Rebirth 2003

Chapter 188: Be my sister!


   changed the decision, and Lu Yang agreed to the **** friend's application.

   At this time, the blood thick happened to be online. Just as Lu Yang applied through a friend, a message came from there.

   Blood thick: "Hello Wen Chou! I am the editor-in-chief of Group Four, can you give me your phone number? I want to talk to you on the phone for one thing!"

   Why don’t you talk on Q`Q?

   Lu Yang thought about it for a while, and he probably understood it. I don’t want to leave a chat log! At this time, the blood is still in the stage of contacting the authors above the first line, and has not left the starting point. If the chat record of him pulling people is passed to the eyes of the high level of the starting point at this time, he will be in great trouble.

   With a smile, Lu Yang sent his mobile phone number to Bloody.

   Then within a minute, a **** call came.

   Blood thick: "Hello Wen Chou! I wonder if it is inconvenient for you to talk on the phone now?"

   It’s usually the author’s codeword time at night, so it’s not convenient to talk on the phone.

   Lu Yang: "Yes! Is there anything wrong with the blood?"

   Blood thick: "I wonder if you have heard of X text online?"

   Lu Yang: "I know, what does Xue Da want to say?"

   Blood thick: "It's like this, since you know that X Wen Online, you should have heard that it is a giant in the domestic publishing industry, have you heard of it?"

   Lu Yang: "I have heard of it."

Blood Thick: "It's fine if you have heard of it. I won't introduce you to X Wen Online in detail. Now! Online novels are developing very rapidly. X Wen Online, as a giant in the cultural publishing industry, intends to spend a huge amount of money to enter the online literature industry. , I am preparing to open a brand new website, and I am now privately contacting popular authors. At present, Sanguine, Yanyu Jiangnan, Yuntiantian, and Alcoholic have all agreed to join. I don’t know if you are interested?"

Lu Yang smiled a little at the corner of his mouth. In his previous life, he was also writing novels in 2006, but at that time he was not even qualified to be dug up. Therefore, he did not receive such a call at all. Now he is finally in the eyes of others. It's worth it.

   Lu Yang: "Well, I don't know what conditions are going to be opened over there?"

   Blood thick: "I can tell you the conditions, but if you don't agree in the end, please keep it secret for me. Isn't that okay?"

   Lu Yang: "Yes, I promise!"

Blood thick: "Blood red is on terms of buyout, some are 80 yuan per thousand words; some are 100 per thousand words; and some have a buyout price of about 200. Here is the X article online. This time I am very sincere to invite you all. The price of the buyout is definitely more cost-effective than when you publish the book at the starting point! When the new website, you, as the signboard of the new website, will certainly not be cut off for various high-quality recommendations. Please do not worry."

   a thousand words eighty to two hundred?

   If he didn't know the fate of the digital station in the future, Lu Yang might be really moved by the price tag.

Calculated on the basis of a one hundred buyout of a thousand words, writing 10,000 characters per day is 1,000 yuan, and writing 300,000 characters a month is 30,000. In one year, the electronic version of the buyout alone will earn 30 dollars. Sixty thousand.

   In addition, there is also simplified and traditional publishing. It is not a dream to earn one million a year!

   What's more, with the tone of blood thick just now, and the three consecutive championships Lu Yang had obtained before, the buyout price should be more than one thousand words and one hundred.

   Otherwise, the blood thick should not tell him to buy out the high person, the thousand words are about two hundred yuan.

   Someone might say that if you publish in simplified and traditional Chinese, there is no blood, no digital station, Lu Yang himself can find a publishing house to publish, the income from the buyout may not be much more than the income of "Unlimited Killing" at the starting point.

   The key to the problem is not here.

The key is buyout, which means that your next new book, regardless of the quality, can enjoy this price code from the first chapter upload, instead of the first two to three hundred thousand words for free , The new book period is completely uncollected for one or two months.

   Droughts and floods have always been the dream of most writers.

   Why do Internet writers envy those traditional authors? Without him! It’s just because traditional authors’ manuscript fees are not divided by subscriptions, but are bought out or divided into royalties. Every word is worth money. If you can write a book of tens of thousands of words or hundreds of thousands of words, you can publish a book by writing 200,000 words, and you can claim it. writer.

Internet writers can’t do well. The hundreds of thousands of words in front of them are nothing. Because the manuscript fee is less than two hundred, there are many writers who are not allowed to send on the website.

   This is also one of the main reasons why traditional writers and the world look down on Internet writers.

   To talk about it, just one word-money!

   You code 10,000 characters every day, and code 100,000 characters. As long as you can't make money, no one will think of you even if you work hard.

   The buyout currently proposed by the digital station is still a high price buyout. For most authors, it is a direct hit.

   As long as you sign the buyout, you can no longer worry about whether your new book will hit the street, whether you will be busy for a few months. Few authors dare to assert that their new book will sell well.

Unfortunately, Lu Yang knew the fate of the digital station. After a brief glorious period, the prosperity was gone. Now he was bought out by high prices for the blood red, misty and rainy Jiangnan, Yuntianqi and others. In the end, most of them had to return to the starting point, and it was even more miserable. Just mix and match at the digital station, and there will be no figures. Those people are now the first line of gods at the starting point!

   In Lu Yang's impression, in the end, it seemed that only the alcoholic remained at the digital station, and it was a pleasure to publish in simplified and traditional Chinese.

Knowing the result, Lu Yang would naturally not get on the **** boat, and immediately said, "I'm sorry! I don't have the idea of ​​leaving the starting point at the moment. You should contact other people! Don't waste time with me, please also Don't worry! I will not tell this to other editors of the starting point."

   Thick blood: "..."

  Blood thick did not expect to have already talked about the price issue. Lu Yang would suddenly refuse. Could it be that the price was lower?

   Is it a thousand words from eighty to two hundred?

   Blood thick: "How many buyouts do you want?"

   Lu Yang: "Excuse me! It's not the price, but I don't want to leave yet."

   Blood thick: "When you arrive at the new website, we will give you a better recommendation! Various new publicity methods will also give priority to you!"

   Lu Yang: "I'm really sorry!"

   Blood thick: "Well then! Excuse me, please help me keep this secret!"

   Lu Yang: "No problem, tight-lipped!"

   At the end of the conversation with Bloody, Lu Yang satisfied his curiosity.

   shook his head, opened the Dark Domain group, and found that no one was talking about **** pulling people and X Wen Online's plan to enter the Internet. Lu Yang did not believe that such great gods in this group had not been invited, and could only say that these populations were very tight.

   went to Long Kong to take another look, but did not find any posts talking about these two topics.

   Passing the second chapter of today, Lu Yang planned to go out for a walk after turning off the computer.

After leaving the rental house, Lu Yang wandered around on the street at will. After strolling around, he came to the vicinity of the Dragon Race Internet Cafe. From a distance, you can see the Dragon Race Internet Cafe brightly lit, and people come and go from time to time. The popularity should be good. The new semester starts. The business of Longzu Internet cafes has fully recovered again, and there is no problem with being full during the peak period.

   The Xingyu Internet cafe next door was blacked out and the doors were locked.

   Seeing the closed Xingyu Internet Cafe, Lu Yang remembered that beautiful proprietress Xing Xinxin, and he didn't know if she went to the court to apply for a divorce recently.

   Lu Yang wanted to send a message to ask, only to remember that he didn't have her phone number yet. It seemed that he could only ask a few words when he met her.

   Just about to put the phone back in her pocket, the phone rang, and the name of Rui Xiaoxiu was displayed on the screen. I don't know what she was calling him at this time.

  In other words, the new semester has been so long since she hasn’t come to him yet!

   "Hello? What's the matter?"

   After answering the phone, Lu Yang continued to walk casually on the side of the road. The light from the street lamp passed through the scenic branches and leaves on the side of the road and sprinkled mottled on the sidewalk. It felt very peaceful. Lu Yang likes this kind of night.

   Rui Xiaoxiu: "Aren't you at home? Where are you now?"

   With the breeze blowing at night, Lu Yang was in a good mood with a smile on his face, and said, "It's pressing the road! Is there anything to do with me?"

   Rui Xiaoxiu: "I'm at your door! Can you come back now? I have something for you?"

   Lu Yang: "What is it?"

   Rui Xiaoxiu: "You won’t know when you come back! Can you come back now?"

   The corners of Lu Yang's mouth turned up slightly, he was very relaxed, and said, "Okay! Come back now."

   Ten minutes later, Lu Yang returned to the door of the rental house. Rui Xiaoxiu, wearing a pink down jacket and jeans, stood at his door holding a brand-new beige sweater.

   "What do you want to give me? Isn't it this sweater in your hand?"

   Lu Yang took out the key to open the door, and smiled back to ask Rui Xiaoxiu.

   Lu Yang discovered that this problem made Rui Xiaoxiu's white face slightly red. If it weren't for the bright lights in the corridor, it would be impossible to find out.

Rui Xiaoxiu blushed, bit her lower lip, and lowered her head slightly and said in a low voice: "Well, I started knitting this sweater when it wasn't cold last year, but unfortunately I knit it too slowly until today. Weave it in the evening."

   Actually, she was knitting too slowly. If it hadn't been for Lu Yang's actions last year that broke her heart, and she stopped knitting, she would have finished this sweater long ago.

   The door has been opened, but Lu Yang did not walk in. The smile on his face diminished. He turned around and looked at the beautiful Rui Xiaoxiu with complicated expressions. After a few seconds of silence, he said, "Do you knit this sweater yourself?"

   Rui Xiaoxiu nodded, carefully paying attention to Lu Yang's expression.

"show me!"

   Lu Yang stretched out a hand in front of Rui Xiaoxiu.

Rui Xiaoxiu put the sweater in Lu Yang's hands with both hands. Lu Yang unfolded the sweater in front of him, stitch by stitch. It did not look like a finished product knitted by a machine on the market. The style was a bit simple, only knitted in the middle. Several wave patterns, the collar and cuffs are also hand-knitted, machine-knit sweaters, collars and cuffs cannot be like this.

   "The knitting is not very beautiful, I only know two or three fancy styles..."

   Rui Xiaoxiu was still explaining carefully. Lu Yang had no expression on his face at this time. She couldn't tell whether Lu Yang liked this sweater.

   But Lu Yang interrupted her.

   "Very good! I like it very much!"

Since childhood, apart from his mother, no one else has knit a sweater for Lu Yang. For Lu Yang, if he bought it for him with money, he would only be grateful at best. It is impossible to be moved. After all, A sweater usually costs one or two hundred yuan. In his eyes, it is just a small amount of money.

But hand-knitting is completely different. It takes one stitch and one thread, little by little. I don’t know how many days and nights it takes to knit successfully. Rui Xiaoxiu knows that he needs to go to the small shop to replace her mother every day, maybe only before going to bed at night. Have a little time to knit this sweater.

   This is not just a sweater, it also represents affection, Rui Xiaoxiu's affection for him.

   But it is impossible for him and Rui Xiaoxiu, he has Cao Xue, even Tong Yaqian and Bai Jingjing, all conditions are above Rui Xiaoxiu. Rui Xiaoxiu is innocent. Although she was in love once, she was still a virgin. If she didn't show her true affection, he could still play with her, but she really liked him, how could he bear to play with her feelings?

  Sometimes, even a man who is bothered will not have the heart to hurt a woman who really likes him.

   holding this sweater with the smell of woolen yarn, Lu Yang stood at the door for a long while without speaking.

   "You go in and try it? See if it fits! If something is bigger or smaller, I will take it back and change it!" Seeing that Lu Yang hadn't moved for a while, Rui Xiaoxiu tentatively suggested to Lu Yang.

   Lu Yang nodded, and entered the room with a complicated mood. Rui Xiaoxiu followed behind and closed the door smoothly.

   Lu Yang took off his jacket in the living room, took off the sweater he bought inside, and put on the sweater she knitted in front of Rui Xiaoxiu.

Rui Xiaoxiu's eyes were bright, with a joyful smile on his Lu Yang put on this sweater in a complicated mood. The sweater was a little tight on his body, but he didn't care. Rui Xiaoxiu asked him how he felt. How about it, he also said: "It's a good fit!"

However, Rui Xiaoxiu herself discovered this, she smiled with joy, and frowned in annoyance: "Oh! It seems a bit small! Lu Yang, take it off quickly! I'll take it back and change it, and I'll give it to you in a few days. , It’s just that the weather is getting warmer and warmer, I’m afraid you won’t be able to wear it this year."

   said, Rui Xiaoxiu came forward to help Lu Yang take off his sweater.

   Lu Yang held her hand and whispered: "No need! Very good!"

   Rui Xiaoxiu still frowned, and said, "No! You are young, take it off and I will take it back and change it!" She said no, she wanted to help Lu Yang take off her sweater.

   Lu Yang grabbed her hand without moving her, and said, "Xiaoxiu! Are you my sister?"

   Rui Xiaoxiu: "..."

Rui Xiaoxiu opened her small cherry mouth slightly, staring at Lu Yang's serious face blankly, feeling helpless, and then whispered a little aggrievedly after a long while: "Lu Yang! Are you angry? I take it back and change it again to ensure that it is no longer small. !"

   Stupid girl!

   Lu Yang knew that she understood what she meant, but she still said this with a fluke. The grievances were distressing, but it was precisely because she was so serious that Lu Yang didn't want her to sink deeper and deeper.

   At the moment, he stepped forward and held her in his arms, resting his chin on her forehead, and still whispered: "Xiaoxiu! Be my sister!"

   In Lu Yang's arms, Rui Xiaoxiu's eyes were red.

   She doesn't know what she did wrong. RS

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