a tree, watered and fertilized it for two years, and seeing the fruit soon, it was given to others by editor Zhang.

   This is simply an enemy!

   Watching such things happen, who knows the inside story, who can have no thoughts and no grievances in his heart?

   Now the people of e-publishing have already laughed in their hearts, right? They will also become the laughing stock of their peers. RS

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